D&D 5E The Planetouched Lineages (Tieflings/Aasimar/Genasi/Axani/Cansin/Liminaire)

Axani Characters
Ability scores & classes: Many Axani are adept at logic and reason, and often have stronger physiques than their frame suggests they do, thus most Axani put their ability score bonuses in Intelligence, Wisdom or Strength.

Many Axani are quite focused on the discipline training, tactics and techniques which draws them to the path of the Fighter. Inward contemplation and the goal towards perfection both physical and mental, often drive many Axani to be Monks. With the study of the axioms of the multiverse and its underlying formulas many Axani become Wizards. The divine mandates which many feel are the birthright of the Axani, often results in an Axani becoming a Cleric.

Most Axani age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Axani might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Axani are medium size. Some Axani are small size.

Axani have a walking speed of 30 feet

Axani are Humanoid

Axani understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Celestial.

Axani have Darkvision of 60 feet

Axiomatic Legacy (Legacy trait)
Though they are creatures of orders, there's different varieties of Axani with different powers. They often call using these powers, Enacting Personal Axioms where glowing symbols in the form of patterns, divine writings or mathematical formulas manifest around them. It's said that when they invoke such powers, they peer a bit into the underlying formulas of existence. An Axani picks from one of these Legacy options below, Intelligence or Wisdom is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell an Axani can cast through the Axiomatic Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for an Axani spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Cleric or Wizard spell list.

Legacy of the Hierarchy - The Axani has clear place in the hierarchy of the multiverse, their words are laws they force on those they have the divine right to rule over. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Command cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Hold Person cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thaumaturgy with Guidance and/or replace Command with Charm Person.

Legacy of the Machine - The Axani is partially a construct, often with mechanical parts in their body which often gives them an analytical and detached outlook. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Shocking Grasp, at 3rd level Thunderwave cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Enhance Ability cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Shocking Grasp with Lightning Lure (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything), and/or Thunderwave with Guiding Bolt cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of the Enforcer - The Axani often feels their purpose is to enforce laws, whether it's of society or of the axioms of the multiverse. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip True Strike, at 3rd level Thunderous Smite cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Silence cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace True Strike with Blade Ward, and/or Thunderous Smite with Bane cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of Logic - The Axani is driven by a need to understand the underlying patterns and formulas of the multiverse, they are often inquisitive and analytical as a result. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Guidance, at 3rd level Detect Magic cast once before requiring a short or long rest or as a ritual, and at 5th level Detect Thoughts cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Detect Magic with Comprehend Languages and/or Detect Thoughts with See Invisibility.

Legacy of Community - The Axani feels connections to other beings and communities as if being part of a hive mind. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Message, at 3rd level Bless cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Calm Emotions cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Message with Resistance, and/or Calm Emotions with Aid.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the cleric or wizard spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Axiomatic Resistance (Essence trait)
An Axani's nature often makes them resistant to the affect of certain maladies and elements. Pick one from among one of the following:
Force resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being moved or teleported
Thunder resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the stunned condition
Necrotic and radiant resistance
Lightning resistance, and your land speed increases by 5 feet when taking lightning damage

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Axiomatic Legacy or Axiomatic Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - Your understanding of the laws of multiverse allow you to resist magic better, you have advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Axiomatic Resistance.

Axiomatic Ward - Your skin might be metallic or you have field of force protecting you. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Axiomatic Resistance.

Hands of Force - You can inflict 1d4 force damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to push your target 5 feet back away from you.

Shocking Touch - You can inflict 1d4 lightning damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to inflict disadvantage on your target's next attack until the end of your next turn.

Axiomatic Empowerment
Requirements: Axiomatic legacy
-You may increase your intelligence, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell you know from you legacy traits you can choose to push a target back 5 feet if they failed a saving throw against the spell, or you may give an ally within 30 feet 5 temporary hit points.

