[Recruiting] stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft [Eberron, 3.5]

Walking Dad

First Post
What do you want to say with:
Expedition to Ravenloft != Ravenloft CS

Did you mean that the adventure isn't the campaign setting? Or only a little bit Eberron stuff on Ravenloft?

I'm fine with both, I think it includes enough of both styles.

I will think about some background for an artificer.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Did you mean that the adventure isn't the campaign setting?
I do know that, but I thought it to include much of it's feeling.
Yes, and no. The Ravenloft CS had its own feeling that evolved (and greatly diverged from) the original I6 module. The feeling of this module is much closer to that of I6 than the CS.

The best way to get a feeling for it is to read through the IC threads. If you want a short intro, start w/ the second IC thread (its shorter, and starts with the initial venture to the Castle). That goes for anyone interested. Not required, but it'll put you in the right frame of mind.


First Post
Going with the native theme: (What are common names among the witches? Quinton doesn't really fit if it is tribal culture.) Instead of being a researcher, he'd be a native. He longs for outside contact and he seeks has researched the curse, potential sources and such. He seeks to defeat the curse when his friends were taken in by evil machinations and to be able to bring others into his home valley.

On the PrC: It you decide it is interesting(the two abilities I like are the one that gains a bonus on spell DCs(undead), and the other is one that converts a half a spells energy damage into positive energy.

I'll have to look through my books again, but I am having trouble finding the "right" PrC. Straight wizard seems boring, how do you feel about archivist in the "witch" role?

Walking Dad

First Post
Sorry, but I fear I have to bow out of this.

Sorry for wasting your time, stonegod. I hope you have no hard feelings, but I simply feel that I don't belong in this game (my problems to get really into already moving games are perhaps the biggest reason).

I hope we will play together another time.
(And I will lurk this rather good story)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'll have to look through my books again, but I am having trouble finding the "right" PrC. Straight wizard seems boring, how do you feel about archivist in the "witch" role?
I do like the class, but the witches are arcane in nature. An archivist could be replacement for the artificer in "Time to Stand Up" as a member of the expedition (and thus originally from Morgrave, though more likely tied to the Twelve). They'd have to be focused on AoE spells (e.g., probably a bunch of druid spells likely).

Sorry, but I fear I have to bow out of this.
Understood: Getting into established games can be problematic.


First Post
Going with the archivist idea...What would I know of the caravan leaders and the caravan itself(without reading too much in the IC thread)? A general reason why this character would be willing to go to the PCs to help would be along the lines of perhaps the caravan leaders have some knowledge, whether it be secret(they are protecting somebody infected with lycanthropy, or just general knowledge of some sort that would be helpful.) A reason why this character would go on this expedition in the first place could be because the Twelve sent him there, and possibly because he would possess an aberrant mark, and sees the valley as a source(the curse keeps people from entering, but does it prevent their leaving? Maybe he was born on the outskirts, and now finally dares to return home.)

Edit: Just making sure, the SC is not allowed right?
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very cool setting-within-a-setting for Eberron!
Just really skimmed but your ideas might work well for and extension of wotc's 4e adventure series...
(now sure how sold I am on the nentir valley thing yet... Just doesn't feel very eberron to me...)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Going with the archivist idea...What would I know of the caravan leaders and the caravan itself(without reading too much in the IC thread)? <trim>
The leader of the caravan is an archivist of the Twelve named Mateusz Ochem (a Karrn). He's not really a nice guy: His only care is getting the Tome, not any of the problems of the valley. As an archivist of the caravan, you'd know it pretty much a slavedriver and treats his subordinates poorly. The only reason he seems to tolerate the PCs is that they are hired by the Twelve; they are not his direct subordinates.

Aberrant mark + member of the Twelve's expedition makes for all sort of interesting potential troubles. We actually already have a PC just like that...

The Twelve knew nothing about the Valley or the Curse: They were looking for an ancient historical/necromatic artifact called the "Tome of Strahd". Everything else just... happened.

If the residents are to believed, the Curse keeps folks in as well as keeping others out.

Edit: Just making sure, the SC is not allowed right?
Per spell basis (need to ask).

very cool setting-within-a-setting for Eberron!
Just really skimmed but your ideas might work well for and extension of wotc's 4e adventure series...
(now sure how sold I am on the nentir valley thing yet... Just doesn't feel very eberron to me...)
Thanks! Haven't read too much on the 4E valley (trying to minimize KoTS spoilage).


First Post
Thus far, I seem to be the only one interested. I don't know why, you seem a great DM. Perhaps it is because of joining an existing game. Do you want me to put together a little bit of crunch while we see if anybody else wants to jump aboard?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Thus far, I seem to be the only one interested. I don't know why, you seem a great DM. Perhaps it is because of joining an existing game. Do you want me to put together a little bit of crunch while we see if anybody else wants to jump aboard?
Sounds like a good idea. Remember to flush out the personality (quirks, etc.) as well and the crunch. Details on creation should be above or in the RG.

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