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Recruiting - Shards of the Silver Flame (recruiting re-opened)


What toning down do you intend for psion/wilder powers?

I run a psionic game here and haven't found any of them overpowered if you use the errata.

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Oswin Flamheart

Once upon a time Oswin was a simple changling thief, living on the streets of Thaliost. He was poor, his family of no account and he had to steal food from street vendors just to avoid nightly, gnawing hunger. One day he broke the thief's first rule. He got caught. The Paladin of the Silver Flame that caught him looked into his soul, ready to bring down swift judgment when he saw something in Oswin. The Paladin, a man named Berrik ir'Calvani saw a boy truly touched by the Silver Flame without even knowing it. Berrik knew that the plan the Flae had for his life was to bring this boy into the fold of servants of the Flame.

Oswin was sent to school, paid for by the wealthy Paladin Lord, and while he didn't learn things the same way the other boys in training to be priests did, he managed to work a number of Miracles in ways rarely seen amongst Silver Flame worshippers. He was clearly called to follow in the steps of his benefactor as a Paladin. He occasionally still snuck out of the school, just to keep his skills sharp, and eventually the headmaster, realising what a special student he had on his hands, recommended Oswin for training amongst the elite Shadowbane squads. Oswin, or "Oz" for short, was trained as an inquisitive, a spy, and a holy warrior: and he excelled in all of this work. Oswin saw a lot of action, fighting posessing fiends, infiltrating cults of the Dragon Below, and catching Karrnathi spies as a member of the Shadowbane squad. Eventually he was released from such strict hierarchy and assigned to a group of those loyal to Thrane with a variety of talents. He has been working with them ever since.

Mechanics: I have decided on a Rogue 2/Paladin 4/Shadowbane Inquisitor 1. He'll be a good sneak-fighter with a variety of cool abilities used to hunt down the unworthy. I won't have any traps/locks abilities as I am taking the changling substitution level at level 1. He'll make an excellent "mouth" for the party if need be. He generally runs around as a Half-elf.
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Ferrix said:
What toning down do you intend for psion/wilder powers?

I run a psionic game here and haven't found any of them overpowered if you use the errata.

Other than the errata...

I'd probably drop Energy Missile to two targets unaugmented (and let you hit an additional target for 2 pp).

Any power that gets +1 DC/pp changes to +1 DC/2 pp.

And I'm half-tempted to ban Astral Construct flat-out.


First Post
Here's a rough outline:

Gevarth Fehrenn

Background: Gevarth was born in Sharn, but he felt the calling of the Silver Flame early in his life. He studied diligently and joined the church as an acolyte at an early age, and by adulthood had left the confines of the great city and travelled to Thrane and the great city of Flamekeep. The young man was awed at the Flamist style and the ever-present influences of his diety throughout Thrane's culture. He was accepted into the ranks of the clergy there, but as his knowledge of the Flame increased, so did his disgust with the rampant corruption within the church. He left Flamehold after four years of devoted service, and spent another two travelling the length and width of Khorvaire.

While his devotion to the church may have waned, he still commanded the divine magic of the Silver Flame, and many a soldier in the Last War owed his life to Gevarth's clever strategy and potent healing. While in the service of Breland, he found himself fighting the paladins and faithful he had once lived alongside. He saw that while those in power may have been long since corrupted, the nation still had the potential to live up to the Silver Flame's teachings. He left behind his life as a sellsword and sought out the church once more. Rather than returning to corrupted Thrane, he instead found a Brelish church, where he volunteered his services. The high priest, an old changling man, taught him a different, and to Fehrenn's eyes, purer version of his faith; one that rejected the Thranish theocracy as an abuse of power and the cause of the widespread corruption of the highest church authorities. He also trained him in methods of seeking out and destroying corruption.

Challenged by these teachings, Gevarth served the Brelish church until the Treaty of Thronehold was signed in 996. Overjoyed at the end of the long-lasting conflict, he decided to return once more to Thrane, hoping that an atmosphere of peace might help bring about an end to illegitimate leadership. After months of campaigning and the formation of an organization seeking the reinstatement of secular government to Thrane, the Seperatist League, Gevarth had accomplished little beyond attracting the ire of the Cardinals. Then he met Alistair ir'Indari, who offered him generous contributions to his cause in exchange for his assistance in a few tasks. He has since been a key part of Alistair's team, using his new reknown as an adventurer to rally support for his organization and gain the trust of those in power, particularly supporters of the royal family.

Description: Gevarth is a thoughtful, introspective man of high morals and great devotion to the diety embodied in the Silver Flame. His alliegance to the church that worships it is limited, though, and he remains a vocal critic of the meld of church and government in Thrane. While he holds the (limited) power of the Seperatists, most of its administration is dealt with by his second-in-command, who often leads the group while Gevarth quests for Alistair.

