Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]

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:D maybe someday here again... just not yet... but the Star Wars/5th ed. game has been put back a bit as the group I am playing with still want to stick with Savage Worlds Rifts. Its been a fun game but I kind of want to try something non-Savage World for a change (love the Savage World system but love lots of systems)


First Post
For a PBP shadowrun game I have been thinking about game systems like Blades in the Dark where you might have a skill or even a saving throw to "be prepared". So instead of planning everything out in a PBP you might have a basic plan ("We hit them here" or "We break into that place" and go forward to the action. If in the middle of the adventure you run into a complication you make your roll or save and can up with a solution that you have prepared for back in "the planning stages". So you run into some guards you were not expecting. With your "planning roll" maybe you did something to distract them so you could sneak by, etc. Just some random thoughts there :)


First Post
Part 3 of the Shadowrun/5th ed. conversion...

In the world of Shadowrun a great majority of vehicles and all drones are “self-operating” i.e. they can drive themselves in most cases. Now some very cheap and old models of some vehicles can’t but they tend to be the exception rather than the rule. In all cases then below – an operator is the vehicles controller. Someone ordering a drone to take an action is not the operator, the drone (or self-driving car) is. Crew includes the operator and all passengers within the vehicle. A gunner is a non-operator who is manning a vehicle weapon.

Modifier: this is based on the vehicles Dexterity minus its size modifier: Large size -1, Huge -2, Gargantuan -4, Colossal -6, Behemoth -8 and Titan -10.
The Attack Modifier is only applies to weapons fired by an operator or gunner, not a drone or autonomous vehicles. It is based on the Vehicles Intelligence minus the vehicles size modifier (as above

Vehicle Armor Class = 10 + size modifier + armor bonus. Smaller, more maneuverable vehicles add the vehicle operator’s Dexterity or Intelligence modifier (some only to a max of +2). Note that the operator must be proficiency with the vehicle to gain these bonuses.

Vehicle Damage Threshold = 10 + vehicle’s Strength modifier + size modifier (i.e. Medium +5, Large +10, Huge +15, Gargantuan +20, Colossal +30, Behemoth +50, Titan +60).

Vehicles and drones that suffer their Damage Threshold from one attack gain the Reeling Condition and all actions taken by the drone or crew suffer the effects this condition for any tasks on the vehicle’s systems (piloting checks, attack rolls, repair, sensors, etc.).

Vehicles and drones already suffering the Reeling Condition who again take damage equal to exceeding its Damage Threshold acquires the Stunned Condition. The crew may still be able to act, but the vehicle cannot move under its only control. Aircraft fall from the sky, ground vehicles tend to move out of control and/or crash. Any actions the crew attempts against or with the vehicle’s systems, while the vehicle is Stunned, are at a Disadvantage. Vehicles, unlike creatures and drones, cannot recover from either Reeling or Stunned conditions ‘naturally’. Instead the operator or crew member must Re-rout power (see below).

At zero hit points, vehicles and drones are out of control and is no longer functioning. All the crew can do it attempt to fix it or abandoned it. If in hostile environment (underwater, toxic, etc.) the vehicle starts venting atmosphere, and the crew has a number of rounds to escape or get to life support area (or jury-rig an area) equal to the reverse of the Vehicle size penalty (i.e. a Large vehicle has one round of atmosphere left, while a Colossal vehicle has ten rounds). If a vehicle is reduced to 0 hit points by and attack that deals damage equal to or greater than its damage threshold, it is destroyed. In addition, all of the vehicle’s occupants take half damage from this attack.

On a critical hit (even if not destroyed) that knock the vehicle to 0 Hit Points, all occupants also take ½ the damage inflicted from this last attack. Occupants can make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability check gain Resistances to this damage (in effect taking ¼ the base damage).

Collision Damage. All vehicles and drones deal a number of dice of damage based on their size (both vehicles suffer this damage). Drones deal their unarmed bludgeoning damage, while vehicles deal – 1d8 for Medium, 2d6 for Large, 3d6 for Huge, 4d6 for Gargantuan, 5d8 for Colossal, 5d12 for Behemoth and 6d12 for Titan. This assume that the vehicle or drone moved at least 30ft that round before striking its target. Moving up to 60ft in a round doubles the damage and moving over 100ft triples the damage. All crew and passengers also suffer this damage as if they had Resistance. With a successful Strength or Dexterity saving throw vs. the initial ram attack roll, the damage is halves (in affect they only suffer ¼ the damage).

Out of Control. An out of control vehicle or (one that is Stunned or has 0 hit points remaining) is no long under control of the vehicle operator. Land vehicles tend to move in the same general direction they were moving before being disabled, the first round at whatever speed it was traveling the previous rounds, and half speed each round after that. If there are any obstacles in the way it make crash into them (see Collisions). Aircraft that becomes disabled immediately falls 500 feet plus another 1,000 feet for every rounds until it either hits the ground or is reactivated. Resolve falling damage as normal, and all passengers and crew suffer ½ this damage (see Crash systems).

Attack. As an action can fire one vehicle weapon system. Vehicle operators can only fire weapon systems that are forward fixed unless it is has a Rigger upgrade. Gunners can only fire systems that they are manning personally unless they have some cybernetic (such as a Datajack) and the vehicle has the Rigged upgrade.

Attack Run (Vehicle Operator Only): As an Action, an aircraft with heavy auto only weapons or bombs and missiles can make a special ‘Attack Run’. However, with a successful check, all attacks against the vehicle also have Advantage until the start of the operator’s next turn. For heavy auto weapons they affect targets in a wide line of 20ft and up to 60ft length long. All targets within this Area of Effect are at disadvantage on all Dexterity saving throws! With dropped bombs and missiles used against stationary targets, the attack roll is with advantage, and can affect a line of affect with each bomb or missiles AOE (i.e. Block Buster bombs have an AOE of 50ft. If the gunner drops 3 bombs then the AOE becomes 50ftx150ft).

Bomb Drops: Bombs are dropped and use the same basic rules as Indirect Attacks under Grenades. An Attack run action (see above) can negate this penalty (advantage with a “spotter”).

Dogfight (Vehicle Operator Only). Only aircraft that are Gargantuan size or smaller. As a bonus action, during the Action phase, pilots may initiative a dogfight against each other. If one side does not wish to engage in a dogfight they can be ‘forced’ with a contested operator skill check but the aggressor is at -1d6 to their initial check. If the aggressor fails the dogfight is not initiated. If the aggressor wins then a dogfight is taking place and the loser have disadvantage on their attack rolls against the aggressors during the first round of combat. Fighter Wings (see maneuvers below) can engage in dogfights as a group (choosing one pilot from each wing to make the check; that pilot gains a +1 to his pilot check).
*Dogfighting: At the beginning of each round, ships engage in a dogfight make opposed vehicle operator check as a ‘free’ action. The side that ‘loses’ is at disadvantage on any attack rolls it makes against the winners this round. Each round the winner of the Dogfighting contest can move the group up to ½ his ship’s base speed during the movement phase.
*Disengage from a Dogfight: When a ship wishes to leave a dogfight it requires an action and contested vehicle operations check on its turn. If the target wins they leave the dogfight (no longer considered in the dogfight). If the target fails it can still leave but all enemy ships in the enemy ships in the dogfight can make an Opportunity attack against it. The ship can remain in the dogfight and not suffer these attacks.
*Firing into a Dogfight: for any ships outside a dogfight, attack rolls against enemy ships in a dogfight with allies or other ships are at disadvantage.