Improved Axiomatic Legacy
Requirements: Axiomatic legacy
-You may increase your intelligence, wisdom or strength score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Cleric spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

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There has been 2 different varieties of Chaotic Planetouched the malformed Slaad-like Chaond from the 3e MMII and the Manic Pixie Dream Girls (well people) of the Cansin from Dragon 297. Along the way I also thought what if there's Far Realm Planetouched so I do suggest that some might be Cansin too. So I've decided that Cansin is going to be the umbrella term for the chaotic planetouched, as they certainly shouldn't be all toad-people. While it could be a choice of being one or the other, nothing preventing anyone from being a mutant toad-person that's a manic pixie dream girl.

Less common then Tieflings or Aasimar, are the Cansin, who's ancestry can often be traced back to the Chaotic Planes. A Cansin might be descended from the Slaadi, Chaos Beasts, the schemes of Chaotic Gods, Demons purged of Evil, Celestial Eladrin purged of Good, Giants of Muspelheim or other unknowable things. Sometimes it's pure chance the created a Cansin, and there's stories about how a wild night of revelry spontaneously created an infant or an egg in the morning after. Some Cansin might the result of a Far Realm incursion, while it's not a chaotic plane it's differences with reality might cause a chaotic ripple of energy.

The Cansin are often wild, given to flights of fancy or unpredictable rages. Cansin can be quite emotional often with mood swings, so many Cansin learn to control themselves by channeling their emotions through art and creativity. Cansin are often seen as being quirky, vivacious and flamboyant. Strange coincidences and unlikely events often follow a Cansin wherever they go. Ideas tend to rapidly come and go from a Cansin's mind, and sometime they might see possibilities, alternate realities and feel other senses that no one else does. Some Cansin as a result strive for discipline and control over their chaotic natures.

Cansin rarely ever fit in with society at large around them, they tend to be on their own or with the company of other Planetouched. They tend to have no problem associating with other Planetouched including Axani, which some Cansin feel might ground them. Some Cansin are oblivious or uninterested in other Planetouched, seeking out individuals they can bond to for a time before moving on. Many tend to form relations with small groups of unrelated people, who they adopt as a family of their own.

The Cansin known as the Chaond tend to have clear connections to the Slaadi of Limbo, sometimes the results of failed egg-implantations, are often are toad-like and malformed in appearance. The Chaond might be less prone wild emotions of other Cansin, as it's often their physiology that's unpredictable. They are often forced to become self-sufficient and hardy, with many forming strong bonds towards nature, they often become guides and explorers.

While the conventionally uglier Cansin are often shunned or avoided, the more attractive Cansin are at the fringes too, sometimes venturing into the center of society with an unconventional charm and adoration of their ways, starting new movements and ideas, before retreating back to the fringes again. Attractive Cansin often have unconventional styles preferring mismatched clothing, always wearing something different every day. Many of them go by different names each day, as their identities shift.

Some Cansin do have unusual body proportions often bulky builds, and pliable and somewhat slimy flesh. Those Cansin often have Toad-like because of the influence of the Slaadi, they often have warts or studs. Some Cansin have been known to grow tentacles, eyes, vestigial limbs and other growths over their bodies, sometimes dependent on their emotional states.

Many Cansin keep humanoid forms without such features, often having unique or attractive appearances. Many of these Cansin do have humanoid forms that shift everyday, whether it be their physical build, hair color, complexion or sex, but they still always maintain a sense of intrigue and attractiveness. Of those who appear as very different people everyday, they usually have one feature such as eyes that remain constant with their form. A rare bunch of Cansin naturally exist as blobs of chaos matter, and assume a humanoid form when conscious.

Instead of deciding for yourself what a Cansin looks like, you may also select 1d4 features from the table below, either picking any one of the choices or rolling a d100 for each feature as a guideline. A Cansin may have features not covered in this table.

