Star Wars Saga/D&D 5th Hybrid [OOC/Rolls]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Hey there everyone, and GreenKarl in particular! Very glad to know you're still kicking around and trying out new things.

Re Shadowrun: Love the setting. The rules... eh. The best campaign I played used M&M rules and was great, streamlined cyberpunkish fun -- although you did loose the whole "shopping/optimizing to the nth degree" experience there... Maybe if you *require* each power to have a SR name that fits its effect...?

Let us know what you come up with?

(Starting a new SR game right now as a matter of fact. We'll se how it goes)

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(Starting a new SR game right now as a matter of fact. We'll se how it goes)

What system are you guys using? I have all 5 Shadowrun rules but never been super happy with the system. 5th doesn't seem to bad except for ALL the dice rolling is still there (roll to hit, target rolls to dodge, roll your damage, target rolls soak, etc.)


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Shadowrun would probably be a bit of a pain to run in PBP just because of all the rolling, yeah.

I still like it though, hehe. Always been a bit of a 'gearhead' for RPGs.


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The thing I found when I tried to run the GURPS Shadowrun game here was also planning. I did not think about it as much as I should but Shadowrun takes a TON of planning by the players. Even if it is just asking some questions and debating the best course of action... its not a good setting for PBP I don't think

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Yeah, even face to face it takes something like a whole session just for the planning!

For forum-play I think you need to either cut down on the in-game time the PCs have available (last-minute runs) or keep it to simple runs. Another option I've never actually seen would be for the GM to skip the planning entirely and either present The-Plan-You-Guys-Came-Up-With, or offer the PCs (say) 3 options to vote one (with no details given besides the *feel* of the plans): Full-Stealth, Shock-and-Awe or the Infiltrator; which would you choose?

@Shayuri: Color me shocked and surprised :D


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OK this is still a work in progress but I have been pounding away at a Shadowrun/Modern d20 upgrade using the 5th edition. Here are the basics so far. I am still working on the GM section for vehicles and upgrades and how is all going to work. Also this is really big so I split it between three posts ;)

If you have time and are interested let me know what you think...

Using the 5th edition as a basic rules set, with the following updates…

Character Levels, Heroic Levels and Class Levels: all characters (not just Heroic characters) gain the following – base Proficiency Bonus, a Feat at 1st level, then another Feat every 3 levels (3rd, 6th, 9th, etc.), and Attribute Bonus +1 to two different Attributes every 4 levels, starting at 4th (4th, 8th, 12th, etc.). The seven Heroic Classes (Adept, Face, Fighter, Infiltrator, Magic-User, Tech and Tough) each gain – Three core Talents at 1st level plus one additional talent every odd level after that (3rd, 5th, etc.) and a Bonus Class Feat every even level (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc.). These feats must be chosen from the Class Bonus Feat list. Heroic characters also gain Karma Points.

Karma Points: All Heroic characters gain 5 + ½ (round down) their level in Karma Points. These points can be used to affect any 1d20 roll, but you can only spend one Karma in a round. Karma points add 1d4+1 to any 1d20 roll (attack roll, saving throw, etc.) and can also be used to activate certain Talents. Unspent Karma Points are lost when you raise a level (and gain this levels points). Certain Talents and Feats and grant you additional Karma Points, high dice to add to your d20 and new uses.

Proficiency Bonuses, Trained Skills and Base Attack Bonus: per D&D 5th edition. Unless specified elsewhere, the DC for Skill is found in 5th ed. Player’s Handbook pg. 174

Circumstance Bonuses: Unlike standard 5th, there are bonuses from various talents and feats, but the same ‘types’ of bonus do not stack. Basic types: equipment, insight, magic, moral or rage.

Talents, Feats and Skills: Using 5th ed. Skills but renaming a couple, new ones and new usage. Talents tend to be of greater usefulness and abilities over Feats which are much less powerful (more common) then in 5th.

Proficiency: Armors include Light, Medium and Heavy. Weapons include Simple, Martial (as 5th ed.), Light Firearms (pistols, machine pistols, etc.), Heavy Firearms (rifles, assault rifles, shotguns, etc.), Heavy Weapons (machine guns, grenade launchers, etc.) and Super Heavy Weapons (tank cannons, rocket launchers, heavy missile launchers, etc.). Vehicle include Bike (motorbike), Drone, Wheeled, Hover, Tracked, Rotor, VTOL, Jet, and Watercraft.

Granting Advantage: in order to grant advantage for a non-attack skill, tool or vehicle ability check, the individual wishing to ‘aid another’ must also be proficient with the skill, tool or vehicle.

Firing into Melee Combat and Ranged attacks while prone: Attacker into melee with an ally and enemies are at a Disadvantage. You are not at disadvantage when firing firearms, etc. when prone.

Passive Insight and Investigation for causal, “what you noticed without actively looking” (pg. 177).

Wound Damage Threshold: whenever you take damage in excess of your threshold you suffer the Reeling Condition (see New Conditions below). Your Would Damage Threshold is equal to 15 + Proficiency Bonus + Strength or Constitution ability modifier (whichever is better). Size also has an effect. Large sized beings gain +2, Huge +5, Gargantuan +10 and Colossal +20. Vehicles can also suffer these affects (see Vehicles).

Additional Conditions – Reeling (see Condition in the PHB): you suffered a wound that has caused a great deal of pain and now is effecting your ability to react.
* You suffer Disadvantage to all Attacks, Skills and Ability checks.
* If you suffer from a second Reeling affect (i.e. you are reeling and again take damage that exceeds your Wound Damage Threshold), you are Stunned for one round. After this lost round, you lose the Stunned condition but you are still suffering from the Reeling condition as above.
* In order to recover from Reeling, at the end of your round (after you have taken all your actions) attempt a Constitution or Wisdom (whichever is better) saving throw vs. a DC 10 or ½ the Damage you suffered (round down, whichever is greater, but maximum DC 20). If you succeed with your roll, you are no longer suffering the Reeling condition. If you fail, you still are suffering from the Condition.
* You can instead spend your Action to recover from Reeling, gaining advantage on your check. You can still take the free check at the end of your round if this check failed but without advantage.

Slow Natural Healing: option found in DMG 5th ed. pg. 267. Also round down for the number of Hit Dice you regain after a Long Rest (instead of round up; minimum 1 per Long Rest).
Also, once per day, you also recovery one level of Exhaustion after a short rest (in additional to another one at the end of a Long Rest).

Second Wind: When a character falls below ½ their maximum hit points, they can call on some inner reserves that drives many heroes to try and try to recover partially back from the brink. On your turn, you can use a Bonus Action and regain hit points equal to your highest Hit Die (if multi-classed) +/- Constitution modifier + you Heroic Character level. This does not count as spending a Hit Die to recover (as after a Short or Long Rest). Once you have used this ability, you must finish a long rest before you can use it again.

Full Round Action and Free Actions: A full round action takes up the creatures full round, including their action, movement (Move 0 remaining), bonus and reactions. A free action take none of these.

Mind-Effecting: many talents and feats are listed as mind-effecting. These talents and feats only affect living, sentient beings, nor spirits or elementals. Mind-effecting fear don’t work against sentient’s immune to fear.

Armor Class and Hardness: Armor provides a bonus to deflection (making you harder to hit) but to a lesser degree and also reduces the damage by a set amount (as Damage Reduction and Hardness from 3rd edition). Hardness affects bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. It provides ½ its ranging to pure ‘force’ like damaging attacks from magic. Other energy types are only covered if the entry specifies it does so.

*Aim: if the attacker does not move on her turn (Move 0; and this also means no other maneuvers that cost any movement), she can use a Bonus action to ‘Aim’ at a target when taking a Range Attack action. When she does so, ½ cover drops to no cover and ¾ cover drops to ½ cover. Has no effect on full cover.
* Autofire: When using an Autofire weapon feature (i.e. firing at least 10 rounds of ammunition), the attacker has two choices, to concentrate on one target or to try fire into an area seeking to damage multiples targets at once. Both affects require the shooter to make a Ranged attack roll at -5. The attack can also “Brace” as a maneuver but this drops her Move is 0 (with no movement cost from other features) and takes a Bonus action to reduce the penalty to -2. However bracing grant advantage from all attacks against you until the start of your next turn. For concentrating fire a successful hit deals +2d weapon damage to one target (i.e. an assault rifle that deals 2d8 damage deals 4d8 damage and a critical hit deals 6d6 damage). For the second option, the attacker must get at least a 10 with its ranged attack check. If it succeeds all targets in the weapons Area of Effect (PHB pg. 204) must make a Dexterity saving throw vs. DC of 8 + the attacker’s proficiency + Dexterity ability modifier. All targets that fail suffer the base weapons damage. If they succeed they take ½ damage. If the attacker got a Critical success on its attack then all effected targets saving throw are at disadvantage (instead of dealing double damage).
* Cover: cover is very important in modern/sci-fi settings. Soft cover is provided by effects that obscure vision such as smoke, foliage, etc. These effects cannot stop an attack but rather obscure the creature making them harder to hit. Hard cover works similarly but can be destroyed by damage. Any hit that misses a target do to the cover bonus (including full cover if the attacker wishes to shot it) damages the cover instead. ½ Cover can absorb 25 HP, ¾ Cover can absorb 50 HP, Full Cover has 100 HP, and all have Resistance to damage. Full cover that is reduced to 50 HP only provides ¾ cover now, and ¾ cover reduces to 25 HP only provides ½ cover. When all the area’s HP are depleted it no longer provides cover. The material cover is made of also provides Hardness. Light materials (wood, dirt, etc.) provide 2 Hardness, Medium material (concrete, plastics, etc.) provide 4 Hardness, Heavy materials (reinforced concrete, steel, etc.) provides 8 Hardness, while Super-Heavy material (reinforced steel, etc.) provide 10 Hardness. Note that when benefiting from Full Cover, it cost the attacker ½ its movement to “pop-out” and fire/attack and then drop back behind cover on its round.
* Falling Prone: unless you are forced Prone, you use 5ft of Movement to fall to the ground prone. Also as a reaction, if you have at least 5ft of movement remaining this turn or have not acted yet this turn, you can fall prone (costing you 5ft of movement) and gain advantage on any Dexterity saving throws vs. area of affect spells or weapons that you just reacted too. [/sblock]

* Assign Attribute Points: hero array attributes – 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, and 10 +/- racial mods.
* Choose a Race: pick one from the list below.
* Choose a Background: provide additional skills, proficiencies and some starting gear and cash.
* Choose a Class: Classes provide the character with her base Hit Points, Saving Throws proficiencies, Skill, Tools, Armor and Weapon proficiencies. Talents drive the character class’s abilities. All classes have Three Core Talents that the character gets at character creation only. If the character multi-classes, then they only can take one of the Core Talents. Class Bonus Feats must be chosen from the lists provided. All character’s generic Feat choices can be chosen from any feat that the character meets the Prerequisites.
* Assign Gear: Record your starting gear and cash. Purchase any additional gear.
* Pick Two Contacts: See Contacts later, you gain two indifferent low-end contacts to start.

NEW Sense, in addition to those found on 5th pg. 183.
Low-Light Vision: species with low-light vision can see perfectly fine in dim light. Species with Low-Light Vision can ignore Dim Light obscure.
Languages: all characters begin with the ability speak, read and write in their native Language plus one additional language of choice.
Attribute Maximums: Character’s maximum Attributes are 20 +/- the racial ability score modifier.

Ability Score Modifier: Two different ability scores of your choice increase by +1.
Medium Sized and Speed: base 30 feet.
Bonus Proficient Skill: You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Bonus Feat: You gain one feat of your choice. You must meet all the prerequisites.
Outgoing: You gain +1 Karma point over the standard Karma Points each level.

Ability Score Modifier: Constitution +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma -1
Medium Sized and Speed: base 20 feet a round. Note that a dwarf’s base speed is not reduces by heavy encumbrance (up to your Strength score x10, see Skills below).
Dark Vision: dwarfs can see up to 60ft in the dark per the PHB pg. 183.
Hardy: dwarfs gain one additional Hit Dice back after a long rest (up to max HD). They also add double their Constitution bonus (instead of just Constitution bonus) back when they take their Second Wind and with any Hit Dice recovery rolls after a Short or Long Rest. They gain +2 to their Wound Damage Threshold and an additional +1 to recovering from the Reeling condition.
Resistance: dwarfs have advantage on saving throws vs. toxins, poisons and disease and resistance on any damage that they would suffer from such attacks.

Ability Score Modifier: Dexterity +2, Charisma +2, Constitution -1
Medium Sized and Speed: base 40 feet.
Alluring: elfs are naturally attractive to most people and have advantage on both Deception and Persuasion checks in person, where they can be seen by the subject who understands them.
Low-Light Vision: elfs see well in the dark (see rules above).
Perceptive: elfs start with proficiency in Wisdom (Perception) skill for free.

Ability Score Modifier: Strength +2, Constitution +2, Intelligence -1
Medium Sized and Speed: base 30 feet.
Aggressive: everyone knows that orks are born brawlers. Orks start with the Brawler feat for free.
Low-Light Vision: orks see well in the dark (see rules above).
Menacing: orks gain proficiency in the Charisma (Intimidate) skill for free.
Relentless Endurance: when an ork is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, he instead drops to 1 hit point. Orks can’t use this feature against until after they finish a long rest.

Ability Score Modifier: Strength +4, Constitution +2, Dexterity -1, Intelligence -1, Charisma -1
Large Sized and Speed: base 30 feet. Trolls can carry the Strength x8 as a base load.
Big: Trolls start with +2 hits points at 1st level and gain an additional +1 every level after that.
Dark Vision: trolls can see up to 60ft in the dark per the PHB pg. 183.
Dermal Plating: trolls have thick armored like skin. This provides a +1 natural Hardness. This bonus stakes with any other Hardness that applies to them.
Reach: due to their size trolls have a reach of 10 feet instead of 5 feet.
Scary: trolls are big and so due to their size, they can use their Strength ability modifier instead of their Charisma modifier for this skill.
Large Sized: The average male troll is around 96” tall and weighs 500lbs, while females average 90” tall and 440lbs. Trolls take up two-squares (instead of 4) and clothing, armor and most weapons are not made for their sized beings. As such they must purchase larger sized gear to fit their frames, etc. Increase the base cost for firearms by 50% (bigger grip and triggers, etc.), while armor and clothing weigh and cost twice as much as for a medium creature. Trolls are big targets and suffer a -1 to their Armor Class. Trolls deal the versatile damage with melee weapons one-handed and can use melee two-handed weapons in one hand.

Academic: You worked for one of the colleges or universities of the day. Note that most are corporate sponsored if not outright owned by one. Many Mages attended some of the various Arcana Schools to learn about magic (not all as some Street Mages are taught by one person).
Skill Proficiencies: Computer Use plus one of Arcana, Life Science, Physical Science or Technology
Tool Proficiency: One Tool kit or Vehicle proficiency of your choice
Languages: One language or your choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, one of the following - Arcane, Life Science, Medicine, Physical Science, or Religion, added to their comlink proficiency, a credstik with 150¥.

Affluent: You were born into privilege. Regardless if yours is the first generation with such wealth or the lasted tracking back hundreds of years, your early years where not one of poverty. If you wanted something you could generally get it, regardless of cost.
Skill Proficiency: Deception or Persuasion
Tool Proficiency: One musical instrument and one game set of choice
Languages: Two languages of your choice
Equipment: Four sets high-class clothing, a boosted comlink (broadcast 2, firewall 20, Int 16, Wis 12), a credstik with 500¥.

Athletic: This background is for a person who spent much, if not most of their young and formative years training form and competing in various athletic sports. Urban Combat, Football, Basketball, the Olympics, National competitions, etc. all might encompass this background.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, plus either Acrobatics or Intimidate
Tools Proficiency: One gaming set and one vehicle type of choice
Equipment: Two set of middle-class clothing, one set of your past athletic uniform, a past trophy, a credstik with 150¥ on it.

Celebrity: Perhaps you were on reality Sim-Sense show, maybe you hit a billion views on the Matrix, or you were the lead singed in last years a one-hit wonder group. You could be an actor, an extreme sportsman, an underground brawler, etc. Whatever the case, people often recognize you.
Skill Proficiencies: Performance and Persuasion
Tool Proficiency: a Disguise kit, plus one type of musical instrument or one game set
Equipment: either a Disguise kit, a Musical instrument or one Game set worth up to 150¥, one flashy costume, two set of middle-class clothing, a credstik with 150¥.

: former Wage-Slave, the Suite, Corporate-drone who went to work six days a week, ten-hours a day and was loyal. In the world of Shadowrun, Mega-Corporations are rules unto themselves and wield incredible powers. They are the nation-states of the Modern World.
Skill Proficiencies: Computer Use
Tool Proficiencies: Two tool sets or vehicles or gaming sets of your choice
Languages: One languages of your choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothing, a credstik with 250¥.

Criminal: You use to work for one of the big crime families – the Mob, the Yakuza, Triads, Kkangpae (Korean Mob), the Bratva, etc. For some reason you broke from the ‘family’ and are independent now. Its’ unlikely you left on good terms.
Skill Proficiencies: Pick any two of Athletic, Computer Use, Deception, Gather Information, Insight, Intimidation, Sleight of Hands or Stealth
Tool Proficiencies: either a Disguise kit, Game set, GenLock glove, MagLock kit or Thieves Tools
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, a Disguise kit or Game set, a credstik with 100¥.

Disciple: A large chunk of your early life was spent in prayer, surrounded by others that validated your devoutness. Companions could have been family members or unrelated followers. Maybe you escaped a cult; maybe you are still a loyal member of a massive society. Were you raised in loving family or the victim of fanaticism? Perhaps you were given to a monastery where you learned a variety of skills from martial arts or wine making. Your opinion on faith or religion is unrelated to the selection of this background, though you would be required to select a faith, real or not.
Skill Proficiencies: Religion, plus two of the following – Animal Handling, Arcane, Athletics, Gather Information, History, Life Science, Medicine, Persuasion, Physical Science, Survival or Technology
Languages: One language of your choice
Equipment: Holy items (if said faith endorses them) including books and symbols worth at least 100¥, two sets of middle-class clothes, Religion proficiency added to comlink proficiency, a credstik with 50¥.

Intelligence: You use to work for an intelligence agency as a spy. Corporate, Government, Criminal, all the big powers employ such people for covert operations against each other. You job probably involved gathering intelligence on the competition or even real terrorists.
Skill Proficiencies: Computer Use and either Gather Information or Investigation
Tool Proficiencies: either a Disguise kit, Forgery kit, or MagLock kit.
Languages: One Languages of your choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, a Disguise Kit or Forgery kit, a credstik with 150¥.

Law Enforcement: You were a cop (corporate or national marshal, etc.) or private investigator. Whatever the case you worked the streets of big city and have a lot of knowledge and knowhow when it comes to dealing with both criminals and your everyday folks just trying to get by.
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation and one of Gather Information, Intimidation or Persuasion
Tools Proficiencies: One vehicle type of choice (most likely wheeled)
Languages: One Languages of your choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, a credstik with 150¥.

Military: You have experience as a guerrilla, militiaman, reservist, regular soldier, special operator or mercenary soldier types (there are corporate sponsored Desert Wars each year after all). The military can encompass a lot of skill sets from poor-trained and equipped ground pounder, to rigger jet pilot flying a million dollar jet.
Skill Proficiencies: Athletics plus one of the following – Intimidate, Stealth or Survival
Armor or Weapon Proficiencies: One of the following – either Light, Medium or Heavy Armor Proficiency, or Heavy Firearms, Heavy Weapons or Super-Heavy weapons
Tools Proficiencies: One vehicle type of choice
Equipment: Old military BDUs, two sets of middle-class clothing, a credstik with 150¥

Occult: With the return of magic to the Sixth World, there are huge number of strange occult orders, secret societies, social clubs, and magical teaching groups spread throughout the world. Even those without any magical talent often join due to a fascination with the arcane.
Skill Proficiencies: Arcana plus one of History, Insight, Investigation or Survival.
Languages: One Languages of your choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, a minor fetish with a magical aura too it, a credstik with 150¥.

Security: You were a professional counterspy, bodyguard or secret policemen. Generally worked for one of the major corporations or various government agencies, but you could have been just a rent-a-cop who worked down the local strip mall.
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, plus either Intimidate or Perception
Tools Proficiencies: One vehicle type of choice
Equipment: Two sets of middle-class clothes, a credstik with 150¥.

Street: You grew up in one of the Barrens or non-entity parts of the urban sprawl. Millions of non-persons (no SIN) have been born, grown up and died without any government or corporation knowing or caring that they existed at all.
Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Stealth and Survival
Equipment: One set of lower-class clothing, a backpack, bedroll blanket, a credstik with 10¥.

Survivalist: while not common in the sprawls, there are hundreds of small, back-to-earth and nature groups hiding out in various out of the way locations shattered across the globe. Most just want to be left alone while others are awaiting the end of the world. Some give up the lifestyle to return to the sprawls, growing weary of the isolation.
Skill Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Athletics and Survival
Equipment: Two sets of survivalist clothing/outfits, one set of middle-class clothing, a survival knife, a credstik with 50¥. [/sblock]

An adept is an awakened metahuman whose magic is focused inward, into the body and soul of the person. This can make them strong and faster with the ability to perform great feats of athleticism and/or wildly unrealistic martial arts.
Note that if you take this class you are not normally allowed to take any levels in Magic-User (see Initiation below). You also cannot take any other classes Talent Trees that include Cybernetics.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st level: 16 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light
Weapons: Light Firearms, Marital weapons, Simple weapons
Tools: One of choice (one basic tool, a musical instrument or one vehicle type)
Saving Throw: Dexterity and Wisdom.
Skills: Choose two from among Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Gather Information, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hands, Stealth or Religion.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* (a) Lined Coat armor or (b) extra 200¥ spare cash
* Colt Manhunter with Concealable Hostler, 100 round regular ammunition and 2 spare magazines.
* (a) Longsword¹ or (b) Battle Axe¹ or (c) Compound Longbow with 20 arrows¹ & quiver or (d) Katana¹ (finesse longsword) or (e) a second Colt Manhunter with Concealable Hostler and 2 spare magazines.
* Two simple weapons or one other martial weapon of choice worth*
¹ If slashing or piercing weapons, they can have the Keen Blade modification added. For bows and crossbow the arrows have the modifier instead.
* A basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
* An extra 200¥ in spare cash

THREE CORE TALENTS: any 3 Physical Adept Powers (see below, must qualify). If multi-classing after 1st level your first talent pick must come from the Physical Adept Power Talents (must still must qualify).

The adept gains various magical powers that enhance his body in some way.
Astral Perception: You can perceive into the Astral Plane as a bonus action (reaction to end automatically). This makes you vulnerable to astral attacks and beings who are projecting within the realm but you can also attack and affect them as normal (dealing normal damage, etc. to them). It is also very distracting imposing Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill or ability checks that require sight.
Babel: By listening to a language that you presently cannot speak or reading a text you cannot presently read, you can spend a short 5 round Ritual (no other actions) and gain the ability to speak or read it. This affect lasts for one hour after you have performed the ritual before your understanding fades. You can use this ability again after a short or long rest.
Crafty Action: As a Bonus action you can take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action on your turn.
Elemental Strike: You can enshroud your hands with elemental energy to strike your foes with greater force. As a free action at the beginning of your round you to charge your unarmed damage (including any Killing Hands dice) to one elemental type (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant or Thunder). The attack also deals a secondary affect automatically (see Spells – Elemental Bolt for Secondary Effect. The adept’s strike deals this also). This effect last until the start of your next turn. You can maintain this effect for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier (they do not have to be one round after another, just a number of times). You must complete a long rest to use this ability again. You must choose which elemental you wish when you take this talent and it cannot be changed later.
Enhanced Physical Attribute: Your physical form has been enhanced. You gain +2 bonus to either you Strength, your Dexterity or your Constitution. This allows you also to exceed your characteristic maximum by 2 (or 4, see below). You can take this talent multiple times, each time it applies to a different physical attribute. Once you have taken all three attribute you can take this talent one additional time, applying it to your Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
Enhanced Reflex: You can move unnaturally fast when you want to. You gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics.
Extreme Athlete: You have Advantage with Strength (Athletic) skill checks when climbing, swimming or jumping. Furthermore you increase you base speed by +10ft per round and you require no movement to stand from a prone position. Finally add 10ft to your base horizontal and vertical leaping distance.
Facial Sculpt: With a short 5 round Ritual, you transform your appearance. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, sound of your voice, hair length, coloration, and distinguishing characteristics, if any. You can make yourself appear as a member of another race, though none of your statistics change. You also don't appear as a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same, if you're bipedal, you can't become quadruped. This ability also does not change your clothing. You must concentrate on this ability to maintain it but otherwise can use it as often as you wish.
Foresight: You have advantage with Dexterity (Initiative) checks. Prerequisite: Trained with Initiative.
Improved Abilities: Pick one of the following skills – Acrobatics, Deception, Gather Information, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Sleight of Hands or Stealth. You have advantage with this skill.
Improved Dodge: You can take the Dodge action as a Bonus action. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Wisdom ability modifier. You regain these uses after a short or long rest.
Improved Weapon Master: With the weapon the adept picked for her Weapon Master talent she now gains her full level as bonus magic damage with these attacks and +2 magic bonus to attack rolls with this one specific type of weapon. This does not stack with the Knee Blade modifier. Prerequisite: Weapon Master.
Kinesics Voice: You can alter your voice patters in such a way as the make others friendly to you. This talent works exactly like Winning Smile under the Face’s Diplomatic Talent Tree ability. Targets save DC vs. this ability is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom bonus.
Killing Hands: Your hands can deal deadly damage. When you first take this talent, add +1d4 bludgeoning damage to your unarmed attack (for a medium size creature the base is 1d3, so it becomes 1d3+1d4 bludgeoning damage). Your unarmed strike gains the weapon properties of finesse and light (meaning you can also make off-hand attacks with the Two Weapon attack ability). At 5th level adept this damage becomes +1d6 bludgeoning, at 10th level adept it is +1d8, at 15th level adept is it +1d10 and finally at 20th level adept it becomes +1d12. If you have any other feat the increase your base unarmed damage remember these dice are separate (i.e. with the Martial Arts feat a 1st level Troll Adept with the Killing Hands talent would dead 2d6 bludgeoning damage).
Mental Cloaking: With an Action your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you. It also means you can make a Stealth check without cover or with cover you can make the check with advantage. Targets are immune to these effects if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight. This affect last as long as you concentrate up to 1 minute (10 turns). You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again.
Mystical Armor: As your understanding of the magic of your body grows you learn to better deal with external threats to it. The adept gains 2 points of Hardness but does not add to any armor worn or shield carried. This Hardness protects against all magical spell damage also. This damage reduction increases by another 1 point for every 5 levels of adept she gains (5th, 10th, 15th and 20th adept level).
Sprint: When you take the Dash action, your base movement speed is increased by 15 feet for your movements (so if you normal movement speed is 30 feet, when you take the Dash Action you can move up to 90 feet, 45 feet from your normal speed and 45 feet with the Dash). Also when you take the Dash action you ignore difficult terrain penalties to your movement.
Unarmed Defense: When you are not wearing armor or carrying a shield, you add your Dexterity and Wisdom together to get your base Armor Class. This improves by +1 for every 5 levels in Adept that they gain (+1 at 5th level adept, +2 at 10th level adept, etc.).
Visions: You have flashes and vision of people that you know, gaining some insight into where they are located and the conditions they might be in. To use this ability the character spend a Karma point with an Action to see a known target and get a quick (3-6 seconds) flash of where the target is and its condition, current hit points, etc. The adept can make a Wisdom saving throw with a DC 15 to gain additional information and a ‘feeling’ of the target’s possible future (within a few days). Prerequisite: Astral Perception.
Weapon Master: pick one specific melee or range weapon (simple or martial; cannot have keen blade) from the PHB or one light firearm. While wielding that weapon type your gain a +1 magical bonus to attack rolls and deal additional magic damage equal to ½ your level in Adept.

This tree allows adepts to increase their overall magically ability by delving deeper into the mysteries of magic. These abilities all require the adept to be at least 5th level and some require even greater levels in adept before they are available.
Attunement: You attract a loyal normal or para-critter that seeks you out and is forever your companion. If the critter is ever killed a new one will seek you out within 1d6 days. This critter can have a challenge rating of up to ½ your level in adept. Prerequisite: Adept 5+.
Centering: This ability allows the Adept to perform a 1 minute Ritual. At the end of the ritual, the adept remove one level of Exhaustion. The adept must take a short or long rest to use this talent again. Prerequisite: Adept 9+.
Masking: This ability allows the Adept to mask her magical aura when viewed from astral space. To those looking the adept appears to be a mundane individual (non-awakened) to others. In order to pierce this mask is an action with an Intelligence (Investigation) check vs. a DC of 8 + the adepts proficiency bonus + the adepts Wisdom ability modifier + ½ (round up) her level’s in Adept. Prerequisite: Adept 5+.
Mystic: This advance form allows the adept to begin to expand his magical abilities to gain one of the Magic-Users Core abilities – either Astral Projection, Spell-Casting or Summoning. When you take this talent you gain one of these core abilities at the same time. After that you can take Magic-User talents that relate to your ability. If Astral Projection you gain the normal astral attributes, while spell casting and summoning grant you magic points and magnitude. Prerequisite: Adept 7+.

This tree provides the adept with magical weapons to grant numerous bonuses. You cannot take any of the talents more than once. After character creation they also cost the adept money (¥) unless they acquired one through thief, etc. Weapon focus must be based on the PHB simple or martial weapons and cannot have the Keen Blade upgrades listed in equipment.
Weapon Focus (attune): You can spend a Karma to attune a melee weapon that you possess. Attuning a weapon takes an Action. From that point forward, whenever you wield the attuned melee weapon you gain a +2 magical bonus on melee attack and damage rolls with it. This bonus works for you alone. Prerequisite: Adept 3+. (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)
Weapon Focus (empower): You can spend a Karma point to empower a melee weapon you possess. Empowering a weapon takes an Action. From that point forward, whenever you wield the empowered weapon it deals one additional weapon die of damage (a sword would deal 2d8 slashing damage, etc.). This bonus works for you alone. Prerequisite: Adept level 3+. (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)

Class Bonus Feats: Acrobatic Strike, Action Surge, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Athlete, Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charger, Charging Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Crush, Danger Sense, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Duel Weapon Mastery, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Improved Critical, Improved Mobility, Lunging Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, Martial Arts Master, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mighty Swing, Mobility, Pack Tactics, Parry, Pin, Point Black Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Shake it Off, Sidestep, Sniper, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Take a Knee, Throw Opponent, Throwing Expert, Trip, Triple Attack, Weapon Focus and Whirlwind Attack.

The face is a talker, a negotiator, a conman, a leader. This is type of character who knows a guy on every corner or every city, who knows where to get “stuff” and how to talk to everyone. Ambassadors and street hustlers, corporate marketers and Mr. Johnsons, street fixers and illegal gun salesman.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st level: 16 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light
Weapons: Light Firearms, Simple weapons
Tools: Any two of choice (one or two basic tools, musical instruments or vehicle types)
Languages: Any two of choice.
Saving Throw: Wisdom and Charisma.
Skills: Choose five from among Computer Use, Deception, Gather Information, History, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Religion or Technology.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* Armored Business Suit
* (a) Colt American L36 or (b) Hammerli 620S or (c) HK-MP5 TX with a Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra clips (or speed loads with the Hammerli).
* Two simple melee weapons of chose (if blade or piercing weapon, can add Keen Blade modifier)
* (a) Mercury Comet (sedan) or (b) Fort Spiral 1I5Ti (sports care) or (c) middle class apartment (6 months paid) with a 3 sets of upper-class clothing
* (a) Disguise kit or (b) Medical kit or (c) Patch set of 2 Antidote, 2 Stim, 2 Tranq and 2 Trauma
* A boosted comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 20 with, Int 14, Wis 12)
* An extra 400¥ in spare cash.

THREE CORE TALENTS: You can take any three Face class talents that he qualifies for as his core talents.
Many Face talents must be resisted with a Saving Throw. Your Face save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma ability modifier.