Mechanics: Gevarth is a lawful good human Cleric 4/Church Inquisitor 3 (from Complete Divine), with the protection, good, and inquisition domains. If you'll allow it, Gevarth will take the Leadership feat to reflect his political following. As for future advancement, Gevarth will probably take Church Inquisitor for it's full duration, and then either finish with either Cleric, Contemplative, or, if you'd okay it, a variation on the Radiant Servant of Pelor-the Silver Flame is about as close to a good-aligned sun god as Eberron has, and I think it'd work nicely with a bit of adaptation.


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Rakuul Dar'Maalu
Bugbear Fighter 2/Rogue 1

Rakuul Dar'Maalu spent most of his life as a mercenary from Darguun, roving all over Khorvaire during the Last War. The leader of the group was another bugbear who would sell the gangs services to any who could best the current contract.

A master of the brutal chain weapons of his people, Rakuul followed orders without hesitation, relishing in the pain he could inflict. Towards the end of the war, his gang captured a troop of Silver Flame paladins operating in northeast Breland, killing all but five of the holy warriors. The other five were tortured for three days, as the gang made their way back to Darguun territory to sell off their prizes.

But on the third night, after two of the hapless humans died of their injuries, Rakuul had a dream...

He was in a grand hall, bathed in a brilliant light. Shielding his eyes, he heard a soothing female voice speaking Goblin, telling him to spare her people, to free them. Rakuul felt no fear, only a strange warmth overcoming him. Unsure of this strange feeling but instinctively sensing sorcery, he tried to resist, grabbing his spiked chain, ready to fight. But as he looked at his chain, it changed from black to silver, glowing with the same soothing light surrounding him. As he looked up, he saw a flame of silver light drawing farther away, with the words "Help me..." echoing in his head. He the realized that his comrades surrounded him, drawing their weapons menacingly...

Rakuul awoke with a start. Looking around, the gang was still torturing the remaining humans. Jumping to his feet, Rakuul grabbed his weapon, and began swinging...not at the humans, but at his comrades. Seeming to be entranced, moving medthodically around the camp. He killed three before they realized what was happening, but it was already too late. Rakuul quickly dispatched the others, but sustained a grievious wound himself. Bleeding profusely, Rakuul managed to free one of the humans before collapsing.

Rakuul awoke in a strange place several days later, looking up from his bed into the face of the man he freed. He spoke in Goblin, telling Rakuul his name was Treymon. Still sore, Rakuul realized that the man had healed his wounds, and thanked him. Rakuul asked the man why he had saved him, since he had a hand in his torture. "Because you have been blessed, my friend," was all Treymon said. "Sleep now, and tomorrow we will begin our journey".

Rakuul realized that he felt different, but could not understand why. Treymon instructed him in the ways of the Church, telling Rakuul that his "dream" was in fact a visitation, choosing him be an instrument of the Church. Rakuul served as Treymon's bodyguard on many missions following his recovery, becoming an important operative for the Church. Over the years, Treymon became mentor, and even a father figure that Rakuul had lacked in his reckless youth.

Treymon was sent on a mission to Cyre without Rakuul, telling Rakuul that it was of vital importance to the Church. However, Treymon evidently perished on the Day of Mourning, along with so many others. Rakuul, rather than grieve his mentor, vowed to serve the Church that had saved his soul. His ultimate mission, however, is revenge, once he finds those responsible for causing his masters' death.

[Note: Rakuul would most likely be posted as bodyguard/agent, serving a cleric or paladin of the church.]

Mechanics: Normal bugbear with 2 levels of fighter and 1 level of rogue [3 HD +1 lvl adjustment +2 Fighter +1 Rogue = ECL 7]. Utilizes Silver +1 Spiked Chain (w/ Weapon Finesse) and +3 Mighty Composite Longbow.

[I hope this can work out. It may not be the most creative backstory I've ever done, but the idea of a bugbear as a church operative is intriguing to me.]
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First Post


