24 - Plant Creature – Dreadnought, Lo-Kag swallowed, 6 acid damage each. Attack Davan with Bite – HIT for 16 damage, Davan Grappled
23 - Dreadnought - Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 6, grapple check failed.
19 - Void – Move to J3
12 - Asenfel - Eldritch Blast for 13 damage, 2nd Eldritch Blast from Snakes Swiftness hit for 21 damage
11 - Morph - Cast Fiery Burst on Plant Creature for 11 damage
4 - Lo Kag – Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 6, grapple check failed
3 - Darv – Cast Snakes Swiftness, Mass
2 - Davan – Grappled - Cast Divine Power upon self
Lo-Kag struggles against the grasp of the maw of the plant, letting out a powerful yell that would be heard for miles, but is unable to break free – he disappear from sight into the belly of the creature. [Grapple Check won by Plant, AP would not have helped]
Once swallowed, Lo-Kag begins to go stiff from the digestive juices of the plant, but is able to fight free of the effect. Unfortunately, the acid of the creature begins to eat away at the warrior. [AP used with Fort save vs. Paralysis, please update sheet]
Bemused by his predicament, Dreadnought realizes with some dismay that he does not have a small enough blade to try to saw his way out. In the past, when his sword proved inappropriate, he'd simply relied on his crushing fists.
In hindsight, it was a single gold piece of an oversight that might cost him significantly more.
He struggles against the creatures esophagus to no avail. [Grapple check failed]
Meanwhile, the plant creature lashes out at the young priest with its insatiable hunger, catching the priest across the torso with its giant mouth, knocking the wind out of Davan. [Grapple check won by plant]
Void starts to tumble away from the creature, but notices that it is otherwise occupied with the priest, so he retreats out of range of the plant creature and readies himself for another charge.
Asenfel sends another blast of energy at the creature as it tries to wrestle his companion into its leafy maw. His eyes narrow in concentration and jerks his scepter downwards sharply just as it appears the energy will hit Lo-Kag in the back; the bolt suddenly dips in its flight and strikes a glancing blow to the central mass of the creature instead.
Morph raises his hand in the same manner as before. Another burst of fire singes the creature. He then moves backward a step, the lumbering creature appears to have deflected a portion of the burst.
The large goliath, realizes his large spear is of no use inside the creature, and struggles to climb out of the gullet of the creature, but is unable to get a foothold in the confined space. [Grapple check failed – rolled a 1]
Frowning gently, Darv raises his hands and hisses out another spell.... The warlock quickly fires another burst of eldritch energy at the creature, catching one of the tendrils.
The grappled priest quickly calls out to the Host for strength, and his call is answered! A divine surge ripples through his body. [Use of Action Point]
Dreadnought’s natural attack is bludgeoning, which is not effective while swallowed – must be piercing or slashing.
Lo-Kag’s rolls for Fort save and AP use, then grapple check to climb out of the gut of the creature are under his name on invisible castle.
A swallowed creature that avoids paralysis can climb out of the mass with a successful grapple check. This returns it to the plant’s maw, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free.
I don’t think you have any means of acting on the snake’s swiftness at this time – Void just tumbled away, and Davan does not have a weapon in hand, but still has his regular turn to try something – spell, etc, etc.
Dreadnought: Swallowed, Grappled
Lo Kag: Swallowed, Grappled, Bulls Strength (80 rounds)
Davan: Grappled, Divine Power (8 rounds)