Save Bluffside


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I'd like to thank Doug and Hal for stopping by and explaining things. When I heard at Gen Con that Bluffside was not doing well, I talked to Hal about doing this thread. I didn't want to step on anyones toes so to speak by making this announcement if he didn't want me to. So, thanks guys and I really am looking forward to getting those adventures.

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I'd suggest fans of the setting speak with thier wallets. If you have it and love it and want more of it, get friends to buy it, buy it for friends, and make sure you get the PDF's when they come out. Business is business, if you buy it the product will come.:D


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Don't forget that has three Bluffside adventures written by Wil Upchurch (though the third, a massive dungeon crawl, won't be out until September).

A Rain for all Tomorrows the latest of these was just released the Tuesday before GenCon. I just barely posted a snippet (the gibbering mouther which grows as the party fights it, truly a classic). So you can get a taste of it even if all you have is the free demo subscription.

I love the Bluffside setting as well and I'm happy to have the chance to publish some adventures set in this very cool city.


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EOL said:
Don't forget that has three Bluffside adventures written by Wil Upchurch (though the third, a massive dungeon crawl, won't be out until September).

How did I miss this? Wil's a great guy (though I never saw him at Gen Con) and this just makes my day.



I've been pimping it in my Story Hour (I even had one character inherit the barony that Kirkwood is a part of) and I know I've gotten a couple of people interested.

With any luck, the release of the PDFs will help things out. Any of those upcoming adventures for higher-level folk? Maybe you guys could do a new, even better city for AU?



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drnuncheon said:

I've been pimping it in my Story Hour (I even had one character inherit the barony that Kirkwood is a part of) and I know I've gotten a couple of people interested.

With any luck, the release of the PDFs will help things out. Any of those upcoming adventures for higher-level folk? Maybe you guys could do a new, even better city for AU?


Thanks drnuncheon, as for AU the next two books gave been green lit and we not have discussed what #4 will be so... ya never know. Once again we will not kill Bluffie just not do any more in print books for it at this time.
/slaps head
Yes I can not believe I forgot about they have 3 and all from Wil and for a small subsrcition price you can scale get those and the two we are releasing and you will actually have a heavy Bluffside year!


Tell you what, Hal... I'll forgive you if you let RPGNow sell them as PODs.


PDFs are way too messy to print out and put in a binder for actual use....



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thundershot said:
Tell you what, Hal... I'll forgive you if you let RPGNow sell them as PODs.


PDFs are way too messy to print out and put in a binder for actual use....


mmmm never even thought of that, I will talk to Doug and consider that. I have seen some of the POD from ENPublishing and was suprised at the quality!

Great idea Chris!


YES!!! There is HOPE!



Mystic Eye

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thundershot said:
Tell you what, Hal... I'll forgive you if you let RPGNow sell them as PODs.


PDFs are way too messy to print out and put in a binder for actual use....


That is a good idea! I will follow up on that. I am also sorry that I forgot to mention the three part adventure series at Dire Kobold by Wil Upchurch. They are awesome.

Voidrunner's Codex

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