Rise of Tiamat - Intro

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"I believe the smith and the wizard were two different people," Ana says. "They may wish to know we put the poor beast out of its misery after it chewed its own head off. But we should wait until morning to call upon the wizard."

OOC: Oops, forgot about the pearl needed for identify. Ana can't afford to buy one. Identify must be one of the most recent spells she transcribed. So no casting identify tonight.


Ashur grins as Bannor mentions that he is not a people person. Scratching his stubbled chin he laughs.

"Well I guess we are out of luck then, Im more of a people catching person." he shrugs and pulls out some gold. "But I find this usually is a pretty good substitute for charm."

"We should at least let him know that the situation is changed."


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
"The shield is down. Let us go and see this Oracle." Dumos quickly looks for an entrance.

"Agreed, Dumos," Robyn says, "The way the captain was unceremoniously dumped on the ground was a bit of a surprise. I suppose that's what he gets for cavalierly leaning on an invisible, magical field. But just the same, we should be wary of trouble. It's possible the magic field kept trouble in as much as kept it out."
Robyn shifts his shield into position just to be ready in case of danger.



OOC: Okay, this is hacky as all naughty word, but I will have enough trouble getting this game anywhere near a conclusion with only two parties, so I'm not even going to try to maintain three. I had thoughts of making quite a dungeon out of this temple for Dumos and Robyn, but it's not worth sticking with that plan under these dubious circumstances. So instead, here goes nothing.

Though cautious at first, Dumos and Robyn quickly find the Temple to be deserted and tranquil, with only the sounds of a single conversation echoing through the quiet halls. Following the hushed words until they begin to become intelligible, at which point they quickly conclude, the two soon walk into a room where two figures sit, one quite obviously the chief cleric of this temple, an ancient greybeard wearing all three holy symbols. The other figure is a middle-aged woman, her red hair in a conservative bun; nothing much suggests that she's an oracle, beyond the fact that she looks up exactly as you walk into the room, despite your feet having made no noise on the carpeted floor. "Welcome, both of you. I will spare you the bother of introducing myself; suffice to say that Mystra has preordained my intercepting you here. You have an urgent appointment to keep with three other individuals of similarly heroic stripe; you will find them at the forge of Ninuel Hartleigh in Chimera Village. It would be days away by conventional transport, which is why I foresaw the need to bring this scroll. I presume one of you can activate it, but if not, Master Maes here can do the honors. It will send you to rendezvous with your peers, and from there you can proceed onward to Waterdeep, where your journey truly begins."


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
The Two

"I don't know that I like an overabundance of chaos, but I am curious what you think we are preordained for, Qwynneth. What else have you seen?" Robyn asks, keeping in mind his own divine inspiration drawing him here.


"Substantial evidence that superficially appears to support your tiefling friend's worldview, despite how fundamentally wrong he is." The oracle's self-satisfied smirk makes it clear that you're unlikely to get anything more helpful out of her than that, a fact which the head mage-priest acknowledges with a sympathetic shrug.

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