Roll Trait
01-02 Has a wide mouth
03-05 Warts or studs cover body
06-07 Skin is slimy
08-10 Rough leathery skin
11-14 Large upper body

15-18 Arms longer than usual
18-21 Legs longer than usual
22-24 Voice has a slight croak
25-26 Has tentacles instead of arms
27-30 Tentacles or psuedopods randomly grow and retract from body

31-33 Eyes appear in random places
34-40 Eyes change color at random
41-46 Skin changes color at random
47-53 Hair color changes at random
54-58 Has patterns marking over body shift over time

59-64 Facial features shift over time
64-68 Body type or build (such as weight or height) changes randomly everyday
69-74 Biological sex changes at random
75-79 Bubbles or small creatures like insects occasionally rise from body and disappear
80-85 Hair moves on its own

86-91 Unusual events that are neither beneficial or harmful occur in immediate presence
92-96 Faint unintelligible noises can be heard in immediate presence
97-99 Is a blob of chaos matter when sleeping or unconscious
00 Extremely long-lived or ageless

Cansin Characters
Ability scores & classes:
Many Cansin especially those who are known as the Chaonds are naturally resilient and flexible putting their ability bonuses into Constituion and Dexterity. While the humanoid resembling Cansin, tend to be vivacious, intriguing and impulsively creative typically putting their ability score bonuses into Charisma and Intelligence.

With their sense of creativity and the ability to draw others into their orbit, many Cansin become Bards. Cansin of both monstrous and humanoid form often have strong emotions and an uncontrollable rage, which sets many of them on the path of the Barbarian. The Cansin of monstrous appearances, as loners and wanderers often form bonds with nature becoming Rangers. While the Cansin of humanoid appearances are quite often gifted at magic or strange ideas, typically becoming Sorcerers or Artificers.

Most Cansin age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Cansin might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Cansin are medium size. Some Cansin are small size.

Cansin have a walking speed of 30 feet

Cansin are Humanoid

Cansin understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries, Deep Speech or Slaad.

Cansin have Darkvision of 60 feet

Anarchic Legacy (Legacy trait)
Cansin come in different varieties and have different varieties of powers they can use. Many of them describe using these powers as Unleashing the Chaos or Flowing with Change, often where a multicolored maelstrom elemental energy and chaos matter swirls around them. It's said with these powers a Cansin can peer into alternate realities and bring some things from their into the current reality. A Cansin picks from one of these Legacy options below, Constitution, Charisma or Intelligence is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell a Cansin can cast through the Anarchic Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Cansin spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Bard or Sorcerer spell list.

Optional Rule: Random Anarchic Legacy Powers - For legacies that have at least one alternate spell option at a spell level, roll a die (typically d2 or d3) after each long rest to determine which Legacy power you have the day.

Legacy of the Marauder - With the ability to bring change and chaos through direct and often violent actions, Cansin of this legacy tend to quick to act and to jump into danger. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Primal Savagery (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), at 3rd level Ensnaring Strike cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Shatter cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Primal Savagery with Infestation or Thunderclap (both Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or replace Ensnaring Strike with Expeditious Retreat or Chaos Bolt (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as a 2nd-level spell.

Legacy of Unlikely Chances - The Cansin is able to warp probability to their favor, seeing possibilities and letting different things happen from those possibilities. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Guidance, at 3rd level Bless cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Augury cast once with a casting time of 1 action before requiring a long rest or cast as a ritual.
Alternate Spells: Replace Guidance with Resistance and/or replace Bless with Bane cast as a 2nd-level spell or Shield of Faith and/or Augury with Locate Object.

Legacy of the Malleable Form - Many Cansin have their forms change randomly, these Cansin have some ability to shape such changes to their will. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thorn Whip, at 3rd level Disguise Self before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Alter Self cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thorn Whip with Primal Savagery and/or replace Disguise Self with Cure Wounds cast as a 2nd-level spell and/or Alter Self with Enhance Ability.

Legacy of Madness - These Cansin can reach into hidden parts of others minds and disrupt or alter them to their will. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Mind Sliver (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything), at 3rd level Dissonant Whispers cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Crown of Madness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Mind Sliver with Friends or Vicious Mockery and/or replace Dissonant Whispers with Cause Fear cast as a 2nd-level spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or Crown of Madness with Mind Spike (Xanathar's Guide to Everything).

