Reaper to produce pre-painted Plastic minis - Non-random


Kunimatyu said:
Your hobby isn't dying, but it -is- changing. Will you change with it?

My hobby, at least this particular one, isn't "changing". It is being driven down to nothing. The particular hobby of mine that is being negatively affected is painting metal minis. Reaper produces the best metal minis, period, bar none. There are none that look as good as Reaper's stuff. Don't get me started on those weirdo circque de solil looking minis Rackam puts out, and I don't think GW has resculpted their molds in about fifteen years. The last GW metal mini I got* made the RAFM Heavy Gear minis look like finely hand-crafted pieces of sculpture.

I keep hearing the cadence of "They're not going to change their metal mini output at all", but riddle me this: if they're in so much trouble as was implied elsewhere in the thread that they HAVE TO change to selling plastic minis, then the money to produce those minis is going to come from somewhere and I seriously doubt they're all taking a pay cut to help start this new enterprise. The money will come from whatever is pooled for minis (CAV, WarLord, DH) and the pieces of that pie now get smaller. So who loses? I do. And every other fan of metal minis will. This will impact metal minis, mark my word.

I don't like plastic, I don't agree with any of your assessments about the alleged superiority of plastic, I won't use plastic, and that's that. So, sorry, no my hobby isn't "changing" it is going to go away or at the very least be negatively impacted by this in some fashion.

*LotR aside, but an insider tells me to buy as many as I can because those are going bye-bye soon enough...

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thedungeondelver said:
I won't use plastic, and that's that.

If you're going to be completely inflexible, and won't listen to any counter-arguments or process new information, I question why you're posting in the first place.

Your hobby might be shrinking (though I'd argue the numbers were never that high to begin with), but it's not disappearing as fast as you seem to think; you're just unwilling to change, and there's no real fix for a wilful failure to adapt. ::shrug::


This is good, as long as WotC doesn't try to make itself different by putting out even more warforged and dragonspawn and other less than useful minis.


Writer for CY_BORG, Forbidden Lands and Dragonbane
ShinHakkaider said:
Now you just come across like just another bitter old groanrd (sp?).

It's "grognard". But I must say I like your spelling better ... :D



crazy_cat said:
Reaper non random pre-painted minis - sounds interesting. Whats the price going to be?
That's the most important bit of information that keeps me in the "wait and see" mode. People are making assumptions that aren't necessarily accurate. Someone suggested you'll aways be able to find an ogre under $12. What if the ogre is priced higher than $12?

I wonder what price point would change the tune of those enthusiastic? Expecting less than metal minis current prices is certainly being over optimistic. A $3.50 orc is probably as cheap as can be expected. What if they are priced at $7? $10?

Making no mention of it in the hyped up press release immediately makes me think that they'll be expensive.
While I think that many here are expecting prices below what they will be, I really doubt we'll see "sticker shock" prices. Reaper is enthusiastic about this and would know to be more cautious if they are going to be expensive.

I'm going to predict a price point at about the same level as the metal miniatures, or slightly above that.


First Post
I'm very interested in this. I buy the DDMs because I want painted minis to use while I roleplay and simply don't have the time or inclination to paint the metal ones. The thing about the DDMs that I don't like is that even on ebay, some things that I'd like to have rather larger numbers of (more than five anyway) can easily get out of control pricewise. For instance any time they release a cool demon or devil, they are rares and the prices on the secondary market are usually pretty high just for a single figure. What if I'd like to put together an encounter with five horned devils for instance? Too pricey for me. Hopefully, Reaper will be able to remedy this.


Glyfair said:
I'm going to predict a price point at about the same level as the metal miniatures, or slightly above that.
And if thats the case, and to be honest this is the price estimate I'm sort of working on as well (until I hear otherwise) then I think I'll be sticking with DDMs.

I get my minis by buying cases when each set is released, to get a low price per mini, and then I trade and use the secondary market to round out my collection. I find there are always chase rares I want, but also some rares I don't like or need so I've usually managed to trade to get what I wanted.

Personally I prefer cheap, random and wide selection. If the Reaper option is not as cheap but not random then as I said, I think I'll be staying with DDMs.

Obviously all this depends on the price Reaper come up with (and the figures being of a good standard, which I suppose we shouldn't necessarily take as a given for a new product until we see some actual production minis)


First Post
So, if Reaper so desired, could they not make minis of monsters straight from the SRD? I recall Ryan Dancey saying some months back regarding how surprised he was that nobody used the SRD for exactly that purpose.


