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Rel's Faded Glory II (Thanks Old One) Final Update 7/14


Liquid Awesome
Alrighty, gang, I'm going to stop posting stuff about my job woes and start posting more story hour. Just in case I somehow attract another reader or two down the line, I don't want a big self-pitty-fest sitting in the middle of my story hour thread. But I do offer one final thanks to you guys for your support.

I'll be posting several new updates in the next few days. I'm going to intersperse the action updates (as the party continues to try to battle their way out of the temple) with summaries from the Jounal they recovered in the Oubliette. That way I can keep you from getting bored at having to read one giant chunk of journal text. I hope you enjoy this format.

Journal of Titus Pontius Macer

The creature encountered in the oubliette is Titus Pontius Macer. He was left behind in the Temple of Bane to record the last days of the faith until “The Rekindling”. He kept a journal for most of the first century after the Death of Bane but it is largely indecipherable due to the madness that quickly overtook him after his transformation to undeath.

The journal tell of the history of the Cult of Bane in the Northlands:

They originally came at the behest of the Druids who desired their aid against the Elves of the Greatwood. Those Elves had become possessed of some foul force and began to use their powers to pervert nature to their own ends. The Druids could not abide this but at the time they were a small and insular group that enjoyed little acceptance in the Empire. They called upon the aid of the Cult.

The Banites swept into the Darkwood (as it was coming to be called) and set up a stronghold. This stronghold would later become the site for their temple. Upon entering the conflict with the Elves, they were initially frustrated by the elven Druid’s capabilities to Reincarnate their fallen to be sent back into battle. In response, the cult adopted the practice of making sure they retained the bodies of the fallen Elves and reanimating the corpses. This prevented the reincarnation and provided the Cult with a steady workforce of undead to aid in construction of the temple.

Initially, some of the Druids objected to this practice. But its brutal effectiveness at turning a foe into a disconcerting and unfeeling ally was above reproach. Eventually, the leaders among the Druids fully endorsed the practice and even facilitated it by using their swift means of movement through the wilderness to deliver the elven bodies back to the temple. This extended to them combing the woods for signs of battle between the two elven factions and delivering the dead of both sides to the Cult for reanimation.

The uncorrupted Elves objected strongly to this. The Druids pain no heed to their pleas for several reasons. First, they were the cause of these problems by virtue of the dark pact that caused the corruption in the first place. Then, when the fighting turned really ugly, many of the Elves retreated to the south rather than fight former friends and family for the Greatwood. That meant they were clearly outnumbered and on the losing end of most of the battles. The Druids figured that the least they could do was contribute the bodies of their fallen to the cause of defeating the corrupted Elves.

But the Elves on both sides quickly learned a way to counter this. Before battle, they would cut off a braid of hair and leave them with their own priests and Druids. In the event that they were killed, they would quickly be raised or reincarnated such that their bodies could not be turned into undead…

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Liquid Awesome
Hey guys. My job hunt in the last week or so has been more fruitful than I anticipated. I've had several interviews and yesterday I got two job offers. So I've had less time to work on the Story Hour than I thought I would. All things considered, I'm glad it worked out this way.

I'll update when I can but I'm going to try and make it at least a modest pace of one per week.


Registered User

Nice to hear you got a job again, Rel!

No worries about the storyhour, it's not as important as you not sitting with wife and kid under a bridge :D


First Post
Sorry to come in late on this, but congrats Rel! It's always such a relief to get that job and get everything back on track. Including Story Hours (hint hint). I want to see how the campaign ends (blood-saturated, rat-bastardly TPK?).


First Post

Don't you just give a huge sigh of relief? I know that I felt a huge burden lifted from my shoulders when I was offered a job. Good luck with the new job, and I'll keep an eye open for your next writing!


Liquid Awesome
Thanks guys. We're gaming again tonight (in the new campaign) but I should hopefully have some time to write more before the end of the week.


Liquid Awesome
Sorry guys. I was babysitting all week last week while my wife worked and then we went on vacation.

