Roll20 Now Has 10 Million Users

Roll20's user base has doubled since 2020, and is now at a height of 10 million users. In 2020 Roll20 had 5 million users, and it had 3 million users two years before that. In February 2021 it reported 8 million users. A recent blog post says that "From 2017 to the end of 2019, Roll20 grew five times over (in both staff and revenue), and the pandemic more than doubled that growth."...

Roll20's user base has doubled since 2020, and is now at a height of 10 million users.

Screen Shot 2022-02-23 at 5.49.31 PM.png

In 2020 Roll20 had 5 million users, and it had 3 million users two years before that. In February 2021 it reported 8 million users.

A recent blog post says that "From 2017 to the end of 2019, Roll20 grew five times over (in both staff and revenue), and the pandemic more than doubled that growth."

Dicebreaker reports that the platform reported in a press release that new updates were coming, including a UI overhaul, performance improvements, and new features for GMs.

In other news, Roll20 now has a new CEO, Ankit Lal. Nolan T. Jones,co-founder of the company, is stepping back.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
I wonder if this is counting the accounts registered, versus active users. I was a Roll20 user from 2012 until 2021, when I switched to Foundry. I think a lot of those registered accounts are no longer active on Roll20 for a variety of reasons.
As I recall (this question gets asked every time) it's accounts ever created, not active users.


#1 Enworld Jerk™
That makes sense, for free use Roll 20 easily offers the least restrictive offering. But yeah, it's not really competitive when you decide you want to start paying for a VTT. I can't really think of a reason why you'd pay to use Roll 20 over Fantasy Grounds or Foundry especially.


Since I've been using Foundry exclusively for the past couple months, I was about to let my Roll20 subscription lapse. Then I noticed Roll20 has gotten all kinds of Savage Worlds support and some other systems too in recent months. Considering also that I have purchased so much 5e content on Roll20 (and Foundry can't really do it), I guess I'm going to keep both active.
Like Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+, etc., I suppose gamers will have to keep subscriptions to multiple VTTs.

Voidrunner's Codex

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