S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Black


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Thanor's mood seems to sink even lower as he answers the shifter's question. Why does any dwarf leave 'is mountain home? We came to delve tha depths o' Eberron, seek our fortune in 'is shards. 10 years we spent buildin' and workin' tha stone o' Xen'Drik. It weren't Mror, but it was home.

Then those dross-spawned giants found us. We'd seen 'em afore, but never organized, never smart. This time they caught us unprepared, caught me unprepared. I couldna defend 'em all...
He pauses for a long stretch, just staring at his ale.

Tha rest left a tenday ago, headed back ta Mror. I stayed with tha dream o' chasin' tha brutes out o' our home. So aye, lass. If ye'll have me I'll be happy ta join ye in solvin' this giant problem.

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Aeranduil raises an eyebrow, and a faint smile appears on his lips. "Not exactly what I was expecting," he says, taking a hunk of meat for himself. "Still, in my many travels I've eaten things that have looked worse than this."



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The tenderness of the meat speaks volumes to the chef's skill -- it would appear that the rat had been marinating in something for quite some time, and it has been slow roasted to perfection -- the meat is tender and juicy and is falling off the bone.

You notice that all of the resident cats have gravitated towards your table, and have set up a phalanx of a sort, looking intently at the platter on the table.

You sate yourself upon the odd entree and finish your drink.

Valeon looks at both of you and says,"'Twas a pleasure seeing you Sanne, and, of course, meeting you, Aeranduil, but I must retire now, for I am leaving first thing in the morning on the Dawnstar -- and the captain wouldn't be too happy to have his Quartermaster hung over or bleary eyed."

"I trust you know how to find your way back to your lodgings?"


Isida Kep'Tukari

Morika Kevsecks, female shifter druid

Redclaw said:
Thanor's mood seems to sink even lower as he answers the shifter's question. Why does any dwarf leave 'is mountain home? We came to delve tha depths o' Eberron, seek our fortune in 'is shards. 10 years we spent buildin' and workin' tha stone o' Xen'Drik. It weren't Mror, but it was home.

Then those dross-spawned giants found us. We'd seen 'em afore, but never organized, never smart. This time they caught us unprepared, caught me unprepared. I couldna defend 'em all...
He pauses for a long stretch, just staring at his ale.

Tha rest left a tenday ago, headed back ta Mror. I stayed with tha dream o' chasin' tha brutes out o' our home. So aye, lass. If ye'll have me I'll be happy ta join ye in solvin' this giant problem.
The dwarf's story touches a deep place in Morika's flinty heart. Her own struggles during the war had been to protect her own, and if she had seen them all cut down... she'd be staying to get revenge as well.

"Sounds like we're running the same prey dwarf. I'd be glad to have ye along. I'm called Morika Kevsecks. You?"


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Thanor Spikeshield's me name, and 'tis truly grateful I am that ye'll be given' me tha chance ta take a few more giants down. He takes another drink, then pauses to look at the ale. Well, if we be headin' out tomorrow I best not be gettin' any worse off. I won't be caught unawares again. With that he pushes the mug away and seems to straighten up, losing some of the defeat he had been carrying with him.


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[sblock=For DM / Sanne]

Aeranduil nods his farewell to the half-elf. "Have a safe and pleasant journey, Valeon." He turns his gaze to Sanne. "And I am sure my companion can get us safely back to our lodgings."



The silver haired Voadam finally makes his way back to the chapterhouse late that evening.

[sblock]Did I get an answer to whether these drow are averse to the effects of sunlight such as from my aasimar innate ability?[/sblock]


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When the wizard enters the chapterhouse, he sees Morika at the bar trading quips with a forlorn dwarf.


The drow of Xen'drik appear to have the same aversion to light that they did on the last world Voadam came from, along with the ability to create darkness.



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[sblock=DM / Aeranduil ]

Sanne had suppressed a grin when she realized where Valeon was leading them, and cheerfully played along when he ordered the house specialty for all of them. It was, after all, quite good if you didn't think too much about what it was. So she had talked and ate and drank with reckless abandon and a few comments about how too many meals like that would ruin her figure.

Rhun said:
"Have a safe and pleasant journey, Valeon." He turns his gaze to Sanne. "And I am sure my companion can get us safely back to our lodgings."

"My sentiments as well," She said. "And if you let me know if you hear anything interesting while we are in town, the next time we go out it will be my treat."

And with that she made her goodbyes and led Aeranduil back to their lodgings.

OOC: Sorry about the vanishing swashbuckler act; work was rather busy last week.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Redclaw said:
Thanor Spikeshield's me name, and 'tis truly grateful I am that ye'll be given' me tha chance ta take a few more giants down. He takes another drink, then pauses to look at the ale. Well, if we be headin' out tomorrow I best not be gettin' any worse off. I won't be caught unawares again. With that he pushes the mug away and seems to straighten up, losing some of the defeat he had been carrying with him.
Morika offers him a salute with her mug and drains it dry.

"Wise man Thanor. See ya come daylight," she says, and cracks her neck loudly. "Ah... that was a good one."

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