This tree cover those the smooth talkers of the world. All of these talents are mind-affecting.
Cutting Words. You are good at insulting your enemies, causing them to become distracted or angry in combat. On your round, you can spend a Bonus action against one target that can see and hear and also understand you. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. If it fails that creature is at Disadvantage on its next Attack roll that they make (but only one if it can attack multiple times) before the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Proficiency in either Intimidation or Persuasion.
I Know a Guy: You know how to find the right people at the right time. Once per game session you can use this ability to find someone whom can provide you with some minor key point of information or gear with a value up to 500¥ x your level, in illegal or military grade equipment (you still have to pay for it). This takes 1d6 hours in game time. Prerequisite: Proficiency in Gather Information.
One in a Million: As a reaction, at any time, you can spend a Karma point to ‘roll a natural 20’ on your next Charisma or Intelligence ability or skill check or saving throw before you make the roll. You have to take a short or long rest before you can use this feature again. Prerequisite: Face 5+, Willing Smile.
Salesman: You could sell ice to Eskimos. You have advantage on Charisma (Deception) or (Persuasion) checks when bargaining over prices. This is an opposed check by the target Wisdom (Insight) or Charisma (Persuasion) check. If you win you can gain at least a 10% price break or hike (depending on the situation). For every 5 points you exceed the target’s skill check total you can reduce the cost up or down another 10% to a maximum of 50% (normally this is only 5% with a basic success and an additional +/- 5% per 5 points exceeding up to a maximum 25%). Prerequisite: Proficiency in either Deception or Persuasion.
Sharper Words: You are really good at insulting people or causing them to become flustered with your words. On your action, as a Bonus action, you can distract or fluster a group of targets up to 50 feet distance from you that you can see and whom can see and hear and understand you. These target must make an Intelligence saving throw. Any that fail this save are at Disadvantage on all of their attack rolls until the start of your next turn. Targets that are of higher level then you have Advantage on this save. Any target that wish can spend their Reaction and a Karma point to end the effect automatically. Prerequisite: Face 5+, Cutting Words, Proficiency in either Intimidation or Persuasion.
Shocking Words: As an action, you insult or fluster one selected target within 30ft of you that can see and hear and understand you. That target must make a Charisma save. Failure results in the target gaining the Stunned condition until the start of our next turn. If the target suffers any damage during this time it gets a new save. Success ends the condition after the damage is rolled. Prerequisite: Face 9+, Cutting Words, Sharper Words, Proficiency in either Intimidation or Persuasion.
Willing Smile: As an Action you can talk a non-hostile target into almost anything. Pick one target that is not fighting or hostile to you, who can also hear and understand you. That target must make a Charisma saving throw. If they fail their save they gain the Charmed Condition (5th ed. pg. 290) against you. If you or any of your allies attack it or take any hostile action against it, the condition ends automatically. Otherwise it ends if you do not spend at least an action renewing your ‘friendship’ at least once every minute (10 turns). You can only have one target under the charmed condition in this way at one time.

All of these talents are mind-affecting.
Coordinate: You have a knack for getting people to work together. When you grant advantage on an Ability skill check, they also gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to the final total. Because of your talent you can coordinate with an ally, granting him advantage, even if you are not proficiency with the skill in question (see Houserules).
Demand Surrender: Against a target that has ½ or less of its total hit points remaining, you can, as an Action, force it to make a Charisma save. If it fails the save it surrenders to you and your allies, drops any weapons it is hiding, and takes no hostile actions. If the target is higher level then you are, then it has advantage on this save. If any of your allies attack it, it will no longer submit to your will and can act normally. You cannot use this Talent again until after a short or long rest. Prerequisite: Presence.
Presence: You gain Advantage on basic Charisma (Intimidate) checks.
Weaken Resolve: If a successful attack roll is also equal to or greater than the target’s Wound Damage Threshold, you can spend your Reaction and force the target to make a Charisma saving throw. If they fail this save you impose the frightened condition (5th ed. pg. 290) until the end of your next round. This is a mind-affecting fear ability. Prerequisite: Presence.
Trust: As an Attack Action, one ally who can see or hear you can immediately use her Reaction to make one weapon attack. If the attack hits, it adds your Charisma modifier to the damage result from the attack.

Note that all of these talents are mind-affecting abilities and you can’t give any of the benefits to yourself, except for Valor (see below).
Bolster Ally: As an Action, you can bolster one ally who can see and hear you, automatically removing the Reeling Condition and giving it a number of temporary hit points equal to your Face level plus Charisma modifier. You cannot bolster the same ally again until after it has completed a short or long rest.
Ignite Fervor: Whenever you hit an opponent in melee or ranged attack, you can as a Reaction, choose to give one ally who can see and hear you and understand you a bonus to damage on its next attack equal to your Face level plus Charisma modifier. Once its fervor has been ignited, the affected ally doesn’t need to see or hear you; if its next attack misses, it loses the bonus granted by the talent. Prerequisite: Inspire Confidence.
Inspire Confidence: As an Action, you can inspire confidence in all allies whom can see and hear you and understand you, granting them a +2 moral bonus on all Attack rolls and a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws for 1 minute (10 rounds) or until you’re Incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points. Once inspired, your allies do not need to see you to remain inspired (they still need to hear you, even if via a comlink, etc.). You can use this ability again after a short or long rest.
Inspire Zeal: Whenever an allying you can see, who can see and hear and understand you, makes an attack that imposes the Reeling Condition onto an opponent, you can spend your Reaction to impose the Stunned Condition onto that target for one round instead. Prerequisite: Inspire Confidence, Ignite Fervor.
Valor: You can spend 10 minutes giving an inspiriting speech to your allies, shoring up their resolve to fight. When you do so, chose up to six friendly allies (which can include yourself) within 50 feet who can see and hear and understand you. Each creature gains temporary hit points equal to your Heroic level + your Charisma modifier. A creature cannot gain temporary hit points from this talent again until it finishes a long rest. Prerequisite: Charisma 13+

These talents are mind-affecting abilities and you can’t use any of these talents on yourself.
Born Leader: As a Bonus action, you grant all allies who can see and hear you and understand you, a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls. This affect lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds) so long as your allies can see and hear you. An ally loses this bonus immediately if they can’t see or hear from you for one full round or if you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points. You can use this ability again after a short or long rest.
Distant Command: Any ally who gains the benefit of your Born Leader talent does not lose the benefits if they cannot see you (they still need to hear from you, via comlink, etc.). It still ends after 1 minute or if you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points. Prerequisite: Born Leader.
Fearless Leader: As a Bonus Action, you can provide a courage example for your allies. You can remove the Frightened Condition from a number of allies who can see and hear you and can understand you, equal to your Charisma bonus. Prerequisite: Born Leader.
Rally: As a Bonus Action, you can rally your allies and bring them back from the edge of defeat. Any ally who can see and hear you, and who has less than half their total hit points remaining gains their level plus your Charisma modifier in temporary hit points, gains a +2 moral bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws and a +2 moral bonus to all damage rolls they make. These bonuses lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds). Allies do not have to see or hear you after they have been rallied by you. You can use this ability again after a short or long rest. Prerequisite: Born Leader.

Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Actor, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Athlete, Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Charmed Life, Contacts, Covering Fire, Defensive Duelist, Determined, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Duel Weapon Mastery, Durable, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, First Aid, Improved Determinedness, Improved Mobility, Linguist, Luck, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Medic, Melee Defense, Mobility, Outwit and Outthink, Pack Tactics, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Science not a Soldier, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Sniper, Surgical Expertise and Weapon Proficiency

The fighter is a general term for anyone who fights. They include mercenaries, security guards, soldiers, martial artists, and brawlers. Fighters tend to be trained to multiple types of weapons and often wear various types of heavier armor.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st level: 16 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons: Heavy firearms, Heavy weapons, Light firearms, Marital weapons, Simple weapons
Tools: One of choice (one basic tool, one musical instrument or one vehicle)
Saving Throw: Strength and Constitution.
Skills: Choose two from among Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth or Survival.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* (a) Armored Jacket or (b) Flak Vest with Insert Plates
* (a) Ares Predator or (b) Rugar Super Warhawk with Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips or speed loads.
* (a) Second pistol as above with hostler and ammo or (b) Ingram Smartgun X or (c) Uzi II SMG with Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.
* Two simple weapons or one martial weapon of choice (if slashing or piercing weapon can have the Keen Blade modification added)
* (a) Suzuki Mirage or (b) Harley Davidson Scorpion (bikes) or (c) FN HAR assault rifle or (d) Ranger Arms SM-4 sniper rifle or (e) Mossberg AM-CMDT shotgun or (f) Arms-Tech MGL-12 grenade launcher. Plus 100 regular rounds of ammunition and 2 extra clips or for the Arms-Tech gain any 20 grenades except White Phosphorous.
* One basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
* An extra 200¥

THREE CORE TALENTS: You may choice any three Fighter Talents that you qualify for as your core talents. You can also pick all of your starting talents from the Generic Cybernetics Talent Tree.

Expert Brawler: You are an expert in dirty fighting. You gain a +2 insight bonus to all melee attack and damage rolls using an improvised weapon or with unarmed strikes. Prerequisite: Brawler feat.
Expert Grappler: You have Advantage on your Strength (Athletics) skill check to start a grapple. Against foes that you have imposed the Grabbed condition you also have Advantage on your attack rolls.
Gun Club: You gain your proficiency bonus using a gun as a weapon in melee and increase the damage dice by one step. Normally a light firearm acts as a club while a heavy firearm and heavy weapon as greatclub (used two handed; both as improvised weapons). If using a rifle mounted with a bayonet, you treat both the blade and the rifle butt attacks as light melee weapons (Two-Weapon fighting 5th ed. pg. 195).
Melee Smash: You deal +2 points of damage with all melee attacks.
Stunning Strike: If you successfully hit an opponent with a melee attack, you can spend a Bonus Action. The target an oppose roll with a Constitution save vs. your Melee attack result. If you win, the target is stunned until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Melee Smash.
Too Close: If you are hit with an Opportunity Attack in melee, you can make a free melee attack back against the target, using your firearm as a club. If you have a rifle mounted bayonet you could use that attack instead. Prerequisite: Gun Club.
Unbalance Opponent: As a Bonus action designate one foe that is no more than one size category larger or smaller then you, in melee with you. That opponent does not gain its Strength or Dexterity bonus on attack rolls when targeting you. The opponent’s modifiers still apply to damage. You can use this talent against an adjacent foes each round you spend a Bonus action. Prerequisite: Expert Grappler.

These talents tend to come to those with military training but also well trained civilians (such as police SWAT or Corporate High Threat Response Teams, etc.)
Battle Analysis: As a Bonus action you know all targets below ½ their maximum HP total, both allies and opponents that you can see. You also gain a +2 insight bonus to your attack rolls against all opponents you identified as being at ½ hit points or less, that you can see until the start of your next round.
Between the Eyes: Before making a ranged attack roll you can spend a Bonus action and gain advantage with the attack. If both attack rolls would hit, add your proficiency bonus to the damage. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. You regain these uses after a short or long rest.
Cover Fire: When you make a weapon ranged attack with Autofire (see new Maneuvers), you and all allies within 30 feet of you that you can see, gain ½ Cover bonus (5th ed. pg. 196) until the start of your next turn. Allies must remain with this 30 foot area of you to gain bonus but you do not need to see them for the rest of the round for them to gain the benefit. Prerequisite: Battle Analysis.
Demolitionist: You have Advantage to use Tools (Explosives) checks to place explosive devices and explosives set by you do +2d weapon dice of damage. You can take this talent multiple times, each time you due, explosives that you set do an additional +2d weapon damage dice, the effects stacks (up to a maximum of double the weapon damage dice).
Slow is Smooth: When you move, you can reduce your speed by ½ and pull one ally within 5ft with you that same distance. If you use the Disengage action, the ally also disengages for free.

All of these Talents require that the fighter be using a light firearm and have the Point Blank Shot feat.
Debilitating Shot: If you aim before making a range attack, and if your attack hits, you can spend a Karma Point to automatically impose the Reeling condition onto the target (recovers normally) in addition to normal damage. If the attack would already impose Reeling condition you can instead impose the Stunned condition (recovers as normal) on the target. Prerequisite: Fighter 5+.
Improved Quick Draw: If you are carrying a light firearm (either in your hand or holstered) you may draw and make a single weapon ranged attack with it during the surprise round even if you are surprised (roll initiative as normally). If you are not surprised in the first round of combat you can make a single weapon ranged attack with a light firearm at the very beginning of the round before anyone else reacts (unless someone else also have Improved Quick Draw then you both fire at the same time) and then may take your normal action on your initiative turn. This one attack is at Advantage to anyone who has not reacted yet on the first round. Prerequisite: Quick Draw feat, Fighter 5+.
Knockdown Shot: If you aim before making a ranged attack, you can spend your Reaction also and if your attack hits, you knock the target prone in addition to dealing normal damage. You can use this talent to knock down targets that are up to one sized categories larger then you are, but not any larger.
Trigger Work: You take no penalty on weapon ranged attack with a light firearm when using the Double-Tap or Burst Fire weapon features. You can also use a light firearms to make Opportunity attacks.

This talent tree allows the Fighter special training with weapons.
Devastating Attack: Whenever you make a successful attack against a target, you treat your target’s Wound Damage Threshold as if it were a number of point’s lower equal to your Proficiency bonus when determining the result of your attack results vs. reeling (see Conditions). Prerequisite: Proficiency with the weapon.
Greater Weapon Focus: Choose one exotic weapon or weapon group. You gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls with this chosen exotic weapon or weapon group. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by the Weapon Focus feat. You may select this talent multiple times, each time it is selected it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group. Prerequisite: Proficiency with weapon you are using, Weapon Focus feat with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group, Fighter 5+.
Greater Weapon Specialization: Choose one exotic weapon or weapon group. You gain a +3 bonus on damage rolls with this choose exotic weapon or weapon group. This bonus stacks with the bonuses granted by the Weapon Specialization talent. You may select this talent multiple times, each time it is selected it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group. Prerequisite: Proficiency with weapon you are using, Greater Weapon Focus talent and Weapon Focus feat with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group, Weapon Specialization talent with chosen exotic weapon or weapon group, Fighter 7+.
Trusty Sidearm: When wielding a light firearm you add ½ (round down) your levels in Fighter, to your damage with these weapons. Prerequisite: Fighter 5+.
Weapon Specialization: Chose a single exotic weapon or weapon group, which you are proficient. You gain +2 bonus damage on all damage rolls with such a weapon. You make select this talent multiple times, each time it applies to a different exotic weapon or weapon group. Prerequisite: Weapon Focus in chosen exotic weapon or weapon group.

Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Athlete, Brawler, Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charger, Charging Fire, Concentration Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Crush, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Duel Weapon Mastery, Durable, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, Goading Attack, Heavy Weapon Experts, Improved Critical, Improved Wound Damage Threshold, Lunging Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, Martial Arts Master, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mighty Swing, Pack Tactics, Parry, Pin, Point Black Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Reckless Attack, Shake it Off, Shield Proficiency, Sidestep, Sniper, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Survivor, Take a Knee, Throw Opponent, Throwing Expert, Toughness, Trip, Triple Attack, Weapon Focus and Whirlwind Attack

Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st level: 16 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light
Weapons: Heavy Firearms, Light Firearms, Marital weapons, Simple weapons
Tools: Thieves kit, plus one of GenLock Gloves or Maglock Passkey, plus one additional Tool set of choice
Saving Throw: Dexterity and Intelligence
Skills: Choose three from among Acrobatics, Athletics, Computer Use, Gather Information, Initiative, History, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth or Technology.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* (a) Reinforced Armored Clothing or (b) Lined Coat or (c) Undercover Vest
* (a) Colt Manhunter or (b) Ares Predator, either with a Silencer, a Concealed Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.
* (a) Second pistol as above or (b) HK-MP5 TX or (c) HK 227S SMG with a Concealed Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.
* Two simple melee weapons or one other martial weapon of choice (if slashing or piercing weapon can have the Keen Blade modification added)
* Thieves Kit and Sobvocal Microphone
* (a) GenLock Glove or (b) Maglock Passkey kit
* (a) Suzuki Mirage (bike) or (b) Mercury Comet (sedan)
* One basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
* An extra 300¥

THREE CORE TALENTS: You may choice any three Infiltrator Talents that you qualify for as your core talents. You can also pick any one starting talents from the Generic Cybernetics Talent Tree.

This talents are specialized talents of getting into place others don’t want you there without being noticed.
Guide Others: You know how to get others to move quietly. If you are leading a group of up to six allies who are all within 20ft of you and who can hear and see you (they can use comlink to hear you silent subvocalized communications), you grant all of them advantage on their Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You must be moving a ½ Speed of the slowest member of the group to use this talent. Prerequisite: Improved Stealth.
Hidden Movement: You’re very good at hiding when mobile. You do not need to travel at a slow pace (5th ed. pg. 182) to use your Stealth to surprise others. Prerequisite: Improved Stealth.
Improved Stealth: You have Advantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks. All other conditions still effect how or if you can make the check.
Security Foil: You know how to maximum either breaking and entering gear. Pick one tool set of either a GenLock, MagLock or Thieves Tools that you are proficient with. You know have advantage with that particular tool when trying to bypass a lock or security system. You can take this talent up to three times, each time gain the benefits with a different tool set. Prerequisite: Proficiency in the tool set.
Urban Climber: You know how to scale modern buildings and structures. When using Strength (Athletics) in urban area you double any equipment bonuses you would gain and you don’t grant others advantage with their attack rolls against you while you are climbing. Finally you not at disadvantage to Dexterity (Stealth) check if moving more than ¼ speed. Prerequisite: Proficiency with Strength (Athletics).
Total Concealment: You know how to use cover. When you have at least ½ cover (5th ed. pg. 196) you can treat it ¾ cover and ¾ cover as total cover. Prerequisite: Hidden Movement, Improved Stealth.

This tree covers awareness of ones surrounds and the ability to get out of the way of danger quickly.
Acute Senses: You have Advantage on Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
Crafty Action: As a Bonus action you can take the Dash, Disengage or Hide action on your turn.
Evasion: You can nimbly dodge out of the way of certain area of affect attacks, such as grenades, autofire and whirlwind attack. On a successful Dexterity saving throw you suffer no damage. Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
Instincts: If you are surprised at the beginning of combat and are not incapacitated, you may act normally on your first turn as if you were not surprised. Prerequisite: Acute Senses, Improved Initiative.
Improved Initiative: gain Advantage on Dexterity (Initiative) checks. Prerequisite: Acute Senses
Keen Shot: You ignore light obscured and ½ cover on attack rolls verse foes in these conditions. Prerequisite: Acute Senses
Uncanny Dodge: When an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your Reaction to halve the attacker’s damage against you. Prerequisite: Acute Senses.
Improved Uncanny Dodge: Unseen attackers (5th ed. pg. 194) do not gain Advantage with their attacks against you if they are within melee or if they are within 30 feet and you. Prerequisite: Acute Senses, Uncanny Dodge.

This tree cover the sneaky infiltrator in combat who strikes with surprise and hidden advantages.
Dastardly Strike: Once per turn, when you successful hit an opponent with Advantage, that target adds the Reeling condition.
Deceptive Shot: Select one target that you can see and is within 50ft. You can spend a Bonus action and make an opposed Charisma (Deception) vs. the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If you win you have Advantage against the target with all ranged weapon attacks until the start of your next turn. Prerequisite: Infiltartor 3+.
: By spending a Bonus action, you use your insight for causing trouble and instigating chaos to disrupt your enemies. Until the start of your next turn, you suppress all morale and insight bonuses applied to enemies you can see who are within 30 feet of you.
Quick Shot
: Whenever you take the Attack action to make a weapon attack with a light firearm, you can make one additional ranged weapon attack on your turn. This stacks with Double and Triple attack, Duel Weapon, but it cannot be combined with weapon property features of Autofire.
Ranged Disarm: You can disarm an opponent using a range attack. When you strike a creature with a light firearm ranged weapon attack, you can spend a Bonus action to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. If you hit, the target must make a Strength check DC vs. the damage that you dealt (you can add your Intelligence modifier to the DC). On a failed check, it drops one object of your choice at its feet. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+.
: If you move at least 15 feet before you attack and end your move in a different space than where you started, you gain Advantage on your next attack (only the first one made after movement).
Sneak Attack: Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have Advantage on the attack roll. The attack must use a finesse or a range weapon. You may select this talent multiple times, each time you select it, your sneak attack damage increase by +1d6 (max +10d6)
Walk the Line: As an Action, you can do or say something that catches your enemies off guard. One opponents within 30 feet of you and whom you can see is caught off guard. The next attack, skill or ability rolled against this target (by you or anyone else), before the start of your next turn, is at Advantage. This applies to only to the very next check. Prerequisite: Disruptive.

Bonus Class Feats: Acrobatic Strike, Action Surge, Actor, Armor Proficiency (Medium), Athlete, Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Danger Sense, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Determined, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Duel Weapon Mastery, Durable, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, Gimmick, Goading Attack, Improved Critical, Improved Mobility, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, Martial Arts Master, Melee Defense, Mobility, Pack Tactics, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Sniper, Take a Knee, Throw Opponent, Throwing Expert, Trip, Triple Attack, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency, Whirlwind Attack and Widget Bag

These awakened characters are the spell casters and summoners of the Sixth World. They include both the Hermetic Mage and Shaman which a character must to follow either.
Hit Dice: 1d6
Hit Points at 1st level: 12 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: None
Weapons: Light Firearms, Simple weapons
Tools: Any one of choice (basic tool, a musical instrument or vehicle)
Languages: Any one of choice.
Saving Throw: Intelligence and Wisdom.
Skills: Choose two from among Arcane, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of Hands or Stealth.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* One suit of Armored Clothing
* (a) Colt American L36 or (b) Colt Manhunter pistol or (c) Remington Roomsweeper with Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips (not for the Remington)
* One magical focus (granting you either +1 magic bonus to your Magical attack bonus or +1 to your Conjuring check).
* Two simple melee weapons of choice (if slashing or piercing damage can have the Keen Blade modifier added)
* One basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
* An extra 200¥

THREE CORE TALENTS: All magic-users, regardless of type, require the 3 core talents at 1st level – Astral Perception and Projection, Spell-Casting and Summoning. If multi-classing after 1st level your first talent pick must come from the Core magic-user talents.
Magic Points and Magnitude: All magic users gain Magic Points that are used to fuel their magical casting and summoning abilities and a Magnitude rating which determines how powerful a spell they can cast or creature they can summon safely.
Magic Points are equal to the tradition’s defining attribute. This increases by a number of additional points equal to the magic user’s tradition’s defining attribute modifier every level in Magic User they achieves after first. A magic user recovers 1d6 points per level (i.e. a 3rd level magic user recovers 3d6 points) after a short rest or 2d6 per level after a long rest, unless otherwise noted. During either rest a magic user can spend Hit Dice to recover the above amounts instead of hit points (i.e. a 3rd level magic user who spends one of his Hit Dice for magic point recover regains another 3d6 during the short rest or 6d6 from a long rest). A magic user can instead spend a Karma Point to regain the short rest amount any time as an Action (i.e. a 3rd level magic user spends a karma point to regain 3d6 magic points as an Action). Finally, as an action, the magic user can also gain one level of Exhaustion and regain the short rest amount at any time (i.e. a 3rd level magic user can take an action and one level of Exhaustion to regain 3d6 magic points). There are also feats and talents the can give you additional Magic Points and speed up the recovery of these points.
Magnitude Rating of all beginning magic users starts at 3. This is the “safe” level that a magic user can cast his spells at or the force level of a spirit, the higher the magnitude the greater the spell or spirit! A magic user can cast a spell or summon a spirit up to 3 levels over his magnitude level (i.e. a 3rd level magic user can cast up to a 6 magnitude spell) but when they do so in addition to the Magic point cost it also costs them 1d4 hit points damage per Magnitude level (not just the level over the caster’s safe level; i.e. a 3rd level magic user casting a magnitude 6 spell suffers 6d4 hit points of damage). This damage ignores all Hardness or Resistance that the caster or summoner currently has, regardless of the source. There are talents that can increase a magic user’s Magnitude Rating.

Hermetic Mages use their Intelligence modifier while Shamanic character use their Wisdom modifier as their Tradition’s defining attribute.
Base Magical Save is 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Tradition’s ability modifies. Your Magical attack modifier is equal to your Proficiency + your Tradition’s ability modifier. Miscellaneous modifiers can apply.
All magic users suffer from the Strain of Cybernetic implants. For every two points of Strain (round up) is a penalty of -1 to all attack rolls, skill and ability checks and saving while in Astral Space, a -1 to the magic users Magical attack modifier and a reduction of your Magical saves DC by one.

Astral Perception and Projection: this is the ability of the magic user to perceive and project into the astral plane. In order to switch over to astral perception as a bonus action (reaction to end automatically). This makes you vulnerable to astral attacks and beings who are projecting within the realm but you can also attack and affect them as normal (dealing normal damage, etc. to them). It is also very distracting imposing Disadvantage on all attack rolls and skill or ability checks that require sight. In order to astral project ones spirit into the astral plane or from the astral plane back into their body requires a one-minute ritual (10 rounds). Each hour spent in Astral Space deals one level of Exhaustion to the caster. While projecting he can ignore this fatigue but it can kill him if he remain too long. After returning to your meat body these exhaustion points are all removed after a short or long rest. See Astral Space below.
Spell-Casting: this is the ability of the magic user to cast spells. Spells cost 1 Magic Point per Magnitude. Any spell that allows a saving throw uses the DC listed above while those that are attack rolls us the Magic Attack bonus. When you first take this talent you gain three Spell choices (see listed below under Spells).
Summoning: this is the ability of the magic user to summon either Elementals (if a Hermitic Mage) or Natural Spirits (if Shamanic). Summoning is an ability check using the summoner’s Charisma ability modifier plus their proficiency bonus plus any other miscellaneous (from a magic item, etc.) as their Conjuring Check. Conjuring an element or spirit has a base cost of 2 Magic Points per Magnitude. When you first take this talent you can chose two type of Elementals (if you are hermitic mage) or natural spirits (shamanic). See Elementals and Spirits below. Note that a Conjuring Check is considered an Attack action to attempt.

This tree provides the magic user improvements in astral space, casting spells or when conjuring spirits.
Astral Warrior: When you are astral projecting or perceiving you gain advantage on any melee attacks verses another astral being and your unarmed astral damage increases to 1d8 plus your intelligence modifier. You also gain a Resistance to all damage you take but only for your astral body while projecting.
Astral Seeker: You gain advantage when doing Astral Searches and if you exceed the DC by 5 or more you also halve the basic time required to do the search.
Mentor Spirit: You gain a spirit guide that aids you with magic. This guide grants you two of the following benefits. Work with the GM to determine which effects best suit your guide.
* Astral Bonus – you gain a +2 bonus to all skills rolls, saving throws, ability checks while astral projecting.
* Casting Bonus - pick one spell category (Combat, Detect, Health, Illusion or Transformation). Casting any spells from your chosen group cost 1 less Magic point per Magnitude (minimum one). This can be combine with any other talent or focus that reduces Magic point cost but always with a minimum of 1.
* Gain a +2 bonus to Conjuring Checks and reduce the Magic Point cost to 1 per Magnitude with one elemental or spirit type of choice.
* Gain a +2 magical bonus to one appropriate skill of choice.
Spell Expert: You gain some expertise with one specific spell that you must chose when you take this talent. When you take this talent it gains one of the following advantages. If the spell deals damage you increase it by +2d for free. If the spell requires a saving throw you increase the DC that target must achieve by +3. If the spell uses some skill roll you gain Advantage with that skill with this spell. If it requires a skill roll being used again you then you impose Disadvantage with that skill when used against the spell.
Spell Shielding: As a Bonus action you gain a Hardness of 2 verses all magical damage types and gain +2 magical bonus to all saving throws verse spells that allow them until the end of your next round. You can expend a Magic Point to extend these benefits to a number of allies equal to your Tradition’s ability modifier. You can take this talent a second time but you must be a Magic User 5th+ to do so. Your Hardness verse magical damage increases to 5 points and your saving throw bonus verses spells increase to +4.

This tree allows a magic user to increase their overall magically power, including magnitude rating, but delving deeper into the mysteries of magical power.
Channeling: This quick ritual must be perform costs all the caster’s movement speed that round (Move 0). The caster can cast any one spell at one higher level of magnitude safely (no hit point damage) and with advantage on any magical attack roll or she can impose disadvantage on any save or skill check to get past the spell. The caster must take a long rest to use this ritual again. The caster could take this talent multiple times, each time she can perform this ritual an additional time before she must complete a long rest. Prerequisite: Magic User 5+.
Increased Magnitude Rating: This talent can be first talent at 5th level and increases the caster’s safe Magnitude ranting by +1 (to 4). This does not increase the over-casting limit. The magic user can take this talent a second time at 9th level magic user granting another +1 to her Magnitude rating (increasing it to 5). The magic user can take this talent a third time at 13th level magic user granting another +1 to her Magnitude rating (increasing it to 6). The magic user can take this talent a final time at 17th level magic user for an additional +1 to her Magnitude rating (for a final 7). Prerequisite: Magic User 5+.
Invoking: This summoning ability allows the conjurer to have two spirits or elementals in his service at one time. Prerequisite: Magic User 9+, Magnitude 4+, Summoning core talent.
Masking: This ability allows the magic user to mask her magical aura when viewed from astral space. To those looking the adept appears to be a mundane (non-awakened) to others. In order to pierce this mask is an action with an Intelligence (Investigation) check vs. a DC of 8 + the magic user proficiency bonus + the Tradition’s ability modifier + ½ (round down) her level’s in Magic User. Prerequisite: Magic User 5+.
Quickening: This allows a magic user to use two spells that requires Concentration at the same time! Normally a spell caster cannot cast a second spell that requires concentration without dropping the one he is maintaining. This can be taken a second time, but requires that caster to be of Magic User level 11+ to do so. This allows the magic user to concentrate on three spells at one time. Either effect can be combined with a Sustaining Focus (see focus below). Prerequisite: Magic User 5+, Spell-Casting core talent.
Treading: This ritual allows the magic user to safely summon a spirit that is one higher than his base magnitude rating without suffering the damage of doing so. It also grants the summon advantage on his Summoning check roll when gaining this greater spirit. The magic user must complete a long rest to use this ability again. Prerequisite: Magic User 5+, Conjuring core talent.
Summon Spirit Ally: This ability allows a magic user to summon a permanent spirit companion. The magnitude of the spirit can be no greater than the magic user’s base magnitude and the ritual requires a one day ritual per magnitude of spirit to be summoned, where the magic user can perform no other actions but eating and sleeping. After summoned the spirits will grow in power if the magic user raises his magnitude rating. Spirits summoned in this way tend to also be very personalized and more ‘detailed’ than a normally summoned spirit and they have a personality (often formed partially by the summoner). If the spirit is ever destroyed the magic user suffer a reduction of her magnitude rating of ½ the spirits rating. These points return a 1 magnitude rating per 1d6 days. When her magnitude has returned to normal she can again perform the ritual to re-summon a new spirit ally. Prerequisite: Magic User 5+, Conjuring core talent.

This tree provides the magic user magical items to grant numerous bonuses. After character creation they also cost the magic user money (¥) unless they acquired one through thief, etc. A character cannot take the same focus twice, nor can she take more than four total times from this tree. Weapon focus must be based on the PHB simple or martial weapons and cannot have the Keen Blade upgrades listed in equipment.
Banishing Focus: This focus grants the magic user advantage when attempting to banish spirits and elementals. (Cost 4,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Casting Focus: This focus grants the magic user special focus with one specific spell that must be chosen when this talent is taken. If the spell uses the caster Magic attack bonus it grants advantage on that check. If the spell requires a saving throw, that save it at disadvantage. These ability can be used a number of times that the caster wishes equal to her Tradition’s ability modifier. The caster regains these bonuses after a short or long rest. (Cost 4,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Conjuring Focus: This focus grants the magic user greater control over one specific elemental or natural spirit type. This must be chosen when this talent is taken. It grants advantage on the magic user’s Conjuring Check when summoning this one specific element or spirit. This ability requires a short or long rest to regain its use again. (Cost 4,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Power Focus: These powerful focus help a magic user in multiple ways. First all spells or spirits summoned by the caster cost one less Magic point (but still a minimum of 1). Second it grants advantage with Spell attack bonus. Third it imposes disadvantage on saving throws against a spell cast by the magic user. These ability can be used a number of times that the caster wishes equal to her Tradition’s ability modifier. The caster regains these bonuses after a short or long rest. Prerequisite: Magic User 5+ (Cost 10,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Siphoning Focus: These focus allow the magic user more magical energy. All spells cast or spirits summoned by the caster cost one less Magic point (but still minimum 1). These ability can be used a number of times that the caster wishes equal to her Tradition’s ability modifier. The caster regains these bonuses after a short or long rest. (Cost 4,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Sustaining Focus: This popular focus allows the magic user to concentrate better. One spell that requires concentration does not count as the magic user concentrating on it (allowing her to concentrate on two spells at once). These ability can be used a number of times that the caster wishes equal to her Tradition’s ability modifier. The caster regains these bonuses after a short or long rest. (Cost 4,000¥, Wt. 1lb)
Weapon Focus (attune): You can spend a Karma to attune a melee weapon that you possess. Attuning a weapon takes an Action. From that point forward, whenever you wield the attuned melee weapon you gain a +2 magical bonus on melee attack and damage rolls with it. This bonus works for you alone. Prerequisite: Magic User level 3+. (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)
Weapon Focus (empower): You can spend a Karma point to empower a melee weapon you possess. Empowering a weapon takes an Action. From that point forward, whenever you wield the empowered weapon it deals one additional weapon die of damage (a sword would deal 2d8 slashing damage, etc.). This bonus works for you alone. Prerequisite: Magic User level 3+. (Cost normal weapon +2,000¥)

Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Additional Magic Points, Armor Proficiency (Light, Medium), Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Combat Caster, Contacts, Covering Fire, Danger Sense, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Determined, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Durable, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, Improved Critical, Improved Determinedness, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Meditation, Melee Defense, New Spell, Outwit and Outthink, Pack Tactics, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Refresh, Quick Reload, Science not a Soldier, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Superior Critical, Triple Attack and Weapon Proficiency

Tech range from mechanics, riggers and computer hackers.
Hit Dice: 1d8
Hit Points at 1st level: 16 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light
Weapons: Heavy Firearms, Light Firearms, Simple weapons
Tools: Tools (Repair) plus any one of choice (basic tool, a musical instrument or vehicle)
Saving Throw: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: Choose four from among Athletics, Computer Use, History, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Physical Science, Stealth or Technology.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* (a) Undercover Vest or (b) Lined Coat
* (a) Colt American L36 or (b) Hammerli 620S or (c) Colt Manhunter or (d) Ares Predator pistol with Concealed Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazines (or speed loaders)
* Two simple melee weapons or one other martial weapon of choice (if slashing or piercing damage can add the Keen Blade modifier)
* One Repair Kit
* (a) Drone or (b) Hacker’s com or (c) or Mechanic garage or (d) Rigged Vehicle (see Core Abilities)
* One boosted comlink (broadcast 3, firewall 15, Int 14, Wis 10) and a Datajack Implant (Strain 1)
* An extra 500¥

THREE CORE TALENTS: pick one of the overall talent trees (Drone Master, Hacker, Mechanic or Rigger). Each has a ‘core’ talent that you must take and then pick two other talents from the same tree. After 1st level through multi-classing you must take the ‘core’ talent when you first talent choice.
You can also pick any two starting talents from the Generic Cybernetics Talent Tree.

