This thread is inspired by the survey which makes me want to rant a bit. Right now the Ranger in the current playtest packet is lackluster at best. Instead of giving a set of Ranger types that fit the various fictional and historical accounts of them, they try to divide it up into favored enemies.
The favored enemy was never the single defining feature of the previous D&D Ranger, but now they are forcing us to make a decision on our favored enemy based on what fighting style we want. If you want to use the bow primarily, you must choose the dragon as your favored enemy, if you want to dual wield, you have to choose the goblinoid and orc horde.
Rangers throughout history have been lawmen, scouts, guides, and trackers employed by kings, barons, and other governments. In Tolkein's works the theme was protecting civilization from the darkness out in the wilderness. Rangers of the South were a military group focused on defending Ithilien while the Rangers of the North were focused on protecting Eriador and preserving the line of Elendil and the ways of the Dúnedain. Modern fantasy continues all of these trends.
The thing that defines them is never their focus on fighting one particular enemy. They also do not worship nature gods or spirits for spells. I just don't see Rangers as Druids with swords and bows as the class seems designed around.
I don't mind if one type of Ranger having spells to fit the original D&D Druidish Ranger. I could even see a Ranger order that uses arcane magic of some type. However, I think to not have a non-spellcasting Ranger is really a travesty. I know many people through my years of D&D that wanted to play a Ranger without the spells and were disappointed.
The favored enemy was never the single defining feature of the previous D&D Ranger, but now they are forcing us to make a decision on our favored enemy based on what fighting style we want. If you want to use the bow primarily, you must choose the dragon as your favored enemy, if you want to dual wield, you have to choose the goblinoid and orc horde.
Rangers throughout history have been lawmen, scouts, guides, and trackers employed by kings, barons, and other governments. In Tolkein's works the theme was protecting civilization from the darkness out in the wilderness. Rangers of the South were a military group focused on defending Ithilien while the Rangers of the North were focused on protecting Eriador and preserving the line of Elendil and the ways of the Dúnedain. Modern fantasy continues all of these trends.
The thing that defines them is never their focus on fighting one particular enemy. They also do not worship nature gods or spirits for spells. I just don't see Rangers as Druids with swords and bows as the class seems designed around.
I don't mind if one type of Ranger having spells to fit the original D&D Druidish Ranger. I could even see a Ranger order that uses arcane magic of some type. However, I think to not have a non-spellcasting Ranger is really a travesty. I know many people through my years of D&D that wanted to play a Ranger without the spells and were disappointed.