Please don't start a flame war as the tone of this might seem hostile to people that love the new editions, and I am not trying to be hostile, I just need to explain what I am looking for!
Okay, so here goes...
Reading all the recent stuff on the new Tasha's book has reminded me that D&D ain't what it used to be. As with the later versions of 3.X I remember reading, classes have become so completely customizable that, IMHO, they are completely pointless. I miss the days when a character's class was important and making that choice had a serious impact cause that's what you were gonna play for the next X number of levels. I also miss the days when there was no race cause elf was a class, not a race. So...
Is there a modernized version of the Red Box D&D that includes the elf and dwarf and halfling classes. Hoomans get to be fighters, or mages, or thiefs, or clerics. There is no multiclasses, or, uh, cross-classes or whatever they were called. Plus, I always hated the THAC0, so I would love if it did the AC is a bonus and rolling higher is better and that kind of thing. Anyway I'm probably asking for the moon, just wondering cause I would love to play an old school campaign again one day, but really, THAC0 can suck it! [emoji39]