Prerequisite: Vehicle (Drones), Vehicle Rigger Control (VRC) cybernetic implant.
Drone Rigger (Core Ability): You are a specialized drone rigger. Any drone, vehicle or security system that you control with either AR or with full emersion, perform their actions on your initiative. Also any drones under your control add your proficiency bonus to thier Armor Class, attack bonus to hit and any damage rolls as well as well as to its saving throws, ability and skill checks. You can order them move as a no action on your part. As a bonus action you can order one drone to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action. As an action you can direct all of the drones to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action. As an action you can order one drone to take all of its actions. These actions are distracting though and you are at Disadvantage for all of your personal attacks and checks (not saving throws). If you use the full emersion ability with your VRC to control one drone you gain a +2 insight bonus to your attack bonus as well as the saving throws and ability checks with the drone. At 11th level if you have multi-attacks in a round (via Double or Triple Attack feats) all drones under your control can also make multiple attacks. If you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points or if a drone is outside its communications range its action must be on ‘autopilot’ or it does not act at all. If this class is chosen at character creation, the Drone Master gains either a Combat, Recon or Stealth Drone for free. The Combat Drone can have two light or medium firearms installed while the Recon and Stealth have one light firearm installed for free (after character creation must purchase drones and weapons separately).
A.I. Upgrade: You have upgraded your starting drone with an enhanced A.I. processor (+6 Intelligence), meaning it is a no action by you for the drone to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge or Help action each round. If you are incapacitated or reduces to 0 hit points or if the drone is not in direct contact with you the drone it can still take these actions. If you take a Bonus action the drone can take a full action that round. You can only take this upgrade at character creation. Otherwise you must pay for it, see Drone Upgrades.
Best Friends: You have grant any drone under your control an Intelligence save vs. Hacking.
Drone Hacking: Through you VRC you may attempt to hack an enemy drone or syder system. As an action make an Intelligence (Computer Use) skill vs. the drones Firewall. If you succeed you impose the charmed condition onto an autopilot systems. However if another operator is controlling the drone (or you have Best Friends talent) it gains an Intelligence save DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. If the drone fails you knock the operator out of the system (see Dumpshock, if it is under direct control) and the drone gains the charmed condition. You can order this drone or system as if you owned it but you must maintain concentration each round with at least a bonus action. Any round you stop concentrating on the drone it loses the charmed conditions with you.
Upgrade Drones: You can perform basic upgrades with drones, as a mechanic can (mechanics can of course perform basic upgrades on all systems). See Gear.

Prerequisite: trained in Intelligence (Computer Use) skill.
Custom Persona (Core talent): Anyone who using emersion when accessing the Matrix uses an aviator that somewhat reflects their personality. Most wageslaves just use the company personas with a few minor personal touches (or long as they are deemed appropriate by the corp.), but illegal counsel-cowboys (and girls) like to build custom personas with a lot of illegal software added on. Your Decker has built out a better than average persona that she can use when running the Matrix. At its basic level its Matrix stats are Strength 14 and Constitution 14, Matrix HP 20 + 5 points per level, AC is 13 + you Intelligence modifier, Hardness 4, Attack 1d6 + Strength modifier, Scan and Search (Perception and Investigation), both equal to your proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier, and either Sleaze 4 (Disguising your Persona in the Matrix) or Spoof 4 (Invisibility in the Matrix) 12 + your Intelligence bonus + your proficiency modifier. See the Matrix below. You can only use your Persona when you are using emersion (also see the Matrix below for a description). If you took this talent after character creation it costs you an additional 6,000¥ to cobbled together your custom persona. If this class is chosen at character creation, the Hacker also gains a Hacker’s Com – upgraded comlink (Broadcast 3, Firewall 20, Intelligence 16, Wis 12, proficiency bonus +3, full emersion).
Hacking Expert: While you are using full emersion into the Matrix you have Advantage on Intelligence (Computer Use) skill when attempting to Hack a network system to improve its access attitude towards you.
Hyper-Drive: While using full emersion into the Matrix, you can add your Tech class level as a bonus to a single attack roll, skill or ability check. The decision to add this bonus can be made after the result of the roll or check is known. You must take a short or long rest in order to use this talent again. You can take this Talent multiple times, allowing you add your Infiltrator level as a bonus to an additional check before you next short or long rest. Prerequisite: Hacking Expert.
Master Hacker: While using full emersion into the Matrix you have Advantage with any one d20 (be it an attack, saving throw, skill check, etc.) a round. You can chose when to use this ability but before you roll. You can take this Talent multiple times, allowing you to have Advantage on an additional check made in the same round during combat. Prerequisite: Hacking Expert.
Matrix Warrior: Whenever you roll a natural 20 on an attack roll made while using full emersion within the Matrix, you gain one temporary Karma point. You must use this Karma point before you next short or long rest or it is lost.
Tracer: You can substitute your Intelligence (Computer Use) skill for Charisma (Gather Information) or Intelligence (Investigation) checks so long as you have access to a network to search out information.

Prerequisite: Tools (Repair). This tree allows a tech to not only repair and maintain gear, vehicles and weapons but also to add upgrades to these systems and even make discovers to push the bounds of technology.
Mechanic (Core Talent): You start with the Widget Bag feat for free. This is a bag of miscellaneous spare parts, useful material and salvage. Whenever you use a Repair kit to repair damage you add your Tech’s level as a bonus to the amount of hit points repaired. You can add all basic upgrades to weapons, armor and vehicles (see GM section). If this class is chosen at character creation, the Mechanic also gains a Workshop garage with all the tools need for major repairs and modification. This can be located in the Barrens or off a ligament garage somewhere in the city proper.
Advanced Upgrade: pick one of the following – Armor, Drones, Electrical, Vehicles or Weapons. You can now add advanced upgrades to these types of devices. You can take this edge multiple times, each time it applies to a new type of device.
Grenade Expert: When you throw grenades you add your proficiency bonus to the damage.
Hot Wire: You have advantage on any Tools (Repair) check to hotwire a system in combat. Also, if you succeed on your check by +5 the damage does not get worst at the end of the encounter (see Vehicles).
MacGyver: You are able to construct useful items or tools to accomplish something generally not allowed given the available resources available. Either the GM can supply a random assortment of items you can use to create a tool or you can make a case for common items one is likely to find in order to solve an immediate crisis. This may involve searching an area or assuming certain items are available; if your widget bag currently contains at least 200¥ worth of parts, you can always be assumed to have a variety of small useful items such as screws, nails, paper clips, duct tape, and chewing gum. If the GM is convinced by your argument, make a Technology skill check to see if the improvised gadget or solution works. When you use this trait, you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Pure Engineer: When you make an Intelligence (Technology) or Tools (Repair kit) check you set it as a natural 20. You must complete a long rest to use this feature again. Also any repairs that you perform cost 20% less in supplies going forward. Prerequisite: Tech level 5+.
Sapper: With a Tools (Explosive) DC 15 check and 2 full rounds, you increase the damage of set explosives by +1d damage (+2d if you rolled a 20+ on the check). With a separate Tools (Explosive) DC 15 check and 2 full rounds, you increase the DC of any save required by the explosive by your Proficiency bonus.

Prerequisite: Vehicle – at least one type, Vehicle Rigger Control (VRC) cybernetic implant.
Rigger (Core Talent): You are one with your machine. Any vehicles, drones or security systems that you are controlling with your VRC via AR or emersion act on your initiative. You can control one vehicle and add your proficiency bonus to the vehicle’s AC and you gain an additional +2 insight on all of its attacks, saves, skills and ability checks with that vehicle. Also, if you have the Vehicle Combat feat you regain the use of your Reaction once per round if you had used it to reduce the damage from an attack that just hit you. If you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points of if a system is outside your range, they cannot act except when on Autopilot and can't do much more the Attack, Dash or Dodge in their round. If this talent is chosen at character creation, the Rigger also gains either a Mercury Comet, Ford Spiral II5Ti or GMC Bulldog Step Van all with Rigger upgrade for free. The Comet and Spiral also come with a free pop-out hidden weapon mount with one heavy weapon mounted in the vehicle for free (if taken after character creation).
Combat Ace: You are an ace when in control of a vehicle. As a bonus action you grant yourself Advantage on your next attack roll, saving throw or vehicle operating skill check with a vehicle you are operating. You must complete a short or long rest to use this talent again. Prerequisite: Tech level 5+.
Counter Maneuver: If a vehicle or creature hits your vehicle while it is moving with a physical attack (ram or a melee attack), you can make ram attack against the target as a reaction (see Ram). If you hit, add one damage die to the damage dice base. Your vehicles only suffers ¼ of the same value.
Defensive Driving/Flying: As a bonus action, you gain a +2 bonus to your vehicle’s AC and any saving throws the vehicle you control until the beginning of your next turn. This can be combine with the Dodge maneuver.
Drop The Hammer: As a bonus action, you can increase your vehicle’s speed by ½ it Base Speed until the start of your next turn. You are not at disadvantage with any other Maneuver check you might preform before the beginning of your next turn.
Full Throttle: You are at Advantage with your Vehicle checks when attempting to ‘Increase Speed maneuver.
Inside Out: You know the limits of your vehicle better than anyone else. As a bonus action you can remove either a Reeling, or Stunned conditions that is affecting your vehicle at the time. You need to take a short or long rest to use this ability again. Prerequisite: Tech level 5+.
Kamikaze: As an action, you can make a ram against another vehicle or creature with your vehicle, you are not at disadvantage if they target is at least your size or larger. If you hit, add two damage dice to your total damage. Your vehicles suffers the same value. If you hit with this attack (and are still alive), you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest.
Keep it Together: When a vehicle you are operating takes damage that would bring it down to 0 Hit Points, it immediately regains your level in Tech + your Intelligence modifier back. You cannot use this ability again until you have taken a long rest.
Quick Trigger: Whenever an enemy vehicle moves out of space equal to or less than ½ your weapons range that you control, you may make a single Opportunity weapons attack against the vehicle as a Reaction.
The Best There Is: Before you roll, you use a Bonus action and assume that you rolled a ‘natural 20’ on your next attack roll, saving throw or vehicle operating skill check with a vehicle you are operating. You must complete a long rest to use this ability again. Prerequisite: Tech level 11+.
Vehicle Evasion: If the vehicle you are operating is hit by an area of effect attack, it takes half damage if you failed your saving throw and no damage if you succeed with your save. You cannot use this ability when the vehicle is stationary, reeling, stunned or disable. Prerequisite: Tech level 3+.
Upgrade Vehicles: You can perform basic upgrades with non-drone vehicles, as a mechanic can (mechanics can of course perform basic upgrades on all systems). See Gear.

Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Armor Proficiency (Heavy, Medium), Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charging Fire, Concentration Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Cybernetic Surgery, Deadly Aim, Defensive Duelist, Determined, Disarming Strike, Do Science on it!, Double Attack, Duel Weapon, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Feinting Attack, First Aid, Frigging love Science, Gimmick, Improved Critical, Improved Determinedness, Linguist, Lunging Attack, Maneuvering Attack, Martial Arts, Medic, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mobility, Outwit and Outsmart, Pack Tactics, Parry, Point Black Shot, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Quick Reload, Science not a Soldier, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Surgical Expertise, Triple Attack, Vehicle Combat, Weapon Focus, Weapon Proficiency and Widget Bag.

Hit Dice: 1d10
Hit Points at 1st level: 20 + your Constitution mod.
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier

Armor: Light, Medium
Weapons: Heavy firearms, Heavy Weapons, Light firearms, Marital weapons, Simple weapons
Tools: One of choice (basic tool, a musical instrument or vehicle)
Saving Throw: Constitution and Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from among Athletics, Gather Information, Initiative, Insight, Intimidate, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion or Stealth.

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment grants by your background:
* (a) Armored Jacket or (b) Flak Vest with Insert Plates
* (a) Ares Predator or (b) Ruger Super Warhawk with Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips or speed loads.
* (a) Second pistol as above with hostler and ammo or (b) Ingram Smartgun X or (c) Uzi II SMG with Concealable Hostler, 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.
* (a) AK-97 Assault Rifle or (b) Mossberg AM-CMDT shotgun with 100 rounds of regular ammunition and 2 extra magazine clips.
* Two simple weapons or one martial weapon of choice (if slashing or piercing damage the weapon can have the Keen Blade added)
* (a) Suzuki Mirage or (b) Harley Davidson Scorpion (bikes) or (c) Mercury Comet (sedan) or (d) an extra 1,000¥
* One basic comlink (broadcast 1, firewall 15, Int 12, Wis 10)
* An extra 200¥

THREE CORE TALENTS: You may choice any three Tough Talents that you qualify for as your core talents. You can also pick any two starting talents from the Generic Cybernetics Talent Tree.

You have enhanced trained in how to wear armor more effectively.
Armor Mastery: When wearing medium armor, you can add up to 3, rather than 2, to your Armor Class, if you have a Dexterity bonus of 16 or higher. If wearing heavy armor you can add 1 to your Armor Class, if your Dexterity is a 12 or higher. Finally, wearing light or medium armor doesn’t impose Disadvantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) check that normally would nor verse Strength (Athletics) skill for heavy armor. Prerequisite: Second Skin.
Juggernaut: While you are wearing medium or heavy armor you reduce all damage from ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing weapons by 3 (this is not Hardness and not subject to normal reductions from AP weapons). Prerequisite: Armored Mastery, Second Skin, must be wearing medium or heavy armor.
Second Skin: While wearing armor that you are proficient with, the armor’s weight counts as ½ its normal total by you when demining encumbrance and increase the armor’s Hardness and Armor Class bonus by +1 each.

This tree covers both brute power to overcome obstacles but also berserk like rage.
Brick: You can shrug of damage. With an Action and by spending a Karma point you gain Resistance to all damage (including all magical damage and energy damage except for Necromancy and Psychic damage). This abilities lasts for 1 minute (10 rounds). You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again.
Extreme Effort: You can push yourself to the extreme physically. Spend your Bonus action on your turn, you have Advantage on all Strength and Constitution ability or skill checks. This affect lasts until the end of your next turn.
Hard Target: Bricks often seem to be hard to slow down. Spend a Reaction and end one effect of the following Condition – Frightened, Reeling, or Stunned. You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again. You can take this talent multiple times, each time allowing you to end one of the above conditions with a Reaction before you are required to take a rest. Prerequisite: Tough level 5+.
Improved Toughness: Your character is well built or hardy. You gain an additional +2 hit point each level that you have and each time you gain a new level. This stacks with the Toughness feat.
Indomitable: You can ignore the pain. As a Reaction, you can instantly recover from the Reeling condition unless it is persistent. You must complete a long rest before you can use this talent again. You can select this talent multiple times, each time allows you to use the talent again before requiring a long rest.
Rage: You can fly into a rage as a Bonus Action. While raging, you gains Advantage on Strength ability and skill check and gain a rage bonus on melee damage rolls equal to your proficiency bonus. However you cannot use skills that require patience and concentration (Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma skills except Initiative, Intimidate and Perception). This rage last a number of rounds equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier (although you can end it early as an Action). At the end of the rage, your gains one level Exhaustion. You must complete a long rest before he can use this trait again.
Tough as Nails: You really know how to take a hit in combat. As an Action, you gain your heroic level plus your Strength and Constitution modifiers (your choice) in temporary hit points. You cannot gain temporary hit points from this talent again until you have finished a long rest.
Survivor: You attain the pinnacle of resilience in battle. At the start of each of your turns, you retain hit points equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier whenever you are less than ½ your HP maximum. You don’t gain this benefit if you have 0 hit points. Prerequisite: Tough level 17+.
Unstoppable: You are a relentless warriors on the battlefield. As a reaction, any time you suffer an attack that would drop her to 0 Hit Points, you instead is dropped to 1 HP for every Heroic level you have. When you use this talent you also ignore any conditions that were cause by this attack (Frightened, Reeling, etc.) until the end of your next turn. You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again. Prerequisite: Tough level 5+.

These talents include protecting allies or others from harm and looking like the biggest threat around.
Comrades in Arms: If any ally within 10ft of you suffers a critical hit, you have advantage on attack rolls against the creature that made the attack until the end of your next turn.
Covering Fire: Before taking a ranged Attack action, you suffer disadvantage on all attack rolls until the start of your next turn. All allies who you can see gain a +1 bonus to their AC and advantage on all saving throws against any targets you attack until the beginning of your next turn.
Draw Fire: You can distract opponents and convince them that you are the most tempting (and dangerous) target in the area. As a Bonus action on your round make yourself more threatening and those foes that you can see and who can hear and see you, and understand you are at a Disadvantage when making any ‘ranged’ attacks against anyone but you until the start of your next turn.
Harm’s Way: You often act as a protector, knowing when to move into harm’s way to shield an ally. As a Reaction you can to shield an adjacent ally that has just suffered a successful hit from an attack, taking the damage and suffering the ill effects in your ally’s stead. You also have Resistance (PBH pg. 194) to this damage if it is ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage! You cannot shield an ally from area-of-effect attacks damage in this way.
Imposing Frame: If you don’t move (and acted as if you spend your entire movement this round) you gain +1 bonus to your AC and provide ½ Cover to all allies within 5ft until the beginning of your next round. You also have advantage against being moved against your will.

This tree covers heavy weapons that are either fixed or mounted onto a vehicle or used with a Weapon Gimbal Harness. They all require Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons) or (Super Heavy Weapons).
Expert Gunner: You gain a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and a +1d on weapon die to damage rolls, made when using a weapon mounted on a vehicle or fixed location.
Quick Trigger: You can use a heavy or super-heavy weapon to make an Opportunity attack against a vehicle of medium size or larger, which moves out of or within ½ of the basic range of the weapon if readied. You must be able to see the vehicle as it is moving. Prerequisite: Expert Gunner
System Hit: Whenever you deal damage to a vehicle that equals or exceeds its damage threshold, as a Reaction, you instead force the Stunned Condition instead of the normal Reeling Condition, onto it (recovers normally). Prerequisite: Expert Gunner

Bonus Class Feats: Action Surge, Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Athlete, Bullet Storm, Brutal Critical, Careful Shot, Charger, Charging Fire, Concentration Fire, Contacts, Covering Fire, Crush, Deadly Aim, Determined, Disarming Strike, Double Attack, Dreadful Rage, Duel Weapon, Durable, Extra Rage, Extra Second Wind, Far Shot, Goading Attack, Heavy Weapon Expert, Improved Critical, Improved Determinedness, Improved Wound Damage Threshold, Lunging Attack, Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, Menacing Attack, Melee Defense, Mighty Swing, Pack Tactics, Parry, Pin, Point Black Shot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Quick Draw, Reckless Attack, Relentless Rage, Shake it Off, Shield Proficiency, Sidestep, Skill Expertise, Skill Proficiency, Superior Critical, Suppressing Fire, Survivor, Take a Knee, Throw Opponent, Throwing Expert, Toughness, Trip, Triple Attack, Weapon Focus and Weapon Proficiency.

Multi-Class Prerequisites
Adept – Dexterity and Wisdom 13+. The character can have no Cybernetic talents or any levels in Magic User
Face – Charisma 13+.
Fighter – Strength 13+.
Infiltrator – Dexterity 13+.
Magic User – Intelligence (if Hermetic) or Wisdom (if Shamanic) 13+ and Charisma 13+. The character may not have any levels in Adept.
Tech – Intelligence 13+.
Tough – Constitution 13+.

Bonuses for Multi-classing – all multi-class characters gain one (and only one) of the Three Core Talents of the class. Then they gain any two proficiencies of either Armor, Weapons, Tools or Languages that the class would normally gain automatically at 1st level.

These talents can be taken by any class so long as you meet all the prerequisites required.

Many runners have implants installed into their bodies. The Cybernetics talent can only be taken at character creation. The remaining three maybe taken at a later level.
Cybernetics: With it you gain up to 6 points of Cyberware. You can take this Talent twice but only if you take both of them at character creations.
Cyber-Psychic Alignment: The character’s mind and body are aligned strongly enough to allow for two points of Cybernetic Strain without adverse effects on the awakened beings.
Improved Cyber-Psychic Alignment: An awaken character can now handle four points of such Strain.
Upgradable: Your body can better handle the strain of implants from Bioware and Cyberware. You increase your Strain maximum limit before adverse effects by 5 points.

This tree covers the luck that a lot of illegal types rely on to get the job done.
Fool’s Luck: As an Action, you can spend a Karma Point and gain one of the following benefits each round, for 1 minute (10 rounds) or until you are Incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points. Gain the Karma Die as a bonus to one attack roll each round, gain the Karma Die as a bonus to any one skill check each round, or gain the Karma Die rolled a luck bonus to your Armor Class defense score each round (you must roll the Karma die each round). You must complete a short or long rest to use talent again.
Fortune’s Favor: Whenever you score a critical hit with an attack, you can use your Reaction to gain another Action that must be taken immediately.
Gambler: You have Advantage on all Game sets tools, and games of chance.
Knack: You can reroll any ability check, saving throw or attack roll that you just made and take the better result (like advantage but you don’t have to use this ability until after you have seen the results of your roll). You must complete a short or long rest to use the talent again. You can take this talent multiple times, each time it is selected you can use this talent an additional time before requiring a rest.

This tree covers more formal military training. These talents are all mind-affecting.
Assault Tactics: You know how to direct fire down on your enemies. As a Bonus action you may designate a single creature or object as the target of an assault. You and all allies who are able to see and hear you and understand you and whom can see the target, deal an additional damage equal to your Intelligence modifier onto the target with their first successful melee or ranged attack (even if they have multiple attacks in a round), before the start of your next turn. Prerequisite: Level 3+
Command Cover: You can use your allies as a shield. You gain a +1 cover bonus to your Armor Class for each ally that is adjacent to you, up to your Heroic level (+5 maximum). Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+
Control the Battle Theatre: You have an eye for when hostilities are about to being. When rolling for initiative, you and each ally that can see and hear you has advantage on his or her initiative roll.
Deployment Tactics: You use your tactical knowledge to direct allies in battle. As a Bonus action you and all allies who can see, hear and understand you gains Advantage on their next attack roll (but only one if they have multiple ones) and you impose Disadvantage from Opportunity Attacks directed against them, until the start of your next turn. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Heroic level 5+
Elevate Strategy: As a bonus action, select a number of allies whom you can see and who can hear and understand you, up to your Intelligence modifier. The targeted allies immediately gains either a move up to their speed, or can take a bonus action for free. Targeted ally still gets their normal turn when it comes up. Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+, Heroic level 5+
Field Tactics: You know how to use existing terrain to the best advantage. With a Bonus action, you and all your allies whom can hear and understand you within 50ft improve any Cover bonus they have by one step (5th ed. pg. 196, but also see Houserules and they must have at least ½ cover). This bonus last until the start of your next turn. Prerequisite: Heroic level 3+
One for the Team: As a Reaction, you can choose to take one-half or all of the damage dealt to an adjacent ally from a single attack (she take the remaining). Similarly, as a Reaction, an adjacent ally can choose to take one-half or all of the damage dealt to you by a single attack (even if he does not have this talent). You take the remaining damage. Prerequisite: Deployment Tactics.
Reverse Course of Action: As an action, all enemies you can see must make an Intelligence saving throw vs. a DC 8 + your proficiency modifier + your Intelligence modifier. If they fail, they are at disadvantage for all attacks, ability checks and saves until the end of your next turn. Prerequisite: Heroic level 9+.
Shift Battle Theater: As a bonus action, select one ally that you can see and who can hear and understand you. That ally can either make Disengage action for free on her turn or can move immediately up to 30 feet.

You have been on a Shadowrun team for a while and this helps you pick up a lot of interesting skills.
Advance and Retreat: You know how to move in combat. You can take a Dash or Disengage action as a Bonus action. When you move with either of these actions you speed increases by +10ft.
Boost Ally: You allies rely on you as much as you reply on them. Spend a Reaction to grant one ally that you can see and who can see and hear and understand you. That ally may move up to their base speed Move for free so long as she uses this move before the start of your next turn. You can also spend a Bonus action to grant the same ally an additional Bonus action so long as he uses it before the start of your next turn. Prerequisite: Heroic level 7+.
Glory: When you reduce an opponent to 0 HP, your next attack roll is with Advantage (but only one). Prerequisite: Heroic level 5+.
Hunter’s Mark: With an Aim maneuver you can use a Bonus action and spend a Karma point to make the target of your aim. For the remained of that combat or until you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 HP, you can apply your Hunter’s Mark feature against the target. Treat your target’s Damage Threshold as if it were a number of point’s lower equal to your Proficiency bonus when determining the result of your attack results vs. Reeling (see Conditions). This stacks with the Devastation talent. Prerequisite: Heroic Level 5+.
Hunter’s Target: Against the target of your Hunter’s Mark talent, whenever you successful hit this target you can spend your reaction and a bonus on damage rolls equal to your Proficiency bonus. The bonus ends if you are incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points or if your target is Incapacitated or reduced to 0 hit points. Prerequisite: Hunter’s Mark, Heroic level 7+.
Improved Boost Ally: Spend your Action to grant one ally who you can see and whom can hear, see and understand you. That ally gains an additional Action that they can use at any time so long as they use it before the start of your next turn (then it is wasted). Prerequisite: Boost Ally, Heroic level 11+.
I’ve Been Around: You know the street of your home town well. You have advantage with Intelligence (History) and Charisma (Gather Information) checks when it comes to streetwise like information.
Notorious: You are renowned throughout the underworld and on the streets. You gain advantage on Charisma (Intimidate) checks. Prerequisite: Heroic level 5+.
Prime Runner: You are a runner of some renowned now and people act accordingly. Even people who don’t know you seem to sense something about the way you carry yourself. All foes that are of lower level then you are (heroic or not) suffer a -2 fear penalty to all their attack rolls, skills and ability rolls and any saving throws that you impose onto them when making these checks against you. This is a mind-based fear ability. Prerequisite: Heroic level 7+.
Ruthless Negotiator: You have a keen mind when negotiator contacts, jobs, selling hot-goods, etc. You have advantage with Wisdom (Insight) checks.

All of the following talents have Prerequisite: Wisdom (Medicine) and you must be carrying a Medical Kit on your person.
Diagnose and Cure: As an action, you use your medical kit on a willing creature you are touching. The target gains advantage on its next Strength, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw. A creature cannot have more than one advantage on them but once used it can be applied to them again.
Don’t’ you die on me! The Medic requires a Medical kit to use this ability and it costs the Medical kit one unit of supplies. As an action make a Medicine skill check DC 20 on a creature whom you are adjacent to and you restore a creature that has died within the last minute to life with 1 hit point. The creature is Stunned until the beginning of the doc’s next round. Prerequisite: Tech level 11+.
Physician Heal Thyself: As a bonus action, you recover hit points equal to your Wisdom modifier + your heroic level. Once you have used this ability, you must complete a short or long rest to use it again. You can take this ability again, allowing you to use this feature an additional before requiring a rest.
Race to the Fallen: You can use the Disengage action as a reaction so long as you move at least 10 feet directly towards an ally on the same turn.

You are comfortable in the wilderness and away from the bright lights of modern day urban sprawl.
Beast Friend: You have a way with animals and now have Advantage with Wisdom (Animal Handling) skill checks. With domesticated animals you can train them to learn tricks, etc.
Explorer: You have Advantage on any Wisdom (Survival) skills checks.
Survivalist: You are not at a Disadvantage on Wisdom (Survival) check made to follow tracks while moving your normal speed. Difficult terrain does not slow your group's travel. When engaged in another activity (such as foraging, navigation or tracking) you remain alert to danger. When you forage you find twice as much food as you normally would. Furthermore while tracking other creatures, you learn their exact number, their size and how long ago they passed through the area. Prerequisite: Explore.[/sblock]
: includes things like Climbing, Jumping and Swimming. See 5th ed. pg. 175-6 for most uses.
Carrying Capacity: Your standard carrying load is your Strength x 5 lbs. Small is Strength x 3, Tiny x1, Large x8, Huge x15, Gargantuan x30, Colossal x50. You can carry up to double that but your movement speed is reduces by 10 feet a round and you lose any Class bonus to Armor Class. If you are wearing armor your maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class is reduced to 2. You can carry up to four time your standard load but your movement speed is reduced to 5 feet a round, you grant advantage on all attack rolls against you, you have disadvantage with Dexterity and Strength saving throws, ability modifiers and skill checks.

: per 5th ed. pg. 176-177. Also you can attempt to move through a hostile space of a creature that is your size or one size small or larger then you. The DC 18 or this movement provokes an Opportunity attack and you end your turn in front of the creature. Enemy occupied spaces count as difficult terrain. You can past a creature of any size without causing an Opportunity attack if your check vs. DC 15. You must end your Movement in an unoccupied space as normal. You can also make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check vs. DC 20 to gain the Disengage action as a Bonus action. Acrobatics is also used when making natural flying maneuver checks like flying through obstacles, etc.
Initiative (new): allowing a person to add their proficiency bonus and/or expertise.
Sleight of Hand: per 5th ed. pg. 177
Stealth: per 5th ed. pg. 177


: per 5th ed. pg. 177, includes understanding astral space and aura reading, magical traditions, identifying spells, spirits and elementals, magical items, etc.
Computer Use (new, see below): Your Intelligence (Computer Use) skill is use and program computers. You can also reprogram and update or erase a golem memory banks.
History: per 5th ed. pg. 177
Investigation: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Life Sciences (includes/renamed Nature): per 5th ed. pg. 178, includes life sciences and biology. Also used to identify non-spirit Para-Creatures.
Physical Science (new, see below): includes astronomy, geography, planetology, etc.
Religion: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Technology (new, see below): This skill covers understanding and working with most technological devices (not fixing them; that requires tools, see below). This is also used to identify a piece of technology and know its function. Can be used to design new technology.

Animal Handling
: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Insight: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Medicine: per 5th ed. pg. 178.
Perception: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Survival: per 5th ed. pg. 178

: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Gather Information (new, see below): The Charisma (Gather Information) ability is used when getting a lay of the land, finding out who’s who and where you might find those whom don’t want to be found. Generally it takes around an hour of asking questions in most civilized areas to make a check.
Intimidate: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Performance: per 5th ed. pg. 178
Persuasion: per 5th ed. pg. 178

Artisan Tools
(Int) – this is only a partial list found in 5th ed. pg. 154 but includes most common forms of tools that people use to make works of art or to create items made of the material. Basically they work the way they do as listed in 5th ed. including alchemy supplies. Most are Intelligence based skills but with the GM permission they might be Wisdom or Charisma if the player can come up with a good reason.
Disguise Kit (Cha): 250¥, Wt. 4 lbs. Bag or pouch of cosmetics, hair dyes, and small props to let you create disguises of your own specie (or near).
Explosives Kit (Int): 200¥, Wt. 10 lbs. All the necessary tools (not the raw materials though) for creating, rigging or disarming bombs and explosives (Military).
Forgery Kit (Int): 250¥, Wt. 2 lbs. An electronic forgery kit will allow one to forger computer ID’s and other documents that can fool scanners and other electronic security devices.
Hand Scanners (Int) – You are trained with various types of hand-held scanner systems (see Gear).
Repair Kit (Int) – Advanced tool repair kit that is required to do all electrical and mechanical repairs to a weapon, drones, vehicle or devices. Miniaturization and universal tooling have been this manageable for personal carrying them, etc. Cost 250¥, Wt. 10 lbs.
GenLock Glove (Int) – This skin tight glove allows the user to mimic different genetic codes that can bypass a gen-lock pad reader. Cost 1,500¥, Wt. 2lbs (Illegal).
MagLock Passkey Kit (Int) – Specialized tools for bypassing electronic magnetic-locks. It is illegal for anyone who doesn’t have the proper license, such as law enforcement, to own one. Cost 1,000¥, Wt. 2lbs (Illegal).
Thieves tools (Dex) – old-school lockpicks and tools for mechanical locks and doors (not overly common but still used in poor areas). Cost 50¥, Wt. 1 lb. Autopicker grants advantage on this roll. Cost 250¥ (Illegal)

Gaming Sets (Cha) – there are various types as follows…

  1. Card set – various card games. Cost 1-25¥, Wt. none.
  2. Dice set – various dice games, common on lower tech worlds. Cost 1-25¥, Wt. none.
  3. Gambling Tables – including things like roulette wheel, etc. Cost 1,000+¥, Wt. 100+lbs.

