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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)

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Allrighty then. For expediency sake, I guess just charge us a small fee for appraisal taken out of whatever we sell them for and then we'll split the earnings.


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Another question- how do you want to handle the recruiting for the next adventure BigB? Do you want to post the notice in the RDI or do Phoenix and Lookspring RP it? Another question- what if nobody volunteers (due to already being in the Mega adventure or whatever)? I think I remember you saying that we should pick up a few 5th to 6th level people to go back to the island with. Not sure how many are left in the RDI unspoken for now. If we can't get anyone (or enough to make it work) what do we do then?


First Post
I am ok with speeding up the appraisal, I do not have my notes with me so saturday or sunday I will post those amounts. I don't think you will be disappointed. Id say you have good amount.

For recruiting I will post in general discussion thread that we need a few adventurers. Perhaps one of you could mention something in RDI. You still have some time in Orussus so maybe another adventure will end soon. If 2 charge ahead you should make good use of that loot!


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Rowan McTavish is a Bar3/Ftr1/Ran1 & is available for adventure. He's keen on treasure & not overly concerned w/morality. If one of you tries to recruit, he'll jump at it. he's not one for big parties like the most of the others are going to...


First Post
Excellent, the more meat between me and the monsters the better!

I won't be able to post much until monday. Just moved to a new house and won't have internet for a while, just during the week when I'm at work.


First Post
Manzanita said:
Rowan McTavish is a Bar3/Ftr1/Ran1 & is available for adventure. He's keen on treasure & not overly concerned w/morality. If one of you tries to recruit, he'll jump at it. he's not one for big parties like the most of the others are going to...

ooc:I think they would welcome someone with Rowans mix of skills/magic/fighting and they may just have the perfect enticement to bring Rowan in.


First Post
Phoenix and Lookspring begin asking around for someone to appraise their pearls and gold nuggets. A street boy confronts them he is dressed shabbily and insists he knows of someone that can not only appraise the items but purchase them from the adventurers. Before showing the way he insists on 3sp for his time. He says he has to support his family as his father has not come home for months. Phoenix and Lookspring insist on the boy taking them first and if satisfied they will pay him his price. A rare moment of generosity for Lookspring. ;)

Upon reaching the destination you arrive at a side door to a blacksmith shop. It is tidy and everyone is busy making this and that. The sign over the door reads Stonebenders Smithy. A young man approaches and asks how he can help. After hearing what you want he replies. It just so happens that master Cepheus gave instructions for us to purchase some supplies for making ornamental weapons. You know the kind that Lords wear to look fancy but dont work so well. Cepheus says there is big business in this area although he intends to make them functional also. Anyway back to your business let me retrieve the owner master Stonebender. He will appraise the items and make you an offer. The boy leaves the room by a set of stairs.
A moment later the boy and an aged Dwarf come down the stairs. The boy returns to his forge and the Dwarf approaches. I hear you got some goods for appraisal. Itll cost ye 1% of yer value unless you sell to me, then appraisal is free. The street boy tugs at Phoenix armor with a smile and his hand out. After receiving his payment he leaves. The Dwarf takes the party to a set of scales and beins loading the gold. Once he is satisfied he does the same with the pearls. He then inspects the samples with a device (magnifying glass). He then announces. Gold nuggets total worth is 500gp and pearls total worth is 400 and I can offer another 50gp for the pretty box ifn your sellin it. He spits in his hand and extends it... We got a deal?

OoC: You can take care of your business as needed and let me know when you are ready to continue. Also let me know if you want to sell to the dwarf. Cepheus is one of my characters and Stonebenders Smithy is basicall his, Stonebender semi retired and left him in charge but Cepheus is on adventure. This transaction is story only, no gain for my character or the shop.

Voidrunner's Codex

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