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D&D 5E Reasons Why My Interest in 5e is Waning


Why bother even using 5E then if you're going to use a previous edition's adventures? Even if you didn't have to redo all the encounters from scratch and redo all the treasure, redo all the traps, redo all the DCs, basically remake absolutely everything in the adventure besides the maps, character backgrounds and descriptions, why even bother with 5E at all?

story is story. Edition is irrelevant to me. I'd prefer all the statblocks 5e but it's not necessary, but more work. And I like 5e.

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I said several times in this thread (including the post you quoted) that I am a campaign setting guy, not an adventures guy. I want campaign setting material designed with the system in mind.

Lol that's even harder for me to wrap my head around. Different strokes, I guess!


So that is my reasons why my interest in D&D is waning right now. How is your interest in D&D 5e? Leave your thoughts in the comments below.

I have to admit that a lot of your points are things that WotC should of been looking at during the playtest process and aiming to release either with the books or soon after.


First Post
Dale, for all the same exact reasons your interest is waning, so is mine. But I am still interested in studying 5th edition's system, 13th Age, Pathfinder and mixing the best to form my own d20 system. I plan to update the system constantly when better game ideas come along.



Dale, for all the same exact reasons your interest is waning, so is mine. But I am still interested in studying 5th edition's system, 13th Age, Pathfinder and mixing the best to form my own d20 system. I plan to update the system constantly when better game ideas come along.


I'm curious: how will forming your own system solve any of the concerns listed? You said your interest is waning for the same reasons, so you're going to create your own system. Ok...but:

1) Will your new system have digital tools? I'm guessing, no.

2) I assume you'll be able to produce PDFs for your system, so that shouldn't be a problem.

3) "Nothing Much to Look Forward To/Lack of Product Diversity": Well, you'll have to create everything for your new system. Create your own adventures, new classes, and whatever else you want. Why couldn't you create those things for yourself with 5e? It's a problem for 5e, but not for your custom system?

4) The Waiting: see #3 above.

5) OGL: I assume you'll have an OGL for your system, right? How many people do you think will create content for it?


That got me thinking, what companies are publishing more than that for any of their games? Paizo, of course. FFG for Star Wars. Mongoose for Traveller and Legend. Cubicle 7 with Doctor Who. Not all hardbacks, mind you.

WotC produce a lot of material.

Ah, I mean used to anyway. =;0)


That's cool. I'm not an RPG book reader so unless I get use its wasted money. Personally I'd be fine without any new books of feats, scaling those back was a key part of why I'm digging 5e.

But you implied (at least as I read it) that a 5E "book of dwarves" would reduce how much you "dig" 5E. Is this accurate?
The core 3 will still be the core three, right?


I would very much like to see a rules concordance that I could put on my iPad and use to instantly look up and rule I needed to know more about. I have this for Pathfinder. Wizards could easily create one. EASILY. I would pay money for it, even though I already have the books. Because of this, I am in agreement with the OP on his reasons #5 and #1.

I see reason #2 (waiting) and #4 (lack of PDFs) as more or less irrelevant to my enjoyment of the game. #4 might become more important later on, but for now there are only three books I might need to run the game, and one or maybe two to play it. However, see my first sentence up above.

The OP's reason #3 is something I actually view as a positive. I'm a DM, though. If I want to houserule something, I houserule it. And I'm not looking forward to the inevitable splatbook treadmill and online optimization party where any sod with a web browser can look up a "build" that will make a mockery of your average campaign. As far as I'm concerned, Wizards can focus on adventure paths and nothing else until the end of 5E's run (well, maybe conversions for the Dark Sun and Eberron settings would be good, but only if they fix the abominable new Thri-Kreen with their tiny butt-pods and make them into Large tauric mantis people again -- and none of this "medium with powerful build" crap for the half-giants! But I digress.)

I kind of agree that an OGL type thing would be the best all-around solution. If nothing else, third-party splatbooks are a lot easier for a DM to ban or alter because they lack that air of official legitimacy that will have players shrilly defending their new rules options like mother badgers with threatened pups.

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