S@squ@tch's Against the Giants - Team Gold

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"Oh, dear," Darv mutters, "This isn't good at all. I should have prepared more Flame Strikes...."

Cast Bless. His current stock of prepared spells isn't well suited for this combat, which is a fine lesson for both he and I.[/sblock]


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Asenfel lashes out again and again with eldritch energies, flaying whole layers of vegetable matter from the voracious creature's central mass.
[sblock=OOC]Fly until he's high enough off the ground to be unreachable with the thing's tentacles, then unleash an Empowered eldritch blast with one charge from the Warlock's Scepter.
Attack roll (Eldritch Blast) (1d20 13=15) Damage roll (Eldritch Blast; separated normal damage and Warlock's Scepter bonus for Empowering purposes) (5d6 1=18, 1d6=1) total damage = (18*1.5 + 1) = 28.
2 Empowered blasts and 4 scepter charges left today.[/sblock]


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Seeing another ally caught in the grips of the creature, Morph intones one of his minor practiced incantations of martial nature. Four streaking silver dart burst from his outstretched hand to arc around and converge on the plant creature with small concussions of force.

[sblock=ooc]5' step to O1 and cast magic missle. CL 7, 4 missles. 12 damage Any way to tell how hurt this thing looks?[/sblock]


First Post

24 - Plant Creature – Dreadnought, Lo-Kag swallowed, 3 acid damage each. Attacks Void – Bite missed
23 - Dreadnought - Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 3, Attack creature from inside – HIT for 9 damage
19 - Void – Charge and Flying Kick HIT for 8 damage
12 - Asenfel – Empowered Eldritch Blast HIT for 28 damage
11 - Morph - Cast Magic Missile on Plant Creature for 12 damage
4 - Lo Kag – Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 3,
3 - Darv – Cast Bless
2 - Davan – Swallowed Whole, Acid damage of 10, paralyzed.


Lo-Kag and Dreadnaught struggle against the vile acid that has engulfed them inside their organic prison. Lo-Kag is able to fight off the paralysis for another round.
[AP needed once more to stave off paralysis, please update sheet]

The swallowed warforged changes tack and does his best to wind up his torso, then unloads a slam against the insides of the plant.

Outside of the plant, the priest struggles against his bindings, but is unable to break free, and disappears from sight, falling inside of the foul plant. In a moment, he goes from the light of day into revolting darkness, the vile stench of the plants digestive fluids working its way into his nostrils. His body tenses up and suddenly, Davan goes stiff. [Fort save vs. paralysis failed, AP would not have helped]

The plant then unleashes a savage bite upon the Gith, but his inertial armor alters the trajectory of the plants teeth slightly, allowing him to escape unscathed.

Void charges forward again with a flying kick, determined to end the leafy horror menace. His foot strikes something, but he isn’t sure whether it was the plant itself or some foliage that was caught on it.

Asenfel lashes out again and again with eldritch energies, flaying whole layers of vegetable matter from the voracious creature's central mass.

Seeing another ally caught in the grips of the creature, Morph intones one of his minor practiced incantations of martial nature. Four streaking silver dart burst from his outstretched hand to arc around and converge on the plant creature with small concussions of force.

The large goliath continues to struggle against the walls of his captor, but even his increased size and strength do not allow him to achieve a hand or foothold. [Grapple check failed]

"Oh, dear,"
Darv mutters, "This isn't good at all. I should have prepared more Flame Strikes...."


All: Bless (8 rounds)

Dreadnought: Swallowed, Grappled
Lo Kag: Swallowed, Grappled, Bulls Strength (78 rounds)
Davan: Grappled, Divine Power (7 rounds)

All rolls made for your characters are under their names on invisiblecastle – some pretty horrid rolls this round…

The creature looks to be heavily wounded, but the folks outside have noticed that several of its wounds have sealed themselves fairly quickly each round.


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Nac Mac Feegle

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Lo-Kag shifts tacts and decides that he might as well do what he can from below.

OOC: Screw this, I'd need two consecutive successful checks to get free and the fight will be over by then. Grapple check to gutpunch the bastard the fun way. +22 grapple check, on success I do 1d4+11 damage.


First Post

Seeing the plant creature's wounds seem to be healing, Morph decides it is time to stop fooling around. He chants a few words and his body swells in size, becoming hideously ugly once more as he takes the shape of an Annis Hag.

[sblock=ooc]Cast polymorph to take the form of an Annis Hag again. Taking up squares o1/o0/p1/p0. AC becomes 26.

Spell Prepared(including bonus spells for high Int and for being a specialist wizard)
(4/7/5/4/3) CL: 7 or 8 for fire spells; DC 15+spell level or 17+spell level for transmutations
0: Detect Magicx2, Read magic, ray of frost
1: Feather fallx2, lesser orb of firex2, magic missle, ray of clumsiness, grease
2: invisibility, glitterdust, rope trick, incendiary slime
3: haste, slow, fireball, animate weapon
4: flame whips, polymorphx1 [/sblock]

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