D&D 5E Round/Turn Sequence


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Is there a site with optimal round/turn sequences? Maybe in a tree format?

For instance, I was playing my 5th lvl druid and casted conjure animals (a concentration spell) and then realized that all my other spells were concentration based. I was too far for my produce flame cantrip and had to choose dodge for my action while my animals took their turns. Afterwards I changed some spells and chose Ice Knife so I could attack while still concentrating on my animals. This made me wonder. Are there any sites that show optimal round effectiveness? A tree format would be awesome.

This might hit the min/maxer territory but it would be cool if I could log into my account, chose my character, and have my round spelled out for me. I sometimes put these steps in my notes section but a printout would be dope.

Any sites like this?

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Not that I'm aware of.

The best I can come up with is buff spells should occur as early as possible, optimally before combat. If you have lots of concentration spells, give yourself ways to ensure they stay active.

Really, the closest I've seen are situational uses of abilities or spells. If this, then that

Like in today's game. I was a low level fighter/rogue versus zombies that were trying to eat people we wanted to save. I had Shield Master feat. I could knock the zombie prone but their AC is so low I only miss on a 1. So instead I shoved it 5' so that (1) it was adjacent to an ally and, therefore, eligible for sneak attack (2) it was no longer adjacent to the people we wanted to save and (3) I moved on the far side so that if it did move next to the people we wanted to save it moved out of my reach and I got an opportunity attack.

Just sucks because most Druid spells that help the squad the best are all concentration.

That is very intentional in the design. One of 5e's key goals was to reduce the "buff-fest" that occurred in 3rd edition. You can apply some nice buffs to your group, but generally only one at a time.

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