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Morph 49/49 hp
Upon casting his spell, Morph is not surprised but still not offended that their guide wishes to sleep upon the ground. Seeing the crude breakfast that he has prepared for them upon waking is even more disgusting. Morph is glad he does not need nourishment. The creature nearly swallowing his comrade though inspires some dread in Morph. If such a creature could swallow the mighty Dreadnaught, then this is an opponent to fear.
Morph moves slightly closer before raising his fist before him, and quickly splaying his fingers out. A small burst of fire engulfs the rear of the creature.
[sblock=ooc]Move to O4 and use a fiery burst. Edit: If Dreadnaught is not actually drawn into the creature's square, he won't move closer, if he is then Morph will target his blast off to the side to catch the creature but not Dreadnaught.Init: 11 13 damage, Ref DC 19 for half [/sblock]
[sblock=spells prepared]Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: invisibility, glitterdust, rope trick, incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx2[/sblock]
Upon casting his spell, Morph is not surprised but still not offended that their guide wishes to sleep upon the ground. Seeing the crude breakfast that he has prepared for them upon waking is even more disgusting. Morph is glad he does not need nourishment. The creature nearly swallowing his comrade though inspires some dread in Morph. If such a creature could swallow the mighty Dreadnaught, then this is an opponent to fear.
Morph moves slightly closer before raising his fist before him, and quickly splaying his fingers out. A small burst of fire engulfs the rear of the creature.
[sblock=ooc]Move to O4 and use a fiery burst. Edit: If Dreadnaught is not actually drawn into the creature's square, he won't move closer, if he is then Morph will target his blast off to the side to catch the creature but not Dreadnaught.Init: 11 13 damage, Ref DC 19 for half [/sblock]
[sblock=spells prepared]Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: invisibility, glitterdust, rope trick, incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx2[/sblock]
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