D&D 5E Redeeming Drow?


For the second time ever I'm running a Drow campaign. Two of the players picked clerics of Elistraee and another a Paladin of Redemption following Elistraee.

I did a players guide 101 for the Drow of FR. They started in Szith Morcane and just passed through the Lake of Shadows.

They encountered some Drow survivors who survived the fall of Maerimydra. There's a variety of safe spits they can get food from and there's a few hidden Mad Max type settlements.

A remnant population is enslaved in Maerimydra.

Anyway they used create food and water to feed the survivors and revealed they followed Elistraee.

The Drow took the food but kind of laughed at them but some were "the goddess is with them" and "what's Lolth done for us since her silence"?

None were priestesses of Lolth.

Anyway I don't anticipate them redeeming the Drow en masses but redeeming some is doable IMHO 10-30% idk.

I've set it up where faith in Lolth us weak but Elistraee is kind of viewed as weak/useless.

Any ideas? Not sure if they will set Maerimydra up to send redeemed Drow to surface or lead redeemed Drow to the Dalelands themselves.

They saved an NPC surface Elf so they're making an effort I suppose to be good.

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A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
With sentient beings, I treat the society as being evil. Those within it may act evil from brain washing, fear, etc. Many of course have bought all into it because they were raised in that culture and persistent evils exist in societies because their is a lot of effort spent on apologetics, philosophical unpinning, and peer pressure in favor of the evil. But intelligent beings with souls can change, some come to it on their own and fight against or resist the evil to varying degrees based on their ability and courage. Others can have a change of heart when removed from that society and its influences. Some may not have a real change of heart but they are pragmatic and are more self interested than actually being true believers. They can at least change their behaviors if not their hearts.

An interesting historical parallel may be german prisoners of war in US concentration camps in the United States in WW II. Many of the german prisoners were "reformed" somewhat or a whole lot, but there were Nazi true believers who held fast to their beliefs and sense of patriotism and would take revenge on their country men in the camps they viewed as traitors.

Another angle, which you already hinted at, as that many of the lower class drow are victims themselves. With the ruling class gone and the destruction of their society, they seem ripe for building a new society and adopting new ways.


With sentient beings, I treat the society as being evil. Those within it may act evil from brain washing, fear, etc. Many of course have bought all into it because they were raised in that culture and persistent evils exist in societies because their is a lot of effort spent on apologetics, philosophical unpinning, and peer pressure in favor of the evil. But intelligent beings with souls can change, some come to it on their own and fight against or resist the evil to varying degrees based on their ability and courage. Others can have a change of heart when removed from that society and its influences. Some may not have a real change of heart but they are pragmatic and are more self interested than actually being true believers. They can at least change their behaviors if not their hearts.

An interesting historical parallel may be german prisoners of war in US concentration camps in the United States in WW II. Many of the german prisoners were "reformed" somewhat or a whole lot, but there were Nazi true believers who held fast to their beliefs and sense of patriotism and would take revenge on their country men in the camps they viewed as traitors.

Another angle, which you already hinted at, as that many of the lower class drow are victims themselves. With the ruling class gone and the destruction of their society, they seem ripe for building a new society and adopting new ways.

That's why I did it. Makes sense from the CotSQ Adventure and my idea still works if the players chose to be Lolthites.

They're still evil but there's wiggle room.

Just don't want to knock off Drizzts storyline.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
I don't think it is a knock of Drizzts storyline, but I haven't read the books, so I'm not a good judge. My understanding, however, is that Drizzt LEFT Drow society. In this case you have pockets of survivors. They didn't have an awakening and have an exodus from a powerful and fully-functioning evil society. Their evil society collapsed and they are having to eke out a survival and rebuild. Excellent opportunity to influence a group to rebuild a better society.


I don't think it is a knock of Drizzts storyline, but I haven't read the books, so I'm not a good judge. My understanding, however, is that Drizzt LEFT Drow society. In this case you have pockets of survivors. They didn't have an awakening and have an exodus from a powerful and fully-functioning evil society. Their evil society collapsed and they are having to eke out a survival and rebuild. Excellent opportunity to influence a group to rebuild a better society.

Yeah I don't think they'll redeem the lot and they don't reveal their faith to large groups of Drow eg Szith Morcane.

Original idea was free the slaves in Maerimydra but I turned a random encounter from Xanathars into a pocket of survivors and the PCs went with it.

I'll build in that and do more pickets if post apocalyptic survivors I think.

The other Drow gods are active though in the game.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I don't think it is a knock of Drizzts storyline, but I haven't read the books, so I'm not a good judge. My understanding, however, is that Drizzt LEFT Drow society. In this case you have pockets of survivors. They didn't have an awakening and have an exodus from a powerful and fully-functioning evil society. Their evil society collapsed and they are having to eke out a survival and rebuild. Excellent opportunity to influence a group to rebuild a better society.
so build a better civilisation from the ruins plot line?

Sure go on.
Drow society is lock in an evil loop.
To acquire Lolth favor and power you do evil act, that make enemies, and to survive your enemies you ask for more favor and power from Lolth doing more evil act, ....
If the loop is broken for any reason you can have new bahavior.

Voidrunner's Codex

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