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Rate the Star Wars Movies

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Really? I would have sworn it was like half an hour at least. At least the reality ensues at the end pays off. Del toro definitively sold it.

In fact I kind of like that part of TLJ, the crew constantly screwing up the million to one chances that Han and company routinely could achieve. That makes the original party more special by comparison. Honestly Rey, Rose, Finn and Poe are amateurs.

Given the role Last Jedi plays in the narrative structure of the trilogy, I'm not really seeing this. In Empire, Luke loses a hand and has his soul crushed, Han is frozen in carbonite, Leia and Chewbacca barely escape the Cloud City - and this after a series of harrowing events in the Falcon because of Han and Chewie's failures at ship maintenance. Last Jedi plays a similar role in the structure - the heroes take their beatings. They may learn a few things, grow as characters, and gain some resources for the next movie's ultimate triumph but they take considerable lumps on the way.

Actually, I'm not convinced Finn is not Finn's one true love. But a love triangle between Finn, Poe, And Rey would have the SJWs creaming their nongender specific underpants.
I am very much shipping that big poly relationship. Esapecially after Rey met Poe.

But it won’t happen. Even thought China doesn’t give an eff about Star Wars, they’re still too big of a box office to upset with positive portrayals of homosexuality. Ditto most of Eastern Europe, Russia, and the like.


I see it in tiers...

FIRST TIER: The Classics
1. Star Wars: A New Hope
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. Return of the Jedi

(Huge gap)

SECOND TIER (Best of the Rest)
4. The Force Awakens
5. Rogue One
6. Revenge of the Sith

(Moderate gap)

7. Solo
8. The Phantom Menace

(Moderate gap)

FOURTH TIER: Apoplexy!
9. Attack of the Clones
10. The Last Jedi

I can't decide whether I like A New Hope or Empire better. The latter is the better film, but the first is more complete and has that first love quality to it. Return of the Jedi was both the best and worst of the original trilogy; the scenes with Luke, Vader and the Emperor are the best in the entire series, but the ewoks somewhat tarnish things, and I'm not in love with the Death Star rehash. These are films I will re-watch every few years, and have seen all of them at least a dozen times.

Second tier were all enjoyable films with much to offer, but also significant issues. Probably no more than a single re-watch.

Third tier aren't exactly offensive, and had some positive elements, but ultimately forgettable (or memorable in not so great ways). But where Solo was just mediocre to fairly good, the Phantom Menace had some really good parts (Liam Neeson, Obi-Wan, Darth Maul, great sets), it also had some terrible stuff (Ani, Jar-Jar, pod-race announcer).

Fourth tier...shudder.


I would rate them 1. Empire Strikes Back, a great ethereal quality which speaks "Space Opera" to me. 2. Rogue One, A motley crew, great cast of characters, that plucked at the heart strings in the end. 3. A New Hope, and odd bird of a movie, cutting it's own style (and creating it's own tropes). The rest are ok, I don't hate them, I just don't think they rise above or to the level of the top 3.

My concern is the final movie will waste time and energy answering questions that don't need addressing, or worse, giving different answers to questions TLJ answered brilliantly, namely, 'who are Rey's parents?'.

My biggest issue with The Last Jedi, was that TFA had set up some revelations, which were then answered by TLJ with "Surprise, there is no revelation!". And that annoyed me, and still does. If the twist is that there is no twist, please think of something better.

Don't set up a big end battle, and then surprise us with no battle at all. Sometimes it is okay to give people what they are hoping for, even if it is predictable. This was something TFA was cricized for a lot, but honestly it was probably also its strength. It was by the numbers and mostly stuff we'd seen before, but it didn't pull a disappointment out of a hat, like TLJ did. Killing off the main bad guy is another one of those things. Yeah, it was surprising, but now you still have one movie to go, without your main antagonist. The real twist that would have redeemed TLJ, was if Rey had turned rogue-jedi and truly teamed up with Kylo Ren. For a moment it seemed to be going in that direction, before they quickly hit the brakes, and avoided something truly surprising.

