Kobold Avenger
So I've decided to rename the Resistance Traits, Essence Traits when thinking about the Genasi, while most of the time this trait is a resistance to damage type(s). For some Genasi it's something else.
I forgot about the Tiefling feats from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, so it changed some feats and added some more, including the Aasimar version of Flames of Phlegethos. So I updated a bunch of the feats.
Celestial Imbuement
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a spell that heals hit points, you may add 1 to each die rolled.
-In addition, when you cast a spell that heals hit points, you glow with radiance until your next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with this radiance melee attacks against you are made with disadvantage if they are within 5 feet.
Fiendish Empowerment (Flames of phlegethos replacement)
Requirements: Fiendish legacy
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-Pick one of the options from Fiendish Legacy you have resistance to, when you pick this feat. When you cast a spell that deals damage of this type you may add an additional point of damage to each die you roll.
-When you cast a spell dealing that damage type you glow with a sickly energy until you next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with energy if you are hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d4 damage of the damage type if they are within 5 feet.
Improved Celestial Legacy
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Cleric spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.
Improved Fiendish Legacy
Requirements: Fiendish legacy
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Warlock or Wizard spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.
Planar legacy
Requirements: Any planetouched lineage
-You may add a legacy trait you don't have, from any Planetouched lineage (this may include something like Wings which a DM might restrict from starting characters). You may pick this trait multiple times, each time picking a different legacy trait.
Planar essence
Requirement: Any planetouched lineage
-You may increase any ability score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain 2 additional essence traits.
Primal Savagery
Requirements: A natural attack such as claws, bite, stingers or an energy touch
You're willing to jump into the fray with tooth and claw. You gain the following benefits.
-You may increase your strength, constitution or dexterity by 1 point (can't be above 20).
-If you are at least 5th level when attacking with your natural weapon, you can attack twice with it, if you did not have to ability to do so before.
-You may cast a cantrip instead of attacking for one of your attacks. Your natural attack is eligible for a weapon if the cantrip requires one.
I forgot about the Tiefling feats from Xanathar's Guide to Everything, so it changed some feats and added some more, including the Aasimar version of Flames of Phlegethos. So I updated a bunch of the feats.
Celestial Imbuement
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a spell that heals hit points, you may add 1 to each die rolled.
-In addition, when you cast a spell that heals hit points, you glow with radiance until your next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with this radiance melee attacks against you are made with disadvantage if they are within 5 feet.
Fiendish Empowerment (Flames of phlegethos replacement)
Requirements: Fiendish legacy
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-Pick one of the options from Fiendish Legacy you have resistance to, when you pick this feat. When you cast a spell that deals damage of this type you may add an additional point of damage to each die you roll.
-When you cast a spell dealing that damage type you glow with a sickly energy until you next turn, shedding bright light in a 30 feet radius and dim light 30 feet beyond that. While glowing with energy if you are hit with a melee attack, the attacker takes 1d4 damage of the damage type if they are within 5 feet.
Improved Celestial Legacy
Requirements: Celestial legacy
-You may increase your charisma, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Cleric spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.
Improved Fiendish Legacy
Requirements: Fiendish legacy
-You may increase your charisma, dexterity or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Warlock or Wizard spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.
Planar legacy
Requirements: Any planetouched lineage
-You may add a legacy trait you don't have, from any Planetouched lineage (this may include something like Wings which a DM might restrict from starting characters). You may pick this trait multiple times, each time picking a different legacy trait.
Planar essence
Requirement: Any planetouched lineage
-You may increase any ability score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain 2 additional essence traits.
Primal Savagery
Requirements: A natural attack such as claws, bite, stingers or an energy touch
You're willing to jump into the fray with tooth and claw. You gain the following benefits.
-You may increase your strength, constitution or dexterity by 1 point (can't be above 20).
-If you are at least 5th level when attacking with your natural weapon, you can attack twice with it, if you did not have to ability to do so before.
-You may cast a cantrip instead of attacking for one of your attacks. Your natural attack is eligible for a weapon if the cantrip requires one.