Hide (Vehicle Operator Only). The operator can use his action to make a Hide check during its’ phase, so long as he has some form of obscuring cover (darkness does not count in space) or a Stealth system upgrade. You cannot hide on the same round as your vehicle attacks.

Maneuver (Vehicle Operator Only). The following rolls are modified by the vehicles maneuver rating. Note that these maneuvers can cause damage with a failed check. Failure causes a number of 1d6 damage equal to ¼ the vehicle’s HD (round up). This damage is not reduced by resistance or Hardness.
*Avoid Missiles and Torpedoes: As a reaction, the operator can attempt to avoid a missile or torpedo that has just successfully struck his ship. Makes an operator maneuver check contested against the attack roll, success means the missile or torpedo missed that round. If subject to a missile or torpedo barrage, a base success means avoid one missile or torpedo, each +5 over the TN the ship has avoided another missile or torpedo of the same barrage.
*Dash: The operator can use its’ action to move the vehicle its Base speed movement again. This is a DC 12 maneuver check to gain the benefits. With success non-operating crew preforming any action during this movement are at a Disadvantage for any skill or attack roll.
*Dodge: As its action the operator may take the Dodge action with a vehicle it controls. This is a DC 15 maneuver check to gain the benefits of imposing Disadvantage from enemy attacks until the start of the operator’s next turn. With success non-operating crew preforming any action during this movement are at a Disadvantage for any skill or attack roll.
*Fighter Wings: For aircraft Gargantuan and smaller, can form attack wings of up to four vehicles. As a bonus action, at the beginning of the turn, all pilots must make a DC 15 operations skill check. With success, all ships in the wing must move at the same speed and remain within the same 30ft as each other, they combine to aid each other’s defense and attacking. A duel fighter wing adds +1 to both ship’s AC and +1 to their attack and to each damage dice rolled (i.e. 3d8 adds +3 damage) that round. With four or more ships, add +2 to all ship’s AC, attack and damage rolls.
*Increase Speed: As a bonus action, the operator can try and increase the speed of its vehicle. On its round, make an operator skill check DC 15. Success increase the ship’s speed by +50% this round. Success of a 20+ doubles the speed this round. A failure also reduces the ship’s speed by 50% this round.
*Ram: As an Action, an operator can attempt to ram a target by moving into the target vehicle’s space. You must have sufficient movement to reach the target’s space. You can only ram a target that is larger than your vehicle or up to two sizes smaller than your vehicle. On the operator’s turn make a vehicle skill check at disadvantage against the target’s AC. This is something like an Area Attack. If the check is successful, your vehicle and the target take Collision Damage (see below). If your vehicle survives you can either finish the rest of your movement or attempt to ‘push’ the target with your vehicle. This works like Shoving a Creature (PHB) using the Vehicles Strength or Dexterity. If the target has lost power for whatever reason, it is at disadvantage on this check. If the check fails, your vehicle and the targets suffer ½ the normal damage and your vehicles moves the next unoccupied space and stops (end of movement). As a reaction, the target vehicle operator can attempt to avoid this with an opposed operator’s check vs. the attacker’s check. With success it both ships only suffers ½ the damage or no damage if the attack check “missed”.

Missile Lock. If the operator or gunner of a missile or torpedo spends its Action before firing such a weapon, the gunner makes a special Attack against the target (at normal bonuses and penalties). If it is successful the missile or torpedo is “locked” onto the target. Firing a weapon with ‘missile lock’ means that on the following round the gunner is at advantage on its attack check and even if it misses, it can attempt to hit the same target again on the following round with the same Attack bonus (but not at advantage). If this second attack misses then the missile or torpedo self-destructs harmlessly. Certain systems can cancel or affect this roll.

Repair. A damaged vehicle can be repaired, with time. If the vehicle is reduced to 0 hit points that also exceeded its Damage Threshold in the attack the vehicle has been destroyed and is generally not repairable. Someone may be able to jury-rig a short term fix to get it moving for a short period, but generally a vehicle in this state is sold for scrap.
To repair non-destroyed vehicle (one reduced down to 0 hit points), a creature can work on it for one hour and make a Tools (Repair kit) check DC 15. A success repairs 1d8 + your tools proficiency bonus. If the vehicle is suffering any conditions these apply to the skill check.
*Jury-Rig: You can attempt to make short-term repairs to a non-destroyed vehicle or make install some condition (like seal a room on a submersible that is sinking and taking on water). To get a disabled vehicle up and ‘limping-along’ requires a Tools (Repair kit) DC 20 check and at least one hour of work. Success means that the vehicle will acts as if Reeling for a number of minutes equal to your character level. At the end of this time the vehicle jury-rig ends (but you can keep trying to jury-rig it to keep it limping along).
To jury-rig damage to a non-disable vehicle requires a Tools (Repair kit) check DC 20 and an Action of work and restores 1d8 +tool proficiency bonus. Note though that all damage restored in this way is reapplied to the vehicle after whatever ‘scenes’ you are in end (generally at the end of combat but the GM has the final say). This can result in the vehicle being disable or even destroyed, depending.

Reroute Power: A crew must make a Tools (Repair kit) DC 15 check to remove the Reeling or Stunned condition from a vehicle (note that after the Stunned condition ends it is still Reeling). This a number of Actions equal to the base Modifier Size penalty (see above) of the vehicle (i.e. a large vehicle need 1 action, colossal vehicles require 10 actions/rounds) to remove either condition, one step at a time. A crew can try and jury-rig the repairs in ½ the time (round down, minimum 1 round), but the DC increases to 20. Failure at jury-rigging causes the vehicle to suffer the Stunning Condition for one round (then returns to Reeling at the beginning of the operator’s next round) and then can attempt to repair on the following round.[/sblock]

In Shadowrun and many sci-fi or modern day adventures the environment can be as much an enemy as an armed guard or security system.

