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[Ravenloft] Grand Conjunction I: Night of the Walking Dead

Andrew D. Gable

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In the distance, you can see a twinkling light - a village, or at least a settlement. Of the new companions, the ones more knowledgable in the ways of the wild judge the village to be only about two miles away. You begin sloshing towards the settlement, and hopefuilly you will reach it by morning's light.

Crickets and frogs are the only accompaniments as you trudge onward. You talk with your companions along the way, and within a half hour reach a bend in the river and the shoreline of the apparent island that you were deposited on.

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Gorgamesh smiles to each of you and accept Benara's hand, he squash your fingers.
Oh.. I'm sorry lady.
he offers his big hand to the rest ...
Hey, my eyes are not fooling me, I see light in the distance..Agh

When all of us reach the shoreline, Gorgamesh say with a puzzled look ... Where is the name of the blessed warm sun are we ?

Argent Silvermage

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Soulsong trudges along with the others trying to get them to tell tales of thier homelands. He hopes to lift thier spirits and keep away this all encompasing gloom.

By the Moon! It's a village. I hope there's an inn with enough rooms. At the very least I need to refill my flask. He says cheerfuly. Darius, You are a minstrel of some sort? Could you play us a tune to hasten our steps?


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As Gorgamesh crushes my hand in his grip, I keep a straight face as well as I can on only turn away wincing in pain when he releases it. Flexing my fingers and shaking out the pain, I wonder if I'll need to use magic to heal any damage. After the remaining introductions are made, I whistle for my dog and pull the reins on my horse, walking it along behind me as we set out.

Feeling in much better spirits now that there are others with me, I smile at Soulsong's urgings and begin telling the others about me (see background with character sheet).

Once we reach the shoreline, I look back at the others. "Well, this pretty much confirms we are not in Mordent or Nova Vaasa but an island of some sort. The only one I know of with bogs is Souragne though. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to be in Souragne? At least I can speak the local language."

I become even more cheerful at the thought of being in Souragne. Finally! Heard about this place for two years now, I speak the language. I can't wait! Excitedly, I pick up the pace a little and travel up in front or slightly ahead of the others.
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Soulsong wanders along with the rest of his companions. This town seems farther than he thought. maybe it was a trick of the fog or maybe it was just a BUMP in his directional sense.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
Slowly, you ford your way through the knee-deep water towards the next boggy island. Nightbird's songs and the gentle chirp of crickets fill the stagnant air. Suddenly, a flight of birds takes off from one of the trees on the further shore. As the morning light shows itself above the cypresses, a cluster of logs floats lazily towards you.

"Look out!" shouts Daman Don as you begin the ascent onto shore. At the bard's shout, one of the 'logs' breaks away from the cluster - a crocodile! Its teeth snap at the air greedily as it emerges from the water behind you.

Initiatives, all. Nice bump. ;)
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With a hiss the second shortsword leaves it's scabbard. His eyes dart from left to right as he seeks a weak spot in the beasts' armor.

(Init 10+3 = 13)


AGh! Danger ! stay behind me
Roars Gorgamesh into the air.

gorgamesh leads the party so he'll try to charge his way through the entire party all the way to the back to the crocodile and smash his heavy flail on the croc's head.

(Init 1 [dice] +3 [dex] = 4) .


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At Damon Don's warning, I spur my horse forward out of the water and onto dry land, while whistling sharply for my dog to follow. No way I am fighting that thing! I think to myself, knowing what it could do to my horse and then me if it got close enough to us.

"Let's go!" I call out to the others behind me, not wanting to risk anything by that animal catching one of us out too far from land. Tensions are already high. I hope none of them are going to try and attack that thing. As I get to dry ground, relatively speaking considering we are in a bog, I look back to make sure the others are all ok and close behind me.

Initiative: 2 + 2 = 4. Actions: Move and move.

Just so there is no confusion with my posts: Spoken words are in Bold. Thoughts are in Italics. And all game mechanic stuff (initiative, attack, damage, etc.) will be here in these Quote bars.

Voidrunner's Codex

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