Rate Serenity

How does Serenity make you feel?

  • 1. What the hell was that? My eyes are bleeding!

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • 2. Awful. Joss is losing it!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3. Very Poor. That was really bad.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4. Poor. I hoped for more.

    Votes: 3 1.3%
  • 5. Average. It was okay.

    Votes: 2 0.9%
  • 6. Good. Worth the money.

    Votes: 7 3.1%
  • 7. Very Good. That was really good.

    Votes: 17 7.6%
  • 8. Excellent. When is the DVD coming out?

    Votes: 53 23.6%
  • 9. Near Perfect. That rocked! Joss is a genius!

    Votes: 82 36.4%
  • 10. WOW! I mean Wow! I'm in Firefly heaven!

    Votes: 60 26.7%


First Post
Loved it... yet hated a couple of parts. Two, parts, in fact. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about.

Probably going to go see it again next week in the theatre.

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First Post
Okay, a friend of mine is considering going to this (no, not me, this is not a cover, as I will not be going to see it), but he had a question. Many of you would be better placed to answer this than I would.

What he wants to know is this -- can you watch this movie without having seen the tv series? He generally likes space films, is so-so on westerns, but he read a couple of good reviews; what's holding him back is what he calls the "Star Trek Problem" -- going to a movie based on a tv show and no explanations are given, a lot of knowledge assumed.

So, what's the word?

Wombat said:
So, what's the word?

I'd say yes, you can see it without having seen the series(or having any knowledge ot it). All of the important information is given in some form or another very quickly, and though a few things aren't completely fleshed out(Book and Inara might feel tacked on without knowing about them beforehand), its not enough to cause confusion.

I was amazed by how well the movie did at remaining self-contained while still giving the fans of the series some nice little things here and there.


First Post
Wombat said:
What he wants to know is this -- can you watch this movie without having seen the tv series? He generally likes space films, is so-so on westerns, but he read a couple of good reviews; what's holding him back is what he calls the "Star Trek Problem" -- going to a movie based on a tv show and no explanations are given, a lot of knowledge assumed.

So, what's the word?

My opinion is quite biased, being a fan of the tv series, so take it FWIW. It seems to me that it was more than adequately set up and explained for newcomers to not feel as if they are missing something, at least premise wise. Whether that holds for the characters and their interactions, etc. I couldn't really say. I felt everything gelled well, and they hit all the right marks with the characters, but its possible that someone unfamiliar with the characters might not understand their relationships and "who" they are.

I think it is set up well enough that your friend wouldn't have any problems, but I may be too close to the subject to form an adequately objective opinion about that.

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Oh man. I laughed. I cried. I REALLY enjoyed myself... Again!

It was even better the second time. Lots of little nods to the series. Too many to note or even remember.

Theater was packed. It wasn't easy finding two seats together.

Watching Out of Gas with the commentary really set me up for the movie. I was watching for it after listening to Joss talk about how River walks around barefoot to feel everything.

Upon leaving the theater:

Lori: So. How many times do you think we'll be able to see it before we're broke.

Me: Honey, we've got wedding money.

And, on the question of if you can see it without having seen the series; yes. I've seen it with two Firefly novices and one complete newb and they all enjoyed it thoroughly. Even the one who didn't like firefly really enjoyed the prescreening.


I just got back.

It was an excellent movie. Everything about the production was phenomenal.

Still, I don't know if I liked it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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