Drug kit: not a required kit use, if you are training in Wisdom (Medicine) you can use a drug kit. A drug kit includes a hypospray injector (see Gear) and comes with space for 20 vials of various drugs (see Medicine in Gear; cost does not include the drugs). Cost 50¥, Wt. 3 lbs.
Healing and Herbalist Kits are not found in most of the Shadowrun setting.
Medical Kit (Wis) – Medical kits are advanced healing kits, carried in a backpack with almost everything one would need to treat injuries in the field. If you are trained in Medicine you are also trained with a Medical kit. A fully stocked Medical kit comes with a hypospray injector (see Gear) and has units of supplies for 10 base uses. Cost 600¥, Wt. 20 lbs. (Restocking a medical kit costs 25¥ and wt. 1 lb. per expended use of supplies). The kits have a variety of uses, each requiring one unit of supplies:
* As an action, grants Advantage on users’ Wisdom (Medicine) to stabilize a dying creature. A result of 20+ on the roll also restores the creature to 1 HP. A creature must complete a long rest before it can have HP restored in this way again but can still be stabilized.
* Grant up to six creatures (including healer) Advantage on their Hit Dice rolls during a short or long rest.
* Attempt surgery in the field but double the time requires and the check is at Disadvantage. DCs are variable but usually start at 15.
* Attempt to cure a disease or neutralize a poison (DC varies). This may also require more than one action of work (various by poison and disease).
Surgical Kit (Wis) – Semi-portable, specialized medical gear to preform surgeries and cybernetic implant. With this you can perform Wisdom (Medicine) surgeries in the field at no disadvantage, but the minimal time required is double (at least 2 hours). Cost 1,000¥, Wt. 40 lbs.

Musical Instrument (Cha) – on Earth there are literally thousands of different musical instruments on every inhabited planet. An average instrument costs 50¥, Wt. 5 lbs. Electrical instruments that can synthetize almost any sounds start at 150¥, Wt. 1 lb.

Computer Use (Intelligence)
Access Information (requires the computer attitude of indifferent or better): Getting information from a computer system requires that you are connected to the appropriate network (via the Matrix and then have made your way past the systems Firewall) and that you have located the file that you seek (depending on if it was hidden or secured ‘behind’ another Firewall layer)
Systems Attitude
Hostile: Treats you as a hostile intruder, alerting any IC and attempts to trace your information and isolate or destroy you connection.
Unfriendly: Treats you as an unauthorized users and blocks your access to its programs and information (raising additional Firewalls and alerting any system IC).
Indifferent: Treats you as a guest or visitor and grants you only basic access to non-secret systems, programs and files (as long as this does not conflict with previous commands).
Friendly: Treats you are an authorized user and grants access to any program or non-secret information and file (as long as it does not conflict with previous commands).
Helpful: Treats you as if you are its system owner, granting access to all of its programs and information (even if doing so overrides a previous command).

Gather Information (Charisma)

Physical Science (Intelligence)

Technology (Intelligence)

Feats that are not listed under Bonus Class feats can be only taken as general feats at 1st level and every 3 levels after that so long as you meet all Prerequisites.
Acrobatic Strike, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Dexterity (Acrobatics). If you succeed moving past or through an opponent’s threatening space with a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, your next melee Attack Action against this opponent has Advantage (but only the first one).
Action Surge, Prerequisite: Heroic level 2+. You can push yourself beyond your normal limits. On your turn, you can take one additional Action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you have used this feat, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.
Actor. You have Advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Charisma (Performance) skill checks when trying to pass yourself off as someone else. You can also mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking or the creature making sounds for at least one minute. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows the listener to determine that the affect is faked.
Additional Magic Points, Prerequisite: Magic User 1+. You gain an additional 5 Magic Points to your total. You can take this feat multiple times, each time adding an additional 5 Magic Points to your total.
Armor Proficiency (Heavy), Prerequisite: Proficiency with Armor (Medium). You gain proficiency with heavy armor.
Armor Proficiency (Light). You gain proficiency with light armor.
Armor Proficiency (Medium), Prerequisite: Proficiency with Armor (Light). You gain proficiency with medium armor.
Athlete. When you are prone you only require 5 feet of movement (instead of ½ your movement speed) to stand up. You can make a running high jump or running long jump after only moving 5 feet, rather than the normal 10 feet and you have Advantage with the ability check to try.
Bullet Storm, Prerequisite: Strength 13+, Weapon Proficiency (Light or Heavy Firearms). Spray and pray! You are skilled at creating even bigger threat area of your automatic weapon attacks. Whenever you use an Autofire feature with an Automatic weapon, you can change the area of effect (see Auto Fire in Special Situations and Actions) from a 10x10ft area-of-affect to either a 10x15ft area or a 5x25ft straight line area. If you are using a Heavy Autofire weapon you can change the 15x15ft area-of-affect to a 15x20ft area or a 10x30ft area instead.
Bravery. You are hard to scare. You have advantage on any save against the frightened condition.
Brawler. You know how to fight dirty and with whatever is at hand. You add your proficiency bonus when attacking with improvised weapons and your unarmed damage increases to 1d4 (1d6 for large size). Also when you take an Attack action with a melee attack you can spend a Bonus action to make an unarmed attack as part of your Attack action.
Brutal Critical, Prerequisite: Improved Critical, level 5+. You roll one additional weapon damage die when determining the extra damage for a critical hit.
Careful Shot, Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. When you take the Aim maneuver when making a ranged weapon attack you gain an additional +2 bonus to you Attack roll and Damage result. These effects do not stack with the extra damage provided by Deadly Aim. Nor can you use it with weapon property of Autofire.
Charger. If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line immediately before taking this Bonus Action, you add an additional +1d weapon dice of damage to the damage roll with a successful melee attack (i.e. with a sword you would deal 2d8 damage, or 3d8 with a critical hit).
Charging Fire, Prerequisite: level 4+. When you take the Dash Action, you can take your normal Attack Action at the end of your movement as a Bonus action if you are making a ranged attacks this turn.
Charmed Life, Prerequisite: Heroic character levels. When you spend a Karma Point to adjust the result of a 1d20 attack, ability or skill check, you roll 1d8+1, instead of 1d4 +1. Also you can spend two Karma Points in a round instead of only one.
Combat Caster, Prerequisite: Magic-User 1+. You now have Advantage on your Constitution save to maintain your Concentration with a magic power when you take damage.
Concentrating Fire. You know how to work within a unit to combine your fire against your enemies. You grant +2 damage to an adjacent ally who is firing at the same foe with a range weapon attack. If there are two adjacent ally with this feat, the bonus stacks to +4 maximum.
Contacts. You gain either two basic contacts that are indifferent to you or one moderate contact who is friendly to you. You can take this talent multiple times, each time picking what kind of contacts you want.
Crush, Prerequisite: Pin. If you successful pin an opponent with a grappling attack, you can immediately deal bludgeoning damage equal to your unarmed or natural weapon damage, whichever is greater, as a Reaction.
Cybernetic Surgery, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Wisdom (Medicine), Surgery Expertise. You can install cybernetic prosthesis into living beings. The surgery requires a medical facility and at least on hour of uninterrupted work with a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check. A failure generally only results in lost time, but a natural 1 causes a persistent Reeling condition on the subject until a surgery is used to remove it.
Danger Sense. You have an uncanny sense of when things nearby aren’t what they should be. Any effects that you cannot see such as from a trap’s attack, etc. is at a Disadvantage against you. Also once a round as a Reaction, an unseen attack does not gain an Advantage against you. You can’t be blinded, deafened or incapacitated to gain these benefits.
Deadly Aim, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. You can do extra damage by lowering your chance to hit. Before your attack roll, lower your Proficiency bonus, you increase your range damage roll by a twice the amount (i.e. if you lower your proficiency bonus to attack by -2 you gain a +4 bonus to range damage). You can’t lower you attack bonus below that of your base proficiency bonus, and these penalties and bonuses last until the start of your next round. These affects do not stack with Careful Aim feat. Nor can you use it with a weapon properties of Autofire, Burst Fire or Double Tap.
Defensive Duelist, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. When you are wielding a finesse weapon with which you are proficient and another creature hit you with a melee attack, you can use your Reaction to add your proficiency bonus to your Armor Class vs. that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss.
Determined. Pick an attribute that you do not gain your proficiency bonus with saving throws. You now gain your proficiency bonus with this attribute’s saving throws. You can take this feat multiple times, applying it to any Saving Throw that you are presently not proficient with.
Disarming Strike, Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. When you successfully strike a creature with a melee attack, you can spend a Bonus action to attempt to disarm the target, forcing it to drop one item of your choice that it’s holding. The target must make a Strength Ability check DC vs. the damage that you dealt with your successful strike (and add your Intelligence modifier to this DC but not the damage). On a failed check, it drops one object of your choice at its feet.
Do Science on it! You can double your proficiency bonus on any one class skill or tool you are proficient with that you do not have Expertise with. You must complete a rest before you can use this ability again.
Double Attack, Prerequisite: level 5+. You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Dreadful Rage, Prerequisite: Rage talent. While you are raging you gain Resistance to ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
Dual Weapon, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. You gain a +1 to your Armor Class while you are wielding two separate melee weapons in each hand. You can use any two one-handed weapons fighting even when the one-handed melee weapons you are using are not light. You can also draw or stow two one-handed weapons when you would normally be able to stow or draw only one a round.
Duel Weapon Mastery, Prerequisite: Dexterity 15+, Duel Weapon feat. When wielding two one-handed weapons you now get to add the ability modifier bonus damage to damage with your bonus attack.
Durable, Prerequisite: Constitution 13+. You have Advantage on any Hit dice rolls spend during a rest (short or long) and when you use your Second Wind. Finally you may re-roll any 1's that come up on these rolls (until you roll a 2 or above).
Extra Rage, Prerequisite: Rage talent. You can rage one additional time before you take a long rest. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you take the feat, you can rage one additional time per long rest.
Extra Second Wind. You can take an additional Second Wind before your next long rest, instead only requiring a short rest to renew the feature for one additional time between rests. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you take the feat, you can regain the use of Second Wind an additional time after competing an additional short rest but before requiring a long rest.
Far Shot, Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. You now triple the base weapon range with ranged weapons (i.e. your range with a Colt Manhunter changes from 50/250 to 150/250).
Feinting Attack, Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. Using a Bonus action on your Attack, you choice one creature within your 2 meters of you. You have Advantage on your next attack (but only one attack) verses this target and if you hit with this attack, you add your Intelligence bonus to damage. You can only use this ability a number of time equal to your Intelligence modifier before you must complete a short or long rest.
First Aid. This character to use their Action to attempt a Wisdom (Medicine) check on behalf of a creature afflicted with the Reeling or Stunned condition vs. the base damage DC that cause the condition. A successful check removes the condition. If the check exceeds the DC by +5 he instead removes both conditions (if the creatures is suffering from both). This feat adds two additional capabilities to the medical kit, costing one unit of supplies per application for the first capability. First a character with this feat may use an Action and immediately heal a stabilized creature 1d6+4 HPs, plus an additional number of HPs equal to the creature's total Hit Dice plus the healer's Wisdom modifier. A creature may only benefit from this feature after taking a short or long rest. Second, while using a Medical Kit to stabilize a dying creature, if the healer's skill check results is 20+, not only is the creature restored to 1 HP and no longer is unconscious, that creature also healed by the same amount as listed above.
Frigging love Science. As a bonus action you have advantage on one of the following skill checks – Computer Use, Life Science, Medicine, Physical Science, Technology or any Tool proficiency you have. You must complete a short or long rest to use this ability again. You can take this feat again, each time allowing you to use this ability before requiring a rest.
Gimmick, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Intelligence (Computer Use). You can issue a routine command to a computer that you have been granted access too as a Bonus action instead of an Action. This would allow you to make two commands in a turn or take some other Action.
Goading Attack. You can attempt to goad a target into focusing their attacks on you. With a successful melee attack, you can spend a Bonus action and if your attack roll hits any attack rolls by the target against any foes that is not you are at Disadvantage until the end of your next turn.
Heavy Melee-Weapon Expert, Prerequisite: Strength 13+. When wielding a heavy melee weapon two-handed you re-roll all 1s and 2s when rolling your damage dice.
Improved Critical, Prerequisite: level 3+. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a rolls of a 19 or 20 (so long as a 19 plus modifiers would successfully hit the target).
Improved Determinedness. Prerequisite: Proficiency in the same saving throw. Pick a saving throw that you are proficient with and add +2 to your saving throw total with it. You can take this feat multiple times, each time it applies to a different saving throw that you are proficient with.
Improved Wound Damage Threshold. You increase your wound damage threshold by 5, and you gain a +1 bonus to your Constitution or Wisdom checks to recover from the Reeling Condition. You can take this feat multiple times, each time you increase your damage threshold by 5 and you add +1 bonus to your check to recover from the Reeling Condition.
Improved Mobility, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+, Mobility. You speed increases by +10ft, and when you take the Dash Action, difficult terrain doesn’t cost extra movement on that turn. Finally, all creatures that can make opportunity attacks against you, do so at Disadvantage so long as you moved at least 10ft that round.
Linguist. You learn four additional languages of your choice. You can take this feat multiple times, each time learning four additional languages. Also any time you encounter a language that you do not know, you can make an Intelligence DC 20 check and you understand and communicate at a basic level. Each additional time you take this feat adds +2 insight to this roll.
Luck, Prerequisite: Heroic character. The maximum number of Karma Points per level increases by three and you gain three additional Karma Points each time you level. Also you can spend two Karma Dice a round instead of only one. You can take this Feat one additional time, granting you an additional six Karma Points each level.
Lunging Attack. When making a melee weapon attack on your turn, increase your reach by 5 feet for one melee attack. If you spend a Bonus action, all melee attacks this round have their reach extended by 5 feet.
Maneuvering Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend a Reaction to move one of your comrades into a more advantageous position. Chose a friendly ally whom can see and hear you and understand you; that creature can use its Reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack.
Martial Arts. Your unarmed strike deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage (1d6 if you are Large size) and gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. Also when you take an Attack action with a melee strike on your turn you can spend a Bonus Action to make an additional unarmed martial arts strike in the same round.
Martial Arts Expert, Prerequisite: Martial Arts, level 3+. Your unarmed strike increases to 1d6 bludgeon damage (1d8 for Large size) and you no longer need to spend a bonus action to gain one additional melee martial strike attack when you take a melee Attack action on your round (it’s a free action now).
Martial Arts Master, Prerequisite: Martial Arts, Martial Arts Expert, level 8+. Your unarmed strike increase to 1d8 bludgeoning damage (1d10 for Large size) and you gain an additional +1 bonus to your Armor Class (stacks with Martial Arts).
Medic. You are trained and patching up wounded comrades in the field, extending their staying power. If you have a Medical Kit, during a short or long rest, those allies that you are granting Advantage with their Hit Dice rolls also gain an additional number of HPs equal to ½ your Heroic levels (round up) + your Wisdom modifier for each Hit Dice that they spent. This feat also adds an additional capability to the medical kit, costing one unit of supplies per application. A character with this feat can attempt to restore an expended Hit Dice to a single creature. This requires a DC 10 check and one minute of time/work. Success restores one expended Hit Die, or two Hit Dice if the check is 20 or higher. A creature must complete a long rest before they can benefit from this use again.
Meditation, Prerequisite: Magic User 1+. Your calm state of mind allows you to better recover lost Magic Points. While taking a rest increase the die type for recovering magic points to 1d8 per level for a short rest and 2d8 per level for a long rest (including spending a Hit Dice).
Menacing Attack. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can spend your Bonus action to frighten the target. The target must make a Charisma saving throw DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + you Charisma bonus. If the target fails it is frightened of you until the end of your next turn. If the target is equal to or exceeds your character’s level, it can spend a Karma Point as a Reaction to remove the condition instantly.
Melee Defense, Prerequisite: Intelligence 13+. If you are wielding a weapon you are proficiency with you can use your Proficiency bonus to instead to try and fend off attacks. Before your attack roll, lowering your Proficiency bonus, you increase your Armor Class by a like amount but only verses melee attacks. You can’t lower you attack bonus any lower then you proficiency bonus, and these penalties and bonuses last until the start of your next round.
Mighty Swing, Prerequisite: Strength 13+. Before you make a melee weapon attack with a weapon that you are proficiency with, you can choose to take a -2 penalty to the attack roll. If the attack hits, you deal +1d weapon die of damage with the attack. If you have multiple attacks, this only applies to one of your attacks (your choice but before you roll attack). You cannot combine this damage with the Power Attack feat.
Mobility, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. If you make a melee attack vs. a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature until your next turn, whether you hit or not.
New Spell, Prerequisite: Magic Users 1+. You learn how to cast one additional spell. You can take this feat multiple times, each time learning a new spell that you currently don’t know.
New Spirit Type, Prerequisite: Magic Users 1+. You can now summon one additional type of spirit that is allowed by your tradition. You can take this feat multiple times, each time gaining the ability to summon a different type of spirits that you tradition allows (up to a maximum of 8 types).
Outwit and Outthink. On your action and until the end of your next turn, you can make ranged attacks using your Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier for attack and damage (You choice). You must complete a short or long rest before you can use this ability again. You can take this feat multiple times, each time allowing you to use this ability again before requiring a rest.
Over Watch. You are adept at providing cover from enemies appear where you don’t want them to be. While wielding a firearm you can, as a bonus action, designate one 5ft area within the weapon’s basic range. You are considered to be threatening this area and you can make opportunity attacks with your ranged weapon (expending one round of ammunition if the attack is triggered). You can use both the DT and Burst Fire weapon features when making this attack. If the weapon has the Autofire weapon feature you can cover that’s area of affect instead. With autofire you also expend 10 rounds (or 20 with a heavy autofire weapon) of ammunition if you the area is triggered.
Pack Tactics. You are especially good at ganging up on foes with your allies. When you are adjacent to an ally and a foe in melee combat, you grant your ally Advantage on her attack rolls. If you and an ally are flanking an enemy (see DMG pg. 251), you both have Advantage on your melee attacks.
Parry, Prerequisite: Strength 13+. As a Reaction, you can substrate 1d10 + your Strength modifier + your Character level from any one melee attack that has just hit you (you can choice to wait until after the damage is rolled to determine if you wish to ‘parry’ an specific attack).
Pin. If you succeed on a grappling attack (5th ed. pg. 199), not only does the target subject gain the Grappled Condition but also the Restrained Condition (5th ed. pg. 292) until the end of your next turn.
Point Blank Shot. You gain +1 to attack rolls and damage rolls with ranged weapons against opponents within the weapons base range.
Power Attack, Prerequisite: Strength 13+. You can do extra damage by lowering your chance to hit. Before your attack roll, lower your Proficiency bonus, you increase your melee damage roll by a twice the amount (i.e. lowering proficiency bonus to attack by -2 gains +4 bonus to melee damage). You can’t lower you attack bonus any lower than your base proficiency bonus, and these penalties and bonuses last until the start of your next round. You cannot combine this with Might Swing feat.
Precise Shot, Prerequisite: Point Blank Shot. You can shoot or throw a ranged weapon at an opponent engaged in melee combat with one more of your allies without suffering Disadvantage on these attacks.
Push, Prerequisite: Strength 13+. After making a successful melee attack against an opponent up to one size category larger then you, you can choose to move the opponent 5 feet in any direction as a Bonus Action. You cannot use push on an opponent with an ‘imposed’ Move of 0 (like from being grappled or restrained) and you can’t move your opponent into a solid object or into another creature’s fighting space.
Quick Draw. You can draw or stow any number of weapons one handed weapons on your action, instead of normally only being able to draw or stow one. You can also switching firing modes between Auto-Fire, Burst Fire and Single Fire with only 5ft of movement (see weapon properties).
Quick Refresh, Prerequisite: Magic-User 1+. You can regain magical energy more effectively in combat. When you spend a Karma point or take a level of Exhaustion to regain magic points you gain back 1d8 per level.
Quick Reload. With a firearm with the following weapon feature you can reload one round per 5ft of Move speed for a Feed firearm and 5ft of Move for a Reload firearm or 10ft to collect spent magazines, etc.
Reckless Attack, Prerequisite: level 2+. You can throw aside concern for defense to attack with fierce determination. At the start of your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing this grants you Advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls using Strength until the start of your next turn. But all attacks against you (melee and ranged) have Advantage until the start of your next turn.
Relentless Rage, Prerequisite: Rage talent, level 10+. Your rage keeps you fighting despite grievous wounds. If you drop to 0 hit points while you are using your Rage trait, make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you succeed you instead drop to 1 hit points. Each time you use this feature after the first time, increase the DC by 5. If you fail you fall to 0 Hit Points and are unconscious. When you finish a short or long rest, the DC resets at 10.
Science, Not a Soldier. When you take the Disengage action, you can make a single ranged attack as part of the action but you only deal ½ your normal damage.
Shake it Off, Prerequisite: Constitution 13+. You make your recover vs. the Reeling condition at the beginning of your round, not at the end. If you fail you can still use your action to try and recover on your turn with Advantage. If you make it you are no longer at Disadvantage to your attack, skill and ability checks this round. If you fail this roll you are still at Disadvantage to your attack, skill and ability checks this round.
Shield Proficiency. You are proficient with all shield use and can gain the maximum benefit from their use.
Sidestep, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+. As a Reaction, you can substrate 1d10 + your Dexterity modifier + Character level, from any one ranged attack that has just hit you (you can choice to wait until after the damage is rolled to determine if you wish to sidestep a specific attack).
Skill Expertise, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Skill, Tool, Musical Instrument or Vehicle. You apply your Proficiency bonus twice with this skill, tool, instrument or vehicle. You can take this feat multiple times, it applies to a different proficient with each time.
Skill Proficiency. You gain your Proficiency bonus with a skill, tool, musical instrument or vehicle that you are not trained with. You can take this feat multiple times, each time gaining Proficiency with a new, previously untrained skill, tool, instrument or vehicle.
Slippery. You are hard to pin down. You have advantage on any save or check that imposes the Grabbed condition. This has no effect on the restrained condition however.
Sniper, Prerequisite: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot. You marksmanship training has enable you to make incredible shots. While wielding a Heavy Firearm or Heavy Weapon and when you take the Aim maneuver, as an action you make a single ranged attack at advantage so long as your target is at least 50 feet away from you. If both the dice rolled to make this attack would have resulted in a success, add +2d weapon damage die to the final damage (i.e. an assault rifle that deals 2d8+2 damage deals 4d8+2 damage and 6d8+2 with a critical hit). This feat cannot be used with weapon properties Autofire, Burst Fire or Double Tap. You also cannot apply Deadly Aim feat with this attack.
Superior Critical, Prerequisite: Improved Critical, level 12+. You weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of an 18 through 20 (so long as an 18 or 19 would successful hit the target).
Suppressing Fire. With much practice, you have become skilled at suppressing enemies with your Autofire. When making an Autofire attack, all targets within the area of effect must also make a Wisdom save (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity bonus) or have their Speed reduced by ½ (round down to the nearest 5ft) until the start of your next turn. A creature that suffered damage from your Autofire attack itself is at disadvantage to this save.
Surgical Expertise, Prerequisite: Proficiency with Wisdom (Medicine). When performing surgery you now have Advantage on your Wisdom (Medicine) in a medical facility and a normal roll (not at a Disadvantage) in a non-facility environment with a surgery kit. Surgery is used to remove persistent conditions, etc.
Suspicious. You don’t trust easily. You have advantage on any save or check to resist the Charmed condition.
Take a Knee. You can crouch quickly and brace your elbow against your knee for a secure firing position. If you spend all of your Movement this round (Move 0 remaining), you can make one additional range Attack as part of your attack action. You cannot use the weapon features Autofire with this feat. You also cannot use this feat if you are within melee reach of an enemy’s attacks.
Throw Opponent, Prerequisite: Trip. If you successfully trip an opponent you can cause the opponent to fall prone in an unoccupied space you desire up to 5 feet beyond your reach and takes bludgeoning damage equal to your unarmed attack damage.
Throwing Expert. Attacking at long range with a throw weapon (daggers, grenades, etc.) does not impose disadvantage on your ranged weapon attack roll. Also with a Bonus action you can throw one additional simple ranged weapon on your turn (if you have one in your off hand).
Toughness. You gain +1 hit point each level that you have and each time you gain a new level.
Trip. When you have successful hit a target with a melee attack you can attempt to make the target fall prone in the space it was occupying. This is a contested ability check of your Strength (Athletics) check vs. your opponents Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (they can choice which). If you win, the target falls prone. You cannot use the Pin and Trip feat in the same round.
Triple Attack, Prerequisite: Double Attack, level 11+. You can attack three times, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Vehicle Combat, Prerequisite: Proficient with vehicle you are piloting or driving. When an attacker that you can see hits a vehicle you are in control of with an attack, you can use your Reaction to halve the attacker’s damage against your vehicle. You are also considered proficient with any of the vehicles weapons that you are piloting or driving.
Weapon Focus, Prerequisite: Proficiency with weapon. For one weapon group or one specific exotic weapon that you are proficient with, you gain a +1 bonus on all attack rolls you make using this selected weapon group or specific exotic weapon. You may gain this feat multiple times, each time you must select a different weapon group or one separate exotic weapon.
Weapon Proficiency. Choose one of the following weapon groups – simple weapons, martial weapons, light firearms, heavy firearms, heavy weapons or super heavy weapons. You now gain your proficiency bonus with all weapons of the selected group. You can take this feat multiple times, gaining your proficiency bonus with more groups of weapons.
Whirlwind Attack, Prerequisite: Dexterity 13+, Intelligence 13+, Melee Defense. This is a special kind of Area of Effect attack, affecting everyone within your reach; make one attack roll and damage roll, and apply the results to every target in range. Apply full damage to creatures you hit, or ½ damage to those that you missed (so long as you also got at least a 10 with your attack roll). If you have multiple attacks you can choice to use this feat with each attack or only apply it as often as you want. You cannot use this feat as an Opportunity attack.
Widget Bag. You have a bag for of useful spare parts for almost any situation. The total amount of parts and savage that you have is worth 200¥ +50¥ per Heroic level. During a rest you can scavenge for spare parts and components in most areas and gain an additional 1d4 x10¥ for a short rest (but only once a day) and 1d6 x25¥ with a long rest. [/sblock]
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First Post
Second page of stuff...

In Astral Space your attributes change and you leave your meat-body behind, traveling only as a spirit. You can carry no gear with you into astral space except magical focus that are bound to you when you project your spirit into Astral Space. Your meat-boy is helpless and incapacitated and remains where you left it (unless someone moves it) when you are projecting your spirit. Your astral spirit has the invisibility condition and is completely silent to anyone not in astral space or not astrally perceiving at the time or who does not have truesight (like duel-natured creatures). You also cannot harm or interact in a physical way with anyone not in astral space who does not have one of these exceptions. With an action and concentration you can make yourself visible as a semi-transparent shadow of yourself. In this form you can speak with those you wish but you are still completely incorporeal and ethereal.

Your Astral Strength is equal to your Intelligence and you deal a base 1d6 damage in melee combat. Your Astral Dexterity is equal to your Charisma and you have a basic Armor Class of 12 + your charisma modifier and a Hardness equal to your Wisdom modifier. You Astral Constitution is equal to your Wisdom and this can affect you Hit Points while projecting. You have an Astral Flying speed of 60ft a round but you also have a “hyper” speed that is equal to 2,000ft a round as a full round action. You can’t really get a lot of details flying this fast but it can get you places fast. Finally you gain one additional Action each turn when projecting, but you only to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Dodge, Hide or Recover from Reeling actions.

Everything in the real world has a shadowy reflection that can be seen from Astral Space. A projecting spirits can see things around them but cannot read a computer screen or even written words. They can see emotional imprints in works of art, etc.

All living beings (including planets and the Earth itself) cast a ‘barrier’ into astral space that projecting spirits cannot past through. Nonliving matter does not impede a projecting spirits' movement but still blocks line-of-sight. Many corporations will block important areas with plants, etc. along the walls.

Spells, Spirits and most people cannot ‘hide’ their true nature in astral space and as such the astral being or perceiver gains the truesight sense while observing into the Astral Plane. This does not mean that beings can’t hide in astral space, they can as normal. It just they cannot hide behind spells of disguise or invisibility, without the Masking Initiative ability. An astral perceiver or projection can make an Intelligence (Investigator) or Wisdom (Perception) check to see beings that are trying to hide vs. Charisma (Stealth).

When Astral Perceiving or Projecting the being has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks to read the ‘mood’ of a target it can see. This also grants the being a basic level of Strain from implants that the subject has and if the subject is under any spell or enscrollment.

Casting Spells and Summoning Spirits while Astral Projecting and Perceiving is dangerous, even if not over your Magnitude. If you cast a spell or conjure a spirit under these conditions that is under your Magnitude you suffer 1d4 points of damage per Magnitude, and 1d8 per Magnitude over your safe level. This damage ignores all Hardness or Resistance that the caster or summoner currently has, regardless of the source. Spells that you cast when projecting have no effect on non-astral beings or those not using astral perception at the time or duel-natured beings. Even those using truesight or similar ability are not affected by them.

Spell types are divided between Mana and Physical. Mana spells only affect living beings and spirits. They have no effect on non-living materials or devices. Physical spells can affect both living and nonliving items and equipment. Mana damaging spells ignore all Resistant and Hardness unless it specifies for magic damage type. Elemental damage ignores Hardness unless specifically added (see Gear upgrades). Necrotic and Psychic damage ignore all normal Hardness. For Force energy ½ (round up) the Hardness of base armor and material count as damage resistance against these spells.
All other factors are as PHB spells.

Death Touch: Mana (Necromancy); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2 per 1d8 necrotic damage; Range: Touch; Duration: Instant. This deadly spell deals wasting necrotic damage to the target. This spell only requires a minor touch by the mage and gains +2 with the Magical attack bonus to successful hit.
* Vampire Touch (+2 Magnitude): Every time you successfully hit with this spell you heal back ½ the damage that you inflicted onto a living target.

[Elemental] Bolt: Physical (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d6 [elemental] damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. This spell hurls a bolt or ball of energy of one type (Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, Radiant or Thunder; one type must be chosen when you learn this spell) at a target. With a successful Magical attack roll it deals 1d6 of that elements in damage to the target. The following additional magnitudes can be added to change aspects of the spell…
* Area Effect (+1 Magnitude): Instead of targeting one creature’s AC, the spell effects all targets within a 15ft radius sphere (within the range of the spell). Targets in the AOE sphere get a Dexterity save. If the target succeeds they take ½ damage (after any Hardness is factored).
* Greater Area Effect (+2 Magnitude): The AOE is increased to 25ft radius sphere instead.
* Cone (+2 Magnitude): Instead of having range, the cone effects all targets from the caster out to a 60ft cone from the caster extended hand. Targets in the AOE sphere must make a Dexterity saving throw.
* Increased Range (+1 Magnitude): doubles the range to 240ft.
* Secondary Affect (+1 Magnitude): the spell gains a secondary affect based on the damage type...
# Acid – on the round after damage is deal, targets suffers acid damage equal to 1d4 per magnitude.
# Cold – targets require a Strength saving throw or its speed is ½ until the end of the caster’s next turn. The target must also make a Constitution saving throw or gain one level of Exhaustion.
# Fire – targets require an Intelligence saving throw or catch fire, suffer 1d4 fire damage per the spell’s magnitude each round at the beginning of the target’s turn. The target can attempt to put itself out every round with a Dexterity saving throw (at the end of its’ round). If the target takes its’ Action and falls to the ground to roll around it gains advantage on this saving throw.
# Lightning – targets a Constitution saving throw or gains the Reeling condition (Recover normally).
# Radiant – targets require a Charisma saving throw or gain the Blind Condition until the end of the caster’s next turn.
# Thunder – The target is pushed away from the caster’s direction a number of feet equal to the damage the spell dealt (round to the nearest 5ft square distance). Also targets require an Intelligence saving throw or gain the Deafen condition until the end of the casters’ next turn. Targets also require a Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone (after being pushed their distance away).