My biggest concern for the third movie, is that they will need to do so much course correcting to save this trilogy, that it will derail everything. TLJ left Disney a mess, which is 100% their own fault for not setting out a full plot before hand.


My biggest issue with The Last Jedi, was that TFA had set up some revelations, which were then answered by TLJ with "Surprise, there is no revelation!". And that annoyed me, and still does. If the twist is that there is no twist, please think of something better.

Don't set up a big end battle, and then surprise us with no battle at all. Sometimes it is okay to give people what they are hoping for, even if it is predictable. This was something TFA was cricized for a lot, but honestly it was probably also its strength. It was by the numbers and mostly stuff we'd seen before, but it didn't pull a disappointment out of a hat, like TLJ did. Killing off the main bad guy is another one of those things. Yeah, it was surprising, but now you still have one movie to go, without your main antagonist. The real twist that would have redeemed TLJ, was if Rey had turned rogue-jedi and truly teamed up with Kylo Ren. For a moment it seemed to be going in that direction, before they quickly hit the brakes, and avoided something truly surprising.

My biggest concern for the third movie, is that they will need to do so much course correcting to save this trilogy, that it will derail everything. TLJ left Disney a mess, which is 100% their own fault for not setting out a full plot before hand.

Kylo is not bad as such but not as the BBEG. He threw tantrums in TFA, and was a chump as well.

One thing we have not seen in live action is a female Sith/Darksider (excluding one of the Ewok movies).

My biggest issue with The Last Jedi, was that TFA had set up some revelations, which were then answered by TLJ with "Surprise, there is no revelation!". And that annoyed me, and still does. If the twist is that there is no twist, please think of something better.
Can you think of a twist they could have done that the fanbase didn't think of in the two years between movies?
That would work and not seem crazy forced, overly complicated, or just create more plot hole.

Honestly, I think the "no revelation" was the only really surprising thing they could have done.
Because I heard it all: Luke's kid, Leia's kid, Obi-Wan's grandkid, Ezra Bridger's kid, Qui-gon's grandkid, child of midichlorians like Anakin, Palpatine/ Sidious' kid, female clone of Palpatine/ Sidious, female clone of Luke from his severed hand, Count Dooku's grandkid, and so on.
Most of which just end up requiring a flowchart and ten minute flashback to explain and fill in the details... Or should just end with Rey going "What... who?"

Don't set up a big end battle, and then surprise us with no battle at all. Sometimes it is okay to give people what they are hoping for, even if it is predictable. This was something TFA was cricized for a lot, but honestly it was probably also its strength. It was by the numbers and mostly stuff we'd seen before, but it didn't pull a disappointment out of a hat, like TLJ did.
Fan service has its place. But I think that was the prior movie and Rogue One and Solo.
I mean, I loved the fairly needless "Vader is a baddass" scene at the end of Rogue One. But I don't need that in ever movie.

Killing off the main bad guy is another one of those things. Yeah, it was surprising, but now you still have one movie to go, without your main antagonist.
From a narrative sense, it works really well: with Episode IX being the last film in the "Skywalker Saga", killing Snoke really puts the focus squarely on Kylo Ren and lets him take the role as primary antagonist. His defeat ends that story.

It's kinda doing the opposite of the original trilogy where Vader is diminished over time, and basically becomes a glorified henchman by the end.

The real twist that would have redeemed TLJ, was if Rey had turned rogue-jedi and truly teamed up with Kylo Ren. For a moment it seemed to be going in that direction, before they quickly hit the brakes, and avoided something truly surprising.
Meh. We've seen that before in the prequels with Anakin falling, with the protagonists becoming the new Big Bad. And, again, it takes the spotlight away from Kylo Ren.

I'm happier with the idea of focusing on Ren and bringing in the Knights of Ren as his minions. And focusing on the power struggle between Ren and Hux for control of the First Order.

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