Major life forms on Earth breathe nitrogen, oxygen, or a mixture of the two. Atmospheres are divided into five categories: Vacuum, Thin, Normal, Dense, and Hazardous (Toxic).
Vacuum: Vacuums contain little or no air or atmosphere, meaning most organic beings must breathe through artificial means (such as spacesuits). The lack of atmosphere also means pressure is extremely low or nonexistent. This causes blood vessels to burst and lungs to rupture. If a creatures doesn’t have a sealed suit (or it’s breached), he suffers 1d6 hit points of damage and must make a DC 15 Constitution save or also suffer one level exhaustion of from decompression every round. If a breathing being expels all air from its lungs (requiring a Wisdom save DC 15) she can avoid this roll for ¼ her Constitution score (round down). This condition is found generally only in space or special tanks on Earth where the atmosphere can be removed for various tests, etc.
Thin: Thin atmospheres have little breathable oxygen, and the pressure can cause physical trauma as blood vessels expand and rupture. Creatures require pressurized spacesuits to operate safely in Thin atmosphere. Any breach of the suit forces the individual to make a Constitution save every minute to avoid gaining a level of exhaustion. This can lead to death. The victim recovers back exhaustion lost this way level every 10 minutes if returned to standard atmospheric pressure. This condition is generally only found at very high altitudes on Earth like in an high flying craft or the peaks of very high mountains.
Normal: Earth’s basic atmospheres have no special effects. Atmospheres between Normal and Thin or Dense may also exist. Use whatever condition is closest, but failed saves lead to a maximum of only 4 levels of exhaustion from these lower conditions.
Dense: Dense atmospheres have a higher pressure than Earth and are almost as difficult to breathe in as thin atmospheres. A being must wear some sort of breathing apparatus or make a DC 15 Constitution save every 30 minutes. Failure results in one level of exhaustion up to a maximum of 5. There are no areas on Earth where this is naturally occurring, except underwater (and in those cases, land dwellers can’t normally breath underwater). Without driving suits subjects suffer as described.
Victims recover these lost exhaustion levels every 10 minutes if returned to standard atmospheric pressure.
Hazardous: Certain toxins and gaseous content of a Hazardous atmosphere do not support healthy human life. There are numerous toxic wastelands spread throughout the planet (both natural and from pollution, etc.) A creature without some kind of independent oxygen supply must make a DC 10-20 (depending on severity; GM’s call) Constitution save every round (or minute or hour for less toxic environments, as determined by the GM) or suffer an exhaustion level that can lead to death. Recovery is only possible when the creature receives air at standard pressure and one exhaustion level is recovered every 10 minutes.

Its’ unlikely that the characters in Shadowrun will be visiting Space, but just in case. All individuals suffer some physical disorientation in gravities different than what they’re used to. This inflicts disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity based attacks, ability and skill checks and saving throws.
In lower gravities beings experience higher Strength abilities for lifting, carrying and lifting and also higher base Speed. They suffer just the opposite in higher gravity situations.
*Super-Heavy G: Carrying capacity, lifting, leaping distances and Speed are all ¼ normal (round Speed to the nearest 5ft base).
*Heavy G: Carrying capacity, lifting, leaping distances and Speed are all ½ normal (round Speed to the nearest 5ft base).
*Low G: Carrying capacity, lifting, leaping distances and Speed increase by +50% over normal.
*Micro-G: Carrying capacity, lifting, leaping distances and Speed are doubled over normal.

Zero-G Effects: Movement and combat in zero-g is tricky due to momentum and disorientation. First, when not traveling in a straight line, beings move in zero-g as if it were difficult terrain. If you launch yourself off in a straight direction you continue to move at that same speed until you encounter a surface or some outside means alters your course. A Fly speed can change course and alter your speed but you must you movement to do so, otherwise you will continue to move at the same speed and in the same direction your last move. Unless a creatures is anchored in some way (magnetic books lacked to a metal hull, etc.) all Strength and Dexterity based skills and attack rolls are at disadvantage (Elves and Spacer feat can ignore this). When firing a non-recoilless weapons when not anchored the creature is sent tumbling. When tumbling the creature has a Move speed of 0 (if he was moving then he is still moving in that direction but cannot change it) and it is at disadvantage with all saving throws, skill and ability checks and attack rolls. As an action the creature can attempt a DC 15 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check to ‘right’ itself (but remember at disadvantage). Success means it is no longer tumbling.

Trudging through deep snow for hours on end, or facing biting, bitter winds, can dehydrate and fatigue a creature as quickly as blazing deserts. Every four hours spent in weather around freezing (32° F), a creature must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. Failure means gaining one level of exhaustion. This can eventually kill the creature. For below 0° F this save is at disadvantage. These rolls assume the creature is wearing winter clothing (or a wetsuit if underwater). If not increase the DC to 20. Advanced arctic suits ignore the based saving throw and grant advantage on the save below 0° F down to around -40° F then standard saves and disadvantage on saves below -80° F. Below -100° F without a void suit or similar protection the creature fails this saving throw automatically.

Intense heat, typically that over 90° F degrees Fahrenheit, can cause heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both of which are very dangerous. The actual danger is from dehydration, so well-supplied and conscientious creatures can greatly improve their chances in extreme heat simply by carrying a good amount of water and drinking frequently. When the temperature reaches 90° F degrees or more, the GM should pay attention to how much water creature is able to drink. If they are able to drink at least four quarts of water a day, they may be tired and sunburned, but are in no immediate danger. A desert suit produces the water required for the wearer (but no extra). If that amount of water isn’t available, creature must make DC 15 Constitution check every four hours, add +2 to the DC if the creature has half the water needed, add +5 to the DC if less than half. Add +1 to the DC for every 5 degrees above 90 the temperature is. However lower the DC by -2 if the creature is taking no physical action but walking and -5 if sitting and another -3 if sitting in a substantially shaded area. Failure means gaining one level of exhaustion. This can kill the creature.

There are various degrees of radiation that causes damage and can reduces the creature’s maximum hit point total. Creatures in a radioactive environment must make a Constitution save or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduction is not recovered after a Long Rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
Dangerous levels of radiation require a DC 12 save every hour or suffer 1d6 hit points of damage and also a reduction of the creatures maximum hit point total. Extreme levels of radiation require a DC 15 save every minute or suffer 1d8 hit points of damage an also a reduction of the creatures maximum hit point total. Deadly levels of radiation require a DC 15 save but every round or suffer 1d10 hit points of damage and a reduction of the creatures maximum hit point total.
After a long rest the creature can make a Constitution saving throw vs. the same DC as the damage. With a success it rolls its best Hit Dice (if multiclassed) and removes that amount from its maximum hit points that has been reduced (i.e. a Fighter/Wizard makes his save after a long rest. His maximum hit points have been reduced by 21 points due to radiation. He rolls a d10 getting a 6. His maximum hit point maximum is now down only 15 points).[/sblock]

[sblock=GM Section]
Game Rule Information
Hit Dice
: at each level non-heroic characters gain 1d4 hit points + constitution modifier.
Karma: Non-heroic character cannot gain or use Karma Points

Armor and Weapons
: Simple Weapons plus one either of Heavy Weapons, Heavy Firearms, Light Firearms, Martial Weapons, Super-Heavy Weapons or Light Armor or Medium Armor. Heavy Armor proficiency can only be taken with a feat if the creature already has Light & Medium armor proficiency.
Saving Throws: Generally none to start with. They can take the Determined feat to gain proficiency bonus with a saving throw.
Skills and Tools: Any one of choice.
Backgrounds: instead of picking a background, nonheroic characters gain any two Skills, Tools, Vehicles, or any of the Armor and Weapon Proficiencies listed above.

Non-Heroic characters gain normal Proficiency bonuses for their level, Feats (at 1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), and Attribute bonuses (at 4th, 8th, etc.) as normal.

Non-Heroic character ‘generally’ have 18 points to assign to attributes, as there are no standard templates, although if you want to assign one use the following – 12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10.

Henchmen are Minions who later take level in Heroic Classes. Treat this just as if they were multi-classing into the Heroic level.

Techs with the Upgrade feature can add of these features or upgrade features from Drones and Vehicles at ½ the base cost. Just as a general rule, it takes one day of work in a machines garage per 1,000¥ for armor, weapon and gear upgrades, or per 2,000¥ for drone upgrades and per 5,000¥ for vehicle upgrades.

