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seasong's Light Against The Dark (FEB 06)


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Greppa, if you're around today, I'm trying to remember how much time passed between arriving back at the tower, and the next, ah, major set of events. I want to think it was like 8 months or so, but I just can't remember.

I know Greppa did some research, so I thought you might remember.
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Hrm. I really don't know. A few months passed because we were doing research and getting our feet wet haunting old ruins practicing for real adventuring...then the "events" started. And the other stuff happened soon after.


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Oh well. I'll try to figure it out when I have more time.

Greedy Merchants: Thanks, Caliber! And usually, those quasi-evil villain-types are greedy and stupid, eh? Burns my hide, it does.
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I remembered a few more things from the visit to Aglaonis, and editted them in to the trade & beer post. They are titled "Foreign Libraries" and "Athletics". No other changes were made.
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Intermission: Passing Time

Once back in Theralis, each of the youths had things to take care of, and so time passed.

Greppa had seen notes on a lost mine between Aglaonis and Theralis, mentioned in the footnote of a narrative about something else entirely, and had connected it to something similar mentioned in an old Theralis story, so he began reading at the Theralis phronein purgis, looking for clues. He also continued to study Hurath's private library, both learning more of the arcanist art and attempting to master the fireball he lusted after.

Merideth began visiting and spending time with some of the espers in Theralis, few though they were, and began establishing connections. Or trying to. Espers are a shy lot, and it took several months for Merideth to even find out who they were. Still, once she had managed that, she found a mentor in Hathamos, an ellini of older mien and lonely demeanor.

Athan, of course, continued strengthening his bonds with the Keraunesti, and began training for the Olympiad, a test of athletic prowess held every five years in Theralis. He would finally be old enough for it by the end of the next summer, and wanted to be ready.

All too soon, summer was arriving. Greppa thought he knew where the mine might be located, but he'd started to have second thoughts. The mine equalled a solid source of wealth for the trio, if they could find and restore it. But it was getting close to time for the orcs to hit again... and he also wanted to search for the orcs that had attacked the Bunahken.

Finally, he discussed it with Athan and Merideth. Athan's reply was simple, "The mine will still be there in a year. The Theralese captured by the orc tribe won't. And we have to be here in the first part of summer, in case Theralis needs us."

And with that, the decision was made.
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The PCs fought at Eastpass during the first orc invasion. They were sixteen at the time, and were near the end of their year of Service. They were then orc slaves for slightly less than a year, and returned to Theralis in time for the second invasion (they fought at Theralis Ridge), in which Kyriotes helped turn the tide. Intersperced into this was recovering a lost temple of Allas, visiting home, the merchant journey to Aglaonis, and most of a year spent in research. They are turning 18 just as this section of the storyline starts (and Athan is now old enough to compete in the Olympiad, which will start a year later).

War? Again?

Athan, Greppa and Merideth were now 18 years of age, and Theralis was preparing for the third year of battle with the orcs. Each year, near the early part of summer, a wave of tribes would lash against the mountain slopes, only to crumble against the Theralis shield walls. And every year, the scouts had to learn the names of the new tribes, for it seemed that the same ones never attacked twice. There was definitely something causing it.

The scouts and espers had determined at least some things about orc activity beyond the mountain ridge. The tribes were warring among themselves as well, further east, and the death toll there was horrendous. Scavengers of all sorts littered a number of eastern valleys, while the predator population swelled. Many of the smaller tribes were banding together for common survival, and working to tackle and take down some of the largest tribes... a good sign, by Theralese reckoning.

Or it was, until one of those largest tribes, fleeing the heel-nipping of a small tribe alliance, crossed 120 miles in a day and showed up at Theralis' doorstep. With insufficient warning, the initial shield walls still held, but the spell casters were still stumbling out of bed and running upslope while fighting was going on.