Mana-Bolt: Mana (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2 per 1d8 psychic damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. With a successful Magical attack roll the target suffers 1d8 psychic damage. Mana-Bolts can use these additional magnitudes as Elemental Bolt – Area Effect, Greater Area Effect, Cone and Increased Range. These cost the same amount of magnitude as the elemental bolt spells.

Physical Bolt: Physical (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d8 force damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. This spell hurls a solid like ball of magic force and with a successful Magical attack roll deals 1d8 force damage to the target. Physical Bolts can use these additional magnitudes as Elemental Bolt – Area Effect, Greater Area Effect, Cone and Increased Range. These cost the same amount of magnitude as the elemental bolt spells.

Poison Spray: Physical (Conjuring); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d4 poison damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. With a success Magical attack roll not only do you inflict 1d4 venomous damage per magnitude but the target must also make a Constitution save or gain the Poisoned condition. They get a new saving throw at the end of each of their rounds. Success ends the poisoned condition.

Ram: Physical (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 2d6 force damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. This spell can only be used against structures or vehicles, not living targets or spirits, etc. With a successful Magical attack roll it deals 2d6 force damage per magnitude. Also this attack spell has the weapon properties of AP and Heavy Damage (see Gear). If the target is moving you are at disadvantage with your Magical attack roll.

Stun Bolt
: Mana (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d8 non-damage; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. Requires a successful Magical attack roll to send a foe reeling. Stun bolt deal no effective damage. Instead compare the damage total vs. the target’s Wound Damage Threshold. If it equals it the target gains the Reeling condition (recovers normally). If the damage equals or exceeds twice the target’s Wound Damage Threshold the target instead gains the Stunned condition until the end of the casters’ next turn and then it converts to the Reeling condition (recovers normally). Stun-Bolts can use these additional magnitudes as Elemental Bolt – Area Effect, Greater Area Effect, Cone and Increased Range. These cost the same amount of magnitude as the elemental bolt spells.

All Detection spells have a Range of Self. This can be changed to Touch, allowing the caster to share the effects of the spell with one person within 10ft for +1 Magnitude in the spells force. For +2 Magnitude the spell’s effects can be shared with up to the casters traditional attribute modifier plus ¼ (round down) its levels in Magic User who are within 10ft (i.e. a 4th level magic user Shaman with a Wisdom of 18 could share a detection spell that she cast with 5 willing targets with a 10ft area with a +2 Magnitude effect). If any of the targets have Strain then the caster suffers the highest Strain level in extra Magic Points. For these spells both the caster and the recipient must ‘concentration’ on the spell for the duration.

Analyze Truth: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. This spell can determine the truth of one target within 10ft of the caster. The target gets an Intelligence saving throw. Roll this save every round that the caster is concentrating.
* Enhancer (+1 Magnitude): the caster can gain a hint about the lie from the GM if the spell was successful. If the target is telling the truth the caster still needs to check to be sure and with the increased magnitude (as above) can tell if the target is telling a half-truth or truth with omission with a success.

Clairvoyance: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 minute ritual; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. You create an invisible sensor within range in a location familiar to you (a place you have visited or seen before) or in an obvious location that is unfamiliar to you (such as behind a door, around a corner, or in a grove of trees) up to 10 miles away. The sensor remains in place for the duration, and it can't be attacked or otherwise interacted with. When you cast the spell, you choose seeing or hearing. You can use the chosen sense through the sensor as if you were in its space. As your action, you can switch between seeing and hearing. A creature that can see the sensor (such as a creature benefitting from see invisibility or truesight) sees a luminous, intangible orb about the size of your fist.
* Both Senses (+2 Magnitude) to you use both hearing and sight with your sensor.
* Moveable (+2 Magnitude): you could move your sensor up to 30ft a round with an action on your part.

Combat Sense: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. For the duration you gain the use of the Dodge action for free each round.

Comprehend Languages: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 minute ritual; Magnitude: 1; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. As long as you concentrate, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. You also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are written. It takes about 1 minute to read one page of text. This spell doesn’t decode secret messages in a text or a cyphers, that isn’t part of a written language.
* Tongues (+2 Magnitude): with this boost you can also speak the language you hear for the duration.

Detect: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. The basic version of this spell allows the casters to Detect Magic and magical auras out to 30ft range. You see it as a soft glow over the item although hidden ideas are not seen.
* Poison Sense (+1 Magnitude): for the duration, you can sense the presence and location of poisons, poisonous creatures, and diseases within 30 feet of you. You also identify the kind of poison, poisonous creature, or disease in each case.
* Trap Sense (+2 Magnitude): for the duration you sense the presence of any trap within range that is within line of sight. A trap, for the purpose of this spell, includes anything that would inflict a sudden or unexpected effect you consider harmful or undesirable, which was specifically intended as such by its creator. Thus, the spell would sense an area affected by the alarm spell, or a mechanical pit trap, but it would not reveal a natural weakness in the floor, an unstable ceiling, or a hidden sinkhole.
* Pathfinder (+4 Magnitude): this upgrade allows you to find the shortest, most direct physical route to a specific fixed location that you are familiar with on the same plane of existence (real world or astral). If you name a destination on another plane of existence, a destination that moves (such as a mobile fortress), or a destination that isn't specific (such as corporate such-and-such’s main base), the spell fails. Once cast the caster knows where he is going and does not need to concentrate. If he wishes to go somewhere else the spell fails and he must re-cast it to again find his way.

Divination: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 5 minute ritual; Magnitude: 5; Range: Self; Duration: Instant. This spell provides the caster a glimpse of the past or the future of a subject (including the caster) known to the caster or a familiar item. The caster makes her Tradition’s defining attribute save DC 15; success grants the caster some history or future event of that target or item. The better the Casting Check the more detailed information the GM might grant the caster. If the subject or item is not in the caster’s presence, a DC 15 save will get the caster a direction and distance of how far away the target is from the caster. A critical success of this save will get you the presence conditions and hit points of the target, a flash of both the last minute or so plus a future glimpse of the target next minute or so. If the caster uses this spell two or more times before taking a long rest there is a cumulative 25% chance the information about the target are completely false (GM makes roll).

Heightened Senses: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: minimum 0 (dependent on what senses or chosen below); Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. This spell is actually many difference senses, that the caster can chose from. The magnitude of the spell depends on the sense and can be combined (i.e. a caster can pick both Low-Light and Darkvsion 60ft for a 3 magnitude spell, etc.).
* Heightened Sense (+1 Magnitude each): grants advantage on Sight, Hearing, Touch/Taste or Smelling Wisdom (Perception) checks. Touch would allow the caster to read blind (feeling the ink indentations) or identify poisons, while Smell would allow them to try and track a subject by smell, etc.
* Low-Light Vision (+1 Magnitude): as New Species senses
* Darkvision 30ft (+1 Magnitude) or increased to 60ft (+2 Magnitude) or 120ft (+3 Magnitude)
* See Illusion or Invisible 30ft (+2 Magnitude each) or increase to 60ft (+3 Magnitude each)
* Tremorsense 20ft Radius (+2 Magnitude) or increased to 40ft (+3 Magnitude) or 60ft (+4 Magnitude)
* Blindsight 10ft Radius (+3 Magnitude) or increase to 20ft (+4 Magnitude) or 30ft (+5 Magnitude)
* Truesight 20ft (+4 Magnitude) or increase to 40ft (+5 Magnitude) or 60ft (+6 Magnitude)

Mind Probe: Mana (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 3; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. For the duration, you can read the thoughts of certain creatures. When you cast the spell and as your action on each turn until the spell ends, you can focus your mind on any one creature that you can see within 30 feet of you. If the creature you choose has an Intelligence of 3 or lower or doesn't speak any language, the creature is unaffected. You initially learn the surface thoughts of the creature - what is most on its mind in that moment. As an action, you can either shift your attention to another creature's thoughts or attempt to probe deeper into the same creature's mind. If you probe deeper, the target makes an Intelligence saving throw. If it fails, you gain insight into its reasoning (if any), its emotional state, and something that looms large in its mind (such as something it worries over, loves, or hates). The target knows that you are probing into its mind, and unless you shift your attention to another creature's thoughts, the creature can use its action on its turn to make an Intelligence save. If it makes it the spell ends. Questions verbally directed at the target creature naturally shape the course of its thoughts, so this spell is particularly effective as part of an interrogation. You can also use this spell to detect the presence of thinking creatures you can't see.
* Search Hidden Minds (+2 Magnitude): you can search for thoughts within 30 feet of you. The spell can penetrate barriers, but 2 feet of rock, 2 inches of any metal other than lead, or a thin sheet of lead blocks you. You can't detect a creature with an Intelligence of 3 or lower or one that doesn't speak any language. Once you detect the presence of a creature in this way, you can read its thoughts for the rest of the duration as described above, even if you can't see it, but it must still be within range.

Search: Physical (Divination); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, 10 minute. Describe or name an object that is familiar to you. You sense the direction to the object's location, as long as that object is within 1,000 feet of you. If the object is in motion, you know the direction of its movement. The spell can locate a specific object known to you, as long as you have seen it up close - within 30 feet - at least once. Alternatively, the spell can locate the nearest object of a particular kind, such as a certain kind of apparel, jewelry, furniture, tool, or weapon. This spell can't locate an object if any thickness of lead, even a thin sheet, blocks a direct path between you and the object.
* Scry (+5 Magnitude): You can see and hear a particular creature you choose that is on the same plane of existence as you (not in astral space). The target must make an Intelligence saving throw, which is modified by how well you know the target and the sort of physical connection you have to it. If a target knows you're casting this spell, it can fail the saving throw voluntarily if it wants to be observed. You level of knowledge is know them: Secondhand (you have heard of them; +5 save), Firsthand (base save), Familiar (you know the target well; -5 save). Other modifiers: Likeness or picture (-2 save), possession or garment (-4 save), a body part, blood, lock of hair, bit of nail, etc. (-10 save). On a successful save, the target isn't affected, and you can't use this spell against it again for 24 hours. On a failed save, the spell creates an invisible sensor within 10 feet of the target. You can see and hear through the sensor as if you were there. The sensor moves with the target, remaining within 10 feet of it for the duration. A creature that can see invisible objects sees the sensor as a luminous orb about the size of your fist. Instead of targeting a creature, you can choose a location you have seen before as the target of this spell. When you do, the sensor appears at that location and doesn't move.
* Seek Individual (+2 Magnitude): Instead, describe or name a creature that is familiar to you. You sense the direction to the creature's location, as long as that creature is within 1,000 feet of you. If the creature is moving, you know the direction of its movement. The spell can locate a specific creature known to you, or the nearest creature of a specific kind (such as a human or a unicorn), so long as you have seen such a creature up close - within 30 feet - at least once. If the creature you described or named is in a different form, such as being under the effects of a polymorph spell, this spell doesn't locate the creature. This spell can't locate a creature if running water at least 10 feet wide blocks a direct path between you and the creature.
* Greater Range (+2 Magnitude): You can instead seek an object or individual up to 10 miles away.

All health spells are Mana based, only affecting living beings. If the target has Strain then the caster must spend an additional Magic Point per level of Stain.
Most of these spells are touch and allow the caster to share the affects with multiple allies. The caster must cast the spell multiple times to share with multiple allies and as most of those are concentration they cannot affect more than one person at a time (without certain talents or magical items). If they can use two or more concentration spells at the same time, they must pay the full magnitude cost for each individual (along with the Strain extra cost in Magic Points!).

Blindness Deafness: Mana (Necromancy); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: 30ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You can blind or deafen a foe. Choose one creature that you can see within range to make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the target is either blinded or deafened (your choice) for the duration. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make a Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends. The target’s Strain does not affect the caster for this spell.
* Mass Blindness Deafness (+1 Magnitude): for each additional magnitude you can affect one additional target within range.

Boost Attributes: Mana (Adjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 3; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. This spell grants the target a +2 boost to any one Attribute score. This can increase the attribute above its racial characteristic maximum. This grants a +1 to all ability checks, skill checks, saving throws, and if applies to attack and/or damage rolls and armor class bonuses. It does not provide additional Magic Points. The caster can boost the power of the spell with increase magnitude…
* Boost 2 attributes at the same time (+2 Magnitude): this enhancer increases two attributes at the same time or it can be increase to 3 attributes (+4 Magnitude): for three attributes.
* Enhance Attribute (+2 Magnitude): with this enhance one boosted attribute now has Advantage on ability checks, skill and saving throws (but not attack rolls).

Exhausting Touch: Mana (Abjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Touch; Duration: Instant. This spell can exhausted a target. With a successful Magical attack roll the target must succeed with a Constitution save or take one level of Exhaustion (note Strain does not affect this spell). This spell only requires a minor touch from the mage and gains +2 with Magical attack bonus to succeed. This spell cannot kill a target and as such it will never deal a sixth level of exhaustion to a target.

Healing Touch: Mana (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d8 healing; Range: Touch; Duration: Instant. This spell will heal a target 1d8 per magnitude level + the casters’ traditional attribute modifier back in lost hit points. For +2 Magnitude the caster can instead affect up to three targets that he can see within a 30ft range by the same amount. Note that if this spell or Healing Word is cast on a target twice or more before a long rest, there is a cumulative -3 to the final amount of hit points that the target is healed (i.e. a target who has received 3 Healing Touches and she has not yet taken a long rest, on the 4th time the spell is cast on her she is healed 9 less hit points from the roll. If this reduces the total to less than zero that that target cannot benefit from any additional Healing spells until after she has taken a long rest).

Healing Word: Mana (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1 per 1d4 healing; Range: 60ft; Duration: Instant. This spell will heal one target that you can see within range 1d4 per magnitude level + the casters’ traditional attribute modifier back in lost hit points. For +2 Magnitude the caster can instead affect up to six targets that he can see within range the same amount. Note that if this spell or Healing Touch is cast on a target twice or more before a long rest, there is a cumulative -3 to the final amount of hit points that the target is healed (i.e. a target who has received 3 Healing Touches and she has not yet taken a long rest, on the 4th time the spell is cast on her she is healed 9 less hit points from the roll. If this reduces the total to less than zero that that target cannot benefit from any additional Healing spells until after she has taken a long rest).

Increased Reflex: Mana (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 4; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, 1 minute. Choose a willing creature that you can see within range. Until the spell ends, the target's speed increase by +15ft, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. When the spell ends, the target can't move or take actions until after its next turn, as a wave of lethargy sweeps over it. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by magic, talents, or cybernetics.

Restoration: Mana (Abjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Touch; Duration: Instant. You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned.
* Greater Restoration (+2 Magnitude): You can end two conditions above at the same time plus one of the following conditions – one level of exhaustion, one effect that charmed or petrified the target, one curse, any one reduction to the target’s ability score, one effect reducing the target’s hit point maximum.

Agony: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. The target of this spell must make a Wisdom saving throw. Failure and target gains the Stunned condition until the beginning of the caster’s next turn. After that the target gains the Reeling condition (recovers normally).
* Mass Agony (+2 Magnitude): the caster can affect up to six targets within 120ft that she can see.

Blinding Flash: Physical (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: 120ft; Duration: Instant. The caster picks a point out to the range of the spell, creating a blind flash of light within a 20ft radius. All targets within the radius must make an Intelligence saving throw. Failure imposes the Blind condition onto the targets. This spell is a physical type and can affect devices that ‘see’ (vidcams, drones, etc.)
* Greater Area (+1 Magnitude): the area increases to a 30ft radius.

Blurred Image: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against you and you gain advantage with all Dexterity (Stealth) checks. You can also attempt to Hide without cover but you lose the advantage with this check. A creature is immune to these effects if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight.

Charm Person: Mana (Enchantment); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: 30ft; Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 hour. You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
* Command (+1 Magnitude): This changes the duration to 1 round. You speak a one-word command to a creature you can see within range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or follow the command on its next turn. The spell has no effect if the target is undead, if it doesn't understand your language, or if your command is directly harmful to it. Some typical commands and their effects follow. You might issue a command other than one described here. If you do so, the DM determines how the target behaves. If the target can't follow your command, the spell ends.
# Approach: The target moves toward you by the shortest and most direct route, ending its turn if it moves within 5 feet of you.
# Drop: The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.
# Flee: The target spends its turn moving away from you by the fastest available means.
# Grovel: The target falls prone and then ends its turn.
# Halt: The target doesn't move and takes no actions. A flying creature stays aloft, provided that it is able to do so. If it must move to stay aloft, it flies the minimum distance needed to remain in the air.
* Dominate (+5 Magnitude): Change duration to “Concentration, up to 1 minute”. You attempt to beguile a humanoid that you can see within range. It must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the duration. If you or creatures that are friendly to you are fighting it, it has advantage on the saving throw. While the target is charmed, you have a telepathic link with it as long as the two of you are on the same plane of existence. You can use this telepathic link to issue commands to the creature while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. You can specify a simple and general course of action, such as Attack that creature, Run over there, or Fetch that object. If the creature completes the order and doesn't receive further direction from you, it defends and preserves itself to the best of its ability. You can use your action to take total and precise control of the target. Until the end of your next turn, the creature takes only the actions you choose, and doesn't do anything that you don't allow it to do. During this time you can also cause the creature to use a reaction, but this requires you to use your own reaction as well. Each time the target takes damage, it makes a new Wisdom saving throw against the spell. If the saving throw succeeds, the spell ends.
* Suggestion (+1 Magnitude): Change the duration to “Concentration, up to 8 hours”. You suggest a course of activity (limited to a sentence or two) and magically influence a creature you can see within range that can hear and understand you. Creatures that can't be charmed are immune to this effect. The suggestion must be worded in such a manner as to make the course of action sound reasonable. Asking the creature to stab itself, throw itself onto a spear, immolate itself, or do some other obviously harmful act ends the spell. The target must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it purses the course of action you described to the best of its ability. The suggested course of action can continue for the entire duration. If the suggested activity can be completed in a shorter time, the spell ends when the subject finishes what it was asked to do. You can also specify conditions that will trigger a special activity during the duration. For example, you might suggest that a guard give her passkey to the first homeless person she meets. If the condition isn't met before the spell expires, the activity isn't preformed. If you or any of your companions damage the target, the spell ends.
* Mass Charm (+1 Magnitude per extra creature): For each level of Magnitude you put into the spell you can target one additional creature. Creatures must be within the 30ft range though.

Fear: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You project a phantasmal image of a creature's worst fears. Each creature in a 30-foot cone must succeed on a Charisma saving throw. All that fail drop whatever they are holding and become frightened for the duration. While frightened by this spell, a creature must take the Dash action and move away from you by the safest available route on each of its turns, unless there is nowhere to move. If the creature ends its turn in a location where it doesn't have line of sight to you, the creature makes a new Charisma saving throw. On a successful save, the spell ends for that creature.

Illusion: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: 90ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. You create a sound or an image of an object within range that lasts for the duration. The illusion also ends if you dismiss it as an action or cast this spell again. If you create a sound, its volume can range from a whisper to a scream. It can be your voice, someone else's voice, a lion's roar, a beating of drums, or any other sound you choose. The sound continues unabated throughout the duration, or you can make discrete sounds at different times before the spell ends. If you create an image of an object - such as a chair, muddy footprints, or a small chest - it must be no larger than a 5-foot cube. The image can't create sound, light, smell, or any other sensory effect. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. If a creature uses its action to examine the sound or image, the creature can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the illusion becomes faint to the creature.
* Greater Illusion (+2 Magnitude): You create the image of an object, a creature, or some other visible phenomenon that is no larger than a 20-foot cube. The image appears at a spot that you can see within range and lasts for the duration. It seems completely real, including sounds, smells, and temperature appropriate to the thing depicted. You can't create sufficient heat or cold to cause damage, a sound loud enough to deal thunder damage or deafen a creature, or a smell that might sicken a creature (like a troglodyte's stench). As long as you are within range of the illusion, you can use your action to cause the image to move to any other spot within range. As the image changes location, you can alter its appearance so that its movements appear natural for the image. For example, if you create an image of a creature and move it, you can alter the image so that it appears to be walking. Similarly, you can cause the illusion to make different sounds at different times, even making it carry on a conversation, for example. Physical interaction with the image reveals it to be an illusion, because things can pass through it. A creature that uses its action to examine the image can determine that it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check. If a creature discerns the illusion for what it is, the creature can see through the image, and its other sensory qualities become faint to the creature.
* Phantasmal Killer (+5 Magnitude): You tap into the nightmares of one creature you can see within range and create an illusory manifestation of its deepest fears, visible only to that creature. The target must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes frightened for the duration. At the end of each of the target's turns before the spell ends, the target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw. Failure results in 4d10 psychic damage. On a successful save, the spell ends.
* Vid-Reality (+2 Magnitude): for basic Illusions and Greater Illusion the enhancer means that the images now appear on vidscreens, etc. Change the type to Physical.

Invisibility: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. A creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person. The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell. If the target has Strain then the caster must spend an additional Magic Point per level of Stain. Note this is a mana spells and will not fool machines, videos, etc.
* More targets (+1 Magnitude per additional target): each additional magnitude will now affect one additional target with the basic invisibility. If multiple targets have Strain the caster must spend the extra points equal to the highest level.
* Physical Invisibility (+2 Magnitude): changes the type to Physical and now will fool machines.
* Greater Invisibility (+2 Magnitude): Change to duration of greater to “Concentration, 1 minute”. You or a creature you touch becomes invisible until the spell ends. Anything the target is wearing or carrying is invisible as long as it is on the target's person.

Mask: Mana (Illusion); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. You make touched target, including its clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on its person, look different while you concentrate on it for up to one hour. The target can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You can't change its body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. Otherwise, the extent of the illusion is up to you. The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection nor do they fool machines (vidcams, etc.). For example, if you use this spell to add a hat to the outfit, objects pass through the hat, and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or would feel the target’s head and hair. If you use this spell to make the target appear thinner than they are, the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair. To discern that you are disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an Intelligence (Investigation) check. If the target has any Strain the caster must spend extra Magic Point equal to the Strain level.
* More targets (+1 Magnitude per additional target): each additional magnitude will now affect one additional target with the basic mask. If any of the targets have Strain then the caster suffers the highest Strain level in extra Magic Points.
* Physical Mask (+2 Magnitude): changes the type to Physical and now will fool machines. Others now ‘feel’ any physical changes that you made to the target (in the example above, they feel the hat or the extra fat added to a target).

Paralyze Foe: Mana (Enchantment); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: 60ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. Choose a humanoid that you can see within range. The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or be paralyzed for as long as you concentrate. At the end of each of its turns, the target can make another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on the target.
* Mass Paralyze (+1 Magnitude per additional target): each additional magnitude will now affect one additional target. All targets must be within 30ft of each other when you target them.

Many Manipulative spells have a range of Touch that allows the caster to share the effects of the spell with one willing person for +1 Magnitude in the spells force (if the caster wishes to gain the affect also). For +2 Magnitude the spell’s effects can be shared with up to the casters traditional attribute modifier plus ¼ (round down) its levels in Magic User who are within 10ft (i.e. a 4th level magic user Shaman with a Wisdom of 18 could share a detection spell that she cast with 5 willing targets with a 10ft area with a +2 Magnitude effect). If any of the targets have Strain then the caster suffers the highest Strain level in extra Magic Points. For these spells both the caster and the recipient must ‘concentration’ on the spell for the duration.

Armor: Mana (Abjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. You touch a willing creature who isn't wearing armor, and a protective magical force surrounds it until the spell ends. The target's base AC becomes 13 + its Dexterity modifier. The target also gains a Hardness of 2 that is fully affective against both all mana and physical spells that deal damage (but does not stack with other hardness). The spell ends it if the target dons armor or if you stop concentrating on it.
* Stoneskin (+4 Magnitude): Your skin takes on a stony feel and look. For the duration of the spell you gain Resistance to ballistic, bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. This has no effect on magical spells.

Bestow Curse: Mana (Necromancy); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 3; Range: Touch; Duration: 1 minute. You touch a creature, that creature must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or become cursed for the duration of the spell. When you cast this spell, choose the nature of the curse from one of the following...
# Choose one ability score. While cursed, the target has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws made with that ability score.
# While cursed, the target has disadvantage on attack rolls against you.
# While cursed, the target must make a Wisdom saving throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails, it wastes its action that turn doing nothing.
# While the target is cursed, your attacks and spells deal an extra 1d8 necrotic damage to the target.
* Duration (+1 Magnitude): For one additional Magnitude the duration of the spell changes to “Concentration, up to 10 minutes”.
* Greater Curse (+2 Magnitude): your curse now affects two of the above options.

[Elemental] Wall: Physical (Conjuring); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 4; Range: 120ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You create a wall of one element on a solid surface within range. You can make the wall up to 60 feet long, 20 feet high, and 1 foot think, or a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and 1 foot think. The wall is opaque and lasts for the duration. You must pick the elemental type of the wall when you chose this spell and it cannot be change later. All count as Full Cover (see Houserules above) but their base HP and Hardness values vary for each 5ft long, 20ft high section.
* Acid Wall – HP 25, Hardness 2. Anyone touching this wall suffers 2d6 acid damage and unless they succeed on a Dexterity save suffer an additional 2d4 acid damage the following round. Passing through the wall requires a Strength save. If they fail they suffer the damage above, if they succeed they need to make a Dexterity save. Failure suffers 3d6 acid damage and an additional 3d4 on the following round, if they succeed they suffer half the damages. Each +2 magnitude invested adds +1d all damages.
* Cold Wall – HP 50, Hardness 4. Targets can’t push their way through this wall. Any target attacking it in melee combat a Strength saving throw or its speed is ½ until the end of its next turn.
* Fire Wall – HP 25, Hardness 2. Anyone touching this wall suffers 2d8 fire damage, Dexterity save for half. Passing through the wall requires a Strength save. If they fail they suffer the damage above, if they succeed they need to make a Dexterity save. Failure suffers the 3d8 fire damage (no Dexterity save) and require an Intelligence saving throw or catch fire, suffer 3d4 fire damage each round at the beginning of the target’s turn. If they succeed they take half the 3d8 fire damage and require an Intelligence save or catch fire (same as above). Targets on fire can attempt to put itself out every round with a Dexterity saving throw (at the end of its’ round). If the target takes its’ Action and falls to the ground to roll around it gains advantage on this saving throw. Each +2 magnitude invested adds +1d all damages.
* Lightning Wall – HP 25, Hardness 2. Anyone touching this wall suffers 2d8 lightning damage, Dexterity save for half. Target must also make a Constitution saving throw or gains the Reeling condition (Recover normally). Passing through the wall requires a Strength save. If they fail they suffer the damage above (no save) plus the save vs. the Reeling condition. If they succeed they suffer 3d8 lighting damage, Dexterity save for half and a Constitution saving throw vs. the Reeling condition. Each +2 magnitude invested adds +1d all damages.
* Radiant Wall – HP 25, Hardness 2. Anyone touching this wall suffers 2d8 radiant damage, Dexterity save for half. Target must also make a Charisma saving throw or gains the Blind condition until the end of their next turn. Passing through the wall requires a Strength save. If they fail they suffer the damage above (no save) and the Charisma save vs. the Blind condition until the end of their next turn. If they succeed they suffer 3d8 radiant damage, Dexterity save for half and a Charisma saving throw vs. the Blind condition until the end of their next turn. Each +2 magnitude invested adds +1d all damages.
* Stone Wall – HP 100, Hardness 8. Targets cannot push through this barrier nor does it have any adverse effect by simply touching or attacking it. It is simply the hardest wall.
* Thundering Wall – HP 25, Hardness 2. Anyone touching this wall suffers 2d8 thunder damage, Strength save for half. Target must also make a Constitution saving throw or be push back 10ft, knocked prone and gains the Deaf condition until the end of their next turn. Passing through the wall requires a Strength save. If they fail they suffer the damage above (no save) and the Constitution save vs. the knock-back (the way they came) and the Deaf condition until the end of their next turn. If they succeed they suffer 3d8 thunder damage, Strength save for half and a Constitution saving throw vs. the Deaf condition until the end of their next turn. Each +2 magnitude invested adds +1d all damages.

Flesh to Stone: Physical (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 6; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute. You attempt to turn one creature that you can see within range into stone. If the targets body is made of flesh, the creature must make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, it is restrained as its flesh begins to harden. On a successful save, the creature isn't affected. A creature restrained by this spell must make another Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of its turns. If it successfully saves against this spell three times, the spell ends. If it fails saves three times, it is turned to stone and subjected to the petrified condition for the duration. The successes and failures don't need to be consecutive, keep track of both until the target collects three of a kind. If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.

Levitate: Physical (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. One touched creature or object of your choice rises vertically, up to 20 feet, and remains suspended there for the duration. The spell can levitate a target that weighs up to 500 pounds. An unwilling creature that succeeds on an Intelligence saving throw is unaffected. The target can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling), which allows it to move as if it were climbing. You can change the target's altitude by up to 20 feet in either direction on your turn. If you are the target, you can move up or down as part of your move. Otherwise, you can use your action to move the target, which must remain within the spell's range. When the spell ends, the target floats gently to the ground if it is still aloft.

Light: Physical (Evocation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. You touch one object that is no larger than 10 feet in any dimension. Until the spell ends, the object sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet. The light can be colored as you like. Completely covering the object with something opaque blocks the light. The spell ends if you cast it again or dismiss it as an action. If you target an object held or worn by a hostile creature, that creature must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell.
* Sunlight (+1 Magnitude): You change the light to pure sunlight. This has an adverse effects on certain creatures (certain undead, ghoul virus strains creatures, etc.)

Mage Hand: Physical (Conjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 1; Range: 30ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. An invisible floating hand appears at a point you choose within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it as an action. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 30 feet away from you or if you cast this spell again. You can use your action to control the hand. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 30 feet each time you use it. The hand can't attack, activate magical items, or carry more than 10 pounds.
* Attacking Hand (+1 Magnitude): You mage hand is strong enough to strike targets within range for damage. You hand deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage +1d6 additional damage for every additional Magnitude you put into the spell, up to a maximum of 5d6 bludgeoning damage.
* Grasping Hand (+2 Magnitude): You mage hand is strong enough to attempt to grapple. Use your Tradition’s defining attribute as your Strength with proficiency bonus to start a grapple. The hand is invisible but anyone grabbed by it can attack it without disadvantage. The Hands AC is 15 and it has a number of hit points equal to your maximum hit point total. If reduced to 0 hit points the spell ends.
* Greater Range (+1 Magnitude): You mage hand can now extend out to 120ft before it disappears.
* Manipulative Hand (+1 Magnitude): Your mage hand uses your Traditional defining attribute instead of your Dexterity and can open locks (if it has the right tools, etc.), manipulate fine objects, etc.
* Telekinesis (+5 Magnitude): You gain the ability to move or manipulate creatures or objects by thought. When you cast with this upgrade, and as your action each round for the duration, you can exert your will on one creature or object that you can see within range, causing the appropriate effect below. You can affect the same target round after round, or choose a new one at any time. If you switch targets, the prior target is no longer affected by the spell. Creature: You can try to move a Huge or smaller creature. Make an ability check with your spellcasting ability contested by the creature's Strength check. If you win the contest, you move the creature up to 30 feet in any direction, including upward but not beyond the range of this spell. Until the end of your next turn, the creature is restrained in your telekinetic grip. A creature lifted upward is suspended in mid-air. On subsequent rounds, you can use your action to attempt to maintain your telekinetic grip on the creature by repeating the contest. Object: You can try to move an object that weighs up to 1,000 pounds. If the object isn't being worn or carried, you automatically move it up to 30 feet in any direction, but not beyond the range of this spell. If the object is worn or carried by a creature, you must make an ability check with your spellcasting ability contested by that creature's Strength check. If you succeed, you pull the object away from that creature and can move it up to 30 feet in any direction but not beyond the range of this spell. You can exert fine control on objects with your telekinetic grip, such as manipulating a simple tool, opening a door or a container, stowing or retrieving an item from an open container, or pouring the contents from a vial.

Magic Weapon: Physical (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. You touch a nonmagical weapon. Until the spell ends, that weapon becomes a magic weapon with a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls.
* Greater Magic (+2 Magnitude): The magical bonus you empower to the weapons is +2. For an additional +2 Magnitude the bonus increases to a +3 bonus.

Shapeshift: Physical (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 4; Range: Self; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Your turns into a beast. You transform into the form of a large or smaller beast with a challenge rating of 3 or less. Your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the chosen beast, though the target retains its alignment and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. You assumes the hit points of its new form, and when you revert to your normal form, you returns to the number of hit point it had before it transformed. If you reverted as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form. As long as the excess damage doesn't reduce your normal form to 0 hit points, you aren’t knocked unconscious. This form is limited in the actions you can perform by the nature of its beast form, and it can't speak or cast spells. Your gear melds into the new form. You can't activate, wield, or otherwise benefit from any of its equipment.
* Greater Creatures (+2 Magnitude): for +2 magnitude you can change into a creature that is challenge ranting of 4 or less, for +4 magnitude one of challenge ranting 5 or less and for +6 magnitude a challenge rating of 6 or less.