[Elemental] Proofing: Pick one of the following energy types – Acid, Cold, Fire, or Lightning. The armor now has that energy type damage reduction of 5. Light armor and protective armor can have one proofing installed. Medium and heavy armor can have two different types of proofing installed. Cost –base armor cost.

Advanced [Elemental] Proofing: You can have one additional type of proofing added to any one suit of armor. Also can now install proofing for the following elementals – Radiant, Thunder. Cost –base armor cost x2.

Note that weapon upgrades (basic or advanced) do not stack with Adapt – Weapon Master or Improved Weapon master, nor do they stack with any Weapon Focus magic item.




Drones are Constructs and as such have no Constitution score, and deal bludgeoning unarmed damage. Drones are immune to all mind-affect abilities (beneficial or not). Drones automatically run on batteries. Drones automatically have advanced AI (Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores) with built in comlines and Rigger upgrade. All drones are proficient with Intelligence saves and have proficiency in Computer Use and Perception automatically.
Drone Size
Fine (2): base price 1,000¥, Wt. 1lb. about the size of an insect. Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 18, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity; Speed: 20ft; AC 11; SZ: Fine; HD: ½; HP: 5; Hardness: 0, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +2; Special Qualities: Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 1hr recharge, Unarmed 1 bludgeoning point. Cannot mount weapons, limited modifiers.
Tiny (8): 1,500¥, Wt. 8 lbs, about the size of a bird; Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 14, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity; Speed: 30ft; AC 11; SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +2; Weapon Attack: -1 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 2hr recharge, Unarmed 1d3 bludgeoning.
Small (20): 2,000¥, Wt. 30 lbs, about the size of a child; Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 12, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity; Speed: 30ft; AC 11; SZ: Small; HD: 2; HP: 20; Hardness: 2, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +2; Weapon Attack: +1 melee, +3 ranged; Special Qualities: Construct, Battery 12hrs on 3hr recharge, Unarmed 1d4 bludgeoning.
Medium (100): 4,000¥, Wt. 120 lbs, about the size of a adult; Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 10, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Strength; Speed: 25ft; AC 11; SZ: Medium; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 3, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +2; Weapon Attack: +3 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Construct, Battery 10hrs on 3hr recharge, Unarmed 1d6 bludgeoning.
Large (150): 6,000 ¥, Wt. 450 lbs, about the size of an adult troll; Attributes: Strength 18, Dexterity 8, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength; Speed: 20ft; AC 12; SZ: Large; HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 4; Proficiencies: Computer Use +4, Perception +3; Weapon Attack: +7 melee, +2 ranged; Special Qualities: Construct, Battery 8hrs on 4hr recharge, Unarmed 1d8 bludgeoning.
Huge (200): 9,000¥, Wt. 2,000 lbs, about the size of a cargo van; Attributes: Strength 26, Dexterity 8, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength; Speed: 25ft; AC 12; SZ: Huge; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 5; Proficiencies: Computer Use +4, Perception +3; Weapon Attack: +11 melee, +2 ranged; Special Qualities: Construct, Battery 6hrs on 5hr recharge, Unarmed 1d10 bludgeoning.

Drone Stats
Size: drones basic size. Fine is about the size of an insect, tiny a bird or cat, small a child, medium an adult metahuman, large an average troll and huge a car. The number in the parentheses is the weight capacity total that the drone can handle in built in gear and sensors, weapons, etc. Note that with Attribute boost (Strength), each level adds 10% to the drone’s capacity total (round to the nearest).
Cost: drones price new, in ¥.
Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma: base Strength and Dexterity for a drone’s size. All drones automatically start with a base Intelligence of 12, Wisdom of 10 and Charisma of 6.
Prof: drone’s basic proficiency bonus.
Save: additional save type the drone has proficiency in.
Speed: the basic speed of a drone. Note that drones act as vehicle and can travel much faster in non-combat. Drones without legs, etc. have no ground speed.
AC: basic armor class without Dexterity bonus added on.
HD: basic Hit Dice of the drone.
HP: base number of Hit Points.
Battery: the drone’s operation time on a fully charged battery.
Special: any special abilities base on the drone’s size.

Basic Propulsion Types as Vehicles (except Turbo-Sonic see GM section on Vehicle Builds) with all features and modifiers (ignore Advanced Controls. Also ignore minimum size for Drones). Round any reduces to HD/HP the nearest (this often means for smaller aircraft they loss no HD/HP) and ½ any recharge time for medium and smaller. For runway/landing divide the distance by ½.
Aircraft, Bird Wing: Fine and Tiny size only. This system allows the drone to fly like a bird, allowing for enhanced disguise. Three times base cost and Fly speed. MPH are double feed Speed. Can hover, no minimum speed or runway.
Aircraft, LTA (Lighter-Then-Air): One-half base cost and lower speed by -5ft. MPH are base feet Speed. Triple battery life. Lower AC and Hardness by 1 and lower Strength by 4 points and Dexterity by 2 points (and the capacity is halved). Reduce HD/HP to ¾ and lower unarmed attack by 2 dice steps, minimum 1pt.
Rolling: maximum size Small. A self-rolling system of propulsion. Base cost and increase Speed by +5ft. Cannot handle going up stairs and difficult terrain cost three times the movement. Increase operating time by +2hrs.
Walker: Twice base cost and increase Speed by +10ft. MPH is base feet Speed. Add one hour to recharging time for same operation time.