Greppa noticed a troop of soldiers running into the city, and when he looked, saw far too much smoke coming from Kyriotes' tower. He had to ignore that for now, however - he had his own job to do. He began summoning earth spirits into the Keraunesti soldiers, in the hope that it would keep some of them alive when they might otherwise die.

And then the Keraunesti were on the move, stopping a gap that had opened, and Greppa, pulled along to keep pumping out earth's strength, forgot about it entirely.

War had arrived.
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This is a long one, and wraps up Olgah's tale for a while.

Olgah's Tale

13 years ago.

It took a few months, but the shaman managed to gain the duo's trust. And with time, tamed both sufficiently to bring them into the fold of the Bunahken. The child was named Olgah ("great river") by the shaman, who foresaw great things for her. The wolf was named Beshgah ("great wolf"), primarily because the orcs admired her cunning... with the exception of Agahken.

As Olgah learned to speak orc, and became accustomed to the tribe, her cleverness shone through. The shaman adopted her as his own, and began teaching her his ways.

9 years ago.

Olgah, nearly full grown, had stopped riding the wolf years ago, and was more often seen running through the woods alone, catching hares and making broth for the old bitch. Now Beshgah lay curled into the soft rabbit-hide bed Olgah had made for her on winter nights. Last night, they had not been enough. Beshgah's sleeping form was still and cold.

The old shaman held Olgah's head to his shoulder as she wept. He loved her dearly, but she was too weak, to cry so freely at the death of a wolf long since given to winter. Finally, he harshened his features, stiffened his arms, and pushed her away. Glaring into her red-eyed face, he reprimanded her: "Olgah! You know better than this! The wolf was long since given to winter, and waited only her time to go. That she stayed so long is proof of her love of you, the bond between your hearts. Let her go, and give your grief to the mountains. Let them weep rivers for you, while you are needed here, by your people!"

Then he softened his tone, "Olgah, our people are called the Bone Ache because we know regret so dearly, and we understand what pain comes with loss. But you are an adult. You will see death many times, but you are needed here. I will not be around forever, either, and then our people will need you more than ever."

The young orc took a deep, choked breath and held it. Her eyes dried, slowly, as she pushed her pain down, deep into her bones, and into the mountain beneath her. Beshgah was gone.

5 years ago.

With dry eyes, Olgah oversaw the burial of the shaman. He had been a good mentor, and had taught her what she needed to know. But part of her wished he'd left her in the forest with Beshgah.

When she was done, she was the new shaman, coming of age, and coming into power, in the same year. She looked over her people, her people, and spoke.

"Before our ancestors, I accept this solemn vow: to care for you when you are wounded, to avenge you when you are dead, and to aid your endeavors when you deserve it. The spirits speak through me and act through me. This is done."

Six Months Ago

The people of the Uhkemah tribe looked up and east in the predawn light, but saw nothing. A pack of wolves was howling, despite the early hour, and one or two warbands discussed the feasibility of hunting them down to shut them up.

And then the sun crested the mountain, preventing vision, and wolf spirits poured down the mountain into the valley. Five had fur like orc air, and looked particularly savage. One was immense, easily eight feet at the shoulder, and bore a howling orc woman on its back. Her hair was wild, and she bore a spear that shook with ancestral energy.

The wolves ripped into the valley, with vicious purpose. Dodging most of the orcs, they targetted the leaders, the chief and shaman, the strongest warbands, the oldest matriarchs, and slaughtered them and their families ruthlessly. The damage done, the wolves faded into the morning mists, only to hound the Uhkemah in hunting for weeks after, until the tribe changed its name to Beshbeg ('wolf-bit'), and fled north until the curse seemed abated.

The young orcs who had accompanied Olgah, sacrificed to fuel the spells that had worked her curse, laughed and lolled their tongues at her before running off with their new brethren. They were free now, of her burden. For Olgah, the burden was just beginning.

Olgah would gather power to herself. She would journey east and find answers and powerful spirits to aid her. And then, hopefully, the final gengah oht could be achieved. Amalan.
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