He / Him
This thread made me realize attitudes towards magic are really important in creating a campaign, so I tried to come up with three questions that would cover the themes of Arcane, Divine, and Primal Magic:
How common is magic in our campaign setting?
What is the nature of gods and divinity in our campaign?
What is the balance of nature and civilization in our campaign?
How common is magic in our campaign setting?
- Magic is just another tool like a hammer or sword; even common folk use magic rituals to help their crops grow and to protect their homes.
- Magic is common among those with training, such as priests, scholars, and guards.
- Magic is rare and much respected; those who wield arcane power command much respect or terror.
- Arcane magic is almost universally associated with evil, chaotic, or suspicious sources, such as demons, dragons, or the undead; those who use it may be the target of fear or ire.
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What is the nature of gods and divinity in our campaign?
- Most people worship a single god or goddess, though different sects or saints may teach varied tenants.
- The gods exist in their own distant realm, though they make their presence known through visions and miracles.
- The gods walk the land in the forms of giant beasts, immortal beings, or living elements.
- There are no gods; divine magic comes from belief in one’s community, the wilderness, or ancestor worship.
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What is the balance of nature and civilization in our campaign?
- The darkness of the wild is feared; great beasts and monsters lurk there, and only the strength of our walls and the bravery of our soldiers keeps us safe.
- Civilization and nature are united; buildings are made up of living trees or are built into dunes or caves, and the world outside of nature is viewed with suspicion or malevolence.
- Civilization is split between those who live in the cities of stone and those who live in the refuge of nature.
- Some nature is wild, other has been tamed; the true danger is in the areas of wilderness corrupted by necromantic, chaotic, or demonic magic.
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