Legacy of Whimsy - The Cansin can slightly alter reality to their will making imagination slightly more real. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Prestidigitation, at 3rd level Silent Image cast as a 2nd-level spell before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Phantasmal Force cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Prestidigitation with Minor Illusion or Friends and/or replace Silent Image with Color Spray cast as a 2nd-level spell or Chaos Bolt cast as a 2nd-level spell (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or Phantasmal Force with Misty Step.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the bard or sorcerer spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Anarchic Resistance (Essence trait)
A Cansin's nature allows them to adapt to certain energies or maladies. Pick one from among one of the following:
-Psychic resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being charmed
-Poison resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the poisoned condition
-Thunder resistance, and advantage to saving throws against the stunned condition
-A random resistance, Roll 1d4 after a long rest you have resistance against one element from the roll:
Roll Element
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Lightning

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Anarchic Legacy or Anarchic Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - As a creature of chaos you can adapt easily to resist harmful magic, you have advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Anarchic Resistance.

Chaos Form - As a bonus action can change yourself into a swirling vortex of chaos matter, where you can pass through the spaces of other creatures when you move. You have resistance to non-magical weapons in this form and can move through spaces as little as 1 inch in diameter. You can choose either force or psychic damage doing 1d6 plus your proficiency bonus to any creature of your choice that you pass through once per round. While in the form of chaos matter you can't take any actions but dash, disengage, dodge or help. You maintain your chaos form for up to a number of rounds equal to your proficiency bonus before requiring a long rest. You do not need to be in Chaos Form for all of those rounds at once. This ability replaces Anarchic Legacy.

Entropic Shield - Chaos protects you causing missiles to change it's course to avoid you, and swings and thrusts to fumble. Your AC is 13 + your dexterity modifier, which you may use instead of the AC of the armor you're wearing should it be lower. You still gain the benefit of a shield with this trait. This replaces Anarchic Resistance.

Psychic Shock - You can inflict 1d4 psychic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can cause the next attack on the target to have advantage until the end of your next turn. This ability replace Anarchic Legacy.

Resonating Touch - You can inflict 1d4 thunder damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to the next attack against the target does an additional 2 points of damage until the end of your next turn. This ability replace Anarchic Legacy.

Anarchic Empowerment

Requirements: Anarchic legacy
-You may increase your charisma, constitution or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell you know from your Anarchic Legacy trait an aura of chaotic potential surrounds you, where alternate possibilities become more likely. Until your the start of your next turn, for each level of the spell slot used, you may grant single reroll to a saving throw or ability check, to yourself or your allies within 30 feet.

Improved Anarchic Legacy
Requirements: Anarchic legacy
-You may increase your charisma, constitution or intelligence score by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Bard or Sorcerer spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.

So now we go into the other Planetouched, not going into certain specific racial varieties like Fey'ri and Tanaruk which I said I'd not cover, we have: Shyfts of the Ethereal Planes from 3e Fiend Folio, Shadowswyfts of the Shadow Plane from the 3e Planar Handbook, Gloamings of the Plane of Shadow from 3e Underdark, Glimmerfolk of the Plane of Radiance from Dragon #321. There's also the speculated Positar (Positive Energy) and Tenebrians (Shadow) from Dragon 297.

I sort of covered Glimmerfolk and the speculated Positar, when I did the Genasi with the Legacy of the Radiant Soul option. So that leaves Shyfts, Shadowswyfts, Gloamings and Tenebrians out of that bunch.

For the Plane of Shadow or Shadowfell there seems to be a bunch of conceptual room for a Shadowy Planetouched, though to me only the "Dark Faerie/Pixie" aesthetic of the Gloaming seems interesting to me. Nothing about the hyperactive Shadowswyft seems to suggest Shadows to me though.

While the Shyfts are described as being really unremarkable in appearance and good assassins, built around the powerful spell Ethereal Jaunt (they even lack PC info) and they don't seem to have much of a story or a "weirdness" to latch on to. It's as if they couldn't think of anything interesting with an Ethereal Planetouched. The Ethereal Plane often does get overlooked for having anything interesting, but it's a plane of potential sort of the outer edges of creation and used to be where all the Demiplanes connected to, it has Dreamscapes too, though going too much into Dreamscapes steps on the toes of the Kalashtar and Inspired.