Maybe this week...(sigh)


First Post

Hey Rel :D just did a little catch up readin and got to say I'm beginning to really like Scar, heh... Religion Wrecker... I like the sound of that :) I mean what else are you supposed to do with an altar to an evil God besides defile it :) lol. Well glad to hear things have been goin well for you and I'm lookin forward to a new update when you get the chance


Liquid Awesome
Screw it. If I keep waiting around until I feel like I have a nice big chunk of time to write and I'm not tired and I feel at the height of creativity, I'll never get to it. I'm just gonna pound this thing out in chunks whenever I get a few minutes. So pardon me if the updates are small and don't always end at the proper place for a dramatic pause. On the up side, there should be more frequent (if smaller) updates if I do it this way.

And I'm not begging for your comments and such, but if you do care to make a remark or two, it might help me get some momentum going again. That is if anybody still cares to read this thing. ("Rel? Yes, that's a name I recall from the times of antiquity. I figured the bastard must have died by now.")


Yet Another Nasty Fight While The Party Has Virtually No Spells Or Hit Points (or Rel Vies For Rat Bastard Of The Year)

The party raced toward the entrance to the sanctuary, hoping to escape before they were cornered. Such was not to be however and a pair of undead wolves raced into the evil Temple and engaged Scar before they had a chance to react.

The half orc managed to fend off the bites of the undead canines for the moment at least while Raven moved to attack a shadowy figure moving into the temple. The dwarf found himself suddenly face to face with the lithe form of an elf who wasted no time in slashing at him with a sickle. But Raven too held his own for the time being.

Speaks with Stone glanced back to see that Scar had the wolves at bay for the moment and moved to aid Raven with his spear. The druid had few of his spells left after the epic battles in the bowels of the Temple. As Speaks moved into the passage leading into the sanctuary, an arrow flew from the darkness and struck him causing a minor wound.

A moment later, one of the wolves suddenly shifted his attack from Scar to the already injured Scrubs the bear. The yellowed teeth of the unliving wolf gripped the neck of the bear savagely (critical) and the mighty Scrubs slumped to the floor of the Temple.

Scar lashed out at the other wolf and splintered a few ribs from the creature but it fought on relentlessly. Raven pressed forward, swinging his hammer with religious fervor and connected with his elven assailant with a satisfying thud. Speaks noted Scrubs falling and cringed inwardly but he couldn't abandon the dwarf against the evil Dark Druids and struck out unsuccessfully with his spear.

Scar struck with accuracy once again and flindered the skeletal wolf that he fought. He readied himself to recieve the assault of the second one that he was certain was coming. But instead, that wolf continued to rend the fallen Scrubs. Scar observed with horror as the wolf sank its teeth deeper into the bear's neck and suddenly the floor was covered with blood.

Speaks cried out with rage and thrust his spear at the elf in front of him while Raven maneuvered behind the evil druid and struck again. It was clear that the elf wouldn't last long against the fury of the party.

The other elven druid had laid aside his bow but instead of closing, he waved his hands and spoke words of power as a ball of fire burst into being and rolled down the hallway toward Raven. The dwarf, never the most nimble of warriors, yelled in rage as the Flaming Sphere seared his skin.

Scar raced to the side of the fallen Scrubs and with a mighty swing of his hammer shattered the skeletal wolf into a scattered pile of bones. He then wheeled and moved toward the temple entrance where the rest of the battle raged.

Seeing that Scar had destroyed the other wolf and was coming to aid Raven, Speaks withdrew in a desperate effort to save the bear. Raven swung his hammer again but, distracted by the pain of the ball of fire pressing into his flank, his strike went wide, clanging off of the evil stones of the Temple.

Seeking to check the onrushing Half-Orc, the Dark Druid who was still not engaged in melee guided the Flaming Sphere at Scar. But Scar leapt over the fiery obstacle and kept coming like a spirit of vengeance. He crashed into the Druid with whom Raven was locked in battle and his hammer struck home, dropping the elf to the floor. Raven wheeled on the remaining Druid and launched himself toward him as fast as his short legs would carry him.

Meanwhile, back in the sanctuary, Speaks moved to the side of his fallen companion, Scrubs and readied his last minor healing spell. He was immeasurably relieved to see that Scrubs began to stir even as he moved by his side. But his relief turned to sorrowful horror as the bear rose from the floor with a pale blue glow of evil emanating from his eyes...

NEXT: Yep, I'm a bastard. No question about it.

Wow. That felt good. I'll try to post another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading.

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