First Post
Felon said:
So, if Reaper so desired, could they not make minis of monsters straight from the SRD? I recall Ryan Dancey saying some months back regarding how surprised he was that nobody used the SRD for exactly that purpose.

I wondered the same myself. What if someone else - Reaper, Games Workshop, someone else, doesn't matter - releases figures that look like Balors and are called Balors? Chain Devils? Black/Green/White/Gold/Whatever Dragons (with the distinctive D&D dragons look)?

Are they allowed? Could Wizards do anything about it?

Glyfair said:
I'm going to predict a price point at about the same level as the metal miniatures, or slightly above that.

I'd say they'll be cheaper than the metal minis. Or maybe the "common" type stuff - orcs, skeletons, that sort of thing - will be quite cheap, and the "rare" types - demons, dragons, and so on - will cost a bit less than what you could expect to pay for your average DDM rare on eBay.

The thing is, they have to offer something Wizards doesn't. They have to be better than Wizards to be able to compete. So they either need top notch figures, or they need them with prices that beat what you pay for DDM, at least on the secondary market. I don't think they'll base their whole offense on the fact that you don't have to buy this stuff at eBay.

Agamon said:
This is good, as long as WotC doesn't try to make itself different by putting out even more warforged and dragonspawn and other less than useful minis.

One man's trash is another's treasure. Some people like the warforged and spawn of Tiamat (I don't play Eberron, so those are not for me, but I do like the dragonspawn). Everything's useful to someone (except that Dromite Wilder, of course ;) )

thedungeondelver said:
My hobby, at least this particular one, isn't "changing". It is being driven down to nothing.

No, I don't see it. Metal minis aren't going to die out any time soon. Reaper still makes them. They don't replace their old line with a new one. They complement the old with the new.

I keep hearing the cadence of "They're not going to change their metal mini output at all", but riddle me this: if they're in so much trouble as was implied elsewhere in the thread that they HAVE TO change to selling plastic minis, then the money to produce those minis is going to come from somewhere and I seriously doubt they're all taking a pay cut to help start this new enterprise. The money will come from whatever is pooled for minis (CAV, WarLord, DH) and the pieces of that pie now get smaller. So who loses? I do. And every other fan of metal minis will. This will impact metal minis, mark my word.

First of all, I doubt that they're in trouble. But if they were, and really had to do plastic minis, then metal minis would be doomed, anyway. It would be either not selling plastic minis and going bankrupt in the near future, or do plastic minis to try to get money in. In fact, if this is the case, the plastic minis are a godsent to those who like the Reaper metal lines: It means that the company will not disappear, and will probably even continue doing metal minis along their new cash cow.

But again, I doubt that they are in trouble. If you can believe those that spoke about the plastic business, making plastic minis is quite an investment. A lot of fixed costs to start it up, and you'll have to sell a lot of minis. A company that has almost no money left can't undertake such a venture.
I think it's more likely that they have enough money for it. They got it from selling metal minis, and now they're investing into another market to move in there as well. Get new customers - those who don't buy reaper because they prefer prepainted plastic.

*LotR aside, but an insider tells me to buy as many as I can because those are going bye-bye soon enough...

Is that the usual kind of insider? The same kind of insider who told people posting on these boards that 4e would be released this year? That it would be a collectible game? That the New World of Darkness would be d20 instead of Storyteller?

frankthedm said:
Catering to the smallest nitch of 3e, the DM. Players just need characters, DM's need horrors of all types. I await their packs of non bipedal, less than sane monsters.

Players only need one figure (their character), or maybe as much as half a dozen (a couple of characters, henchmen, familiars, animal companions). DMs need dozens (all the monsters he's going to unleash on the players).

It's like Ferrari catering to the smallest niche of car buyers, the rich guys who are willing to blow huge sums of money for a car.


thedungeondelver said:

Wait. Companies have put out bad d20 product, therefore I hate all d20?

Then you probably should have clarified.

you made a statement of:

"Like the companies that all dropped good, well thought out homegrown rule systems"
"to pump out d20 sludge."

How is that not a bashing of D20 in general, with you not specifiying? That and your previously stated preferences for anything decidedly NOT D20 kinda made hard to seem like your werent taking a poke at D20.

If I'm mistaken however I apologize.

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