Most upgrades for drones work exactly like vehicle upgrades but with the following exceptions – drones cannot take Advanced Control and already included basic AI. Some upgrades work a bit differently...
Arm-Actuator Lifters: These are simple armor that can lift cargo of willing creatures. Assume a carrying/life capacity of the vehicles size and strength (i.e. a Large drone with a 20 strength can “lift” 320lbs with a maximum of 640lbs. If used for attacking the roll is at disadvantage. Cost ¼ vehicle base cost, Wt. one-tenth vehicle weight towards capacity.
Armor Upgrade: Enhancing the armor plating of a base drone (Restricted). Cost and effect as vehicles. Two levels counts as Medium armor (disadvantage to stealth and max Dex bonus of +2) while four levels counts as Heavy armor (no Dexterity bonus, penalties still apply). Drones are automatically proficiency with the armor types with the upgrades. Fine drones cannot take this upgrade, Tiny and Small can handle 2 levels, Medium and Large can handle 3 levels and Huge can handle 4. Armor also counts towards the drones capacity, weighing 2lbs a level for tiny, 5lbs a level for small, 10lbs a level for medium, 15lbs a level for large and 20lbs a level for huge.
Animal Form/Disguise: This drone has been designed to appear to be some kind of animal or insect. Requires an action and a Perception check DC 15 to realize that it is a drone. Cost 2,000¥ up to Small size, 10,000¥ for all others.
Built-In Tools: Standard tool kits or Gear (GM approval). Cost is the tool kit cost +100% and its base weight counts towards drone’s capacity.
Combat Tracking Software I & II: Advanced tracking software installation (Restricted). Cost 1,000¥. Level II 5,000¥. A drone’s tracking software can be upgrade to add +2 equipment bonus to its ranged attack damage. For level II the damage is upgrading to a +4 equipment bonus with ranged attacks.
Expertise: with any one skill or tool or vehicle that the drone is already proficient with. Cost 2,000¥ each.
Low-Profile: Walker drones only. These specially designed drones are built to “hug” the ground and make them hard to target with ranged weapons. Attackers suffer disadvantage with ranged attacks against this drone. Cost ½ base vehicle base cost, including the walker cost increase. Max size medium.
Proficiencies: skill or tool proficiency for the drone. Cost 500¥ for one mental Skill (Int, Wis, Cha) or Language, Cost 1,000¥ for one physical Skill (Str, Dex) or any one Tool set. 1,500¥ for any one Vehicle proficiency.
Reinforced Chassis: Cost and affect as vehicles. Fine drones can take this but it only moves the drone to HD 1, and HP 10 (for 1lb towards its capacity). Has the same weight are Armor Upgrade that counts towards the drone’s capacity.
Resistance: drone gain resistant to one nonmagical (AP) type of damage. Cost 10,000¥ each type of damage (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing). Has the same weight are Armor Upgrade that counts towards the drone’s capacity.
Sensors: built in sensors. As any hand sensors or audio and visual enhancements built in, double the cost and its base weight counts towards the drone’s capacity (for enhancements assume each level counts as ¼lb in weight).
Target Acquisition: Targeting software installation. Cost 2,500¥. You can update a drone’s targeting system in this way once, so that now it re-rolls any 1s or 2s that it rolls on ranged attack damage dice. It must accept the result of these rerolls though.
Target Scanner: Targeting scanning software installation. Cost 5,000¥. You can update a drone’s sensor systems in this way once, so that now it scores a critical hit with ranged attacks with a 19 or 20 (so long as the 19 still hits the target).
Voice Modulator: Speakers have been installed within the drone allowing it to communicate verbally. Drones can only use fairly simple sentence structure though. Cost 500¥.
Wall-Crawling: Max small size drones. Walker propulsion only. Grants the drone the ability to walk on walls like a bug. Cost ½ the vehicle’s base size cost, Climb speed 20ft.
Weapon Mount: Cost 500¥, Wt. 1lb for a light firearm; costs 1,000¥, wt. 2lbs for a heavy firearm, cost 4,000¥, wt. 8lbs for a heavy weapon, and cost 12,000¥, wt. 24lbs for a super-heavy weapon. Fine drones cannot handle any weapons, Tiny can handle one very light weapon, Small can handle two light or one moderate weapon, Medium can handle four moderate weapons or two heavy weapons, Large can handle up to six moderate weapon or three heavy weapons, while a Huge drone can handle ten moderate weapons or five heavy weapons or two super-heavy weapons. Increase the weapon’s cost by +20% for the updated systems to install the weapon. This extra weight counts towards the drone’s capacity.
Weapon Proficiency: allows the drone to add its proficiency bonus to a mounted weapon attack. Simple and Martial weapons costs 500¥ each, Light and Heavy Firearms cost 1,000¥ each, Heavy weapons cost 1,500¥ and Super-Heavy costs 2,000¥.

Enhanced Programming: Can grant a feat. The drone must still qualify for it. It cannot take any that are mind-affecting. Cost is 5,000¥ each feat.

Medium. Motorcycle or super compact vehicle. Base Cost: 2,000¥ (3,200¥); Size: Medium; Crew: 2; Cargo: 40 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 50ft (x MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas -16hr on 4 gallons of gas (Electric -16hrs on a 4hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 18; Abilities: Strength 16, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Notes: Off road lose maneuver bonus with an additional -4/-8 penalty.
Large. Small car or very large motorcycle. Base Cost: 4,000¥ (5,400¥); Size: Large; Crew: 5; Cargo: 200 lbs; Modifier: -1; Speed: 40ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -12hrs on 10 gallons of gas (Electric -12hrs on a 4hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 32; Abilities: Strength 24, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: ?; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.
Huge. Midsized car, small cargo van, small personal boat or very small helicopter. Base Cost: 10,000¥ (14,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 10; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 40ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: ?; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.
Gargantuan. Large cargo van or semi-truck or fighter jet aircraft. Base Cost: 25,000¥ (30,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 20; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: -4; Speed: 30ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hr on 100 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.
Colossal. A small yacht or trolley fisher boat or private jet airplane. base Cost: 75,000¥ (90,000¥); Size: Colossal; Crew: 40; Cargo: 16,000 lbs; Modifier: -6; Speed: 25ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: 8hr on 500 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13; HD: 16; HP: 160; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 60; Abilities: Strength 50, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.
Behemoth. Luxury yacht, super-cargo aircraft and space shuttles. base Cost: 500,000¥ (800,000¥); Size: Behemoth; Crew: 80; Cargo: 50,000 lbs; Modifier: -8; Speed: 20ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hrs on 2,000 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 80; Abilities: Strength 70, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.
Titan. Massive cargo freighter or system spacecraft. base Cost: 500,000¥ (800,000¥); Size: Titan; Crew: 200; Cargo: 100,000 lbs; Modifier: -10; Speed: 20ft (x MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hrs on 10,000 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 14; HD: 25; HP: 250; Hardness: 6; Threshold: 100; Abilities: Strength 90, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks.

Basic Attributes (listed above) this are the basic characteristic of a vehicle of that size.
Size: How big the vehicle is.
Cost: basic cost, with number in parentheses is the cost for a battery power source.
Crew: basic number of passengers and crew that a vehicle can hold. Trolls count as 2 crew and armored troopers count as 1½ crew (3 crew for armored trolls).
Cargo: the amount of cargo a vehicle can safely transport. Can overload up to twice as much but vehicle maneuver it changed to disadvantage.
Modifier: Bonus or penalty for maneuver checks (see Vehicle Actions)
Speed: The base speed and maximum MPH in parentheses.
Cover: the cover bonus to all crew and passengers. Full means enclosed within the vehicle, partial lists the bonus while exposed means no cover.
Power: For Gas and Battery. The listing (x) is duration for normal operations. Gas costs 5¥ per gallon. Standard electric charging station take 6-8 hours to recharges a battery. The cost to recharge is based on the size of the vehicle = Medium 30¥, Large 60¥, Huge 100¥, Gargantuan 200¥, Colossal 400¥, Behemoth 800¥ and Titan 1,500¥. Enhance batteries adds +50% to this cost each time it has been taken and Extra batteries adds +100% to the cost each time it has been taken.
AC (Armor Class): the Vehicle's basic armor class and any attribute bonus if granted.
HD (Hit Dice): Vehicle hit dice. All hit dice are 1d10 and grant maximum amount to vehicles.
HP (Hit Points): The amount of damage the vehicle can suffer before being disabled. Vehicles have resistant to all Damage from non-AP weapons property attacks and spells.
Threshold: for Threshold. The amount of damage the vehicle can suffer before it is sent Reeling.
Hardness: the hardness of the vehicle. Reduce all damage dealt by this amount.
Abilities: basic ability scores of vehicles including Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom. Vehicles Dexterity is base 10. Intelligence and Wisdom must be added with AI, etc. Unless removed almost all vehicles come with a very basic comlink automatically with a Broadcast of 1 and Firewall 15.
Skills: These are any skills that the vehicle’s AI is proficient with.

