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seasong's Light Against The Dark (FEB 06)


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Not what you think

Sweet. A budding arcanist developing an interest in power over life and death....

Not what you're thinking. Greppa hasn't entered the race for Necromancer of Thoralis. He's simply directing his research towards creating the Vorpal Cone of Orcish (And anything else unlucky enough to be in the way) of Doom spell.
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Re: Not what you think

snownoir said:
Not what you're thinking. Greppa hasn't entered the race for Necromancer of Thoralis. He's simply directing his research towards creating the Vorpal Cone spell.

I still think Merideth is more likely to head down that route. Her powers fit the profile much better, and all the signs are that she is every bit as ambitious as Greppa. Bring in her notions of heroism, and her feeling of alienation from her family and society, and you have a dark blossom ready to bloom.

Or so I hope, anyway. It would be fun to watch :)

Oh, and (lest incognito be offended by the omission :D ), I'll add kudos to seasong and his players for the highly enjoyable story hour.


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Secretly, Athan always harbored a fondness for tales of undeath..

For my part, I'm not grooming anyone to be a necromancer, and no one has asked me to put opportunities their way. However, that is not to say that there is no power hungry desires going on :). Below are just some possibilities:

Merideth: Espers have a number of paths they can go down: prophet, necromancer, voyeur, mindwitch, loremaster, and more. And they can often pursue more than one of those. Healers, of course, can become astounding healers... but they can also do well at the black arts of necromancy, assassination, or death-dealing warrior. For Merideth, combining the two, a voyeur (ethereally projecting) assassin might make a nice combo if she makes much in the way of political connections; otherwise she could become a powerful mindwitch, death-dealer, etc.

Greppa: Arcanists essentially only have three specialties (summoner, elementalist, planar traveller) and Greppa has not evinced a particular fondness for any one over any other. Generally speaking, any of those can be corrupted to darkness - arcanists regularly deal with energies from the infernal realms, make bargains with noncorporeal entities, and otherwise pursue the path of Faust.

Not that I'm saying either of these two fine, upstanding young heroes will do anything of this sort. We'll just have to wait and see.


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If I have time today, I'll post the first part of their journey north also. Otherwise, that will be for tomorrow.


Athan dragged in a day later. He seemed refreshed, and ready to take on everything. Merideth came in several days after that, her shoulders as stooped as they'd been before her year of Service. They did their best to cheer her, and somewhat succeeded, but she didn't offer any detail, and they didn't press the issue.

They'd had a day together, and were settled around the hearth while Greppa explained the travel job with a master merchant he'd gotten for them, when Captain Agina arrived. An imperious knock at the door, then striding past Greppa when he answered it.

"So, I see that you two did, in fact, make it safely home. How wonderful to know." Her face was severe, her mouth set in a thin line... and her eyes were twinkling, just a bit.

Merideth, mouth agape, said nothing, but instead slowly turned red as her mind raced for a response that wouldn't get her in more trouble. Athan, perhaps more accustomed to viewing Agina as a human being and not some dire authority figure, grinned unrepentantly, and started, "Sorry, Captain, I must have"

"Forgotten? Wandered off the field of battle in a daze? Perhaps the orcs addled your brains, and made you think that your former Captain wouldn't want to know you were alive? And are you grinning at me!?" Her voice outraged, Captain Agina had drawn herself to full height now, "ON YOUR FEET, SOLDIER!"

Shocked, Athan and Merideth both scrambled upright... and Captain Agina stepped in and hugged them, one arm each (and barely topping Athan's chin), "Damn you both, but it's good to see you made it!"

Tears, never in short supply over the last two weeks, flowed freely once more. They visited, Agina left, and Greppa once again started to explain how being guards to a few wagons of mediocre wine was going to lead to them being mighty adventurers.


First Post

The trio met with Uridates the master merchant, a calculating man of prodigious wealth and girth, and less than prodigious hair. He greeted Greppa perfunctorily, tightening his lips in something like a smile, and nodded to Athan and Merideth. Then he passed them on to his quartermaster and taskmaster, Midrias.

Midrias was a scrawny, bird-like little woman whose hands darted when she spoke, as if she was stabbing someone with them. Still, she was friendly enough, and evidently worked with Uridates as the "people person" of the team.

