Services Rendered - businesses serving TMP directly



Some businesses in the community around TMP are or have directly helped the club or are contracted for general work. OOC it's a first in first served basis. Characters/players need to approach or be approached by TMP staf (wizos). I don't want this to sound lke favoritism, thats just so that we don't end up with 5 characters apparently suppling sound equiptment.

Characters/businesses can be fired from the job if their work IC doesn't hold up or if they are found trying to mess with things that are not part of their job. Supplying a service to TMP does not make characters involved TMP staff ad does not give them access to areas that are not public in the TMP building unless necessary for a job and accompanied by TMP staff. If a second company steps forward with "a better deal", then TMP staff may have to consider the proposal. TMP is an IC business after all. ;)

I need this list. I need it to keep it straight just who's doing what, and it'll help the team to know which is which. Then we can use it to play off and refer to when appropriate.

A section of El Defensa supplied and fitted bulletproof glass for TMPs windows and vibration-proof plexiglass for the aquariums and terrariums in the entrance alcove.

La Fiamme di Miele suppliments some of TMP's foodstocks.

TMP has The Blast Zone under consideration.

Blue Lights, Electrical and Housing has provided some of TMP's new lighting fixtures and is called for some electrical maintenance.

Flexworks Inc. has provided TMP with a Construction & Repair Unit, hired as a basic maintenance bot (crunit, aka Jimmy).

- Pounamu

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First Post
*cough* it's The Blast Zone, not jet zone :)

To be specific, TBZ is offering certified repair work, and may offer other things, such as crowd control equipment at a later date



So edited for Jet. Sorry! lol Guess I was still waking up at that point. Gabriel and I were still around the Cage at 4 or 5am...

Tempting as it is to "hire" someone to try and alter Beedee, the fact it can't be achieved kinda puts a damper on it...

I'd love to see the time TMP may need crowd control. :D ;)

- Pounamu


First Post
Think my character could get together a private security force? What with all the fighter-types, they could get a good job and still interact in the club as plainclothes enforcers. A little hired muscle never hurt...



It might be fun to have a security force around but I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to hire them as bouncers and they wouldn't be able to act like cops.

So the short answer would be go ahead a a business, but no you wouldn't be playing TMP bouncers.

And the long answer...

We can't give non-wizos positions that would single them out as "special" within TMP itself - eg access to non-public areas and the idea of legally enforcing(/pushing) things against other characters.

It' a clash between Freedom of Destiny and the reality of the setting. If a character is supposed to be able to toss someone out or arrest someone within the setting, then to hold the reality of the setting the player of the other character has to go along with it but it would be affecting the player's right to choose what happens to their character. :( If we as hosts were to uphold one character's actions over the other player's wishes, frankly we'd be abusing our positions. To give one character/player advantages over others would be playing favorites. That's why although characters may be hired or contracted for work, it's not a permenant position and doesn't give that character/player privileges. A character may well provide a service to TMP for 5 years. Another character may offer a better service and get hired. (Someone may play up and try tampering with things that have nothing to do with their contract and TMP has drops them from the job.)

Does this make sense?

If later on it is decided that having some characters providing services to TMP is unfair, it would get scrapped and characters would just have to try their luck at being on hand just when soething is needed and when there's an obliging host around...

- Pounamu

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