Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar (Full)


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I'm pretty much going to repeat what everyone's said. For me, I'm still really enjoying the game and thinking about it out of being online. It's a great story and a fab team. I would be very sad to lose it. It would seem its all just got a little hectic for everyone at once, which is understandable at this time of year. For me is the added problem of really caring for my character and the others also and being at a crucial point in the story. If we were IRL we could have a quick 5 min chat about a HUGE, game changing decision and then play it through. As it is, I'm trying to get a feel for where we're going without slowing things down too much.

In short: I loved the previous pace and would quite happily return to it, but I'm not upset at the slower pace either. And please don't take it as unwillingness from us, Paul. I'm still 100% loving the journey. And thank you for allowing us to join you.

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I agree with many points that the others have made. It is a hectic time of year, and while this game has been excellent, and I enjoy it, and I do want it to keep going, it's a fact that it's no longer "shiny and new". I do think that has somewhat diminished everyone's motivation to get posts up ASAP, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. When we started, it was usually quite easy for me to write something for Ah-shahran, because I only had a few concepts in mind. As he becomes more fleshed out, with more history, and more interaction within the game, he also becomes more complicated to write. Not all the time--sometimes a situation is simple and his reaction is obvious--but it's enough to make a difference in my overall posting speed.

And I definitely agree that our current scene is quite difficult to navigate. I actually got paralyzed with trying to figure out how to translate the thoughts and feelings that I came up with for Ah-shahran into an effective IC post, and have failed to do so multiple times. I think that's largely because the PbP IC format doesn't lend itself well to this scene. I'm sure all of us have a lot of conflicted thoughts and feelings, and without being at a table, where we could read the moods of others, see how expressions change as we start saying something, it's just hard to throw something out as a definitive statement.

So maybe we should hash things out behind the scenes, out of character, in this thread, before going back to the IC thread. It's not something we'd normally want to do, but this is not a normal situation. It's a critical junction in the story, in Velani's development, and likely in everyone else's development as well.

With that in mind, here's what I've been thinking.

First, there is absolutely no way that Ah-shahran would offer himself to this ritual. The cycle of life, death, and rebirth is very important to Devas in general, and it's extremely important to Ah-shahran. There's a part of him that wishes he could let go and "be the solution", but he can't bear to interrupt that cycle for himself (even temporarily--see below). On top of that, Ah-shahran is nearly certain that he's close to falling as a Deva--that is, if this lifetime goes down the wrong paths, his next incarnation would be as a Rakshasha--and he's not about to take a drastic action that is so closely tied to darkness.

Second, despite all that, Ah-shahran has surprisingly few qualms about the idea of someone becoming a Revenant. Unlike normal undead, who defy and defile both the life/death/rebirth cycle (very important to the primal source) and the afterlives of the divine, Revenants are only a temporary stay on such paths. A Revenant always has a purpose, and when that purpose is complete, the Raven Queen sends the soul involved back to the normal flow, likely modified by their actions while they were a Revenant.

If we can work something out where these unnatural undead will give up that abberant existence and return to eventual rest, Ah-shahran is for that. Someone willingly sacrificing their life to accomplish great deeds is a long established tradition, and one he can support. He's conflicted because he's not sure he can countenance the sacrifice of Velani's baby, even if Velani is willing, and he's unable to offer himself in her place to null that decision. If he could be assured that the baby would in some fashion or other be taken care of, and if Velani was then willing to go forward with this, he'd be absolutely supportive.

Other people's thoughts?



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Kali's viewpoint is simply based around his primal nature - he doesn't think too hard about anything, so if a decision feels right, then it probably is. Neither does he worry too much about the future - whatever happens to Velani and the baby will happen, and there's no way of predicting that. He's had a tough and violent up bringing, and thinks he turned out ok (well if you ignore the aggression and constant desire for vengeance and death!). Hence his support of any decision Velani (or in fact any of the group in the future) makes - its been a long time since he felt he belonged to something.


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Viator's point of view is understandably juvenile and the idea of anything being tampered with by the undead, no matter how benevolent, is very strange to him. But the biggest fear for him is for the baby. Having suffered as a child because of his parents decisions, he's very against this choice being made for the unborn.
Having said that, he's young and will bounce back and ultimately it's Velani's choice (who Viator is starting to look up to as a mother).
I've been very wary of posting for these reasons.


Just to say I'm still here, although only just- my PC is dead, it's in pieces at the moment and has been malfunctioning (that's the nicest way of describing it) for the last week or so. It terminated itself at the weekend- I can't even get it into safe mode now... I've managed to lift a lot of the data from it but foolishly I use open office for lots of stuff and my laptop (Mac) is having problems opening things (as in it doesn't open them) so I'm a bit stuck.

Last I heard my PC is getting wiped and re-formatted and then re-installed lots of stuff. At least the guy has until this Saturday to do some/all of the above, otherwise I'm going out to buy another machine and get that up and running.

It's good that you're sorting things out OOC, I'll catch up properly when I can- sorry for all the messing about. Hopefully I'll have an update some time soon, until then- merry christmas.

Cheers PDR


First Post
When Velani is overwhelemed, she turns to the two things she trusts implicitly: her training, and her faith. Mind you, if your characters were speaking directly to her, she would be adamant that she is not 'giving up' her baby, so much as she is placing great faith in her god to help her make a decision that is more 'right' than any decision she could come to herself. Velani has had a good life, had a good childhood, and she's very interested in what motherhood has to offer.

While Dol Arrah commands that evil be destroyed where it is found, her first tenant is to bring light to dark places. This is certainly a dark place, and there is good buried under all the undeadedness there, she believes. Pure malevolence would seek to destroy for its own sake - these undead believe they can help and if the fate of Fallcrest and the rest of the Vale is in question, that speaks to her #1 priority in life - safeguarding the people. She'd be very Vulcan in this respect - the good of the many over the good of the one, even her own life or her child's.

Now if Dol Arrah comes back with anything less than "you betcha, babe, i got yer back," there's still plenty of room for blood to be shed here.

We'll see how Paul plays it out.

Now, to that, Paul - sorry having PC probs... I am as well, and just had to order a new mobo and proc for my primary PC. Waiting for delivery as we speak. Hope you get it all sorted out and in good order. Same for your sentiments regarding this game - you've seen our replies (save Blutspitze, who I believe may not survive the remainder of the adventure) - looks like we're all on the same general sheet of music. We want to play. Come back when you can. :)


Blutspitze messaged me with his reply.

And the PC is perhaps not as dead as I thought- although it has had to be wiped, it's been rebuilt slightly, although is not yet up and running.

Oh and there's a new entry or two IC.

Get on it (when you can, LOL).

Cheers PDR


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So i'm reading IC, and mindlessly, i'm biting my knuckle... I get to the end and literally scream out loud.....

So didn't see THAT coming.....

oooookay - tiornys - Velani may need Ah-shahran's assistance, old man....... :)


First Post I read the post yesterday and still can't work out what to do!

Honestly, [MENTION=16069]Goonalan[/MENTION], don't ever think I'll get bored of a story that keeps going like this!


First Post
Yay Kali/hairychin! Just so long as you don't remember that it's like helping a cow and you decide to reach in and grab the baby...... LOL

I'm purposely not posting in IC, since it's quite clear Velani's not in control of herself...

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