S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold

Morph 49/49 hp

Upon casting his spell, Morph is not surprised but still not offended that their guide wishes to sleep upon the ground. Seeing the crude breakfast that he has prepared for them upon waking is even more disgusting. Morph is glad he does not need nourishment. The creature nearly swallowing his comrade though inspires some dread in Morph. If such a creature could swallow the mighty Dreadnaught, then this is an opponent to fear.

Morph moves slightly closer before raising his fist before him, and quickly splaying his fingers out. A small burst of fire engulfs the rear of the creature.

[sblock=ooc]Move to O4 and use a fiery burst. Edit: If Dreadnaught is not actually drawn into the creature's square, he won't move closer, if he is then Morph will target his blast off to the side to catch the creature but not Dreadnaught.Init: 11 13 damage, Ref DC 19 for half [/sblock]

[sblock=spells prepared]Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: invisibility, glitterdust, rope trick, incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx2[/sblock]
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Davan stares at the plant-like creature in amazement. The amazement fades quickly when he sees Dreadnaught become entangled with the creature.

ooc: I will hold my place in the order for right now

Init (1d20+1=21)

Detect Magic
Purify Food and Drink
Create Water (3)

1st Level:
Comprehend Languages
Divine Favor
Omen of Peril
Protection from Evil

2nd Level:
Calm Emotions
Delay Poison
Make Whole

3rd Level:
Furnace Within
Lesser Humanoid Essence

4th Level:
Imbue with Special Ability
Divine Power

1~ Enlarge Person
2~ Bulls Strength
3~ Magic Vestment
4~Spell Immunity[/sblock][/QUOTE]

Darv blinks at the sight of the thing, his brow furrowing in concentration as he tries to remember the name of this monstrosity. "I don't know anything about plants," he mutters, "Well, nothing about killing them at least. On the other hand," he adds brightly, "Surely it will burn nicely!"

Initiative: 3

If the swamp thing still looks vital by the time he acts, Darv will call down a Flame Strike.

33 damage, Ref DC 18 for half.

Round 1


24 - Plant Creature - Swallow Dreadnought, 5' step to N/O/P 7, Attack Lo-Kag with Bite, 2 tendrils - All HIT for 27 damage, Lo-Kag Grappled
23 - Dreadnought - Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 4 before DR, 0 effective damage
19 - Void - Charge attack w/Flying Kick - HIT for 15 damage
12 - Asenfel - 5' step to N3 to avoid AoO, Eldritch Blast for 19 damage
11 - Morph - Cast Fiery Burst on Plant Creature for 13 damage
4 - Lo Kag - Grappled - Mountain Rage
3 - Darv - Cast Flame Strike on Creature for 33 damage
2 - Davan – Cast Bulls Strength on Lo-Kag


With preternatural quickness the creature stuffs the metallic form of Dreadnought through its open maw, disappearing from sight. It then oozes slightly closer to the group and turns its attention towards the hulking goliath, wrapping tendrils around a leg and wrist, and biting down on his chest -- he is unable to wriggle free from the creatures grasp this time. [Grapple check won by creature]

Davan looks on as if stunned by the ferocious plant, perhaps thinking that a light mace might come in handy in such a situation.

Void bursts into action, charging across the rocky path and leaping high into the air, sending his foot deep into the plant creature.

The warlock, already floating inches off the ground, notices the creatures long reach and backs away, then unleashes a blast of dark energy at the creature, striking it squarely on what might be considered a torso.

The creature nearly swallowing his comrade though inspires some dread in Morph. If such a creature could swallow the mighty Dreadnaught, then this is an opponent to fear.

Morph moves slightly closer before raising his fist before him, and quickly splaying his fingers out. A small burst of fire engulfs the rear of the creaturel, singeing a small section of roots and tendrils.

The large goliath struggles against the creatures strong grip as he is moved closer to the gaping maw that just enveloped the large warforged, he lets out a yell as he flies into a rage. [Grapple check still won by plant, Bull's Strength not in effect yet]

Darv blinks at the sight of the thing, his brow furrowing in concentration as he tries to remember the name of this monstrosity. "I don't know anything about plants," he mutters, "Well, nothing about killing them at least. On the other hand," he adds brightly, "Surely it will burn nicely!"

The column of fire bursts forth from the air above, burning a large chunk of the creature.

The young priest snaps his fingers, intones a quick prayer to the host, and steps forward to touch the large goliath. [Cast Bulls Strength]

Once/if swallowed, you can attempt to cut your way out with a light slashing or piercing weapon, if you have one.


Dreadnought: Swallowed, Grappled
Lo Kag: Grappled, Bulls Strength (80 rounds)


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Sorry, I must have started the round 1 action at the same time you were posting and I NPC'ed Void. If you want to change the action to do hold, then I will update.

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