Review of Ultramodern 4 by Dias Ex Machina

Layout issues have been fixed with a recent update, thanks for the positive review...

Layout issues have been fixed with a recent update, thanks for the positive review...

Dias Ex Machina

Publisher / Game Designer
Unfortunately, this is not the first time RPGNow has buggered one of our files. I just downloaded the file and it appears fine. Try downloading again and see if the problem repeats. Keep me updated...

....and thanks for the positive comments. Tell others.

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I was talking about the hard-cover printouts. I'm old. My eyes don't like trying to read large volumes of text on a screen for hours on end while I try to digest rules. I buy actual books.
As for the rest, there are a few typos, but way fewer than WotC!!! I'm not sure of the mechanics on some things, but maybe if I keep reading it will make more sense.

Voidrunner's Codex

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