OSR Red Box, but like modern I guess?!?!?

LotFP has arguably the best Thief skill fix built right in. All skills in the game work on an "x in 6" chance on a six sider, like Open Doors or Hear Noise do for everyone anyway from OD&D through AD&D. Everyone basically starts with a 1 in 6 chance for all skills. Specialists (the Thief substitute class) are the only ones who get to add pips, and add more as they advance in level, choosing where they want them to go.

Yeah, but Engines & Empires did it first. Just sayin'. :P

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If you want all the old school stuff with the modern ways of doing things....

Just play 5e with these limits:
Humans - can be Fighters, Clerics, Rogues, or Wizards.
1/2lings - can only be Fighters
Dwarfs - can only be Fighters
Elves - can only be be MC Fighter/Wizards. They must meet the MC restrictions at 1st lv, they begin with both classes at lv.1, and as they advance they must divide their xp in two & split it between their two classes (essentially it takes an elf double the xp to lv up as they're supporting two classes)

There are no other classes, there are no other races, there are no other race/class combos and other than with Elves there's no MC allowed. And Tasha's is not allowed.
No other changes to 5e.

There, I've saved you from having to read through about a dozen things all trying to copy the old stuff. Or having to rewrite the attack & save charts if you just pulled out the actual old stuff.
This is an awesome post. And, as Mannahni mentioned, if you download the 5e rules for free, you can do all this for free. The only thing that I would add, CCS, is that I think the default halfling class should be rogue. If you did this and keep feats and multi classing out, as you mention, then it would really play like Basic and for new players, it would be a much easier transition to playing the game with more options once they are accustomed to the game.

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