Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. ( CLOSED. )

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TwistedMindInc said:
As I don't have a map online, I haveta put to test my fabulous paint skills and doodle you guys up one. Please bear with me.
And this is why my scanner and my book of graph paper have a spot of worship in my house. *shudders* I hate drawing in paint.


First Post
Ok, we've hit a minor set back. I left my D&D stuff over at my 'rents when I was doin' laundry, and I won't be gettin' them 'til tomorrow. As soon as I can, I will update. Basically the map shows a draw bridge with a moat around a manor. Fancy that.


First Post
Ok. As most of you may have noticed, I haven't been very active recently.. this week especially. Most of this has to do with spending what I feel was waaaay too much time at doctor's appointments. I've been sick and just today's visit left me with a few stitches. So. This is what I'm going to do. I don't want the game to fall by the wayside, but it'll be a little overwhelming to try to instantly catch up on everything (as this isn't my only game ). My plans are I'm going to take the next week to slowly get everything back in order. By giving myself a week to do so, I won't feel pressured to hurry up and update, and you guys won't feel left out or that I'm dropping the game entirely. Once I update, feel free to respond.. just know that I may not jump right on another update. I'm hoping by giving myself a time frame I'll be back to my updatin' crazy self in no time.


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All right, I'm back. Sort of. Here is the picture. Moat House

You are coming in via the path to the draw bridge, so you.. I guess, if Yun wanted to scale the wall.. he could? But you guys haven't even crossed the drawbridge yet.

Dire Lemming

First Post
Oh, I see, in that case Yun will carefully appoach the drawbridge, keeping an eye on the top of the wall until he reaches it, then examine the bridge itself to see if it looks safe to cross. He'll also take a look at the moat in an attempt to see how deep it is.

Voidrunner's Codex

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