"Happy to have you on board," she said to all three, but her eyes lingered on Athan, "Come an' meet the other guards. We've got three wagons o' wine, an' it's worth more'n all three o' you in Aglaonis. You'll get an argur a day, wi' three today, seven on arrival, three to sign back on, and eight when we get back in Theralis. Ah, here they are."

The other guards were eight in number, and all looked foreign.

Two, Mithas and Tital, were introduced as citizens of Aglaonis, the city-state the master merchant was travelling to. They were both nearly of a size with Athan, dressed in ankle-length tunics that would not have looked out of place in Theralis... and they each carried a two-handed sword that resembled a three foot meat cleaver. The blade itself, entirely black iron, was flat-topped and a hand wide, designed for no purpose other than chopping. A crossbar offered some protection to the hands, and the hilt was slightly curved, and designed to allow a full handspan between both grips, similar to an ax handle.

Mithas and Tital were friendly enough, and seemed familiar compared to the other six.

The others also wore swords, although more reasonably sized, and with a sharp point on the end for stabbing with ("Agina'd probably like one o' those," Athan commented to Greppa later on). Four were dressed reasonably, in ankle-length tunics and overcoats, but two were dressed as barbarians, in leather pants, tucked in tunics, and jerkins made of tanned hide. All carried a small, round shield made of wood and as wide as their arms were long. The shields looked unwieldy, and too weak to stop an orc's spear. All six looked like foreign mercenaries, and possessed none of the mannerisms of the Theralis people. The spoke in an ugly tongue, and were very brusque with the three - even basic manners were missing.

One of the leather wearing guards was a bitter little man with dark hair; the other one, from the way they squabbled, might have been his wife, a dark redhead bearing little resemblance to him. The other four "real" foreigners were all blond, and looked more northern than anything else, three men and another woman, all tough.

Greppa slept poorly with them around.

Out of Eastpass

The Theralis military practically covered the mountainside by Eastpass. Their presence continued a mile along the highway, and then abruptly stopped, where a last guard gave them a friendly warning, "If you see orcs, beat feet back here. Personal advice, I'd say let Hethas have the wagons."

Despite the dire warning, orcs failed to materialize, and the wagons slowly made their way north along the valley road. Then, on the third morning, disaster struck.

Most of the guards were resting in the wagon, alert but relaxed(except Athan, who was jogging for a bit), and Greppa was admiring an unlikely rock formation by the roadside - it looked almost carved from the surface of a boulder, or as if something had sheltered the boulder while rain ate away at this segment.

When the rock formation moved. Fast.

Before anyone could react, it had pounced on the bitter little man in the leather jerkin, raking deep wound tracks in his flesh and ripping his throat out with fangs that were suddenly revealed. On the other side of the wagons, the blond woman had been jumped by a second one, although she'd responded better, getting her arm lodged in its mouth and mostly shimmeying away from its claws.

As surprise resolved into clarity, the sight of the creatures burned a permanent scar into the memory of the youths.

Shaped like a horse-sized cat, but with great, heavy folds of rock-colored, hairless flesh, and marble-like teeth and claws. Angry yellow eyes. A thick, club-like tail that lashed violently in the air as they ripped into their chosen prey.


Athan responded first, screaming incoherently and hurtling a spear the short distance into the one that had killed the guard. The spear thunked into the flesh of its shoulder, and it leapt, smoothly, impossibly fast, onto Athan, and rended his chest and upper thighs into meaty strips, only barely missing his neck for the killing blow. Athan dropped his spear, and found himself holding the predator by the rhino-like jowels.

Greppa, realizing belatedly that he should have buffed everyone long ago, summoned an earth spirit into Athan to provide him with inhuman strength, and prayed that was enough. And crouched between the barrels on the wagon.

Then everyone was hacking into the beasts. The fight was brutal and short. It ended when Athan, getting a better grip and bolstered by primal rage and fear, and Greppa's spells, broke the creature's neck. It's death scream chased off the other one, and silence filled the area.

Two dead: the blond woman had suffered a claw scratch to an artery and had bled to death while the others fought the creature pinning her, and the dark-haired little man had died in the first few seconds.