When the going gets tough, the tough call Arrakus. Forged under unusual circumstances, he was gifted with an uncanny understanding in the Way of the Mind. Seeing his potential, Arrakus was immediately ‘acquired’ by the Kingdom of Thrane during the early parts Last War. Instead of undertaking the basic socialization training modules that other Warforged received. He would receive special combat oriented training from Thrane Psionic Masters. Honing his skills and shaping his mind into a weapon of war that would have little to no equal. After the completion of his training Arrakus along with several other Psionicly enhanced Warforged where then assigned together to form the 181st Infantry Division. An elite unit designed to excel in all types of armed combat. During the course of the Last War the 181st saw the most action than any other unit in the Thrane Army. As part of the 181st he would participated in every major campaign across the Kingdom. Eventually the unit would fall under the command of Capt Otherro and it would stay that way until the end of the war. After the Day of Mourning, and the signing of the peace treaty the 181st was disbanded. Many of Arrakus’ comrades deciding that they had seen enough blood shed would put down their weapons of war. And in either pairs or simply by themselves, they said their good byes and left. Attempting to seek out the meaning to their existence else ware, peacefully, while others sold their skills to the highest bidder. With the same lack of remorse they showed on the battlefield. Their only care was that of the glistening gold in their pockets. However a selected few, himself included, had no need for their newfound freedom. And in actuality they preferred their established structured life style. With the Princes’ approval Arrakus and the few remaining soliders of the 181st.. Where given the right to remain in the service to Thrane, under the direct Command of their old leader, Capt. Otherro. Though the war is over, there are still orders to be given, commands to follow and protecting of those that are in need. And Arrakus is determined to do it the best way he knows how. One sword strike at a time.

Psionic Warrior 6 Warforged Juggernaunt 1 wielding a large size Great Sword.



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In war there are always casualties. Regrettable Losses. Collateral Damage. War with the backing of a church is called a crusade and given noble titles to inflame zealotry in its members. 180 years ago The Purge began as the threat of Lycranthropy waxed. Knights of the church took up the cause to cleanse the land of any who bear the taint of the disease. It was during this crusade that the Shifters became targets of the knights. It was an easy mistake to make, the shifters bore a feral resemblance to their lycanthropic breathern. Many commanders found them far easier prey than the true targets of the crusade. A true lycanthrope might kill a dozen templars before being brought down. Wiping out whole Shifter communities, the leaders of the crusade where able to make bold announcements that they were making progress towards eradicating the menace. It wasn't until far into the crusade that Shifters were proven to be a seperate race, unable to spread the disease. The crusade had already taken its toll, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of Shifters.

Drue knows all too well the extent of the destruction the church wrought. His father served as a knight for the church and took part in several attacks on the Shifters before the announcement was made. Unable to bear the shame of killing innocents, his father retired to a small farm in Thrane. He never took up a weapon again. Drue, as his eldest son, learned all he could of church doctrine and history, especially facts relating to the Purge due to his families part in it. He blames the Puritans and their fanatical, rigid interpretation of the words coming from the Silver Flame for the slaughter. He has long believed that if the church had been better informed when the Purge started that the deaths could have been avoided. To that end, he joined the church when he reached adulthood to serve as an Informant. He has journeyed throughout the realm investigating lycanthrope sightings, heretics, and demonic plots. He believes that the church serves a good cause, and thus they have his loyalty, but he sometimes has his own opinion on church doctrine. He hopes that the information he gathers will help save lives and safeguard his nation.

Drue Culler, Gnome Bard 7. Neutral Good.


First Post
Character Proposals

- Still need something
grunk - TBA
Ferrix - TBA

- will need more details

- characters under consideration
Ringmereth - lawful good human Cleric 4/Church Inquisitor 3

stonegod - Elf Wizard 5/Cleric 1/Silver Pyromancer 1
Shayuri - warforged warmage

Dracomeander - human paladin/exorcist of the Silver Flame
Lord Wyrm - house Deneith fighter (or at least that's how I read it) scout/fighter
wabinder - human monk

SelcSilverhand - Drue Culler, Gnome Bard 7. Neutral Good.
Anax - human rogue/swashbuckler
ShaggySpellsword - Rogue 3/Paladin 3/Shadowbane Inquisitor 1
Brother Shatterstone - changeling Rogue

- Maybe next time
Torillan - Bugbear Fighter 2/Rogue 1 [not allowed, as per the PHB + ECS races only rule,
and because I don't have Savage Species]; I wish I didn't have to say no to this one
Bloodweaver1 - Psionic Warrior 6 Warforged Juggernaunt 1 wielding a large size Great Sword -- I just don't think that's what I'm looking for
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Lord Wyrm

First Post
It's going to be multiclass Scout(CA) 6/Fighter 1, to reflect a specialization in guerilla warfare. Though the actual levels are subject to change the class combo is pretty much set in my mind. I'm also considering having an actual dragonmark and not simply being a house member, the mark manifesting after his return to the house.


drothgery said:
Other than the errata...

I'd probably drop Energy Missile to two targets unaugmented (and let you hit an additional target for 2 pp).

Any power that gets +1 DC/pp changes to +1 DC/2 pp.

And I'm half-tempted to ban Astral Construct flat-out.

Just wondering, have you played a lot of games with psionics & normal magic?

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