Reaper to produce pre-painted Plastic minis - Non-random


thedungeondelver said:
. LIke the companies that all dropped good, well thought out homegrown rule systems to pump out d20 sludge.

D00d that wasnt even necessary. You were making your point without slamming D20. As someone who used to paint and prefer metal mini's I empathized with you up until this point.

Now you just come across like just another bitter old groanrd (sp?).

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Mark CMG

Creative Mountain Games
Pramas said:
WotC didn't need any help keeping Chainmail down. It did a better job of cutting the game's throat than any outside agency.

True. Athough, some of the figs were very nice. I've got a couple of beast elements for my Dwarven Hordes of the Things army made up from the Mordengard Set 1 Combo Box (Dwarf Raider, Dire Badger, Dwarf Fighter). Very nice. :)

Pramas said:
As for the Reaper announcement, I think it could be a great move on their part if they do it up right. Hasbro itself has already proved that a non-random model of pre-painted minis can be sold quite successfully with their Heroscape line. Best of luck to Reaper in following suit.

I, too, will be cheering them on.


First Post
thedungeondelver said:
Yeah, but I - and tens of thousands of others do have the time.

So? Why should I care, frankly? You have the time? Great! Good for you. Go get metal minis. Noone seems to say that they will be discontinued.

But some of us don't have the time or talent to paint their figures. And we won't do without our prepainted plastic minis just because you don't like them.

But it appears - like a lot of things - the wants and likes of a bunch of old complainers aren't being heard. Or if they are, they're not cared about.

Don't be a drama queen. Reaper's still making metal minis, aren't they? They don't say anything of switching to plastic. They say that they want to expand their catalogue. GW's still there, too. What I'm saying is: The metal minis are still there for you to buy.

It's a money grab, an attempt to get a piece of the pie.

Of course. So are their metal minis. They make them in order to sell them and make a profit out of it. It's just one of those things companies do. It's one of those things they have to do.

Kae'Yoss said:
So? Why should I care, frankly? You have the time? Great! Good for you. Go get metal minis. Noone seems to say that they will be discontinued.

But some of us don't have the time or talent to paint their figures. And we won't do without our prepainted plastic minis just because you don't like them.

Don't be a drama queen. Reaper's still making metal minis, aren't they? They don't say anything of switching to plastic. They say that they want to expand their catalogue. GW's still there, too. What I'm saying is: The metal minis are still there for you to buy.

Of course. So are their metal minis. They make them in order to sell them and make a profit out of it. It's just one of those things companies do. It's one of those things they have to do.

If you read the announcement on the reaper forums, they made it clear that they do not intend to stop (or lower) production of metal minis.


First Post
Thunderfoot said:
I would guess no - WotC entered the metal market with the Chainmail line trying to create a point style game and got CRUSHED by Reaper when their sales couldn't keep up.
Care to prove that point? Chainmail got canned because of the new head of minis at the time wanted to kill it and because it was not profitable enough for Hasbro's expectations from the days of PokeMoney. The chaimail line made wotc money, but the amount was not enough for 'corp to be happy with it.

As for releasing orcs, undead, ogres and trolls first instead of adventurers, I would assume that Reaper has watched the available market like we all have.
Metal Adventuters sell best for reaper. They might not want to mess with that gravy train. Big reason whythere is at best 1 non humaniod monster in every monthly release of 5-7 metal minis.

frankthedm said:
Care to prove that point? Chainmail got canned because of the new head of minis at the time wanted to kill it and because it was not profitable enough for Hasbro's expectations from the days of PokeMoney. The chaimail line made wotc money, but the amount was not enough for 'corp to be happy with it.

Metal Adventuters sell best for reaper. They might not want to mess with that gravy train. Big reason whythere is at best 1 non humaniod monster in every monthly release of 5-7 metal minis.
OOOH, A challenge. :)

No, WotC did make money, but Reaper still made more and as pointed out earlier, Games Workshop really dropped the boom.

And I'll stand by my monsters statement. You are correct that the metal adventurers sell the best for Reaper, but one of the things that they can exploit is the 'percieved lack of baseline monsters' that seems to be the major (or at least one of) complaints from otherwise happy customers. I think its a darn shifty and pretty awesome move on their part, and if successful can once again establish them as THE niche mini retailer.


First Post
Thunderfoot said:
I think its a darn shifty and pretty awesome move on their part, and if successful can once again establish them as THE niche mini retailer.
Catering to the smallest nitch of 3e, the DM. Players just need characters, DM's need horrors of all types. I await their packs of non bipedal, less than sane monsters.

frankthedm said:
Catering to the smallest nitch of 3e, the DM. Players just need characters, DM's need horrors of all types. I await their packs of non bipedal, less than sane monsters.
Yes, the smallest niche, but the ones that "usually" buy the most minis.


ShinHakkaider said:
D00d that wasnt even necessary. You were making your point without slamming D20. As someone who used to paint and prefer metal mini's I empathized with you up until this point.

Now you just come across like just another bitter old groanrd (sp?).

Wait. Companies have put out bad d20 product, therefore I hate all d20?

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