D&D 5E Revising Classic Settings


Lawyer by day. Rules lawyer by night.
I have never understood the allure of Dark Sun
Originally, it was D&D without dungeons or dragons. It was something radically different from the familiar tropes and, in fact, flipped the majority of tropes.

Burly bearded dwarven barbarians with battleaxes? Dwarves have no hair and steel weapons are rare.

Spellcasters wielding spells? The world is cut off from magic. If you cast a spell, it will kill the life around it.

Paladins fighting in plate mail armor? Even if you had enough metal for a suit of armor and the locals didn't all try to kill you for it, you would wind up dead from heat exhaustion.

Dragons? There is one dragon and he is a hella evil sorcerer who killed countless thousands of people for enough life force to power his transformation into a dragon.

It was a beautifully different setting because of how alien it was. It was Conan and Dying Earth and Heavy Metal all rolled into one.

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Steeliest of the dragons
Originally, it was D&D without dungeons or dragons. It was something radically different from the familiar tropes and, in fact, flipped the majority of tropes.

Burly bearded dwarven barbarians with battleaxes? Dwarves have no hair and steel weapons are rare.

Spellcasters wielding spells? The world is cut off from magic. If you cast a spell, it will kill the life around it.

Paladins fighting in plate mail armor? Even if you had enough metal for a suit of armor and the locals didn't all try to kill you for it, you would wind up dead from heat exhaustion.

Dragons? There is one dragon and he is a hella evil sorcerer who killed countless thousands of people for enough life force to power his transformation into a dragon.

It was a beautifully different setting because of how alien it was. It was Conan and Dying Earth and Heavy Metal all rolled into one.
I am aware of what Dark Sun's hooks, attempted anti-"tropes," were.

None of this makes me like it or wish to play it (or see it revisited/reprinted) any more than before.

But thanks.


Spelljammer was another campaign world I missed that I’d like to see be brought back, using the Astromundi Cluster & Rock of Braal as the basic location. Mix in the old Crystal spheres with the Astral Sea and you could have adventures between worlds within a “system” or travel outward past the sphere’s edge into other prime planes (via the old phlogiston method) or other planes - perhaps via gates akin to those from Stargate/Stargate Atlantis.

Imagine if in D&D black holes led to the Abyss...

Voidrunner's Codex

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