Spider Climb: Physical (Transmutation); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: Touch; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. Until the spell ends, one willing creature you touch gains the ability to move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings, while leaving its hands free. The target also gains a climbing speed equal to its walking speed.

Web: Physical (Conjuration); Casting Time: 1 action; Magnitude: 2; Range: 60ft; Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour. You conjure a mass of thick, sticky webbing at a point of your choice within range. The webs fill a 20-foot cube from that point for the duration. The webs are difficult terrain and lightly obscure their area. If the webs aren't anchored between two solid masses (such as walls or trees) or layered across a floor, wall, or ceiling, the conjured web collapses on itself, and the spell ends at the start of your next turn. Webs layered over a flat surface have a depth of 5 feet. Each creature that starts its turn in the webs or that enters them during its turn must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained as long as it remains in the webs or until it breaks free. A creature restrained by the webs can use its actions to make a Strength check against your spell save DC. If it succeeds, it is no longer restrained. These are magical webs and are not flammable.
* Greater Area (+1 Magnitude): the area of effect for your web is a 30-foot cube.
* Self-Anchoring (+2 Magnitude): your webs seem to anchor in the air itself and no long require two solid masses in order to remain for the duration.
* Stronger (+1 Magnitude): those attempting to break out of the web are at Disadvantage with their Strength check verse you spells DC.

It takes a full round action (no Move speed, no Bonus or Reaction actions) to summon a spirit. The magic user cannot be maintaining any spells with concentration when they summon a spirit. While the spirit is present the magic user is considered to be concentrating and as such cannot cast another concentration spell (but see Magic User talents). The spirit will perform tasks for the magic user for up to one hour, when it disappears automatically back into astral space where it originated. Magic users cannot have more than one spirits summoned at a time. If she summons a new one the one present automatically disappears back into astral space (but see talents). When a spirit falls to 0 hit points, 0 magic points or it is incapacitated in some way it automatically disappears also. If the summoner is knocked to 0 hit points or incapacitated the spirit makes a Charisma saving throw. Success means it returns back to astral space, failure it remains for 2d6 rounds, either awaiting new orders on standby or carrying out the last orders the magic user gave it. If the magic user is not returned to consciousness by then the spirit leaves, returning to astral space.

The DC to summon a spirit is 10 + its Magnitude x2 with a Summoning check. If a magic user rolls a natural 1 on this check the spirit is summoned but it is angry and wild, likely attacking the summoner.

Type of Spirits that a Hermetic Mages can summon: choice two of Spirits (called Elementals by mages) of Air, Earth, Fire, Guardian, Guidance, Man, Task or Water

Types of Spirits that a Shaman can summon: choice two of Spirits of Air, Beast, Earth, Guardian, Guidance, Man, Plant or Water

Building a Spirits
* All spirits have a basic attributes of 10 for all stats, unless modified by type (air spirits are fast but weak, earth strong but slow, etc.) at Magnitude 1. Each additional magnitude adds +2 to all of the creatures attributes. So a magnitude 5 Spirit of Fire would have a 20 in all of its attributes. Some spirits do have higher or lower beginning attributes listed in their descriptions. They raise their attributes from these basics instead of from 10s.
* Spirits always have 10 Hit Points +5 HP per magnitude over 1 plus Constitution score.
* Spirits have an Armor Class of 12 + their Dexterity modifier and have a Hardness rating based on their type (see individual descriptions). Weapon AP and spells effects cannot remove this Hardness.
* Spirits are Resistant to all damage in Astral Space. When manifesting (fully forming on the material realm or real space) they have Resistance to all ranged weapon attacks and magical spell attack damage. No weapon Heavy weapon property or magical affect can remove this.
* Spirits are immune to all mind-effect spells and the frightened condition imposed by mind-altering fear. They do not breath and due to their Duel-Nature being ignore all light based obscure condition
* Spirits have 5 Magic points +5 per level of Magnitude. They cannot summon other spirits though and can only use these points to share with a magic user or to cast spells while manifesting.
* Spirits have a safe Magnitude rating equal to their own rating. They will refuse to cast spells of a high magnitude in any situation.
* In Astral Space spirits can only attack in melee and deal a base damage of 1d8 plus +1 per every level of magnitude over 1 they have. They refuse to cast spells in Astral Space.
* Spirits are Duel-Nature beings and when manifesting on the material realm they always Astral Perceiving at the same time. This is not distracting to them as with living beings.
* Spirits and Elementals prefer to be summoned in its ‘Domain’ but can be summoned almost anywhere. When summoning a spirit in an area that the GM would considered its non-Domain increase the DC to summon the spirit by +3.
* Spirits have skill proficiency with the following skills – Arcana, Intimidate, Investigation, Perception and Stealth. Some have additional ones. They are automatically proficiency with their own natural attacks. Spirits automatically have a Magical attack bonus of 3 + their Intelligence modifier (if elementals summoned by a hermetic mage) or Wisdom modifier (if a natural spirit summoned by a shaman). Any saving throws are always 11+ this same attribute.
* Each type of spirit has some natural abilities that all of the same spirit types share.
* Spirits tend to have one spell automatically and then the mage user that summoned them can pick one additional known spell from the list of each type per Magnitude level of the spirit.

Spirit Tasks
The following tasks can be performed by a spirit at the request of its’ summoner…
* Aid in casting of a spell. This requires an action on the part of the summoner on the prior round. On the following round the spirit can Aid Another if it also knows the spell in question. This can either grant advantage with a Magical attack roll or impose disadvantage on any required saving throw or skill check. Alternatively the spirit pays the Magic Point cost (spirits will never cast a spell over their magnitude).
* Attack Foe.
* Sustain a Spell. This requires an action on the part of the summoner. The spirit will sustain any one spell (even one it does not know) cast by the caster from that point on. It will maintain this spell for 5 + its magnitude rating in rounds. It will drop the spell at the end of this duration unless the summoner uses another action to order it to continue to maintain it.

Sprits of the Sky (Air Elementals) - Appears as a clouds, or in storms as thunderclouds, or swirling clouds.
Domains: Anywhere under the open sky where city light pollution is not too bad.
Attributes: base Strength 6, Dexterity 14
Abilities: Fly speed 60ft, Noxious Breath (as an Action creates a 20-foot radius sphere around itself of nauseating gas. This cloud spreads around corners and its area if heavily obscured. The cloud lingers for up to 1 minute but a moderate wind (at least 10 MPH) dispenses the cloud in 4 rounds while a strong wind (at least 20 MPH) disperses it after 1 round. Each creature that is within the radius at the start of its turn must make a Constitution saving throw against poison. On a failed save the creature gains the Poison condition and they are at ½ speed until the condition ends. Creature must spend 1 action outside the cloud and on their following round outside the area of the cloud can make a new saving throw as an action each round. Success ends the poisoned condition. Creatures that don’t breath or are immune to poison automatically succeed with this saving throw.)
Spells: Mage Hand plus one additional spell per Magnitude of the spirits from among – Bestow Curse, Blinding Flash, Blurred Image, [Elemental] (Lightning only) Bolt, Fear, Increased Reflexes, Invisibility, Levitate, Light, Magic Weapon.[/sblock]

[sblock=THE MATRIX]
The Matrix is ever pervasive in the modern world. Thousands of Host Nods (think cellular phone towers) provided an overlapping system within every metro in the world. Massive amounts of data stream over the Matrix, some hidden behind layers of the blackest Intrusion Countermeasures (IC).

There are two basic ways to access the Matrix. Through AR (Augmented Reality) where various Matrix data and information is overlaid your normal vision via AR Glasses or cybereyes or Emersion where one "projects" their consciousness into the Matrix or drone or vehicle or security system. Anyone can experience what they refer to as cold emersion via a comlink with the Emersion upgrade, while hot emersion requires a Datajack. Hot emersion is dangers, with the deckers mind vulnerable to lethal bio-feedback burners of black IC. With hot emersion you gain advantage on your Initiative checks and gain an extra action each round. This extra action can only be used for a Matrix action. See below. While using either Emersion level your 'meat-body' is helpless and oblivious to the world around it. All of your reality is filtered through the Matrix or drone or vehicle or security systems perceptive.

Basic Hacker Persona Attributes – Dexterity is meaningless in the Matrix and your physical body has no effect on your electronic construct. Your Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma don’t change and use those stats for any skill or ability check or saves you might need. A Persona requires both Matrix Strength and Constitution that only work inside the Matrix. Matrix HP work only in the Matrix. If you are ever incapacitated or knocked to 0 Matrix HP you are forced out of the Matrix violently (see Dumpshock). A Persona can also have a Hardness that only helps verse Matrix attacks and damage. As range is irrelevant in the Matrix all attacks are considered ‘melee’. Most Personas can only deal a basic 1d4 plus their Matrix Strength modifier in damage. There are two basic skills in the Matrix that all Persona use – Scan which is sort of your Matrix Perception and Search which is your basic Matrix Investigation. With additional program modifiers a Persona’s Scan and Search are equal to the Deckers proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier.
For Matrix combat your Initiative is your Intelligence Modifier and your Attack roll is your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier. Both of these can be altered with programs. Some programs also require a saving throw. For the basic this is 8 + program rating (1-8) + Intelligence modifier + proficiency bonus.

System Upgrades – this boost other Matrix stats and ratings.
* Boost Matrix Constitution – By default a standard Persona has a base Constitution of 12. Too boost that add +2 to Matrix Constitution score per rank up to a maximum of 18. Cost 500¥ x Rank. (Restricted)
* Boost Matrix Hit Points – a basic Persona defaults to your Persona’s Constitution modifier +5 x your level in Hit Points. To increase that by +5 to Matrix Hit Points total per rating up to a maximum of 6 ranks. Cost 500¥ x Rank. Icons and systems have different default HP bases. (Restricted)
* Boosted Search – by Default an icon, system or persona has its proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier. To Boost add +1 equipment bonus to your skill per rank up to a maximum of +4. Cost 500¥ x Rank.
* Boosted Scan – by Default an icon, system or persona has its proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier. To Boost add +1 equipment bonus to your skill per rank up to a maximum o+f 4. Cost 500¥ x Rank.
* Boost Matrix Strength (max Rating 4) – By default a standard Persona has a base Strength of 12. Too boost that add +2 to Matrix strength score per rank up to a maximum of 20. Cost 500¥ x Rank. (Restricted)

Programs – can have Ratings from 1 through 8.
* Adaptive (Rating 1) – this program grants you Resistance to all Matrix damage. Cost 20,000¥. (Illegal)
* Agent (max Rating 8) – your decker has semi-autonomous programs that can perform tasks. Each rating adds an additional Agent that can used to perform these tasks. It takes an Action to order an Agent to perform a task (or if they are all performing the same task). Basic Agent stats are Proficiency bonus +2, Strength 12, Constitution 12, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 12, Charisma 10, HP 12, Attack +4 to hit, Damage 1d6+2, AC 14 (with Intelligence modifier), Hardness 3, Scan +4, Search +4. Agents are immune to all mind-effect abilities and gain proficiency with Strength and Intelligence save. Cost 1,000¥ x Rating. Upgrades – Boost Strength, Constitution or Charisma I +2 for +400¥ each, or Boost Intelligence or Charisma I +800¥ each. Boost Strength, Constitution or Charisma II +2 for +600¥ each, or Boost Intelligence or Charisma II +1,200¥ each (stacks with level I). Boost Strength, Constitution or Charisma III +2 for +800¥ each, or Boost Intelligence or Charisma III +1,600¥ each (stacks with level I and II). Boost HP I +5 for +500¥. Boost HP II +5 for +750¥ (stacks with level I). For increasing Matrix Attack, AC, Hardness and skills Search and Scan as base program and upgrades but must be purchased separately for Agents (all agents have the same modifiers and upgrades). See Agent actions below.
* Black Hammer (Rating 1) – similar to Black ICE used by IC programs, this highly illegal program deals damage to the Persona as normal but also deal ½ its damage to the meat-body of the decker using hot emersion! Cost 10,000¥ (Illegal).
* Confusion (max Rating) – this program can send other matrix persona and systems into a logic loop that ‘freezes’ them up. It is resisted by a Charisma save or gain the Paralyzed condition. At the end of its round the target gains a new save. Success ends the condition. Cost 500¥ +500¥ x Rating up to 4; 1,000¥ +2,000¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Illegal)
* Corruption (max Rating 8) – this program can destroy data files that are resisted with a Constitution save. Failure means that a section of data-files were destroyed that round. Data-files can contain up to ten sections, depending on the security and size of the host. Cost 500¥ +500¥ x Rating (Illegal).
* Crash (max Rating 8) – this program can crash any one other program being run by icon, system or persona. This is resisted by a Charisma saving throw. Failure and the attack close down one of the target’s programs. The target cannot use that program until fixed. See fixing and jury-rigging programs below. Cost 500¥ +500¥ x Rating up to 4; 1,000¥ +2,000¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Restricted)
* Exploit (max Rating 8) – this program allows one to gain full access and control of another system. This is resisted with an Intelligence save. Failure and the target gains the charmed condition and the attacker can order it to perform one action, even a dangerous one each round as an action. Cost 1,500¥ +1,500¥ x Rating up to 4; 5,000¥ +5,000¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Illegal)
* Grey Hammer - this restricted attack program is meant to fire or at least damage an opponents comlink or deck. Cost 5,000¥
*Hammer (max Rating 4) – by default all Icons and Persona in the Matrix can deal 1d4 + their Matrix Strength modifier in damage to another Icon, system or persona. Rating I ups this to 1d6 damage for 750¥; or Rating II ups this to 1d8 for 1,500¥; or Rating III ups this to 1d10 fir 3,000¥; and finally Rating IV ups this to 1d12 for 5,000¥. The program can be upgrade to include AP (all Hardness is divided by ½ for these attacks) for +5,000¥ and/or Heavy Damage (meaning that it ignores the Resistance of any program that has it) for +8,000¥ (Illegal)
* Matrix AC (max Rating 4) – your persona’s Armor Class in the Matrix. Rating I is AC 12 + Intelligence Modifier for 500¥. Rating II is base AC 13 for +1,000¥; or Rating III is base AC 14 for +3,000¥; or Rating IV grants base AC 15 for +10,000¥. (Restricted)
* Matrix Hardness (max Rating 5) – your persona’s Hardness vs. Matrix damage. Rating I grants a base Matrix Hardness of 2 costing 500¥. Rating II increases to 3 for +400¥, Rating III to 4 for +800¥, Rating IV increases to 5 for +1,200¥, and finally Rating V increases it to 6 for +1,600¥. (Restricted)
* Medic (max Rating 8) – a type of Matrix Healing Touch but only for Matrix Hit Points. As an action a persona or system can heal 2d8 + Constitution score back in Matrix Hit Points. The target can use this on themselves a number of times equal to the Rating. Then it requires a repair action to re-use it. Cost 500¥ x Rating.
* Sleaze (max Rating 8) – a type of Matrix Disguise or Alter Self, resisted by an Intelligence save. Cost 500¥ +500¥ x Rating up to 4; 1,000¥ +2,000¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Illegal)
* Spoof (max Rating 8) – a type of Matrix Invisibility resisted by an Intelligence save. Cost 500¥ +500¥ x Rating up to 4; 1,000¥ +2,000¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Illegal)
* Tar Baby (max Rating 8) – this program can freeze another in place. The target resists with a Wisdom save. Failure means it has the Restrained condition. It makes a new save every round, success ends the condition. Cost 300¥ +300¥ x Rating up to 4; 500¥ +750¥ x Rating for 5-8 (Illegal)

Matrix Combat and Actions

Hacking a System
When one attempts to hack a Matrix system to sleaze past security IC, by-pass a security lock, take over an enemy drone or vehicle or security system, the system must be hacked.

When you are forcibly ejected from the Matrix (via Matrix combat where you Persona was destroyed or when a Nod crashed) or out of a drone or vehicle (either because it was destroyed or hacked) you experience dumpshock. If any of these conditions are met make an Intelligence save through vs. a base DC of 15. Succes means that you acquire the Reeling condition, and recover normally after that with a DC 12. Failure results in you gaining the Stunned condition for 2d4 rounds. After that you lose the Stunned condition but gain the Reeling conditions instead. You recover from the Reeling condition as normal but the DC is 15.

Repair and Reprogram'

Writing your own programs and persona upgrades

In Shadowrun, cybernetic implant enhancement is a reality and extremely common. In fact many civilians have internal comlinks and datajacks as a matter of course and for their work.

Living creatures can only handle so much ‘ware within their bodies before it starts having an inverse effect on them. Each piece or level of ‘ware has a Strain level. Add all implants together to get one’s total Strain. Creatures can have a maximum amount of strain equal to the lower of their Constitution or Charisma score. For every 2 points of Strain over (round up) the creature suffers 1 level of persistent Exhaustions. They cannot recover from this exhaustion until ‘ware is removed or Constitution and/or Charisma increases.

A cloned replacement hand or foot or minor organ (a kidney) cost 2,500¥ and takes about a week to grow and surgically reattach or implant into the user. A replacement arm or leg or major organ (a lung or heart) is 6,000¥ and takes about one month to grow and surgically reattach or implant to the user. These have no in game affects (Strain or otherwise) and these prices include surgery cost.

A simple cybernetic prosthetic replacement hand or foot or minor internal organ costs 750¥ and takes an hour surgical operation. A complex cybernetic prosthetic replacement for an arm or leg or heart (but could also include replacing the bone of the skull or the skeletal frame of the chest area) costs 2,500¥ and a four hour surgical operation. Basic cybernetic prosthetics count as 1 Strain add +2 to the characters maximum HP each, while complex replacements count as 2 Strain add +5 to the characters maximum HP each. These extra hit points can’t heal naturally however, instead requiring the use of a Tools (Surgery kit) check DC 15. During a short rest this heals 1d6 + the users’ Wisdom modifier back in these extra HP, or 2d6 + the users’ Wisdom modifier back during a long rest. A Tools (Repair kit) will work in an emergency but only heals back 1d4 + the users’ Intelligence modifier back during a short rest or 2d4 + the users’ Intelligence modifier during a long rest.

All implants listed below requires one hour surgery per Strain to install. Most surgeons will charge 500¥ per hour at a hospital like setting. A street doc might give you a small break (10%-20% off) but they have a greater chance of not being able to do as much if something goes wrong.

Adrenal Pump (1 level): this vat-grown organ is implanted into the base of the subject’s spine and replaces part of their adrenal gland. It takes a bonus action to active this gland. Once activated, for 10 rounds (1 minute), the subject can take one extra action, bonus action and reaction a round. At the end of the duration the subject takes one level of exhaustion. The subject must complete a short or long rest to regain (and ‘recharge’) the gland to use it again. Cost 15,000¥, Strain 4 (Restricted)
Aquatic Gill Grafts (1 level): these genetic grafts are added to each side of the subject’s neck and allow them to breathe underwater as if they were a fish. The subject cannot drowned and gains a Swim speed of 20 feet a round and advantage on Athletic checks to swim. Cost 750¥, Strain 1.
Bone Density Augmentation (3 levels): Advanced biofibers are attached to the subject’s skeleton structure and increased calcium growth that greatly increase their durability and the ability of the subject to absorb damage. It also increases the subject’s damage when punching or kicking due to the increased hardness. Level I grants the subject +1 Hardness rating and adds +1 to the subject’s unarmed damage. Cost 10,000¥, Strain 1. Level II grants the subject +2 Hardness rating and adds +2 to the subject’s unarmed damage. Cost 25,000¥, Strain 2. Level III grants the subject +3 to Hardness and adds +4 to the subject’s unarmed damage. (Restricted)
Boosted Reflexes (3 levels): this combat sensor systems are implanted into the subjects’ frontal lobe region of the brain and greatly enhance its combat awareness abilities. Each level gains the subject a +1 insight bonus to its Armor Class. Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3 per level. (Restricted)
Cerebral Boost (2 levels): this is extremely advanced bio and genetic modifications to the subject’s brain greatly increase its rationality and thinking abilities. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Intelligence up to a maximum score of 21. Level 2 implants grant the subject instead +4 Intelligence up to a maximum of 23. Cost for level 1 is 40,000¥ and Strain 3, level 2 is 100,000¥ and Strain 6. (Restricted)
ChipJack (4 levels): a dedicated datajack port is implanted into the subject’s brain. This allows the subject proficiency with certain skills that it might otherwise not have access to. There are three basic forms of chip that the jack can access – Active-Soft, Know-Soft and Language-Soft. It takes a full round action to place or remove a chip into a willing subject’s chipjack. On the following round the subject gains access to the information on the chip and can apply the chip’s proficiency bonus. If this is lower than the subject’s bonus it offers no additional benefits. If the subject has more than one Chipjack it can access more than one subject at a time. Cost 750¥ and 1 Strain each level. Language-Soft allow the subject to speak and read one language and cost 500¥ each. Basic Know-Soft chips have an attribute modifier bonus and a proficiency bonus total of +4 for the following subjects – Arcana, History, Life Science, Physical Science and Technology and each cost 500¥. Enhanced versions grant a +6 and cost 1,500¥ each, while Advanced version grant +8 and cost 5,000¥ each. Basic Active-Soft chips grant a skill bonus total of +4 for the following subjects – Animal Handling, Computer Use, Insight, Investigation, Medicine, Performance and Survival and cost 2,000¥ each. Enhanced version grant a +6 bonus and cost 8,000¥ each, Advanced version grant a +8 total and cost 20,000¥ each.
Comlink, internal: as a standard comlink but implanted behind one of the subject’s eyes. The system automatically includes the effects of a subvocal microphone. Base rating includes Broadcast 1 (100 yards) and Firewall TN 15 with Base A.I. Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Proficiency bonus +2; Skills: Computer Use, History, Investigation, Perception and Technology. Cost 500¥, Stain 1. All of the normal comlink upgrades allowed for a standard comlink can be added for the same cost, except for Satellite Uplink. The subject can carry the necessary equipment to gain a signal uplink but it cannot be implanted into the body.
Cybernetic Ear Replacements (1 level+): The subjects’ ears have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This Cost 500¥ each but only 1 Strain total, but they can hold up to 3 Strain worth of cybernetic-audio enhancements without costing the subject any additional Strain. Modifiers over 3 Strain count towards the subject’s total Strain. Note that all of the following enhancers, except Spatial Sound Locator, can be added to any subject without cybernetic ears (as simple cybernetic upgrades) but the subject counts all Strain in full.
* Audio Amplifier (3 levels): +500¥ and +1 Stain per level. Allows the user to make a listen based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level can make a base listen check out to 120ft as normal. With three levels can make base listen checks out to 200ft. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage.
* Audio Enhancer (1 level): +500¥, Strain 1. Adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for listening.
* Dampener (1 level): +250¥. Advantage on any saving throws that involve sonic attacks or damage.
* High/Low Freq Hearing (1 level): +500¥. Grants the user High and Low Frequenting Hearing.
* Spatial Sound Locator (1 level): +2,000¥, Strain 3. Allows the subject to ignore light and heavy concealment and darkness penalties out to 80 feet. Can be detected with Low Freq Hearing.
Cybernetic Eye Replacements (1 level+): the subjects’ eyes have been replaced with cybernetic ones. This Cost 600¥ each but only 1 Strain total, but can hold up to 3 Strain worth of cybernetic-visual enhancements without costing the subject any additional Strain. Modifiers over 3 Strain count towards the subject’s total Strain. Note that all of the following enhancers can be added to any subject without cybernetic ears (as simple cybernetic upgrades) but the subject counts all Strain in full. All metahumans who have cybernetic eye replacements lose any natural Low-Light or Darkvision, unless they take the cybernetic version.
* Low-Light Vision (1 level): +400¥, Strain 1. As species sense Low-Light Vision.
* Flare Compensation (1 level): +400¥, Strain 1. Advantage on any saving throws that involved sudden flashes, light attacks, etc. that could blind the users.
* Dark Vision (1 level): +750¥, Strain 1. Darkvision out to 60 feet.
* Vision Enhancement (1 level): +600¥, Strain 1. Adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for sight.
* Vision Magnification (3 levels): +500¥ and +1 Strain per level. Allows the user to make a sight based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level can make a base sight check out to 120ft as normal. At level 3 can make normal checks out to 200ft. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage.
Cyber-Arm Enhancements (1 level): require that at least on arm has is a cybernetic replacement. Increase all melee attack damage by +2. Cost 5,000¥, 0 Stain (included in the cybernetic arm)
Cyber-Leg Enhancements (7 levels): these implants require both legs are cybernetic replacements. Note that the legs can hold up to 3 levels of Strain automatically and the subject only needs to pay for any Strain that exceeds that. Each level grants one of the following: +10ft to Move Speed (can be taken 3 times), +5ft to base Leaping distance (can be taken 3 times), Boosted kick (change unarmed damage to 1d8/1d10 for a large sized creature, bludgeoning damage). Cost 1,000¥ and Strain 1 per level.
Damage Compensators (2 levels): This advanced gene-therapy allows the subject to better shrug off damage. Grant the subject advantage with any saving throw verses weapon damage of Stun, and ignores weapon property of Painful (i.e. don't double the damage to compare with subject's WDT to impose the Reeling condition) and also grants the subject advantage on saving throws to recover from the Reeling condition. Each level grants the subject 10 temporary Hit Points. These Hit Points return after a short or long rest. Cost 10,000¥ and Strain 3 per level (Restricted)
Datajack (1 level): a simple brain implant that allows the subject to use either a fiber-optic cable to directly interface with any type of electronic device or computer or wirelessly if using a comlink with a wireless interface modifier. Cost 500¥, Strain 1.
Dermal Plating (3 levels): advanced bio-Kevlar strands are implanted into the outer layers of the subject’s skin providing enhanced protection from damage. Each level adds +1 to the subject’s Hardness rating and stacks with any other sources. Cost 2,500¥ and Strain 1 per level. (Restricted)
Drone Hand Mount (1 level): this implant requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic hand replacement. When not in use it acts as a normal cybernetic hand and any attempt to detect the drone is at disadvantage. When deployed the subject cannot use that hand for any other activity. 1,000¥, no Strain (already paid for with the replacement hand). See Drones for stats.
Filter Plugs (1 level): these advanced toxic filter system are implanted into the subjects’ nasal cavities and grant it advantage on saving throws verses inhaled toxins or gases. Cost 1,000¥, Strain 1.
Flesh Pockets (1-5 levels): specialized voids are opened within the subject’s body cavities allowing small (4-5 lbs) items to hidden within. Items placed within are hard to detect (impossible to detect without some special senses, then generally at disadvantage). Cost 500¥, Strain 1 each. A medium sized creature can hold up to 3 such pockets while a large sized creature can hold 5.
Frame Reinforcement (1 level): cybernetic skeleton structure modification greatly increase the subject’s ability to carry weight. Treat the subject’s size by one higher for determine encumbrance, pushing, pulling weights. Cost 1,000¥, Strain 1.
Hand Razor (2 levels): these are cybernetic fingernail replacements that are razor sharp. Level 2 are retractable and others attempting to detect them as weapons are at disadvantage. The change unarmed damage to 1d4 (1d6 for large sized creature) piercing or slashing (attacker’s choice). They include finesse and light weapon properties. Cost for one arm is 1,000¥, Strain 1, retractable +500¥, Stain +1. (Restricted)
Hand Spur (2 levels): these are bio-metal spurs implanted into the back of the subject’s wrist and forearms. Level 2 these spurs are retractable and others attempting to detect them as weapons are at disadvantage to do so. The change unarmed damage to 1d8 (1d10 for a large sized creature) slashing. They include finesse and light weapon properties. Cost for one arm is 3,000¥, Strain 1, retractable +500¥, Stain +2. (Restricted)
Internal Organ Implant/Replacements (2 levels): the subject’s internal organs are either replaced with strengthened cybernetic ones or enhanced and toughened. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Constitution up to a maximum score of 21. Level 2 implants grant the subject instead +4 Constitution up to a maximum of 23. Cost for level 1 is 10,000¥ and Strain 3, level 2 is 30,000¥ and Strain 6. (Restricted)
Internal Air Tanks (3 level): replacing part of the subject’s lungs with small air considers they allow the subject to ‘hold its breath’ for one hour per level. For this hour the subject is immune to any inhaled gases but is not immune to toxic environments, etc. Cost 5,000¥ and Strain 1 per level.
Move-By Wire Reflex (1 level): this system not only enhances the subjects’ reaction but also greatly increases its coordination and responsive reaction time. The subject gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and Acrobatics and Athletics skill checks, and gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics. Cost 50,000¥, Strain 9. (Restricted)
Muscle Implants (2 levels): cybernetic muscle implants are injected into the subject’s body that graphed themselves to the overall muscle structure to enhance the user’s overall strength. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Strength up to a maximum score of 21. Level 2 implants grant the subject instead +4 Strength up to a maximum of 23. Cost for level 1 is 10,000¥ and Strain 3, level 2 is 30,000¥ and Strain 6. (Restricted)
Ocular Drone Mount (level 1): this eye mount requires that the subject have at least one cybernetic eye replacements. It allows the subject to store an ocular drone within the eye socket. Others have disadvantage at detecting the drone when mounted, but the subject is blind in one eye when the drone is in use (Disadvantage on ranged attack rolls and perception checks past 10ft). Cost 1,000¥, Strain 0 (already paid for with the replacement cybernetic eye). See Drones for stats.
Orthoskin (3 levels): this advanced gene-therapy enhances all layers of the subject skin but also strengthens the internal organs and vital area in such a way as to provide it naturally resistant to damage. There are three basic enhancements available, each grants the subject resistance to one type of weapon damage – bludgeoning, piercing (and ballistic) or slashing. Each level costs 10,000¥ and has a Strain of 3. (Restricted)
Radar Scanner Implant (1 level): a short range radar system that is implanted at the base on subject’s skull. It grants the subject blindsense in a 30ft radius area. Radar is automatically detected by Hi/Low frequency hearing and various sensors. Cost 20,000¥, Strain 5.
Reflex Implants (2 levels): special bio-electric implanted along the subject’s spinal cord that greatly enhance the user’s hand-eye-coordination and dexterity. Level 1 implants grants the subject +2 Dexterity up to a maximum score of 21. Level 2 implants grant the subject instead +4 Dexterity up to a maximum of 23. Cost for level 1 is 20,000¥ and Strain 3, level 2 is 50,000¥ and Strain 6. (Restricted)
Skillwires (level 1): bio-electric wires are implanted throughout the subject’s nervous system and along its spin. This allows the subject to benefit from muscle memory skills. Only one system can be installed into any one subject and this includes a dedicated chipjack that can only be used for these active like skills. These bonuses do not stack with natural levels. Cost 10,000¥, Strain 6. Basic Skillwire chip grant a skill bonus total of +4 for the following subjects – Acrobatics, Athletics, Stealth and Vehicle (each vehicle type must be purchased separately) and cost 5,000¥ each. Advanced version grant a +6 bonus and cost 15,000¥ each.
Sleep Regulator (1 level): genetic bio-engineering allows for the subject’s brain waves to be changed in such a way that it only needs 3 hours of sleep for a long rest. It still requires that the subject be inactive for 8 hours but they can be performing minor actions and are fully alert doing this time. Cost 5,000¥, Strain 1.
Smartgun Link (1 level): skill wires are implanted within the subject’s eyes and the subject’s hands that greatly enhance its ability to hit with firearms. The link, which can be combine with a laser sight (see Gear) adds +2 equipment bonus to the subject ranged weapon attack rolls and allows the attacker to re-roll 1s and 2s on any damage dice rolled, but only with weapons that the Smartgun link upgrade (see Gear). Costs 2,000¥, Strain 2.
Taser Hand (1 level): a melee taster is implanted into one of the subject’s hand. With a successful touch melee attack (+2 to roll) the target must make a Constitution save DC 15 or suffer weapon damage type of Stun (see Gear). Also have the weapon properties of finesse and light. Cost 5,000¥, Stain 3.
Vehicle Rigger Control (VRC) (1 level): Requires a Datajack implant. A complex neural pathway implant that allows the subject to control vehicles, drones and internal systems with its mental commands. This is done via a comlink and either AR interaction or with a datajack and a wireless interface/emersion upgrade. The vehicle or system must have a Rigger upgrade (drones automatically include this upgrade). The ‘rigger’ can control up to its Intelligence modifier in systems at a time and gains one additional Action on each of its turns. This action can only be used with one of the systems that is under its control and it must be used only to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. This cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics but see Tech talents for the basic class exceptions (for Drone Rigger and Riggers under Techs). Cost 20,000¥, Strain 6.
Weapon Implant (2 levels): Requires a cybernetic arm replacement. A small, hand-held weapon is implanted into the subject’s cybernetic arm. Something the size of a light pistol (up to a Hammerli 620S) Costs 2,000¥ plus the weapon’s cost and Strain 1. Any other light firearm costs 5,000¥ plus the weapon’s cost with Strain of 2. A shotgun or two-handed SMG costs 8,000¥ plus the weapons cost and Strain 4. These weapons are totally hidden within the subject’s limb when not in use and are ‘drawn’ as a normal weapon would be drawn and readied for use. The weapon must be ‘out’ in order to reload it and holds its basic ammunition. Generally a subject cannot have more than two weapons implanted in this way.
Wired Reflexes (1 level): this advanced system is implanted along the subject spin to greatly enhance their reaction time. The subject gains a +2 bonus to AC and Initiative checks, gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws, and gains an additional action on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, Recover from Reeling or Use an Object action. Note that this cannot be combined with any other similar boosts provided by drugs, magic, talents, or cybernetics. Cost 25,000¥, Strain 6. (Restricted)

Dermal Plating and Orthoskin cannot be combined.
Adrenal Pump, Boosted Reflexes, Move-By Wire Reflexes, Vehicle Rigger Control and Wired Reflexes cannot be combined. [/sblock]

Characters cannot start with Military or Illegal grade gear or weapons at character creations unless its is part of bonus starting gear or with the I Know a Guy talent. Afterwards characters purchasing such but must find dealers to make these purchases (with a Gather Information check, DC 15 to 25). On average it takes 2d6 hours to find a Restricted items dealer and 2d6 days to find an Illegal or Military items dealer. Restricted equipment costs cost 20% to 50% more, while Illegal hardware or Military grade items cost 100% to 200% more.