Feywild is not covered by any past Planetouched Race, likely because The Plane of Faerie was only an optional plane back when they were concerned about Planetouched. But there is the Feytouched from the Fiend Folio, they would be the Planetouched of Feywild. Some of the description of the Feytouched almost mirrors my writeup about the Cansin.

And finally there's Astral Plane and Far Realm, no one has anything for the Astral Planetouched though what's written about the Shyfts could almost fit into an Astral Planetouched. And I've already suggested that Cansin could have Far Realm origins.

So any ideas on how to handle the remaining bunch? Like 3 distinct lineages? Or like one miscellaneous Planetouched lineage (what would they even be called) to cover the rest?

So the leftover planes are Transitive Planes or "Border" Planes, in that in some ways Shadowfell is a border between the Material and Negative Energy Planes while Feywild is a border between the Material and Positive Energy Planes. So if we went for 1 lineage to cover the rest, it would be about borders and places in between.

So names to think of for something to cover the remaining Planetouched...
-Mistwalkers? All of those remaining planes do technically have mists often when they interact with other planes. Though mists does bring up Ravenloft more than others.
-Otherkin? I wouldn't use it, simply because it's a subculture in real life. And technically all Planetouched have an appeal to Otherkin
-Shyfts? It was a boring name back in 3e, replace the i with an y and its something special...
-Psychopomps? A Psychopomp can refer to a guide between the spirit and mortal, but mostly it refers to the guides for the dead to the afterlife, like the Grim Reaper.
-Soljourners? It's a synonym of travellers, a less commonly used one.

Any others?

So here's where I dive into my take on the other Planetouched, covering what was Shadowswyfts, Gloaming, Shyfts and Feytouched. It's the Planetouched of the leftover planes, which I'll try to make more interesting as Shyfts come to mind as the most boring of the bunch.

The Liminaires come from various places in between planes and the edges of creation. Thought to be the least common of the different Planetouched lineages their origins might be from planes such as the Ethereal, Shadowfell, Feywild, Astral and other mysterious places. Some Liminaires are thought to be linked to the creatures such as Nymphs, Dryads, Formorians, Sorrowsworn, Skulks, Ethergaunts, Keepers, Shades, Psurlons, Astral Dreadnoughts and more. The Liminaire known by many names often dependent on their origins, such as Feytouched for Feywild, Shadowswyfts or Gloaming for Shadowfell, and Shyfts for those with origins from the Ethereal or Astral.

Some stories claim that a resident of a Dreamscape solidified into something more real might become a Liminaire, or that they were shaped into existence from protomatter, or spirits that merged with a mortal, or switched at birth with a mortal child. With their origins being ambiguous, most Liminaires feel the need to be in the now and here.

Liminaire rarely feel a need to fit in or belong to society, but they do tend to find company with others of their kind or among clans of various Planetouched. As the children of border worlds, they often put their talents to work as scouts or couriers. Liminaire can sometimes be found among the courts of powerful beings such as the Seelie and Unseelie Courts or the domains of dark powers, entrusted as their trusted agents and spies fully embracing the intrigue that comes along with it.

Liminaire tend to be more nomadic than other Planetouched often travelling between worlds. The border planes contain potential in unformed essences and proto-matter, and places in such planes often come such essences held together by will. While in other places in the border planes, exist as a reflection of something somewhere else, what happens in one plane may affect the other. Because of this, rarely anything feels stable to them: it often results in a sense of wanderlust, but for others there's a need create and shape things around them. The border planes are often affected by emotions, dreams and psychic energy, which the Liminaire tend to be sensitive to. Some of them feed off of such things, and are prone to strong emotions and intense dreams. A few Liminaire have spotaneously willed companions of their own into existence through dreams, and strong emotions.

Liminaire are often drawn to places of planar energies and crossings between worlds. Those of Shadowy origins are often intimately familiar with the labyrinthine passages the various Underdarks which form a network between worlds. The Liminaire of Fey origins are often drawn to Fey Glades and places of magic. While other Liminaire find themselves in places thought to haunted, often being mistaken for spirits of the haunting themselves.

