Recruitment- PLANESCAPE: Intrigue. Reopened

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As a FYI to everyone, this thread is not first come, first serve. I'll accept character applications until I feel that I have a good group to move forward with.

My initial thought was 4, and I'm hoping to keep it capped at 4 because more can be unwieldy on PbP, but I will likely accept 5-6 before I close the recruitment thread, and pick 4 to start with. The remaining characters will be on reserve/standby.

In other words, you do not have to rush to get your characters out, take your time to bring the characters to life.

Currently have 2 fully complete characters.
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A third character's backstory has been submitted, and is nearly complete. A lot of wonderful potential.

As a side note: I won't be picking the final 4 based on class balance - only backstory and opportunity for plot hooks. Don't worry about checking boxes. It's okay if the party doesn't have a primary healer, arcane spell caster, or tank. Don't feel as if you have to balance things out, or multi class. Having a deficiency will make things more fun and interesting, and allow for creative problem solving as well as help me tailor my NPC party member to the group.

A third character's backstory has been submitted, and is nearly complete. A lot of wonderful potential.

As a side note: I won't be picking the final 4 based on class balance - only backstory and opportunity for plot hooks. Don't worry about checking boxes. It's okay if the party doesn't have a primary healer, arcane spell caster, or tank. Don't feel as if you have to balance things out, or multi class. Having a deficiency will make things more fun and interesting, and allow for creative problem solving as well as help me tailor my NPC party member to the group.
I was away on the weekend and just got back so I can put some work in tonight or tomorrow

I just sent my background and everything via DM. Sorry for the delay, I'm usually very responsive with pvp but I tend to chat about character ideas and bounce stuff back and forth so doing it all via DM is slower for me.

@Nordom Do the secrets have to actually be secret to the other players? Is this going to be part of the game?


I just sent my background and everything via DM. Sorry for the delay, I'm usually very responsive with pvp but I tend to chat about character ideas and bounce stuff back and forth so doing it all via DM is slower for me.

@Nordom Do the secrets have to actually be secret to the other players? Is this going to be part of the game?
Thank you! I'll take a look now and respond, excited to read it.

The secrets can start as secrets to other players, but your character can reveal them as they see fit. Based on your character, you can feel free to share as little or as much of your secrets and background as you see fit.


I have 3 completed characters, and 2 characters nearly complete.

Now that I have 5, I will close recruitment for now, and pick 4 of the 5 to start the game. Unfortunately that means one of these thoughtfully crafted characters will be on reserve/standby. Will let you know my decision once all the characters are complete. Looking to start the game in 48 hours.

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