Aircraft, Jet: Four time base cost and triple base Speed. MPH is four times feet Speed. Min size Huge; Max size Behemoth. Minus one from AC, Hardness and ¾ HD/HP. Add stall speed of ½ feet Speed. Runway required of 4,000 feet. Quadruple the gas tank size or add 2hrs to recharge for same operating time.
*Afterburners engine upgrade cost five times base cost and quadruple base Speed. MPH is four times feet Speed. Increase the gas tank size by five times or add 4hrs to recharge for the same operating time.
*Turbo-Sonic engine upgrade cost six times base cost and changes MPH to ten times base feet Speed and increase runway requirement to 8,000 feet. Increase gas tank size by ten times or add 6hrs to recharge for base operating time.
*VTOL Jet craft upgrade cost base cost times five and triple base Speed. MPH is three times feet Speed. Can hove, no minimum speed or runway. Increase gas tank size by five times or add 3hrs to recharge for the same operation time. Increase the AC bonus by one step (1 level of Advanced Controls upgrade).
Aircraft, Propeller: Double base cost and base Speed. MPH is double feet Speed. Min size Huge; Max size Colossal. Minus 1 Hardness and ¾ HD/HP. Add Stall Speed of ½ base Speed. Runway required of 1,000 feet. Triple the gas tank size or add 3hrs to recharge for the same operating time.
*Very-Short Take-Off-And-Landing (VSTOL) can be added to Jets, Afterburners, Turbo-Sonic and Propeller propulsion system. Increase the propulsion type cost multiplier by one step. The basic runway requirement is ¼ normal.
Rotor craft: Triples base cost and double Speed. MPH is double feet Speed. Min size Huge; Max size Colossal. Minus 1 Hardness and ¾ HD/HP. Can hover, no minimum speed or runway. Quadruple the gas tank size or add 3hrs to recharge for the same operating time. Minus 1 from AC but increase the AC bonus by one step (1 level of Advanced Controls upgrade automatically, included in cost).
Hover craft: Double the base cost but Speed remains unchanged. MPH are 50% over feet Speed. Max size Colossal. Can hover, no minimum speed. Ignores difficult terrain and obstacles under 6ft in height. Can ‘fly’ over water at base speed. Double the gas tank size or add 1hr to recharge for the same operating time.
Tracked: Double the base cost and lower base speed by 5ft. MPH are double feet Speed. Add two to AC, HD/HP and Hardness, but lower the AC bonus to base (no attribute modifier). Ignores most difficult terrain and obstacles (tends to drive over or through them) and automatically has the Off-Road modifier. Ignore penalty to Modifier due to size. Triple the gas tank size or add 2hrs to recharge for same operating time.
Watercraft: base cost for normal Speed. MPH are Speed in feet. Can only operate on water and lower the AC bonus to base (no attribute modifier). Operational duration is doubled.
Wheeled: base cost for normal Speed. MPH are double feet Speed.
*Turbo-Charged engine upgrade cost base vehicle size cost. Increase Speed by +40ft (and +80MPH) but all operation checks and maneuvers are at disadvantage. But the engine consumes twice the fuel or battery life when in operation.