Athan was also grievously wounded, enough so that Merideth's healing still left scars - three razor-thin, vertical white lines on each thigh, and over each shoulder and pectoral.

Indigo Veil

First Post
<does a little happy dance> Hurrah! Captain Agina had a walk on cameo! And she had lines of relative substance (few though they were) to speak, which makes it even better! (and I mean relative to other cameos, where the line might've been, "...I look good in this tunic. But then again, I look good in anything." <character gets the wind effect and then exits stage right>)

Ahhh, there is something so delicious about competent women in positions of authority...<melts into a gooey puddle on the floor>

And, just to heckle Hank:

Not what you're thinking. Greppa hasn't entered the race for Necromancer of Thoralis.

That wasn't what I was thinking. I'm thinking about his eventual ascent to power, and Greppa taking whatever avenues are open to him to gain it, necromantic in nature or otherwise (one out of game word: "Mephisto"). So, while Greppa might not be sprinting forward, he's still taking that path--it's just more a leisurely stroll than a race, at this point.

"I want to be the most lethal arcanist ever born. Orcs, bandits, even dragons, will give way to me. I'm tired of being the twig being stepped on."
(emphasis mine) ^_^

Awww, yeah. We're talkin' smack down, baby.

And it's very you, dahling. ^^;;;


No Trouble at All
As always very enjoyable, both from the storytelling and from the world creation. The only problem is that you distract me from writing stuff for my world!

But now back to something recent:
Greppa, realizing belatedly that he should have buffed everyone long ago

Hey, that's an interesting thought. For these spells that last for hours (presuming you haven't changed the duration), it makes sense for the heroes to really always have them up. If you have a three or four hour duration on Earth's Strength or Earth's Skin, you should spell yourself exhausted on the whole guard contingent. After all, you'll recover from the exhaustion long before the spell runs out, and then you can do it again!

For the adventuring party, this might offset the scarcity of magical items and other equipment. There aren't many suits of plate armor and bracers of strength lying around, but as long as you have that one arcanist in the group there is no excuse to not have your strength, dex, con and "skin" boosted at all times.



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Greybar said:
Hey, that's an interesting thought. For these spells that last for hours (presuming you haven't changed the duration), it makes sense for the heroes to really always have them up.
Absolutely. In fact, that's pretty much the way the war was run (as part of the shock troops), but the PCs never followed through after the war. You can bet they did after the armorcat incident, however.

As a side note, there is one good reason not to do so: when the arcanist has good direct combat spells, you lose a lot of tactical strength if he's exhausted when the enemy attacks. You also get hosed if all magic in the area is dispelled while he's exhausted and unable to replenish it.

Also, earth's skin and earth's strength make you look odd, so they're not always appropriate.

But as a general rule? Earth's strength is good stuff.
For the adventuring party, this might offset the scarcity of magical items and other equipment.
Scarcity? What scarcity? Athan's gotta magic spear, don't he? ;)


Very cool. Its nice getting to see those background beasties you were talking about oh so long ago viscously maul a player character.

Ah the joys of DMing.


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Three updates in a day! I'm craaazy!

Olgah's Tale

15 Years Ago

Grumbling to himself, the shaman hiked through the woods. The orcs had described what they hunted as a small creature clinging to the back of a wolf. According to Agahken, it had flashing red eyes and had howled with the wolf as it ran. The shaman wanted to make sure the damned stupid orc had not somehow offended a kerbohl... or stumbled across a threat to the tribe.

So far, he had covered half the mountain and the local spirits had agreed that such a thing had passed through, but that it did not live there. He continued grumbling to himself, when he saw them.

Flat on their bellies, an old wolf bitch and an orc child were lapping water at the base of a waterfall. As one, they startled and stared at the shaman. Then, like a flicker of flame, the child blended into the wolf's back and the two leaped as one over the pool and into the shadows of the forest.

It was enough of a shock that the shaman stopped grumbling. And started chuckling - the child had had Agahken's eyes, and if there was one thing the shaman liked, it was to have Agahken as deep in debt to him as possible.

Agahken's mate was a damned fine cook, and the shaman was in the mood for a good meal after all this hiking.

Voidrunner's Codex

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