Ray Winninger comments on the OGL

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Of he knows but is forbidden to say. His language is just a response to what is going on in the public domain, no more or no less.

Exactly, carefully chosen language that doesn't violate any NDAs, I mean of course he knows the leak is real, it's not an accident he went from major D&D cheerleader to dead silence to gone at the same time this would have been developed. At least the mystery why he left has been answered as far as I'm concerned.

At this point if WotC wants to fix this fire the current WotC President, and give the job to Ray Winninger, get on their hands and knees and beg him to come back if they have to, but right now, he's the only one who has the crediblity to fix this. Offering a huge raise, promotion, more power, anything it takes to come back.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
I disagree. I think it is in the best interests long term. Take D&D away from Hasbro - they are irresponsible and disrespectful stewards of the industry leader. It is in better hands elsewhere.
It stinks in the short (and possibly medium) terms.
But long term, I want to see some scorched earth at WotC and Hasbro.
The same people who insist the couple dozen tens of thousand people who purchase 3pp will tell you that the company that grew the game to its greatest heights and acceptance in the general culture have disrespected the game


Exactly, carefully chosen language that doesn't violate any NDAs, I mean of course he knows the leak is real, it's not an accident he went from major D&D cheerleader to dead silence to gone at the same time this would have been developed. At least the mystery why he left has been answered as far as I'm concerned.

It reads like a person who knows about who made the decisions to go with the OGL 1.1, his inaability to say who made the decision and who on the inside agrees with it, and his disagreement with it.

The moretime goes on, the more it sounds that there is a major separation between the creatives and the execs and what happened would happen with any gaming company if they were this big and publically traded.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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