NOTE that for armor’s Hardness rating, the 1st number is basic damage reduction while the number after the slash is Ballistic damage reduction. Finally Protective Armor is so basic and ‘everyday’ that they do not require any Armor Proficiency to wear and gain the full benefits.

Synthetic-Leather Jacket: reinforced leather-like material popular with gangs. Cost: 100¥; Armor Class: 11+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 0; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 6 lbs.
Reinforced Synthetic-Leather Jacket: heavier version of the biker-like jacket. Cost: 200¥; Armor Class: 11+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 0/+1; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 8 lbs.
Armored Clothing: made of light Kevlar weaved fibers that have been fashioned to appear as normal clothing. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check at Disadvantage is required to notice that it instead armor. MAD scanners are also at Disadvantage but the TN drops to 10. Cost: 400¥; Armor Class: 11+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 1/+1; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 8 lbs.

Reinforced Armored Clothing: is slightly heavier but still benefits from being heavily concealable as armored clothing. Cost: 500¥; Armor Class: 11+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 1/+2; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 10 lbs.
Armored Business Suit: a more fashionable version of armored clothing. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check at Disadvantage is required to notice that it instead armor. MAD scanners are also at Disadvantage but the TN drops to 10. The wearer does not normally suffer Charisma penalty in corporate situations (even if recognized as armor). Cost: 1,500¥; Armor Class: 11+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 2/+2; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 10 lbs.
Undercover Vest: is made of light flexible Kevlar and can be worn under normal clothing without restricting movement. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check at Disadvantage is required to notice that the subject is wearing the vest if under any normal clothing. MAD scanners are also at Disadvantage but the TN drops to 10. Cost: 600¥; Armor Class: 12 +Dex modifier; Hardness: 2/+2; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 10 lbs.
Lined Coat: made of medium weave Kevlar that is fashioned to look normal longcoat. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check at Disadvantage is required to notice that it instead armor. MAD scanners are also at Disadvantage but the TN drops to 10. Also the wearer gains his Proficiency bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) rolls to hide a light firearm or light melee weapon on his body. If he already has Expertise with stealth, he gains his proficiency bonus x3 but only to hide items under the coat. Cost: 800¥; Armor Class: 12 +Dex modifier; Hardness: 3/+2; Strength: minimum 11; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 15 lbs.
Chameleon Suit: a full body Kevlar suit that has computer-designed environmental-patterns facsimiles. When worn in an appropriate environment it grants advantage with Dexterity (Stealth) checks (but disadvantage in inappropriate ones). It takes 2 full rounds for the suit patterns to change with user choosing from various available patters (voice or wireless command) (Restricted). Cost: 2,000¥; Armor Class: 12+ Dex modifier; Hardness: 3/+2; Strength: no minimum; Stealth: Special; Wt. 18 lbs.

Armored Jacket: fashioned from heavy Kevlar that is somewhat made to look like a normal jacket. A simple Wisdom (Perception) check TN 15 with notice that it is armored (including Passive Perception). Cost: 1,000¥; Armor Class: 13 +Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 3/+3; Strength: minimum 12; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 20 lbs.
Flak Vest with Plates: an obvious armored vest with reinforced ceramic plate inserts that is worn over clothing (Restricted). Cost: 1,200¥; Armor Class: 13 +Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 4/+3; Strength: minimum 12; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 20 lbs.
Ballistic Cloth Longcoat: this clumsy but stylish piece of subtle outerwear contains a thick inner layer of flexible aramid patches able to resist cutting and piercing. It comes available in most colors but brown and black are standard. It leaves the head vulnerable, even with the collar up. Most importantly, it flaps dramatically in the wind. A simple Wisdom (Perception) check TN 12 with notice that it is armored (including Passive Perception) (Restricted). Cost: 1,500¥; Armor Class: 13 +Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 4/+3; Strength: minimum 13; Stealth: disadvantage; Wt. 25 lbs.
Advanced Chameleon Suit: made with advanced ruthenium polymers to provide almost perfect chameleon abilities to blend into the background automatically. It grants advantage with Dexterity (Stealth) checks (Restricted). Cost: 8,000¥; Armor Class: 13 +Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 3/+3; Strength: minimum 12; Stealth: Special; Wt. 25 lbs.
Light Security Armor: obvious armor that is most commonly worn by corporate security teams. A basic suit includes some environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.), Constitution saves vs. inhaled toxins and Resistant to any inhaled poison damage (Restricted). Cost: 2,500¥; Armor Class: 14+ Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 5/+4; Strength: minimum 11; Stealth: Disadvantage; Wt. 30 lbs.
Light Military Spec Armor: military grade armor that is illegal for non-government or extraterritorial corporation to own, much less wear. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.), Constitution saves vs. inhaled toxins and Resistant to any inhaled poison damage. Most also incorporate Low-Light and Dark Vision out to 60 feet through the helmet visor (Military). Cost: 6,000¥; Armor Class: 14 +Dex modifier (max +2); Hardness: 5/+5; Strength: minimum 11; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 35 lbs.

Heavy Security Armor: heavier corporate armor. A basic suit includes some environmental protection. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.), Constitution saves vs. inhaled toxins and Resistant to any inhaled poison damage. The wear is at Disadvantage with Strength (Athletics) checks to jumping and swimming (Restricted). Cost: 5,000¥; Armor Class: 15; Hardness: 6/+6; Strength: minimum 13; Stealth: disadvantage; Wt. 40 lbs.
Heavy Military Spec Armor: the heaviest military grade, non-powered armor available. As light military spec armor, it is very illegal for non-governmental or extraterritorial entities to own. The helmet provides the wearer advantage on Dexterity saves vs. visual effects (blindness, color spray, etc.), Constitution saves vs. inhaled toxins and Resistant to any inhaled poison damage. Most also incorporate Low-Light and Dark Vision out to 60 feet through the helmet visor. The wear is at Disadvantage with Strength (Athletics) checks to jumping and swimming (Military). Cost: 9,000¥; Armor Class: 16; Hardness: 7/+7; Strength: minimum 15; Stealth: disadvantage; Wt. 50 lbs.

Riot Shield: This is a large composite metal shield with a Plexiglas view port around the user’s eye level. As a bonus action the user can gain ½ cover with the shield until the beginning of his next round (so long as he does not move or is forced to move for the round). Cost: 250¥; Armor Class: +1 bonus; Hardness: 1/+2; Strength: minimum 12; Stealth: no penalty; Wt. 10 lbs.
Battle Shield: Designed for forward breaching rooms or fortifications, the shield incorporates a clear-metal view port at users’ eye level along with piton anchors that allow it to be set as a fixed point as an action that will provide one medium sized creature with ¾ cover and up to four additional medium sized creatures ½ cover. It also takes an action to un-anchor the pitons. The user can spend a bonus action for the user gains ½ cover with the shield until the beginning of her next round (so long as she does not move or is forced to move for the round). As a reaction, the user can also impose disadvantage against one melee attack directed against it (Restricted). Cost: 500¥; Armor Class: +1 bonus; Hardness: 2/+3; Strength: minimum 13; Stealth: disadvantage; Wt. 18 lbs.

* Ballistic: this is a special type of piercing weapon. There are certain armors that grant additional Hardness vs. it and others that can ignore ballistic Hardness but not piercing.
* Restrained: a target to must make a Strength save vs. the DC or gained the Restrained condition. Struck targets must also make a Dexterity save, same DC, or be knocked prone by the effect. The target can make a new Strength save vs. the same DC but with a cumulative +1 to the roll for each additional turn it failed until he succeeds. Success ends the condition. Note that struck target must also remain prone for duration. Large creatures are +2 with the strength save, while Huge are +5, and larger are immune.
* Stun: a ‘living’ target must make a Constitution save vs. the DC or gains the Stunned condition. The target can make a new Constitution save at the end of its turn vs. the same DC but with a cumulative +2 to the roll for each additional turn that it failed until it succeeds. Success ends the condition. Large creatures are +2 with this save, Huge are +5, and larger creatures are immune.

* AP (Armor Penetrating): this weapon ignores Ballistic Hardness (note this is not the same as Armor Piercing ammunition and the two types of ammo cannot be combined) and half any normal Hardness provided (requires Heavy damage weapon feature for this to be applied to materials and vehicles).
* Auto: this weapon has the Autofire option, expending 10 rounds each time it is fired this way. Autofire rules. Autofire Only weapons must always fire full auto and Heavy Autofire weapons must always fire full auto and use 20 rounds. Heavy Autofire has twice the area of affect (but still only deal base Auto damage when focused on each target). Switching modes between single fire and autofire mod takes 15ft of move during the attackers round. The weapon must have 10 rounds (20 for heavy auto) remaining and in the autofire mod to use this feature.
* Burst Fire: This weapon can fire a three rounds burst of ammunition at once with an attack action. The shooter takes a -2 to its attack roll but adds +1d weapon damage to the damage if it hits (i.e. a SMG that deals 2d8+2 ballistic damage deals 3d8+2 instead). Switching between single fire burst-fire mod takes 15ft of move. The weapon must have 3 rounds remaining and in the burst-fire mod to use this feature.
* DT: Double tap. This weapon can fire two rounds of ammunition at once, instead of one with an attack action. The shooter gets a -1 to its attack roll but adds +2 to the damage if it hits. The weapon must have 2 rounds remaining and in the single fire mod to use this feature.
* Feed: a type of reloading ammunition. Feed means that the each round of ammunition must be loaded into the weapon, one at a time. Each round reloaded requires ½ your Move speed to load. If you spend your Action with your Move you can reload up to 6 rounds at a time. ‘b’ means a break load, where the barrel(s) are hinged much like a door and rotate perpendicularly to the bore axis to expose the breech for reloading; ‘i’ means an internal magazine, generally loaded through a breech at the top of the weapon’s barrel; ‘c’ is a rotating cylinder that between 4 and 6 rounds. Cylinder feeds can purchase a Speed-loader (see Firearm accessories below). Treat these as Magazines (see Reloads below).
* Flame: these weapons can set targets on fire. First, this is an Area of Affect attack. Fire weapons can fire in a Cone (PHB pg. 204) out a number of feet depending on the weapon (see individual descriptions). Anything the target is struck must make an Intelligence save vs. 8 (12 for a heavy flamer) + your proficiency bonus (if proficient) + your Dexterity modifier for half damage. Failure means full damage and the target has caught fire. At the beginning of their turn (before they can act) the target suffers 2d4 fire damage. Each round the target can try and put themselves out as an action and making a Dexterity saving at the same DC. The target has advantage on the save if it falls prone to roll around on the ground. The fire is automatically extinguished if the target immerses themselves fully under water.
* Heavy: per PHB plus also applies to anyone with a Strength of 12 or less.
* Heavy Damage: weapons ignore Resistance from materials and vehicles. However the attacker suffer Disadvantage if it moves and fires one of these weapons in the same round.
* Hold-Out: are small and easier to hide on one’s person. Character is considered to have Advantage on any Dexterity (Stealth) checks to hide such a weapon on themselves (under a coat, etc.).
* Knockdown: If the damage from the weapon is enough to impose the Reeling condition the target is also knocked prone.
* Loud: this weapon cannot be quieted by silencers, etc.
* Painful: these weapons inflict massive pain onto living creatures with a successful hit. The damage from this weapon counts as double vs. the target’s Wound Damage Threshold but only to impose the Reeling condition (recovers normally).
* Reload: weapons with ammunition require time to reload the magazine clip. If the weapon only says reload it requires your Move to reload the weapon (except for bows and crossbow, then see PHB). If after the shots is listed an ‘m’ (magazine), p (powercell) and b (belt) each requires ½ your Move speed to expend and reload a new clip, cell or belt into the weapon; If you wish to also collect your empty clip or powercell (too recharge it later) it takes your full Move speed that round.
* Shotgun (Shot/Flechette rounds): impact with tremendous force at close range but diminish rapidly further out. Within 15ft of the target add plus one weapon dice damage (i.e. 2d8 becomes 3d8, etc.) but they inflict only one die damage at long range (i.e. 2d8 becomes 1d8).
* Silence: these weapons have built in sound and flash suppressors that offer superior baffling. In order to hear the ‘shots’ requires a Wisdom (Perception) DC 15 at disadvantage if within 15ft.
* Sonic: these weapons are extremely loud, especially to the target, dealing thunder damage. On a critical hit the target gains the Deafened condition for one minute.
* Touch: this weapon requires a simple melee touch attack to hit and attackers gains +2 to melee attack rolls. These weapons do not add Strength or Dexterity modifiers to their damage or affects.
* Undermount: These weapons can be mounted under the barrel of another firearm. Generally only under a rifle barrel. If mounted to another weapon you can switch between the two weapons as a free action and they occupy the same space.

SIMPLE AND MARTIAL WEAPONS can be purchased from the PHB but for four times the price listed in g.p. value in neyen (¥).
Keen Blades: this modifier can be added to any piercing or slashing weapon from the PHB. The weapon adds +2 to its basic damage and now costs is instead 10 times the g.p. value in neyen (¥).

Brass Knuckles: are a piece of metal shaped to fit around one’s knuckles to enhance your punching power. They are also easily concealed on ones’ person. Cost: 5¥; Damage: 1d4+1 bludgeoning; Wt.: ½ lbs; Properties: Finesse, holdout, light.
Combat Knife: an advanced carbon blade that can also be mounted onto a rifle or similar weapon to act as a bayoneted (dealing 1d8 piercing damage). Cost: 50¥; Damage: 1d6 piercing or slashing (attackers choice); Wt.: 1 lbs; Properties: Finesse, light, undermount.
Collapsible Baton: this club collapses down to an easily concealable and stored sized but when draw can instantly extend out to its normal size (about two feet long on average). Cost: 25¥; Damage: 1d6 bludgeoning; Wt.: 1 lbs; Properties: Finesse, holdout, light.
Monofilament Sword: while not true monofilament, this blade is extremely sharp and halves any personal scale armor Hardness (it has no effect on vehicles or material). You cannot add the Keen Blade modifier to this weapon. Cost: 800¥; Damage: 2d6 slashing; Wt.: 3 lbs; Properties: Versatile (2d8).
Solid Core Staff: these are dense metal core quarterstaffs that can strike with considerable force. Cost: 50¥; Damage: 1d8 bludgeoning; Wt.: 6 lbs; Properties: Heavy, versatile (1d10).
Shock Gloves: these gloves deliver a powerful electrical shocks that can stun a target with a punch. Cost: 100¥; Damage: Stun (15); Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: Finesse, holdout, light, reload (10p), touch.
Shock Stick: once used exclusively on large farms to prod large animals around, this upgrade model can cause serious harm along with a great deal of pain (Restricted). Cost: 200¥; Damage: 1d6 electrical and Stun (15); Wt.: 3 lbs; Properties: Finesse, light, painful, reload (20p), touch.

RANGED WEAPONS (these weapons count as “silenced” automatically. The keen blade affect has already been added in as part of the weapon’s upgrades). Both types can include a laser sight.
Carbon Crossbow: made of sleek advanced carbon metal and fitted with sights. If the attacker takes the Aim special action she also ignores penalties for long range with her attack roll. Cost: 300¥; Damage: 2d6+2 piercing; Wt.: 6 lbs; Properties: Ammunition (range 150/500), heavy, loading, two-handed.
Compound Bow: composed of advanced carbon and fitted with a series of pulleys, cams and levels to enhanced the weapons power. They can be adjusted for greater force, depending on the users Strength – setting #1: 1d8+1 piercing damage; setting #2: Strength 12+, 1d10+1 piercing damage; setting #3: Strength 15+, 1d12+1 piercing damage; setting #4: Strength 20+, 2d8 piercing damage. It takes a full minute to adjust the bow to a new setting. Cost: 500¥; Damage: Special, piercing; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Ammunition (range 150/500), heavy, two-handed.

LIGHT FIREARMS – You are not at disadvantage using a light firearm in melee (as with most ranged weapons). Also for characters with a strength of 12 or less or small-sized creatures, wielding a heavy light firearm in two-hands are not at disadvantage when making ranged attacks with them.
Streetline Special: a very cheap weapon made of composite material (Restricted). Cost: 250¥; Damage: 2d4 ballistic; Range: 40/200; Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: DT, holdout, light, reload (8m).
Colt American L36: a sleek automatic that is very concealable with a good reputation. Standard models have an intergraded laser sights. Cost: 450¥; Damage: 2d4+2 ballistic; Range: 40/200; Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: DT, holdout, light, reload (15m).
Fichetti Security 600: designed as a light sidearm for security. It has a highly effective feeding mechanism that allows it to hold an incredible 30 rounds. Standard models have an intergraded laser sights. Cost: 650¥; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 3 lbs; Properties: Burst, DT, light, reload (30m).
Hammerli 620S: A sleek and stylish revolver with intergraded Smartgun link. Cost: 650¥; Damage: 2d6+1 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: DT, feed (6c), holdout, light, loud.
Yamaha Sakura Fubuki: features an all-electric firearm with no moving parts and automatic firing capacity. The standard model comes with an intergraded Smartgun link. Cost: 800¥; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 3 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, light, reload (20m).
Ares Viper Silvergun: sleek automatic pistol with built in sound suppressor and intergraded laser sight (Restricted). Cost: 1,000¥; Damage: 2d6+1 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Burst, DT, reload (20m), silence.
Colt Manhunter: popular with law-enforcement this pistol has an intergraded under the barrel laser sight. Cost: 650¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: DT, heavy, reload (14m).
Ares Predator: all-time favorite of mercenaries and security it has an intergraded Smartgun link (Restricted). Cost: 950¥; Damage: 2d8+2 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 5 lbs; Properties: DT, heavy, reload (14m),
Ruger Super-Warhawk: a bulky heavy revolver popular with law-enforcers and hunters. Cost: 700¥; Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 60/300; Wt.: 5 lbs; Properties: AP, DT, feed (6c), heavy, loud.
Ceska Black-Scorpion: a compact, light machine pistol with intergraded laser sights (Restricted). Cost: 800¥; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 40/200; Wt.: 3 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, light, holdout, reload (20m).
Steyl TMP: a light weight machine pistol of polymer-composites and laser sights (Restricted). Cost: 850¥; Damage: 2d6 ballistic; Range: 40/200; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, light, holdout, reload (40m)
Ares Thunderbolt: a heavy machine pistol that Lone Star has an exclusive contract with Ares for their police units. Includes an intergraded Smartgun link (Restricted). Cost: 1,500¥; Damage: 2d8+2 ballistic; Range: 50/250; Wt.: 5 lbs; Properties: AP, burst, heavy, reload (12m).
Remington Roomsweeper: this sawed-off, pistol grip shotgun can be concealed under a trench coat. Cost: 400¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 15/80; Wt.: 5 lbs; Properties: DT, feed (2i), heavy, knockdown, loud, shotgun.
HK MP-5 TX: this concealable SMG it has an intergraded silencer and under the barrel laser sight. (Restricted). Cost: 750¥; Damage: 2d6+1 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Burst, DT, holdout, reload (20m, silence.
Ingram Smartgun X: this SMG has an intergraded Smartgun link making it popular with mercenaries (Restricted). Cost: 900¥; Damage: 2d6+2 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 5 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, reload (40m).
Defiance EX Shocker: Also called a “lemon squeezer” it fires up to four darts that trail wires out to 30 feet. Cost: 500¥; Damage: Stun (15); Range: 10/30; Wt.: 1 lbs; Properties: Light, reload (4m), silence.
Yamaha Pulsar: fires capacitor darts that eliminate the wires of older models. Cost: 600¥; Damage: Stun (18); Range: 10/30; Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: Light, reload (4m), silence.
Ares Tangler: looking like an oversized flare gun this pistol fires a fast hardening aerosol super-achieves that wraps around the target to effectively trap they for a short term. Cost: 350¥; Damage: Restrain (15); Range: 20/80; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Feed (1i), loud
Ruger Sonic Stunner: a small, hand-held sonic stunner it is very loud when fired. Cost: 750¥; Damage: Stun (18); Range: 15/50; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Light, loud, reload (8p).

HEAVY FIREARMS - these weapons are automatically two-handed.
AK-97 Carbine: an extremely reliable light assault rifle that is popular the world over (partly due to being cheap). Its’ lighter rounds do not have the range of most assault weapons (Restricted). Cost: 600¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 6 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, reload (30m).
HK-227S: popular with many security personal, this heavy SMG has an intergraded Smartgun link and sound suppressor (Restricted). Cost: 1,200¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 7 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, reload (30m), silence.
Uzi III: a worthy descendent of the legendary Israeli SMG weapon it includes an intergraded laser sight (Restricted). Cost: 1,000¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 7 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, reload (30m).
AK-98 Assault Rifle: cheap, reliable and popular with the cost conscious, this assault rifle is not flashy. It includes intergraded laser sights (Restricted). Cost: 950¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 10 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, heavy, reload (30m).
FN HAR: another reliable and popular light assault weapon with security personal it includes a intergraded laser sight system (Restricted). Cost: 1,300¥; Damage: 2d8+1 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 11 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, heavy, reload (30m).
Ares-Alpha: designed specifically for Ares Firewatch squads, the Ares Alpha assault rifle is very popular on the shadowy streets of the world. It has an intergraded grenade (weight and price already included) launcher and Smartgun link (Military). Cost: 2,000¥; Damage: 2d8+1 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 16 lbs (includes grenade launcher); Properties: Autofire, burst, heavy, reload (30m), underbarrle grenade launcher (feed 4i).
HK XM30: this is a modular “weapon platform” that comes with a sleek carry case with all the different barrels, attachments and ammunition magazines needed. The design allows for two of the weapons to be intergrades at the same time (one under, one over barrel configuration). It takes 1 minute (10 rounds) to “switch” between one weapon barrels and ammo clips, but can have two “ready” at any time. Use the highest weight listed to determine the weapons weight with two barrels mounted. The case and all weapon systems weighs 29lbs total. All systems have an intergraded Smartgun link (Military). Cost: 4,500¥ and all are have the Heavy weapon property. Other properties by barrel used. Assault Rifle – Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 18* lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, reload (40m). Grenade Launcher – Damage: by grenade; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 10 lbs*; Properties: Loud, reload (10m). Shotgun – Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 50/200; Wt.: 12 lbs*; Properties: Loud, knockdown, loud, reload (10m), shotgun. Light Machine Gun – Damage: 2d8+1 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 20 lbs*; Properties: Autofire only, loud, reload (50c). Sniper Rifle – Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 200/700; Wt.: lbs; Properties: AP, DT, heavy, reload (12m).
Ruger 100: a favored weapon of many professional hunters, it has a built in Image Scope. Cost: 900¥; Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 150/600; Wt.: 12 lbs; Properties: Feed (8i), heavy, loud.
PJSS Behemoth Gun: this double barrel heavy rifle is popular with those whom hunt the biggest and meanest para-animals around (Restricted). Cost: 1,100¥; Damage: 2d12 ballistic; Range: 150/600; Wt.: 16 lbs; Properties: AP, feed (2i), heavy, loud.
Walter MA-21: a military sniper rifle it comes with an intergraded sound suppressor (Disadvantage on Perception checks, TN 15, to hear the gun fire) image scope and intergraded Smartgun link (Military). Cost: 1,800¥; Damage: 2d12 ballistic; Range: 300/1,000; Wt.: 16 lbs; Properties: AP, DT, heavy, reload (14m).
Ranger Arms SM-4: this sniper rifle includes an image scope and intergraded laser sight and sound suppressor (Disadvantage on Perception checks, TN 15, to hear the gun fire). It can also be completely disassembled in 2 Full Rounds and fits into a standard briefcase (price and weight not included) (Military). Cost: 1,600¥; Damage: 2d10+1 ballistic; Range: 300/1,000; Wt.: 14 lbs; Properties: AP, DT, reload (9m)
Mossberg AM-CMDT: an autofire combat shotgun (Restricted). Cost: 1,000¥; Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 50/200; Wt.: 14 lbs; Properties: Autofire, burst, DT, heavy, knockdown, loud, reload (20m), shotgun.
Remington 990: a popular shotgun with law enforcement and for home defense. Cost: 450¥; Damage: 2d10 ballistic; Range: 50/200; Wt.: 8 lbs; Properties: Feed (8i), knockdown, loud, shotgun.
Ingram White Knight LMG: a light, man-portable machinegun with intergraded Smartgun link (Military). Cost: 1,500¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 19 lbs; Properties: Autofire only, heavy, loud, reload (50c)
Aztechnology Tangler: looking like an oversized shotgun that fires tangler rounds of a fast hardening aerosol super-achieves that wraps around the target to effectively trap them. Cost: 600¥; Damage: Restrain (15); Range: 40/150; Wt.: 12 lbs; Properties: Loud, feed (6i)

HEAVY WEAPONS: these weapons are always heavy, loud and two-handed.
Ares Gatlin LMG: a six barrel man portable light-machinegun comes with a backpack magazine (Military). Cost: 2,500¥; Damage: 2d8 ballistic; Range: 80/400; Wt.: 30 lbs; Properties: Heavy autofire only, reload (200b).
Stoner-Ares M202 MMG: This is a semi-portable medium machine gun normally mounted onto a vehicle or medium sized drone. Otherwise attacks are at Disadvantage without a weapon gimbal-stabilizer sling or minimum strength of 19 and even then if the attacker moves and fires it is at disadvantage (Military). Cost: 4,000¥; Damage: 3d8 ballistic; Range: 150/600; Wt.: 34 lbs; Properties: Heavy autofire only, reload (100b).
Ultimax HMG-2: heavy machinegun that can only be used from a fixed sitting position (tripod) or it can be mounted onto a medium sized vehicle or heavy drone (Military). Cost: 8,000¥; Damage: 3d10 ballistic; Range: 200/800; Wt.: l54 bs; Properties: AP, heavy autofire only, reload (200b).
Panther Assault Cannon: this assault cannon comes equipped with a Smartgun link and fires special rounds that are more commonly found in light assault tanks (no standard rounds). Firing this weapon is at Disadvantage without a weapon gimbal-stabilizer sling or minimum strength of 19 and even then if the attacker moves and fires in the same round it is at disadvantage (Military). Cost: ¥4,500; Damage: 4d8 ballistic; Range: 150/600; Wt.: 26 lbs; Properties: AP, heavy damage, reload (15c).
Ares Antioch-2: classic grenade launcher. Can be mounted under the barrel of a rifle for an additional 250¥ (Military). Cost: 600¥; Damage: by grenade type; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 4 lbs; Properties: Feed (4i).
Arms-Tech MGL-12: this hand-held grenade launcher looks something like an oversized 12-round cinder revolver-like rifle (Military). Cost: 1,000¥; Damage: by grenade type; Range: 100/500; Wt.: 11 lbs; Properties: Feed (12i).
Aztechnology Striker: a light-weight disposable one-shot missile launcher (Military). Cost: 850¥; Damage: 4d10 fire and piercing damage; Range: 500/1,500; Wt.: 8 lbs; Properties: AP, heavy damage, one-use/mag.
Misubishi Yakusoku MRL: a reusable launcher that allows for 4 separate missiles shots. It comes with an intergraded Image scope. Extra standard missile replacements cost $750 and weigh 4lbs each (Military). Cost: 2,500¥; Damage: 4d10 fire and piercing damage; Range: 50/1,500; Wt.: 22 lbs; Properties: AP, feed (4i), heavy damage.

For pistols, machine pistols, revolvers and SMG it costs 75¥ for 100 rounds and weighs around 8 lbs. New clips cost 10¥ each and weight ¼lb when empty. Speed-loading Revolver cylinders cost 25¥ and weigh ½lb each. Tangler rounds cost 8¥ and weigh ¼lb each. Carbines, light machine guns (light Gatlin), rifle and shotgun (shell) rounds cost 100¥ for 100 rounds and weigh 12 lbs. Magazines clip cost 15¥ and weights ¼lb empty, boxes cost 30¥ and weigh 1lb empty. Sniper rifle, elephant guns, medium and heavy machinegun rounds cost 150¥ for 100 and weigh 15lbs. Magazine clips are 25¥ and weight ¼lb empty. Assault Cannon clips are sold fully loaded (no separate rounds) with a 15 round clip weighs 5lbs and costs 200¥ each.
Armor Piercing Rounds: ignores Ballistic Hardness, but deals -2 base damage. Double the base ammunition cost (Restricted).
Hollow-Point Rounds: increase the Damage of the firearm by +1 die step (i.e. 2d6 because 2d8), but ballistic Hardness counts as double. Add 50% to the ammunition cost.
APDS Rounds: increase the damage by +1 die step (i.e. 2d6 becomes 2d8) and ignores Ballistic Hardness. Increase the price of such ammunition by eight times the base cost (Military).
Explosive Rounds: add one additional base Damage die to total damage (i.e. 2d6 because 3d6) but chance of explosion when exposed to extreme heat/fire, 1-in-6 chance. This causes all the ammo to ‘cook’ off dealing double base damage to the weapon’s wielder. Triple the base ammunition cost (Military).
Gel Rounds: deal minimum damage with a hit but target is at disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability and skill checks until the start of your next turn. If you roll a critical hit the target also gains the Stunned condition until the start of your next turn. Add 50% to the ammunition cost.
Slug Rounds (Shotgun only): lose all shotgun properties except knocking target’s prone with a critical hit, double both ranges and increase weapon damage by one step (2d8 becomes 2d10). Add 50% to the base ammunition cost.
Stick-n-Shock Rounds: base damage, but converted to “lightning” damage and target makes an Intelligence save DC vs. the damage dealt or gain the Reeling condition. Five times the base ammunition cost (Restricted).
Shredder Rounds (Shotgun only): as shotgun slug rounds except ½ range (instead of double) and add the AP and heavy damage properties. Triple the base ammunition cost (Restricted).

All explosive weapons can be used to make an indirect attack. They can be thrown or fired over osculates or into area that the attacker cannot see. The range remains the same. However if you cannot see the target area, then chooses a space where the explosive will land if any targets are within the area treat as if they were invisible and gain Advantage on their saving throws.

Hand grenades count as Simple Weapons for proficiency and are thrown with a base range of 30/60. Throwing a grenade is a ranged attack action, and count as simple weapons for proficiency. Makes a range attack roll vs. a AC 15, if you succeed the grenade lands where you want it to, if you fail it means the grenade lands a number of feet away as you missed by (i.e. if you rolled an 6 your grenade lands 9 feet away from where you wanted it to in a random direction). All targets within the area of affect need to make a saving throw (type listed after damage) vs. the listed DC. If you missed on your attack roll they have advantage on this saving throw if they are still within the area. A critical hit instead imposes Disadvantage on these saving throws instead of doubling damage. All grenades can either be set to explode on impact or with a one round delay (they will exploded at the start of your next turn). It takes 15 feet of movement to set either type, unless you are trained with Explosive kits. Then with DC 10 tool use check it is a free action.

Grenade Launchers have a range of 100/500, but triple the ‘feet missed’. These grenades must be specially made to be fired from a grenade launcher. They cost twice as much as a normal grenade of the same type. These type of grenades have the two setting as normal grenades but they can also be set with air-burst. This allows the weapon to explode in the air where the operator can still see and ignore the indirect penalty if the attacker wishes (he still has to guess where the weapon is going to explode). This requires a DC 10 tool use check to set property and always requires 15 feet of movement.

