D&D 5E Redeeming Drow?


Sure go on.
Drow society is lock in an evil loop.
To acquire Lolth favor and power you do evil act, that make enemies, and to survive your enemies you ask for more favor and power from Lolth doing more evil act, ....
If the loop is broken for any reason you can have new bahavior.

More or less how I see it.

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You could create sword & sandals stories with drows about inhuman civilitations who learn to respect the human dignity and discover the difference between true leaders and toxic bosses/tyrants. Of course that could need centuries, but it is not totally impossible.


You could create sword & sandals stories with drows about inhuman civilitations who learn to respect the human dignity and discover the difference between true leaders and toxic bosses/tyrants. Of course that could need centuries, but it is not totally impossible.

Would take centuries. I don't think anyone is thinking mass conversion.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
You could create sword & sandals stories with drows about inhuman civilitations who learn to respect the human dignity and discover the difference between true leaders and toxic bosses/tyrants. Of course that could need centuries, but it is not totally impossible.
I am fairly certain there is a market for this I could see this on a bestseller list.

When you learn something about leadership, toxic bosses and loyalty you notice you haven't to sacrifice yourself for something you doesn't worry about you, doesn't respect you, and then your faith and trust is for somebody who deserves.

The evil deities have got the power, but not true loyalty but if you offer a common goals, for example a better future for your kindred. If they are totally selfish then they will be too busy with their game of thrones and will fail against a group with true will of sacrifice.

Somebody tries to follow the right path and she is killed as a saint martyr. It doesn't sound as a happy end, or does it? If her soul goes to a better place, one of the celestial planes, because she died "with honor" then you should wonder about... Maybe those deaths can later troubles to the infernal outsiders, for example the weapon used to kill a martyr may become a "sacred relic", working as a blessed weapon against evil supernatural creatures.

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
The bigger question is why non-successful drow would choose Lloth's almost sarcastic incompetence if given an alternative.
lots of people will jump to a thing if it promises to make their life better and if you're used to being at the bottom it is an attractive thing.


Dances with Gnolls
I think it would work fine.

As others said, you can convert ones that want to convert, or ones that see pragmatic advantages to it, but there should be those that simple don't want to.

Maybe even some that feign conversion and report it to others, actual powerful devotees of Llolth. Throw some wrenches in to the gears. Spy hunts can be fun, if done correctly. And it sets the players up for an opportunity to display the virtues of their 'better' goddess. Or not... depending on your players.


The bigger question is why non-successful drow would choose Lloth's almost sarcastic incompetence if given an alternative.
When you grow up in a society where you see constant propaganda, you tend to believe the propaganda. You see it in the real world all the time. A maniac spewing lies to followers will be believed, despite how ridiculous and outlandish the claims, because enough people buy into it to allow people to overlook the absolute ridiculous idiocy of what is being said.

In my setting, the drow, and pretty much everything living in my expansive Underdark, live in isolated cities where information from the outside world is rare. Those that doubt the official story are either killed, outcast, or adjusted. Lolth, in particular, as the Lady of Deception, uses misinformation and manipulation to keep the followers in line. The drow in her service generally believe they are doing what is necessary to preserve the drow way of life from the surface threats, and that preemptive strikes and attacks are the only thing keeping the inevitable surface invasion at bay.


I think it would work fine.

As others said, you can convert ones that want to convert, or ones that see pragmatic advantages to it, but there should be those that simple don't want to.

Maybe even some that feign conversion and report it to others, actual powerful devotees of Llolth. Throw some wrenches in to the gears. Spy hunts can be fun, if done correctly. And it sets the players up for an opportunity to display the virtues of their 'better' goddess. Or not... depending on your players.

Vhaeruns planning on doing this.

The Drow are nominally loyal to Lolth but there's very few priestesses around and Szith Morcane is kind of a low key magocracy.

There's only two priestesses, ones heading for Maerimydra the other ones being corrupted by a Vhaerunite.

Any Drow survivors in the wilds thinking of making them agnostic.

PCs likely to meet a Drow Druid this week.

Voidrunner's Codex

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