Liminaires can come in many forms much like the other varieties of Planetouched. Some have misshapen and horrific forms, especially those who may be linked to Formorians and Sorrowsworn. While other Liminaire may have more beautiful forms such as those from dreams or the fairer varieties of Fey. Many Liminaires are slightly translucent or have the colors faded from them, often resulting in them being mistaken for spirits. Depending on their possible planar origins here are some examples, Liminaire of more ambiguous origins combine features from the different categories.

-A lithe elven like appearance
-Body covered in warts, with swelling on face and uneven arms
-Long and pointed ears
-A long hooked nose
-Antlers or horns on head
-Insect-like wings
-Insect-like eyes
-Hair grows leaves, twigs or flowers
-All teeth are sharp
-Shimmering pixie dust comes off of skin
-Skin color changes with the seasons
-Appearance changes to reflect a fair or foul mood

-Shriveled skin and sunken features
-A really light complexion that glows
-A really dark complexion that obscures features
-Inky black eyes
-Eyes glow with an ominous color
-Has additional arms that are misshapen and vestigial
-Long fingers that come to sharp points
-Moth-like or fur-covered wings
-Hair is writhing semi-solid shadow-stuff
-Has spines protruding from head
-All teeth are sharp and mouth can open really wide
-Voice echos with whispers
-Colors are muted or darker in immediate presence

Ethereal and Astral
-Slightly translucent
-Emits a constant cloud of mist
-Colors are de-saturated in immediate presence
-Hair is wisps of a semi-solid vapor
-Skin has a slight prismatic sheen
-Has multiple rows of teeth
-Eyes are a shifting pool of colors
-Voice always sounds distant
-Long spindly limbs
-Writhing tendrils for hair
-Has a single large additional eye on forehead
-Slight changes in appearance with mood

Liminaire Characters
Ability scores & classes:
Many Liminaire are sensitive to emotional energies, dreams and resonances, which they've learned to project themselves. While others tend to move with unnaturally quick but sometime jerky motions. So most Liminaires put their ability bonuses into Charisma, Intelligence, Wisdom or Dexterity.

Many Liminaires are naturally adept at magic, they often become Sorcerers drawing from varied mysterious sources in their bloodline. To other Liminaire with talents at shaping proto-matter, they fully embrace the inventiveness of becoming Artficers. As nomadic travellers walking between worlds and border worlds, many Liminaire become Rangers. And those with an understanding of emotions and dreams, often Bards.

Most Liminaire age at the same rate as Humans or their mortal ancestry does. Some Liminaire might be long-lived or ageless.

Most Liminaire are medium size. Some Liminaire are small size.

Liminaire have a walking speed of 30 feet

Liminaire are Humanoid

Liminaire understand Common and one other language, often one of their mortal ancestries or Sylvan or Undercommon.

Liminaire have Darkvision of 60 feet

Liminal Legacy (Legacy trait)
Liminares have a variety of different powers, often learning or inheriting their talents from different places among the border planes. They tend to describe their powers as Shaping from Immateria, where pull a bit of proto-matter and emotional energy together to form something magical. When using such powers mist often manifests in a mixture of colors. A Liminaire picks from one of these Legacy options below, Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom is the ability score for spells and saving throws DCs with these powers. Any spell a Liminares can cast through the Liminal Legacy trait they can also cast if they have a spell slot of the appropriate level, these spells are bonus known spells for a Liminare spellcaster.

Optional Rule: Custom Legacies - For custom legacies (with the DM's approval) they generally follow this format, one Cantrip at the start, at 3rd level they know one 1st level spell that's enhanced to a 2nd level spell slot if possible and can be cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level they gain knowledge of a 2nd level spell that can be cast once before requiring a long rest to cast again. The spells should be from either the Bard or Sorcerer spell list.

Legacy of the Fair - Your powers come from a connection to the Seelie Court or of delightful dreams, and carries a weight of awe and majesty. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Prestidigitation, at 3rd level Sanctuary cast once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Enthrall cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Prestidigitation with Friends and/or replace Enthrall with Hold Person.

