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Salvage Operation IC Thread


First Post
Kelvad staggers backward in shock at the appearance of the crackling ball of electricity. He exchanges a quick look with Bruce and quickly prepares to abandon ship. You know... should it be necessary.

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First Post
As the air started crackling around Nicolai's hand, Aubreck's surprised yell mixed with the startled expressions on everyone's face.

"What's going on!"

Rust flew off the grate as the lightening passed through the metal bars, knocking several loose as it surged through, and Nicolai watched as it slammed into a mass of the creatures at the bottom of the stairs. While many of the spiders instantly curl up and cease movement, the storm mage watched as the ladder and wall around it were suddenly carpeted with dozens more surging towards the shattered grate.


[sblock=Surprise Rd 1]Nicolai Ranged Attack roll = 22 hit. 8 damage
Spider Swarm 1 begins climbing -8/?. Spider Swarm 2 begins climbing.

The swarms will be up through the grate at the beginning of Rd 1 and will fall in their initiative order accordingly.[/sblock]

Edit: Forgive this poor attempt at stealing Mal's battle grids, but maybe this will help some to picture how the beginning of Rd1 is.

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Land Outcast

"Well... the grate's open now!" he says, smiling at Aubreck...

"Aye!!" a spider scout bit him... he stomps on it, and at that second he hears the thousands of tine feet clicking their way up the stairs "Oops...!"

"Eight steps back filthy virmin!" He obeys his own advice and steps back 8... well, maybe more than 8 feet before repeating the same utterances and hauling another globe of energy.

OOC: Move away from swarm, Lesser Elec Orb: touch +2, 1d8 electricity damage; against nº1
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Kerwick looks curiously over as the burst of activity occurs near the hatch.

"What, vermin?"

He hefts his axe, hoping for giant rats or something of the sort. As the spiders come into view, his eyes narrow and he holds his axe warily in front of him.

[sblock=ooc]Have I mentioned lately that I hate swarms? Complete defense I guess. AC17[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Alin's look of excitement changes to a look of horror as the spidery mass starts to vent from the grate. Quickly, he dives into a pouch to take out one of his flasks of fire and flings it at a swarm to do the most damage. "Guess we'll be doin' a little burnin' now!"

OOC: Alin's draconic aura will give anyone near by DR 1/-


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Looking chagrined, the too eager boy stows the flask and instead takes out a torch and lights it, preparing for the swarm.


First Post
As everyone moves back from the shattered grate, it only takes a moment for the first of the spiders to come crawling out and soon the swarm comes pouring out from the grate in a skittering rush.

“By the Traveler’s staff…”

Aubreck begins backing away from the grate slowly and handful of spiders head his way, the majority flow onwards towards the gathering of bodies in front of them.

Standing beside Alin, Bruce saw the young man trying to ignite the torch and willed the flames the soaked end to catch flame. As the first wave of spiders neared them, Bruce swept his torch and watched as the flames began spreading through them. However even as many of the spiders burned, the unrelenting stream continued towards him and he was soon engulfed in their midst. Bringing his torch back across again, the sight of his arm covered in spiders unnerved him for a moment and the momentum was lost as his only instinct was to get away from the spiders.

Looking at the approaching hordes, Kerwick watches those in front of him bringing torches to ready.

Watching as two of his companions became covered with the spiders, Kelved struck the tindertwig to his torch and as the flame caught, he prayed to the Far Traveler he was not too late to help them.

Alin’s senses told him the spiders were upon them a heartbeat before the first one crawled onto his boot. As the torch began to ignite, he felt the first of the bites puncturing into his legs and soon his body was ablaze in dozens of small bites.

Backing up once more, Nicolai felt the storm bending to the power of his blood and as the glowing orb formed in his hand, he saw the swarms succumbing to the power he wielded. However finding a suitable area to strike proved more difficult with two of his new crew in his way. Sending the orb towards the back of the swarm, it exploded on the deck, leaving only a smoking hole in its wake.


[sblock=Round 1] Initiatives are listed first with actions/wounds being in ()s.

Bruce – 20 (AoO 19 vs AC ?? hit 6 damage vs S2) (Reg attack 7 vs AC ?? miss) (Takes 1 damage, after reduction for being in swarm at end of its turn)
Kerwick – 16 (complete defense AC 17)
Kelvad – 11 (Begins lighting torch)
Swarms – 8 (Advance towards Alin and Bruce) (S1 10 vs AC17 miss) (S2 9 vs AC 16) (S1 -8/?) (S2 -6/?)
Alin – 5 (Begins lighting torch) (Takes 3 damage after reduction from being caught in swarm)
Nicolai – 3 (14 vs AC ?? miss) [/sblock]

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Voidrunner's Codex

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