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[Recruiting(still)][CoC] Kuro's sick and twisted game

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I really don't care how you create your character. Just cannon fodder to me. (muffled evil laugh). Create however you want- roll, pick scores, consult an oija board. I couldn't care less

Sick bastard.

I'm in.


First Post
Hmm. Hoping we get enough people to play this campaign. Regardless, I got bored and decided to create my character. I'm new to this, so any advice you could give me about character creation would be very much appreciated.

James O'Rielly
Profession: Burglar
Level: 1
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 151 lbs.
Age: 26
Hair: Short and brown
Eyes: Hazel

7 Str
16 Dex
10 Con
14 Int
13 Wis
12 Cha

Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 15 (10 base, +3 Dex, +2 Variant Defense Bonus)

Defense Option
Fort +2 (Defense)
Ref +3 (Dex)
Will +3 (Defense,Wis)
Base Attack +0 (Melee -2, Ranged +3)

Class Skills: 40 Points (8+2)x4

+4 Bluff (3 Ranks +1 Cha)
+6 Disable Device (4 Ranks +2 Int)
+4 Disguise (3 Ranks +1 Cha)
+8 Hide (3 Ranks +3 Dex +2 Stealthy Feat)
+3 Knowledge-Biology (1 Rank +2 Int)
+5 Knowledge-Streetwise (3 Rank +2 Int)
+4 Listen (3 Ranks +1 Wis)
+8 Move Silently (3 Ranks +3 Dex +2 Stealthy Feat)
+7 Open Lock (4 Ranks +3 Dex)
+5 Search (3 Ranks +2 Int)
+6 Sleight of Hand (3 Ranks +3 Dex)
+4 Spot (3 Ranks +1 Wis)

Cross-Class Skills:
+3 Knowledge-Art (1 Rank +2 Int)
+3 Knowledge-Occult (1 Rank +2 Int)

Weapon Proficiency(Pistol)

Sanity: 65

Pistol with silencer (Beretta M92)
Two Spare Magazines (loaded)
Shoulder holster
Jeans, T-Shirt and Cheap Corduroy Sports Jacket
Cell Phone
Lockpick Tools
Multipurpose Tool
Pocket Knife

In Apartment:
Ammunition 100 rounds
Disguise Kit
Various Uniforms (police, doctor, etc)

Son of a firefighter and a nurse, Jim enjoyed a fairly middle-class upbringing in the suburbs of Boston. A borderline kleptomaniac and good student, he left Boston to go to college in Los Angeles. His parents wanted him to be a doctor someday, and at their urging he enrolled in a premed course of study in biology. He earned a scholarship, but this proved insufficient for his expensive appetites and he eventually took to petty theft in the dorms to earn extra cash. He was caught and expelled towards the end of his freshman year.

Rather than return to face his parents' wrath at this turn of events, he remained near the unversity campus and resorted to burglary as a full time career. After several years he had begun to develop a rap sheet, but his visits to jail usually brought him more connections to fences adept in moving a variety of valuables, most of which could be easily procured from the homes of the well-to-do-suburbs nearby. His ambition grew and he began to plot ever more difficult heists for more lucrative wares. He would go on to brilliantly pull of the heist of a precious urn from the university's modest art musuem. Sadly, his search for a suitable fence led him straight into the hands of an undercover cop dispatched to recover said urn. He did five years hard time and was released on probation.

The incident attracted national attention, especially among art collectors. One in particular-who lives near the location of our campaign-took note of Jim's cunning theft and resolved to recruit him; he had successfully pulled off the heist and proved himself a worthy burglar, albeit one with poor luck in moving his wares. Samuel Pritchard, a wealthy heir obsessed with the occult, offered him a generous salary and a safe hideout in return for his services. Jim skipped out on his probation and began to do high stakes jobs for the collector, breaking in to private collections and libraries around the country and aquiring rare tomes on the occult. He generally didn't read the texts themselves, as the books were often fragile and precious, but Pritchard was a long-winded sort and liked to speak at length about their contents and historical value when assigning him to a job. Jim thought he was a little crazy and was generally skeptical about the occult, but nevertheless tolerated the man's tirades.

As the campaign begins, Jim is fairly well-compensated by the collector, but will still do the odd side job here and there. Jim shies away from physical confrontation, preferring to use stealth and deception to avoid conflict. He has gained proficiency with a pistol but has never had to use it, though he would would do anything to avoid facing a harsher jail sentence this time around. He is fairly outgoing and driven by curiosity (especially about matters that are none of his business). His tendency to "borrow" random items, though not quite at the stage of being full-blown kleptomania, can nevertheless get him into trouble sometimes; fellow investigators are advised to keep an eye on their wallets.


Pwuck! I got logged out while I wrote my reply. It was crap but it was my crap!

OK. Self indulgent little rant over. Does anyone know how to increase the TimeOut setting?



