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The Word Love

Sometimes, when you think of the word Love, you wish you could write it down onto a small little piece of paper and then rip it up into a thousand little pieces and then toss it, scatter it to the winds and hope it'll take you somewhere better then in the place you are standing right now.

I've felt like that...

Where a frozen smile resides when the world jes feels like it's dropped away from you. That sinking sensation that occurs because the dreams you've surrounded yourself get swept away in a whirlwind, in a blink of an eye so unexpectedly. Where you feel your heart hammer, hear it echo more loudly then the thousand screams that want to release and become free. Yet you sit there, and jes hope you don't have that deer in the headlights look in your eyes, that your smile is not false, or not genuine.

You fill your mind with inconsequential thoughts, because I've realized, even with one unguarded second, a tear can fall. It's harder to stop the shake of your hands when they start, it's harder to stop the tears when they begin to fill, it's harder to stop the knot in your throat when it begins to tighten. You grit your teeth with the pain of it, and fill it with obscurity.

I don't want to feel like that again...

I want to dream a new dream. Find an anamoly, much like myself. See the world again, with a new set of eyes. Where the world is not such a tragedy. Where love is not bought, but felt and realized with each moment. Where Forever is a reality. Where respect is not just a word, but ingrained in one's character. Where love can be unguarded, and free because trust is one of the pillars it builds upon.

I want the morning to begin with a kiss, and end with one, with a thousand kisses in between. Where laughter is the norm.

The best thing about dreams, is you can always dream a new one. How simple it can start. It can start with a smile, a laugh, a whistle, a teasing or sarcastic remark, even a word. Something out of the ordinary to catch your eye, your ear, not an everyday occurrence, but something to give you pause.

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