Legacy of the Foul - Your powers come from a connection to the Unseelie Court or nightmares, and carries a weight of fear and dread. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thaumaturgy, at 3rd level Cause Fear (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Phantasmal Force cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Cause Fear with Bane.

Legacy of Shadows - You draw and shape shadowstuff from Shadowfell, which seeks to drain emotions and vitality. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Chill Touch, at 3rd level Arms of Hadar cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Darkness cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Chill Touch with Toll the Dead (Xanathar's Guide to Everything) and/or replace Darkness with Blindness/Deafness.

Legacy of Shaping - You are adept at shaping a variety of proto-matter making the imagined real in some ways. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Minor Illusion, at 3rd level Find Familiar which you can cast with a casting time of 1 action once before requiring a long rest or as a ritual, and at 5th level Spiritual Weapon cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Minor Illusion with Mending and/or replace Spiritual Weapon with Summon Beast (Tasha's Cauldron of Everything).

Legacy of the Traveler- Your command of shaping makes you adept at finding the spaces between the planes which you can momentary slip or stomp through. The powers of this legacy are: the cantrip Thunderclap (Xanathar's Guide to Everything), at 3rd level Longstrider cast as a 2nd-level spell once before requiring a long rest, and at 5th level Misty Step cast once before requiring a long rest.
Alternate Spells: Replace Thunderclap with Blade Ward and/or replace Longstrider with Expeditious Retreat.

Optional Rule: Alternate spells - At character creation you may decide to replace a single spell from a legacy with another spell or cantrip that's the same level that's within the cleric or wizard spell list. This rule can be in place instead of allowing custom legacies.

Axiomatic Resistance (Essence trait)
A Liminaire's nature often makes them resistant to the affects of certain maladies and elements. Pick one from among one of the following:
-Psychic resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being charmed
-Force resistance, and advantage to saving throws against being moved or teleported
-Necrotic resistance, with an advantages to saving throws against being frightened
-Radiant resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being blinded
-Poison resistance, with an advantage to saving throws against being poisoned

Alternative Abilities:
Some of these abilities might be restricted at character creation, by the DM's discretion. They might be obtainable later with the Planar Legacy feat. These abilities below can be picked instead of any of the Liminal Legacy or Liminal Resistance options.

Magic Resistance - As a being tied to planes of magical engeries which you often can perceive, you can resist magic better, with an advantage to saving throws against spells and magical effects. This ability replaces Liminal Resistance.

Psychic Shock - You can inflict 1d4 psychic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can cause the next attack on the target to have advantage until the end of your next turn. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Corrupting Touch: You can inflict 1d4 necrotic damage with an unarmed attack, which you may use your spellcasting ability score for attack and damage rolls. After a successful hit, you can use a bonus action to the next attack against the target does an additional 2 points of damage until the end of your next turn. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Liminal Alacrity - You can move unnaturally fast, often in a flurry of motions that's stuttered between blurred movements and momentary stillness. Your walking speed is 40 feet, and you can dash or disengage on your turn as a bonus action. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.

Liminal Wings - You have a working pair of wings which might be multicolored butterfly wings, or something resembling furry moth wings. You gain a fly speed of 30 feet. This ability replaces Liminal Legacy.
Alternate rule for Liminal Wings - You gain the ability to glide, subtract 100 feet from a fall when determining damage taken, and you can move 2 feet horizontally for every foot you have fallen. At 5th level you can fly with speed of 30 feet.

Liminal Empowerment

Requirements: Liminal legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-When you cast a 1st-level or higher spell that you know from Liminal Legacy, you can teleport yourself to a space within 30 feet.

Improved Liminal Legacy
Requirements: Liminal legacy
-You may increase an ability score of your choice by 1 point (to a maximum of 20).
-You gain a 2nd level spell slot which can be used to cast any of 2nd level or lower spells in your legacy traits. You regain this slot on a short or long rest.
-At 7th level you gain a 3rd level spell from the Bard or Sorcerer spell list which you can cast once before requiring a long rest. If you have a 3rd level or higher spell slot, you can use this to cast this spell.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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