UPGRADES AND BASIC BUILDS – For non-Bike vehicles, automatically come with a basic Crash system. Tracked, Water and Wheeled vehicles - Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Aircraft and Hovercraft - Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. Bikes and Wheeled vehicles also suffer a -4 to maneuver checks when off-road and -8 for “blocking terrain” and difficult terrain costs them twice movement.
Advanced Control: Increase the basic AC bonus by one step (Dex/Int bonus max +2 upgrades to no maximum, or no bonus from Dex/Int to increase to Dex/Int bonus max +2). Cost is the base vehicle cost, including propulsion types modifier to cost (cannot be added to Tracked and Watercraft vehicles). Can be taken twice by those vehicles that start with just AC but the price is increased to four times as much.
Advanced Crash systems: can be added to any vehicle for ½ its base cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. For ‘Bikes’, with crash system engaged, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. Tracked, Water and Wheeled with crash system engaged, passengers take ¼ damage from the crash. Aircraft and Hovercraft, with the crash system engaged, passengers take ½ damage from crash.
Armor Upgrade: Enhancing the armor plating of a base vehicle. Cost is the base vehicle cost for +1 AC and Hardness (half base cost for Tracked vehicles). All vehicles can this upgrade a maximum of 6 times, for same cost and benefit (affects stack), except Aircraft which can only take this upgrade three times.
AI Upgrade: basic AI, installed and tied into the vehicle with a base Intelligence of 12 and Wisdom of 10. Cost 200¥. Either attribute can be increase at +2, costing 5,000¥ for Intelligence and 500¥ for Wisdom. Maximum of 4 levels each. All other features as a basic comlink skills and other upgrade costs.
Attribute Boost: Increase the vehicles Strength or Dexterity. Each level adds +2 to one attribute and costs ¼ the base vehicle cost. Dexterity can be taken 8 times (for 26 Dexterity), while Strength maybe increase up to double base level (i.e. a large vehicles’ base Strength is 24, can be increase up to a maximum of 48).
Automation: this vehicle can drive itself and preform any normal vehicle function or action (see Vehicle Actions). Counts as both the operator, crew and/or gunner. Requires AI Upgrade. Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. For Hover and Bikes the vehicle must also have the Gyrostabilization upgrade. Add base proficiency with Perception and Vehicle (type).
Cargo: increases the basic cargo load by 50%, costs one-tenth vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Can be taken up to ten times (for +500% to cargo capacity load at +100% cost) except aircraft that can take it a maximum of four times.
Ejection System: Aircraft only. This system takes a reaction to use. If will throw the crew safely away from the vehicle and with parachutes allow them to land on the ground relatively unharmed. Costs ¼ the vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost for all crew.
Enhanced Batteries: Increases the battery duration of a vehicle by +2 hours. Cost base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. For every two levels add 1hr to recharge times.
Environmentally Sealed: Sealed vs. hostile environments. Cost ½ base vehicle cost. Requires a battery system that costs 500¥ per passenger for 18 hours of air (this is not vacuumed grade). For ½ the base vehicle cost the vehicle is sealed verse radiation, ignoring basic level damage and grants all passengers advantage on saves vs. dangerous and deadly levels and resistant on the damage.
Expertise: Grants the vehicle double its basic proficiency with one skill that it is trained in. Cost is 10,000¥ each.
Extra Batteries: For double the basic battery number the vehicles operating duration also doubles. Cost double base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Add 50% to recharge time.
Fine/Luxury Features: The exterior and interior of the vehicle have enhanced features to appeal to those who desire style. Costs the same price as the basic vehicle cost. Can be taken twice as Luxury features.
Hardening: Increase the vehicles Hardness rating. Each level adds +2 to the base Hardness (stacks with Armor Upgrade). Costs ¼ the basic vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (base vehicle cost for Tracked). Normal Aircraft can take this modifier 3 times, Rotor and VTOL can take up to 5 times and all other vehicles can take it a maximum of 10 times. Bullet-proof hardness for the same cost instead add +4 Ballistic Hardness (i.e. only verses ballistic damage). All vehicle types can bullet proofing up to 50% of the times (round up) that it can take the normal hardness upgrade.
Hauler: the vehicle has some extra cargo capacity not included within the vehicle. So for example a trailer for a ground vehicle or under sling for something that hovers like a helicopter. Can hold ten times the base vehicles Cargo load. For watercraft increased the cargo weight by four times. Rotorcraft halve the weight (i.e. x5). Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost.
Inferior Control: Decrease the AC bonus by one step (AC + Dex/Int drops to AC + Dex/Int (max +2) and that drops to AC). Reduce price by ¼ the vehicle’s base size cost. If allowed can reduce it a second time and also results in no bonus from Rigger’s control (see Classes) reduce the base price by the same amount above again.
Gyrostabilization: Adds +4 to Maneuver and allows for Automation for motorcycles. Cost is base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost.
Larger Fuel Tanks: increase the gas fuel tanks by 50% for an increase in the operational duration by 50%. Can be taken twice without affecting the vehicles performance. Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost.
Less/No Crew: Reduce the basic price by 200¥ for reducing the number of crew (or passengers) the vehicle can carry by one, down to zero crew (and requires automation).
Living Space: bedding space for people to sleep, kitchen for food, etc. Cost is 1,000¥ per crew (this does not cover the cost of food, etc.). Only Colossal size and larger may have this feature.
Luxury Features: The vehicles interior and exterior and extra opulent and expensive. Costs is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost, and ½ the number of crew member space. For the full vehicle cost, the vehicle can hold the full crew.
More Crew: For an increase of +200¥, increase the number of crew (or passengers) that the vehicle can carry up to double the basic listed number.
Passenger Compartment: Can double the base Crew number as passengers. Costs is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Can be taken twice.
Off-Road: Wheeled vehicles only. This upgrade allows a vehicle to ignore the off-road penalties and difficult terrain penalties (and block terrain penalty down to -4), cost is base vehicle cost. Off-Road Handling is not as good, only reducing penalties to -2/-6 and costs ½ base vehicle cost. Adding Resistance against maneuver damage costs ½ the base vehicle cost.
Reduced Cargo Space: decrease the base cargo space by 25%; Cost reduce of one-eighth the base vehicle cost. Can be taken four times total, each time decreasing the base cargo space by 25% down to 0 (at 4 levels) for the same amount of cost reduction (for no cargo, reduce the base vehicle cost by ¼). Instead of reducing cost can increase cargo size by 250 lbs per passenger removed.
Reduced Gas Tank/Battery: for ¼ the basic operating time reduce the vehicles base cost by one-fifth, including propulsion modifiers to cost. For ½ the basic operating time reduce the vehicles base cost by 1/4, including propulsion modifiers.
Reinforced Chassis: heavy reinforcements. Cost is ½ the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost (base cost for Tracked), for +1 HD and +10 Hit Points. Can be take a maximum number of times up to double the basic size level (i.e. a Large vehicle has a base of HD6, so this modifier can be take a maximum of 6 times).
Rigger Upgrade: Allows for Vehicle Control Rig cybernetics to control vehicle. Cost ½ base vehicle cost.
Sensor Systems: Advanced sensors to aid operators and crew. All requires Intelligence (Computer Use) to operate properly. Without proficiency all checks are at disadvantage. Include: Night Visors (Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision) for 500¥ or (Darkvison upgrade to 240ft) for 750¥, Telescopic Vision (base 120ft) for 200¥ or (base 240ft) 500¥, Radar (Blindsense aerial 10 miles, however not for attacks) for 2,000¥, Combat Radar (blindsense 200ft base, 1 mile extended) for 8,000¥. Sonar works the same for the same cost but only on and underwater. Multi-Spec Sensor as Sensor Suite (see Geaer), but range is times five. Cost 8,000¥.
Speed: Increase the vehicles’ base speed. Each level adds +5ft to the base speed times propulsion types. Cost is ¼ the base vehicle cost, including the propulsion types increases.
Stealth System: Chameleon skin, heat bafflers, radar scramblers and other advancements grant the vehicle advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) rolls and can even try and hit without cover (but then at normal check, no advantage). Cost is double the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost.
Submersible: Cost is double the base vehicle cost, including propulsion modifiers to cost. Adds the Watercraft feature to any vehicle when running on the surface. When running underwater halve speed. Increase speed cost as Watercraft but the numbers are halved when the vehicle is running underwater. Gas operations and Battery life includes basic life support features for operation time.
Troll Upgrade: Cost ½ the base vehicle, including propulsion modifier to cost. Trolls normally take up two crew spaces. This upgrade means only one. This also increases the vehicles Strength by +2, its threshold by +1 and its Hardness by +1.
Weapon Mount: Heavy Weapon mounts cost 1,000¥ each and Super heavy mounts cost 4,000¥ each (minimum size Large). Turrets triple the cost.
Weapon Proficiency: if the vehicle has the AI upgrade it can add proficiency to a mounted weapon attack. Light and Heavy Firearms cost 1,000¥ each, Heavy weapons cost 1,500¥ and Super-Heavy costs 2,000¥.

Enhanced Software: Increases the drones proficiency bonus to +3, Cost 2,500¥. Proficiency bonus +4 costs 8,000¥. Proficiency bonus +5 cost 20,000¥. Proficiency bonus +5 (maximum) costs 50,000¥. Note that each grade must be installed separately and concordantly (i.e. +3 must be paid for before you can install +4, etc.)
Hidden Weapon Mount: these are pop-out weapon mounts that when not in use are hidden within the vehicle’s body and are harder to detect. It takes an action to deploy a hidden mount to allow it to fire on the following action. Cost is three times the basic weapon mount cost.[/sblock]
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First Post
So I am getting closer to finishing this conversion. I re-wrote the Vehicles and Drones section like 3 times :) I am still not 100% sure I like it or not. I also had to go back to update a couple of things like Riggers and Vehicle Control Rig ideas. Let me know if you have any feedback.

Now I need to go back and flesh out Spirits, the Matrix, some new Skill uses, and Upgrading normal gear and weapons. Its a work in process but its been kind of fun.

My Savage World Rifts game is wrapping up with weekend with a huge-end-battle with a bunch of Mind Flayer and a enemy Dragon attempting to complete an evil ritual that they heroes accidentally allowed them to be able to perform so after that :)


First Post
How to run Shadowrun in a PBP?

Something I encountered trying to run Shadowrun here a few years ago was that the game really REALLY bogs down during planning and legwork. There are just to many options for players on what to look into, bouncing ideas around, plans and strategies they might consider, etc.

So I have forming two ideas but they are still early and looking for any feedback and thoughts from the boards would be cool. Here is what I got so far…

Its’ lucking I have a plan for this…” The biggest problem that I see with Shadowrun and PBP is pre-planning. Part of the fun of a lot of Shadowrun games and the players making plans and counter-plans. In most of the face-to-face Shadowrun games I have been in we tend to have one or two sessions of NOTHING but planning and re-hashing the plan. In a PBP setting this can last for months if not years if you let the game go that way (or should I see if people stayed interested in the planning that long. They don’t they just dropped the game or are waiting for the “planners” to come up with the plan).

So my idea is to use an idea from Blades in the Dark a ‘powered by Apocalypse World’ RPG system. In this game players take on the roles of rogues and hucksters in a big urban fantasy thieves’ guild. In that game you start out with “Planning & Engagement” where the crew (the heroes) huddle around flickering lanterns in their lairs to plot, scheme, bicker about the best approach, lament the dangers and lust about the coins to come. But the players don’t have to do the nitty-gritty planning. Instead the heroes take care of that off-screen and instead they choose a type of plan they have already made. The types of plans there are include – “Assault”, “Deception” or “Stealth” to name a few.

