Pathfinder 2E Release Day Second Edition Amazon Sales Rank


For some perspective I just looked at Pathfinder and Vampire. They don’t even list their rankings. Call of Cthulhu is listed.


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And the market shares of the top five RPGs from awesome dice


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The whole "success" things is a beaten dead horse from upthread.

You can find me predicting that PF2E will not end up having the same marketplace presence as PF1E. I believe they could have (yep, that is an assumption) and I certainly think they had a built in fanbase that could have made PF2E bigger and more sustained than what we will ultimately see.

Just look at the Fantasy Grounds update. Prior to the March boom PF2E was not showing any growth. And in March PF1E actually increased by more than PF2E. For a game more than 6 months established, that isn't a good sign.

There isn't any data to suggest that PF2E is catching on or growing.


Why post those? Perspective. I think we are overanalyzing P2 either to prove it a success or a failure based on past performance of PF1. Its a wholly different market and Pathfinder at one point fell out of the top 5!


Thats kinda the point. I love PF, but I have everything I need for that system. I stopped being a subscriber long ago and was buying very little. PF was done and NEEDED to be replaced. So the very fact that you are comparing PF2E sales to a game that everybody already own and has outlived its market life is a very bad sign. PF should be ancient history.

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