I guess getting a full roster is hard these days? I remember when people would clamor for a 16-seat tournament just to allow for more people to play!
Yeah. I remember my first time judging, we filled up in half an hour. Those days are long-gone, I’m afraid. Lots of factors at play, here. (All of the following are conjecture, on my part, but it’s all conjecture that’s been cooking for years.)
First, fewer and fewer folk who actually are familiar with the tournament are regular visitors to the site anymore and the new software seems to have turned off email notifications for “@“ summons by default. If someone only drops in once in a while, it’s very difficult to let them know a tournament is going to happen. (Which, by the way, made getting ahold of the defending champion very difficult.)
Second, while there are many advantages to having a panel of three judges, one of the disadvantages is that it pulls two potential competitors out of the pool. And experienced ones, at that.
Third, the demographics of this site have changed a lot. The edition wars drove a fair number of people away. Added to that, there were two separate migrations from the WotC boards. I just don’t think the proportion of DMs to players is as high as it used to be around here.
Finally, I suspect that the new software is working against us in subtle ways. There are just so many ways to jump straight to a thread you were already following (or that is trending), that I think a smaller percentage of eyeballs are even going to see a non-trendy recruitment thread like this. It's all good, though. I love it when people discover IRON DM for the first time.
(Also, it’s Sunday. Traffic slows way down on the weekends. Although, maybe less so this year?)
Be that as it may, most people who do choose to compete get hooked and that helps (notice that all but one/two of the current roster have been here before). Also, this year’s recruitment has been relatively quick, so far (perhaps because a lot of people are stuck at home?).
I do have a post ready to put up in the promotions forum if needed, but with only two slots to fill, it hardly seems worth it.