I don't really know anything about CoC (I can't even spell it :) ) , but I suspect that that might be a plus for the DM.

I haven't got a character idea. But this phrase keeping going through my head: Ghjost Walker and the Keening Blade.

I suspect that the Ghjost Walker part springs from the ShadowDancer class that I read about last week. Keening, as in singing.

Not sure what to do with it though.

Humm ...


Some musings on the subject at hand.

Ghjost Walker and the Keening Sword.

Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 13 (+1)
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 14 (+2)
Cha: 16 (+3)


:: height: 6'1"
:: weight: 200lbs

:: Craft-Mech (base 2) His job.
:: Repair-Auto (base 4) His job.
:: Drive-Bike (base 4) His thing.
:: Craft-Cooking 5 (base 4, int+1) His hobby.
:: Spot 6 (base 4, wis+2) On a bike, your awareness is your crumple zone.
:: Know-PopCulture 5 (base 4, int+1) Once a big manga/anime fan.
:: Listen 5 (base 3, wis+2) See spot.
:: TreatInjury 5 (base3, wis+2) Does some work at the local race track with a riders club. Took a first aide course.
:: Know-Streetwise 3 (base 2, int+1) Likes the odd puff.
:: Bluff 5 (base 2, cha+3, emp+lvl) He's a mechanic: "Looks bad ... "
:: SenceMotive 4 (base2, wis+2, emp+Lvl) See above.

:: Empathy


:: a rebuilt Buell motorbike.
:: an old 45 automatic pistol and some ammo
:: an assortment of ordinary clothes.
:: one dark blue suit
:: a quite extensive collection of manga in boxes
:: an old F100 truck
:: an old 3 bedroom house with a garage. The third room is empty but for a punching bag and some weights in one corner. The truck is parked in the driveway as the space in the garage is taken up by half a dozen old bikes in various stages of repair. Bruder hates to see stuff thrown away. One, a Suzuki 750, is in almost working order, it jst needs some bits reattached.
:: a half decent stero system
:: a mixed bunch of CDs
:: a well stocked fridge - on thing Bruder does get around to is cooking.


Bruder is dead, he just does know it yet. Not "dead" as in the gangster movie "You're a dead man, Bruder!" "dead". But "dead" as in not living at this time.

Of course there are lots of things that Bruder does not know. How to calculate a price-earnings ratio. The difference between Merlot and Shiraz. Angela Jolie's phone number. Useful things to know, certainly. But not quite as ... significant.

He does know that things got pretty f**ked up recently. He knows that since then he can't seem to get his eyes to focus properly on people. He keeps seeing double, like those shadowy images, but with the colours all out of wack, that you get on your TV when the tuning is out. And he doesn't breath any more. He can if he thinks about it, but when he stops thinking about it, he stops breathing. And his heart stops beating. He hasn't been to a doctor because, quite frankly, he doesn't know what to say. " Hi Doc. I don't seem to be breathing and my heart keeps stopping."

And then there is the sword. It looks kind of like a Japanese katana, but more minimalist. He took it down to an antique shop one time, but the way the guy in the shop acted was kreepy. Or perhaps it was the colours. So he took it back and fled. He wished that he hadn't gone there now, the sense that he was being followed and watched started soon after that. The sword is under the couch now.

But give the guy a break. If you woke up each day, shat, showered and shaved, you wouldn't think that you were dead, would you. The old lady down at the little corner shop still calls him "dearie". The hookers down the street still ask him if he wants a little company. The customers at the bike shop still keep trying to hang around and make suggestions while he is working on their bikes.

What would you think?

To top it off, its hasn't been Bruder's month. He has been having some bad dreams lately. Faces and voices, deamons from his past haunt him, taunt him. Each morning he wakes up exausted, the sheets damp with sweat. And his motor contral is going to s**t. The other day he couldn't ge a bl**dy cigarette out of the softpack. He got so pissed off that eventually just ripped the pack apart, along with most of the cigarettes inside.

Bruder's currrent motor control is the residual from his living life. But he is gradually losing that. He has to learn how to control his actions through his spirit. Its a difficult task, and many fail. The dreams are the manifestation of the Ghjost Walker who is trying to guide Bruder to mastery. They are dark and violent because Bruder is resisting them.


Each night Bruder has to make some sort of DC check to see if he has mastered the lesson. Initial lessons would be focused on gaining control and arresting the decay. Lessons then progress onto mastery which can lead to a level of physical ability beyond what originally existed. Perhaps there are a succesion of DC checks of increasing difficulty. Enhancement would be quite difficult.

The sword is a manifestation from the ghost world. A talisman or avatar. Bruder was big into manga and anime as a kid, particulaly anything samurai related. His mastering of the spirit mastery need to survive is not going well as he is reluctant to handle the sword.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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