Re-reading the Hobbit, it almost feels like a distinct setting from LotR's Middle-Earth

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Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Like I said, it can all be made to work in the context of LotR. But I think the biggest thing that changed between the two books was JRRT himself.
Well, himself and the intent of the work. The Hobbit was written as a story for kids; his own kids, originally, as I recall. The narrator's voice in it, with its modern asides, and the tonal differences all make sense for such a story.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Like I said, it can all be made to work in the context of LotR. But I think the biggest thing that changed between the two books was JRRT himself.

Yeah, well, The Hobbit was published in 1937. LotR was published in 1954. Are you the same person as you were 17 ears ago, back in 2005?


Tolkien really wanted to write about the Elder Days and get that published, but knew that would be a tall order. 'The Hobbit' was written to drum up interest in the themes he wanted to explore, but it wasn't originally the same world as the Elder Days. When 'The Hobbit' was successful he went back to his publisher to drum up support for the Elder Days, but they just wanted more stories with Hobbits. We didn't even get his Elder Day stories until after he passed away and his son, Christopher Tolkien (his literary executor), put together the stories he liked best and called it the Silmarillion.

Voidrunner's Codex

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