After that is chosen the type of plan they go over some basic ‘Details’ (where’s the point of entry, who’s on point, how much mayhem (do we want to avoid everyone if possible or are we supposed to make a mess), etc. You also must determine how much ‘stuff’ you are carrying with you (“The Load”). Then they make something called the Engagement Roll which is to determine how well the plan goes off and the complications they encounter.

Then the way they can influence the adventure in the middle of the game is called a Flashbacks where some action might have an impact on the present situation.


What did my contact say about that?” Legwork is another area I feel the game can get really bogged down in as the players ask different questions and many of them having nothing to do with the case/adventure at hand (sometimes as they get off on a tangent or mislead, etc.)

My idea would be that players can do a bit of initial legwork before the mission to gain some insight into their target or boss and what is really going on. After all, in Shadowrun the Mr. Johnson almost never is telling the truth or giving you all the information. You are a ‘denial asset’ after all and it would not be good for the bottom line if you divulged sensitive information to the wrong party.

So players get the mission and can ask the Mr. Johnson some questions. They then get to ask their contacts any quick questions they might have as normal and then on to the mission. If in the middle of the adventure comes up that a contact might have pertinent information the player can ask the GM “Hey my contact X might have had some info on this, can I have contact him?” If it makes since the GM gives the character a normal contact roll, pays the cash to his contact based on that roll and the GM gives them whatever they might have known. Now the player has the info and it can be assumed that everyone heard about it from the player and can act accordingly.

For example, the team is breaking into an Ares’s facility in the Barrens, looking to steal some research into a prototype laser weapon system that Ares is supposed to be testing here. Inside the Decker stumbles across some files on a new germ-warfare treatment that Ares is testing for the Confederate States Marine Corp to combat some flu strain they discovered in the Caribbean League recently in the Narco-Wars with the Cartels there. One of the team members has a Street Doc contact and she asks “Hey my Street Doc use to do research in germ theory, can I have asked him about any ‘super-flus’ he might have heard about coming from that area?” The GM knows that the Mr. Johnson wants this research also ask his corporation is developing the flu weapon and wants to know how far along Ares is in developing a vaccine. He had told them to steal any and all research they stumble upon at the facility in the hopes they stumbled onto it also. He did not want them to know this of course but with a good contact roll the runner learns from her Street Doc contact that there was a corp by the name of NewGenics, that is based in Aztlan, was working on something similar and that the doc had heard rumors that the corp was partially funded by the drug cartels in the nation as well. This could have an interesting impact on how the heroes proceed.

Now I like the basics of BITD but I don't want to go completely that route, instead my idea is something like this… that for each mission, depending on the danger-level, etc. that he grants each hero 1 to 3 (or maybe more for really dangerous) “edits” or “flashbacks” or pre-planning and/or legwork rolls during any given mission.

Mr. Johnson hires the team. He gives them a basic mission spiel and offer of cash payout. This will set a basic ‘mission type’ (blow up some center at night would be an ‘assault’, sneak into area and plan evidences, don’t get caught might be ‘stealth’ etc.) that gives the team their basic ‘plan or mission’ type.

The heroes maybe ask some question and/or negotiation extra cash or equipment rewards. After that the heroes each get to make one or two contact rolls (Gather Information vs. their Contact type) for any extra basic information they might get. The heroes should have their basic load or equipment already on hand and picked out. If they want something extra they can purchase or attempt to find it (with a roll) now and add it to their sheets. The heroes decide when and where they are going (here is where we are breaking in) and the basic mission plan of sorts. Nothing to details but just a basic (we are following the Johnson's plan but I want to do this also, etc.)

Then we move into the action. The GM gives them the basic set up of where they are and what is happening for this mission. If there is a complication that is somewhat outside their control (like say someone already knows about the Mr. Johnson’s actions and is trying to stop it and already knows about the heroes) this can be where the action starts instead. Say the heroes are heading towards the start of the mission and are about to get ambushed (maybe making a roll vs. Passive Perception) and then “Roll Initiative”.

I mentioned about the legwork thing but I also like the idea of not sweating the nitty-gritty details and just getting to the action (especially in a PBP) so they heroes are moving along and a complication comes up (because there are always complications in Shadowrun, no matter how good the plan). One of the heroes pipes up saying he wants to do something or to have planned for this situation or maybe wants to have picked up a piece of gear and forgot so can he say he purchased it already?

The GM then provides a roll, depending on the situation. Some examples…
The group is sneaking into a place. The job did not say to totally avoid collateral damage etc. and the team spots a pair of barghest guard dogs outside the facility they are breaking into. They don’t want to take the chance that the dogs howls might attract the guards so one of the heroes says “Hey could I have purchased some of those ‘stummer-sound wave jammers’? I think they should be able to mask these dogs howls for us to take them out and not alert anyone! The game sees that the stummer is not restricted or illegal and just costs money. The character could use one of his ‘edits’ to have the stummer on hand and ready to go.

1. Or the heroes are breaking into a facility and forgot to bring wire-cutters when they encounter a chain-link fence. Its’ also electrified. Someone could use an edit to have remembered to grab a pair of ‘grounded’ non-conductive cutters and just pay the money now.

2. Or the heroes are sneaking down an interior hallway and see a check point ahead that also has a big gun emplacement in front of it. While the rigger is attempting to hack the security system that controls the gun itself, one of the other heroes might ask if he could have planned on using the ventilation system at some point to get closer to one of the guard posts unnoticed. The GM had said that the ventilation system was too small to crawl through earlier. But the runner had studied the schematics and noticed that at this point there was an older design or something similar and it was big enough to get through here. The GM might give the runner a Dexterity (Stealth) check DC 15 to be able to use this edit in this situation. Failure means he can’t use this edit in this situation as the building had been updated since the runner saw the plans or if he makes it by +5 or +10, not only does he get the edit but he is able to sneak closer than he had asked for or that more of the team could his lead, getting a bonus on a group Stealth check, etc.

3. Or the heroes are fleeing the corp with security hot on their tail. The team spotter notices some flashing Lone Star cruisers heading this way. She asks if she can use one of her edits to have bribed the local Lone Star Sergeant to be slow on any responses to calls to this neighborhood. The GM asks how much the bribe might be and then gives the runner a Charisma (Persuasion) based on that. If she succeeds she deduces the cash and notices that they are a few blocks off and that they don’t seem to be in too great a hurry and have slowed for stop-lights, etc. Failure might mean that the cops are little closer and that Sergeant is in the lead car with a pissed off look (maybe he is honest or he is pissed the offer was so low, etc.)

Anyway, I need to flesh this out some more. What are your thoughts?? Where can this be improved?? Do you think it might work in a PBP?? I don’t want to many of them to be dependent on any one character and want them to be pretty generic for the heroes to use as they want, when they want. Maybe it does not make sense to change or edit or have planned for some situation and the GM says no right up front or maybe they should have planned for this and the GM does not require or roll or even for them to ask. Not sure yet…

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Good ideas. Would certainly simplify things, that's for sure! <thumbs up>

I think I'd make the "We planned for this!" points into a team pool from which all players can draw? (adds a feeling of facing common danger together, I think).

Maybe with an Edge buy-in during the planning stage: convert 1 Edge into XXX "We planned for this!" points, with the ratio determined by the mission's difficulty?

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