Concussion: light explosive using air pressure as well as shrapnel to disrupt enemy lines. Cost: 25¥ each; Damage: 2d6 bludgeoning; Save/DC: Dex 14; Explosive Area: 10ft; Wt.: 1 lbs; Properties: knockdown.
Smoke: after detonation a smoke grenade fills up the first area of affect listed. On the second round it fills an area out to the middle ranting and on the third round it fills out to the last ranting in area. Anything farther then 5ft away is considered Heavy Obscure conditions within the area. Anyone just inside or on the opposite side of the smoke have ¾ cover. This smoke last 1d4 minutes. Wind can disperse the smoke faster. Cost: 15¥ each; Damage: none; Save/DC: none; Explosive Area: 10/20/30ft; Wt.: 2 lbs.
Fragmentation: deadly antipersonnel explosives with dozens (or hundreds) of steel flechettes (Military). Cost: 50¥ each; Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage; Save/DC: Dex 15; Explosive Area: 10ft; Wt.: 1 lbs; Properties: knockdown.
Flash-Bang: powerful, blinding light and sound grenades. Targets’ that fail their save are blinded and deafened until the end of your next turn (Restricted). Cost: 50¥ each; Damage: Special; Save/DC: Dex 18; Explosive Area: 10ft; Wt.: 1 lbs.
Riot (Tear Gas): releasing powerful tear gas to disperse crowds and disorient attackers. It also causes obscure and cover as smoke grenades. After detonation it fills up the first area of affect listed. On the second round it fills an area out to the middle ranting and on the third round it fills out to the last ranting in area. Failed save results in living creatures gaining the Poisoned condition and having their Movement halves (round to the nearest 5ft). These conditions lasts for 1d4 minutes. The gas also lingers for 1d4 minutes but wind can disperse it. Anyone who starts their turn in the area must make a save or gain the conditions as above (Restricted). Cost: 50¥ each; Damage: Special; Save/DC: Con 15; Explosive Area: 5/10/15ft; Wt.: 2 lbs.
Tangler: these grenades release fast hardening aerosol super-achieves into a small area that wraps around all targets within the area of affect to effectively trap they for a short term. Cost: 50¥ each; Damage: Restrained; Save/DC: Str 18; Explosive Area: 10; Wt.: 2 lbs.
EMP: doesn’t inflict any damage, instead releases an electromagnetic burst to disrupt electronics. Device holder Intelligence saving throw vs. the DC. Failure means that the devices stops functioning for 1d4 minutes. Drones, computers, security systems, etc. within the area require an Intelligence saving throw vs. the DC or suffer the same result. Vehicle operators make an Intelligence save while Huge vehicles and larger, are immune vs. grenades. Vehicles that failed are at a disadvantage for all operations for 1d4 minutes. A Tools – Repair kit, as an action vs. a DC of the Device save +5 will fix the device (Restricted). Cost: 100¥ each; Damage: Special; Save/DC: Int 15; Explosive Area: 15ft; Wt.: 1 lbs.
White Phosphorus: these military issued grenades have been outlawed by most of the world’s governments. Use the grenades DC instead of what listed under properties (flame, plus damage is 2d8 every round that they fail) and all targets are at Disadvantage to these saves to put out the flames until they fall prone and roll around on the ground as an action (this means they can make a normal save) or they are at advantage if immerses in water (Military & Illegal for non-government). Cost: 200¥ each; Damage: 2d10 fire; Save/DC: Dex 15; Explosive Area: 10ft; Wt.: 2 lbs; Properties: Flame.

Explosive packs are heavy explosives. They have detonation timer included. Generally they can be set from one to ten rounds (6 to 60 seconds) with a Tools –Explosive kit skill check DC 15 (10 if the setter is proficient with the tool set). You can’t really throw these effectively, but in an emergency you could with a range of 30ft and this roll is at disadvantage (as if a long range attack).

Charge Pack: this simple bomb have a fairly simply timer (advantage on Tools – Demolition kit) (Military). Cost: 350¥; Damage: 3d10 force and piercing; Save/DC: Dex 15; Explosive Area: 20ft; Wt.: 8 lbs; Properties: Heavy damage.
Mining Pack: pre-made/mixed civilian mining explosives mostly used to move dirt and rock (Restricted). Cost: 500¥; Damage: 5d10 force and bludgeoning; Save/DC: Dex 12; Explosive Area: 40ft cone; Wt.: 20 lbs; Properties: Heavy damage.
Anti-Armor Pack: a specialized bomb with adhesive pull-stripe that can stick to almost any surface (Military) Cost: 750¥; Damage: 6d10 force and piercing; Save/DC: Dex 18; Explosive Area: 15ft; Wt.: 10 lbs; Properties: Heavy damage.

Thermal Paste: 500¥, Wt. 2lbs. This thermite gel typically comes in a squeeze tube that can be formed along doors, around a lock, etc. When ‘activated’ it undergoes a reduction-oxidation reaction that while not explosive creatures a brief burst of extremely high temperature heat in a small area. Base Damage 4d8 fire, 2ft area of affect, Dexterity saving throw DC10 to avoid, property AP and Heavy Damage. Type tube has enough paste to spread along 20 feet long, 2” wide. It takes a Tools – Demolition kit roll DC 15 to properly deploy (DC 10 if trained with Tools – Demolitions kit) (Military).
Plastic Explosives: 500¥ per 5lbs brick. This explosive is sold in 2 pound ‘bricks’ these can be combined for greater area of affect and/or damage. Requires a detonator and timer to set off (Tools – Demolition kit DC 15). Base brick deals 3d6 fire damage in a 10ft radius or 15ft cone; Dexterity save DC 15 for half. Each additional brick adds either +1d6 fire damage, increase the area of affect by 5ft radius or create a 30ft cone. All require a separate DC 15 Tools – Demolition kit roll (Military).

Lower-class Clothing or Coveralls: 15¥, Wt. 5 lbs. Standard every day work or relaxation or street wear for most lower class and manual labor folk.
Middle-class Clothing: 150¥, Wt. 6 lbs. Better quality wear and low-end business attire for middle class.
Upper-class Clothing: 800¥+, Wt. 6 lbs. high quality causal and business wear for the executive and policluber. (Note a really expensive power suit for the CFO of one of the Big 10 run several thousand each).
Formal Ware: 3,000¥+, Wt. 6 lbs. Tuxedos and royal gowns. Add +1 equipment bonus to all Charisma skills in appropriate situations. Add +1 to Charisma skills in appropriate situations.
Shift Fabric: 4,000¥, Wt. 5lbs. Clothing that can change colors and ‘design’ with one’s mood, via AR wireless. Adds +1 equipment bonus to all Charisma skills in most situations.
Camouflage Uniform: 100¥, Wt. 6 lbs. In correct environment grant +2 equipment bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks (but disadvantage in all others settings). Patterns include forest, artic, jungle, urban etc.
Camo Cloak: 2,500¥, Wt. 4 lbs. Very advanced computer assisted patter-schemes that changes near instantly with background, grant advantage Dexterity (Stealth) checks in all situations and can attempt to hide even without cover or breaking line-of-sight (but doing so negates the advantage on stealth, allowing a normal check instead) (Military).
Hiking Boots: 50¥, Wt. 2 lbs. Advantage vs. exhaustion caused by long journeys on foot.
Backpack: 20¥, Wt. 2 lbs. Can carry up to 60lbs of gear.

Comlink: 50¥, Wt. ¼ lb. A standard, everyday communications devices that includes a cellphone, digital camera/camcorder, GPS unit, calculator, basic computer, wireless AR Matrix access, with AR display contact lenses and skin tight, near invisible AR gloves, etc. Base rating includes Broadcast 1 (100 yards) and Firewall TN 15 with Base A.I. Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10 (note not a true sentient computer of course but it can provide additional information and if skilled aid another with a skill it is proficient with and with an Action on the part of the user), Proficiency bonus +2; Skills: Computer Use, History, Investigation, Perception and Technology.
Typical upgrades include A.I. upgrade, each +2 to Intelligence (max 18) costs +250¥, each +2 to Wisdom (max 16) costs +300¥, Increasing Proficiency bonus to +3 cost +500¥ or to +4 cost 2,000¥. Library proficiency with any one of the following skills – Arcane, Insight, Life Science, Medicine, Physical Science or Religion cost 500¥. Adding Expertise with any known skill cost +750¥. Sim Emersion +500¥. Interface jack (allowing you to control most electronic devices that you have permission on) +250¥. Signal Boost +200¥ for Broadcast 2 (500 yards), +500¥ for Broadcast 3 (2 miles) or +750¥ for Broadcast 4 (5 miles) or +1,000¥ for Broadcast 5 (20 miles). All types can also include a Satellite Uplink for +500¥ and +5 lbs. Upgraded Firewall +1,000¥ for TN 20, or +5,000¥ for TN 25 or +25,000¥ for TN 30.
Biometric Meter: 250¥, Wt. ½ lb. Worn on one’s belt or arm shelve, this devices monitors the subject’s vital systems. This includes provides a digital display of the wearer’s body functions, heart-rate, BP and oxygenation readings, etc. Grants a +4 equipment bonus to Wisdom (Medicine) checks to the subject. Wireless functions can alert team members of conditions, etc.
Subvocal Microphone: 100¥, ½ lb. Throat patch. Allows the wearer to communicate via a comlink by just moving throat muscles not speaking out load; if comes into question, others are at disadvantage vs. DC 15 to notice the subject speaking with a Wisdom (Perception) spot or listen check.

ELECTRONIC GEAR (non-Security electronics)
Directional Microphone: 750¥, Wt. 2 lbs. This device can listen to conversation at distance (100 yards or so) if within unobstructed line-of-sight, allowing a normal Wisdom (Perception) check vs. subjects it is point at.
Laser Microphone: 1,000¥, Wt. 2 lbs. Used to listen in on conversations (normal Perception) within line of sight (up to 5 miles). Also possible to focus against windows, hard surface, etc. which normally blocks such conversions. This requires a Tools – Electronics check DC base 15 (depending on the surface material).
Giger Counter: 50¥, Wt. ¼ lb. This is a simple pocket detects harmful radiations levels and automatically informs the user (via voice recording or wirelessly) of what the present areas’ level and requires no roll.
Laser Range Finder: 100¥, Wt. ½ lb. Used to determine distances out to about 10 miles with line-of-sight.
RFID Tag: 1¥ each, nil weight. These tiny devices are easily concealed (Investigation 20, Perception DC25) that adhere to most surfaces. They are used to track almost every item produced. They have a broadcast signal strength of 1 (100 yards) and Firewall 18 and are used by manufactures to upload software patches, upgrades, etc. To disable the broadcast feature is illegal and requires a Tools – Security kit check vs. TN 15.
RFID Stealth Tag: 50¥, nil weight. These electronic RFID tags are used to track sensitive items and are harder to detect by those who don’t want to be tracked. They have a Broadcast signal strength of 2 (200 yards) and a Firewall of 25. The broadcast feature is only used if the tag detects a failure to deactivate it (Restricted).
Tag Locator/Eraser: 1,000¥, Wt. 1 lb. This small scanner is used to locating Tags and destroying them. A DC 10 detects basic RFID tags and a Tools – Security with the same TN will deactivate one. Stealth Tags increase the TN to 25 for both checks. Failure to deactivate a tag send an alert to the manufactures about suspected tampering and possible location (Illegal).

Concealed Hostler: 50¥, Wt. ½ lb. Shoulder or hip holster that hides under a coat (adds +4 equipment bonus to users’ Stealth to hide a light firearm or melee weapon on himself). Has space for 4 extra clips.
Gimbal-Stabilizer Sling: 750¥, Wt. 15 lbs. This shoulder harness and sling is a must for many heavy weapons. It allows a user of a Heavy damage weapon to move and still attack without disadvantage.
Hidden Arm Sling: 250¥, Wt. ½ lb. Auto-draw sling for a light pistol or knife (max weigh 2lbs). Does not count as an item manipulation to draw or ‘stealth’ such a weapon and can be easily hidden under the user’s clothing sleeve (adds +4 equipment bonus to users’ Stealth to hide a light firearm or melee weapon).
Image Scope: 400¥, Wt. 1 lb. Advanced targeting scope. Can take up to 6 other visual enhancements (see below under Visual Enhancement equipment). With Aim maneuver not at disadvantage with long range attacks and long range is doubled but this extreme range attack roll is at disadvantage.
Laser Sight: 75¥, Wt. ½ lb. Add +1 equipment bonus to Ranged attack rolls and re-roll all 1’s on damage dice.
Smartgun Link upgrade: 500¥, nil weight (requires Smartgun link Cyberwar or Smartgun Goggles). Adds +2 equipment bonus to ranged attack rolls and re-roll all 1’s and 2’s on damage dice. This include a laser sight, and while the effects do not stack those with up the required systems gain those bonuses. (Restricted).
Smartgun Goggles: 750¥, Wt. ½ lb. (as Smartgun link) Can be added to an Image Scope (above) or Goggles image devices (see below) requiring 3 enhancements (Restricted).
Silencer: 200¥, Wt. ½ lb. Disadvantage on Perception checks, TN 15, to hear the gun fire but only with semi-auto fire (single shot or double-tap only). Does not work for revolvers or shotguns (Restricted).
Suppressor: 500¥, Wt. ½ lb. Disadvantage on Perception checks, TN 15, to hear the gun fire including autofire. Includes a flash suppressor also adds same disadvantage with visual perception checks to see the muzzle flash of the firearm. Does not work for revolvers or shotguns (Restricted).

All of these require the Tools – Hand Scanner proficiency. Untrained users are at disadvantage. Most checks require an Action to use.
Atmosphere Sensor: 1,000¥, Wt. 2 lbs. A TN 15 check will determines basic weather patterns for next 24 hours within a few miles.
Cybernetic Detector: 500¥, Wt. 2 lbs. This hand-wand unit detects if a subject has implanted cybernetics. The user makes a DC 15 (or target’s Firewall) checks vs. targets within 10 feet. If the user beat the TN by +5, gains targets’ Stain level and basic info on type of ware. Beating the TN by 10+ gives more detailed info.
Electronic/Radio Transition Detector (bug detector): Cost 200¥, Wt. 1 lb. This hand-wand unit allows the user to make a DC 15 check to detect any active radio transmission, active scan, listening devices, etc. within 60 feet. Each 10 feet farther away +5 to the DC (Restricted).
Explosives Detector: 500¥, Wt. 2 lbs. This hand-wand unit lets this user makes a DC 15 check to detect most common explosives within 10 feet. Each five feet farther +5 to the DC (Restricted).
Motion Detector: 1,000¥, Wt. 4 lbs. This hand sensor unit can detect any movement within 60 feet with a DC 15 check, adding +5 to the DC for every 10 additional feet away. This check ignores all lighting obscure and light cover obscure. Heavy cover obscure imposes disadvantage on check while anything over a foot of solid material blocks it entirely. A targets that uses the Dash action grants advantage to the user’s check while those standing still (Move 0 with nothing that costs movement) impose disadvantage to check.
MAD Scanner: 750¥, Wt. 2 lbs. This hand-wand unit to detect concealed weapons, by scanning for various minerals that weapons are most commonly made of. Within 10 feet of the user a TN 15 check it will detect any metal weapons, with a DC 20 it will detect aluminum, etc. and with a DC 25 with detect ceramic ones.
Olfactory Sensory: 500¥, Wt. 3 lbs. This device will detects and analyzes ‘smells’ within a 10 yards area with a TN 15 check (higher TN can provide additional analytical information about the chemicals, etc.)
Sensor Suite: 2,500¥, Wt. 5 lbs. This hand scanner uses advanced optical, chemical, motion, and other active sensors scan that ignores all lighting obscure and light cover obscure in its range. Heavy cover obscure imposes disadvantage on check (anything over a foot of solid material blocks it entirely). Within 150 feet and a DC 15 check (+5 for every 25 feet farther away) the user can get basic radio transitions, chemical, mineral ore, atmospheric, environmental and life-sigh readings. Higher DC can determine more detailed information.
Ultrasound Scanner: 1,000¥, Wt. 3 lbs. Using ultrasonic sound waves, this device can ‘paints’ a picture of the surrounding area. This allows the user to ignore all light obscure penalties and heavy obscure caused by lighting out to 40 yards (120 feet) with a TN 10 check each round as a bonus action. These waves can be detected by a sonic scanner (or sensor suite above).

Pen-Light: 10¥, Wt. ¼ lb. A small hand or helm mounted devise that provides bright light up to 50 feet away.
Flashlight: 20¥, Wt. 1 lb. A light hand-held unit, provides bright light out to 200 feet or 40 foot radius. For an increase to 4 lbs. and a cost of 50¥ it is reinforced and can act as a simple weapon club (1d4 bludgeoning).
Binoculars: 250¥, Wt. 1 lb. Always noticed as a visual enhancers. Requires one hand to use. Can hold up to 6 Visual Enhancements. Standard modern electronic binocular
Goggles: 100¥, Wt. ½ lb. Always noticed as odd. Can be worn on head or strapped to a helmet. Can hold up to 5 Visual Enhancements. The size and shape of modern sky-diver goggles.
Glasses: 250¥, nil weight. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check to notice its’ different. Can hold up to 4 Visual Enhancements. Designed to look like normal shaded glasses.
Monocle: 150¥, nil weight. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check to notice its’ different. Can hold up to 4 Visual Enhancements, but character suffers One Eye Hindrance (Disadvantage with ranged attacks and perception rolls base 10ft): Covers one eye and designed to look like normal monocle.
Contact Lenses: 500¥, nil weight. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check at disadvantage, to notice its’ different. Can hold up to 2 Visual Enhancements. Costume eye contact lenses.
Earplugs: 150¥, nil weight. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 15 check to notice its’ different. Can hold 3 Audio Enhancements. Very subtle earplug like headphones.
Headphones: 250¥, Wt. ½ lb. With an action, a Wisdom (Perception) TN 12 check to notice to realize headphones are enhancers. Can hold up to 6 Audio Enhancements. Include level Audio Dampener for free (see below). These look like modern headphone devices.

Audio Enhancements – The following enhancements can be added to Earplugs or Headphones. Each counts as one Enhancement (see above for how many enhancements each device maybe fitted with).
Audio Amplifier: +400¥/level. Allows the user to make a listen based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level (counts as two enhancements) can make a base listen check out to 120ft as normal. With a third level this extends basic checks out to 200ft as a normal roll. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage.
Audio Enhancer: +300¥. This enhance adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for listening.
Dampener: +200¥. This enhanced grants the user advantage on any saving throws that involve sonic attacks or damage.
High/Low Freq Hearing: +400¥. This enhancement grants the user High and Low Frequenting Hearing.
Spatial Sound Recognizer: +1,000¥, and requiring 2 Enhancements. Allows the subject to ignore light and heavy concealment and darkness penalties out to 80 feet. Can be detected with Low Freq Hearing.

Visual Enhancements – The following Enhances can be added to an Image Scope (above), Binoculars, Goggles, Glasses, Monocles and Contact Lenses. Each equipment point counts as one Enhancement (see above for how many enhancements each device maybe fitted with.)
Low-Light Vision: +200¥. As species sense Low-Light Vision.
Flare Compensation: +200¥. This enhancement grants the user advantage on any saving throws that involved sudden flashes, light attacks, etc. that could blind the users.
Dark Vision: +500¥. This enhancement grants the user Darkvision out to 60 feet.
Vision Enhancement: +450¥. This enhance adds a +2 equipment bonus to the users Wisdom (Perception) checks (including Passive Perception) but only for sight.
Vision Magnification: +400¥/level. This enhancement allows the user to make a sight based Wisdom (Perception) check out to 60ft as normal. With a second level (counts as two enhancements) can make a base sight check out to 120ft as normal. With a third level this extends basic checks out to 200ft as a normal roll. Normally a basic Wisdom (Perception) checks past 30 feet are at disadvantage.

Auto-Doc Pod: 25,000¥, Wt. 100lbs. This is a coffin-sized trauma pod. A single patient enters it, and the lid is shut. The pod can treat the patient on its own or it can be controlled wirelessly. It is equipped with small robot like arms on the inside along with a built in hypospray syringe, medscanner and 10 doses of sprayskin. The dedicated AI has an Intelligence of 14, Wisdom 14, Proficiency +3 and skill Medicine (expertise) +8. It has a broadcast rating of 3 (1,000yds) and Firewall of 20.
Doc-Wagon Basic Contract: 10,000¥/year. Doc Wagon provides first class medical care, 24 hours a day within most Metroplexes areas. The contact include a medical ID signal for emergencies. Basic help arrives within 3d6 minutes. Hazardous Extraction 2d6 minutes but upfront cost of +10,000¥ each time.
Doc-Wagon Gold Contract: 50,000¥/year. As basic but no extra charges for Hazardous Extraction.
Hypospray Syringe: 200¥, Wt. ½ lb. (1lb full). This advanced injector allows a medic to quickly administer various drugs to a willing adjacent target. It is an action on the user’s part and requires a melee attack roll vs. an unwilling target. These injectors can hold up to 16 doses of any medicine, and they don’t have to be the same type. It’s a free action on the part of the medic to switch between the drug dosages to be administered.
Medscanner: 1,000¥, Wt. 2 lbs. A small hand-held wand grants advantage with Wisdom (Medicine) checks.
Sprayskin: 250¥, Wt. ½ lb. per container. This miraculous substance is applied from an aerosol container, and immediately sterilized and closes a bleeding wound, covering the skin with layer of colored material that acts as a growth medium for the body’s cells, and quickening healing. If, as an action, applied to an adjacent target or oneself, within one minute of suffering any HP damage, the target recovers 1d6 HP of damage instantly. The target must complete a long rest before benefiting from sprayskin again. Finally it allows the target to regain one addition Hit Dice after a long rest. A canister contains 6 doses of Sprayskin applications.
Syringe: 5¥, Wt. ¼ lbs. These are simply one-dose syringes. It takes one action to fill a syringe and one action to administer a dose of a drug into a willing adjacent target. It requires an attack roll vs. an unwilling target. Wt. ¼lb, Cost 5 credits each.

Drugs generally have a weight of around 32 doses per pound while patches weigh ½ lb. each. Drugs come in a pill form (that takes 1d4+1 minutes to active) or can be administered through a syringe (instant affect). There are also Patches, which administer a drug almost instantly (1 round). To administer a patch or syringe requires either a willing target and one action (by the target or adjacent administer) or a Melee attack roll if the subject is unwilling.
Antibiotic: 50¥/dose. This drug allows a target to immediately re-roll, with advantage, a saving throw against diseases or infections acquired in the last 8 hours. If successful, all remaining effects of the disease of infection are negated. Most take a rest before another dose will have any effect.
Antivenom: 30¥/dose. When applied a target may re-roll a saving throw against the Poisoned condition if they have it. If any poison-type hit point damage was inflicted to the subject within the last hour, the subject recovers/heals ½ of that damage back.
Bliss: 100¥/dose. This is a semi- hallucinogenic depressant that is fairly popular as an upper-class as a recessional drug. The subject gains one Hit Dice + Charisma modifier in temporary hit points. These temporary hit points last for 1d6 +2 hours. While under the affects the subject is also at disadvantage on ability checks or saves verses any Charisma (Deception) and (Persuasion) checks and any situation that can impose the charmed condition. However they do gain advantage vs. any saves that would impose the frightened condition and generally feel extremely relaxed and good about everything. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.
Cram: 50¥/dose. A popular drug that helps a person become super focused on the small details but somewhat obvious to everything else. For 1d4+1 hours after administration the subject has advantage on all Intelligence ability check, skills and saving throws. However the subject also have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks for the durations, except maybe for one small subject or detail they might be looks at. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.
Deepweed: 250¥/dose. This drug is extremely dangerous for not awakened (adepts and magic users) to take. For 1d4 hours after administration the subject is considered ‘awakened’ and sees into the astral space, but they are also vulnerable for any and all affects from astral space. All subjects gain advantage with all Intelligence and Wisdom ability checks, skills and saving throws for the duration. However, non-awakened subjects reduce the maximum number of hit points by 1d6 for every hour under the affect. These hit points return only after a long rest with Hit Dice rolls for healing the hit points. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again (Illegal).
Jazz: 75¥/dose. This drug heightens a character’s alertness and energy. Administering a dose grants the target advantage on Initiative checks and on all Intelligence (Investigation) and Wisdom (Perception) checks made for the next hour. Additionally the target removes all their current levels of exhaustion for six hours, but at the end of which they gain one additional level of exhaustion. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again (Restricted).
Kamikaze: 100¥/dose. This is an illegal combat drug popular with pit fighters and mercs. A target of a dose of Jazz gains 3d6 temporary hit points, plus one additional action, bonus action or reaction each round. The target also deals an addition +2 damage with melee attacks. These affects last for 3d6 rounds and then bonuses disappear and the user gains a level of exhaustion (Illegal).
Long Haul: 25¥/dose. This stimulant is popular with anyone who needs to stay awake and alert for days on end. After administering this drug the subject ignores the effects of loss sleep for up to four days. The subject can remain partially active during a short or long rest (not fighting or any heavy physical actively but can still be doing light work, driving, walking, on patrol, etc.) At the end the subject suffers three levels of exhaustion that can only be recovered through long rest. No drugs can remove this exhaustion safely. Anything that does also reduces the subjects maximum hit points by 2d4 points. Awakened characters who use this require a Constitution saving throw vs. a TN 15 or it costs them 1 point of Strain at the end! A subject must complete a long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.
Novacoke (drug): 100¥/dose. This is a popular street drug that has made its way to the upper classes also. After administration the subject gains 2d6 temporary hit points and gains advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks. They also gain advantage on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma saving throws except if that check involves keeping a secret. With ‘secrets’ or keeping their thoughts private they are at a disadvantage as they cannot seem to keep their mouths closed. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.
Patch, Antidote: 50¥ each. Instant and has the same effect as an Antivemon dose.
Patch, Stim: 50¥ each. Takes 1d6 rounds to removes 1 Exhaustion level. The effects lasts for 1d4+2 hours. Then subject gains the Exhaustion level back. Can be potentially harmful for magic users and adepts to use. Each time they do must make a Constitution save TN 10, +5 per time they have used one in the last 24 hours. Failure costs them 1 Strain points!
Patch, Tranq: 400¥ each. Instant. The subject must make a Constitution save vs. TN 15 or gains the Unconscious Condition. This condition last for 1d4 minutes afterwards. A Wisdom (Medicine) skill check vs. a TN 20 and one action can remove the condition by and adjacent ally.
Patch, Trauma: 50¥ each. When applied, as an action on an adjacent, dying creature it automatically stabilized the subject (3 death saves successes). It also restores the subject to 1 HP. A creature must complete a long rest before they can have this HP restored again (but it can be used to stabilize the same subject who is dying again).
Psyche: 250¥/does. This drug is popular with awakened character and is fairly safe for anyone to use. It is expensive though and so still rare. Administrating this drug grants the subject +2 insight bonus to all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma ability and skill checks and allows a magic user to ‘quicken’ one Concentration spell for the duration. The effects last for one hour. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.
Radcleanse: 100¥/dose. A mix of potassium chlorate and proprietary compounds, this medicine fights radiation sickness by flushing it from the body. A target who is administered a dose may roll a Hit Dice (best if multi-classed) and restore that amount to their maximum HP reduced due to radiation damage. They also get advantage on the constitution save to recover more of their maximum hit points (see The Environment). A creature cannot benefit from another dose of radcleanse until after it has completed a long rest.
Zen: 75¥/dose. Another legal stimulant that helps people focus. Grants the subject 2d6 temporary hit points a +2 insight bonus with all Intelligence and Wisdom ability and skill checks. However the subject is at disadvantage vs. all Charisma (Deception) checks used against them. The effects last for one hour. A subject must complete a short or long rest before they can benefit from the effects again.

3D Printer: 500¥, Wt. 10 lbs. This device uses raw material to create basic devices from predesigned blueprints. The printer can manufacture most common objects for just the cost of raw material about a rate of about one minute per pound. The basic model can manufacture items up to 50 pounds max weight. Blueprints can be downloaded from the Matrix and tend to run from 100¥ for fairly simple items to around 1,000¥ for the more complex.
Grapnel gun: 200¥, Wt. 4 lbs. 50¥ and 2 lbs. for a new cartridge wire spool. This pistol sized grapple launcher with 500 feet of thin-wired rope. It takes an action to fire and secure the line. Grants a Climb speed of 50ft a round (up or down). Max weight capacity of 500 pounds.
Microwire Grapple Gun: 1,000¥, Wt. 6lbs. This specialized made grapple gun fires an extremely thin but strong rope that can only be handled with Sheath gloves (see below) without dealing damage. Treat as Microwire Spool below if handled without the Stealth gloves. Grants a Climb speed of 60ft a round (up or down) with a maximum weight of 1,000 pounds (Restricted).
Microwire Spool: 800¥, Wt. 1lb. A spool of extremely thin and strong wire that can be only be handled with Sheath gloves (see below) and can be step up between two points as traps, etc. A standard spool is 100 feet in length and can be cut with wire cutters, etc. Anyone running into it must make a passive perception check at disadvantage or suffer 2d6 piercing damage, or 2d8 if the target is moving faster than 20ft speed (Restricted).
Sheath Gloves: 250¥, Wt. ½lb. Wearer can handle microwire safely, including security wire.
Wall Climbing Cups: these vacuum suction cups are worn on the user’s hands and feet allow the user a Climb speed of 10 feet on ‘hard’ (metal, glass, stone, etc.) horizontal surfaces. Wt. 4lbs. Cost 200¥.

Fake License: 1,000¥ for rating 20, nil weight. For carrying Restricted equipment in many civilian areas, required for each item and keep in electronic form on a comlink (like normal licenses are). Requires a Fake SIN. To uncover that that it is fake requires a Computer - Search roll vs. a security rating, but this rating degrades by 1 point every week (Illegal).
Fake SIN: 2,500¥ rating 20, nil weight. A Fake SIN/ID, generally keep in electronic form on a comlink. To uncover that that it is fake requires a Computer - Search roll vs. a security rating, but this rating degrades by 1 point every week. Enhanced versions increase the rating 25 for 10,000¥ (Illegal).
Electronic Bug/Tags: 100¥ each, Wt. 10 weigh about one pound. These tiny devices are easily concealed (Investigation 20, Perception DC25) that adhere to most surfaces. When planted they will detect one of the following sources (within 30ft) and can recorder and/or transmit what they are detecting to a hand held listening device with a broadcast 2 (100 yards). Bugs Detectors detect sounds (voices, etc.), Radios Detector detect radio signals, Motion Sensors detect movement, etc. When simply ‘recording’ they impose disadvantage on any hand scanner check to detect them. Otherwise it can be detect with a basic check.
Wellesley Lock: 50¥, Wt. 4 lbs. HP 15, Hardness 10, Resistance, Firewall none! This is an old-style, primitive iron lock that requires Thieves tools DC 15 to open. High quality locks DC to 20 and HP 20 for 250¥.
MagLock: 500¥, Wt. 5 lbs. HP 20, Hardness 8, Resistance, Firewall 25. These magnetic door locks come with keypad or wireless access port. The one seeking access must know the code or have the wireless access account in order to gain admittance. The base DC to overcome with a Maglock Passkey kit is 15 or with a Computer User hacking roll vs. the Firewall. Higher security systems increase the passkey DC to 20 and HP 25 for 2,000¥ and to DC 25, HP 25 and Hardness 10 for 10,000¥.
GeneLock: 1,000¥, Wt. 5 lbs. HP 20, Hardness 8, Resistance, Firewall 25. These locks require the one seeking access to submit to a micro-genetic scanner. By placing their thumb on a pad the computer runs a quick genetic scan. The base DC to overcome with a GeneLock kit is 15 or with a Computer Use hacking roll vs. the Firewall. Higher quality increase HP to 25 and Hardness 10.
Headjammer: 500¥, Wt. nil (requires a medical hypospray syringe or basic syringe). Injected into the subject’s bloodstream, these specialized nanobots sending out internal scramblers that suppress all wireless access to and from a subject. The subject may not use any internal Broadcast ability (internal comlink, VRC, etc.) for 1d6 hours. The subject must also make a Constitution save DC 12 or also gain the Poisoned condition for the duration (Restricted).
Neural Interface Disrupter: 750¥, Wt. nil (requires a medical hypospray syringe or basic syringe). Injection use to suppress all cyberware access from a person. At the beginning of each round the target requires an Intelligence save vs. a DC 15 or the subject may not use any cybernetic systems that round. The subject must also make a Constitution save DC 12 or also gain the Poisoned condition for the duration (Restricted).
Mage’s Hood & Restraint Coat: 1,000¥, Wt. 5 lbs. A hood & straight jacket imposes disadvantage on all Magic Attack rolls, Rituals and Conjuring ability checks. The target has the Blinded, Deafened and Restrained conditions throughout the duration. In order to attempt to escape they may try to make a Strength or Dexterity ability check (player’s choice) at disadvantage vs. a DC 18. This takes 1d6+4 rounds and cost the subject one level of Fatigue at the end. It takes 1d4+1 rounds to place a helpless subject into the coat and attach the hood (Restricted).
Jammer, Area: 750¥, Wt. 2lbs. Jams all wireless and radio communications within a 20yd radius (12 square radius) and can interfere with radar, etc. User is at disadvantage with any skill rolls that require communication or some kind and an Intelligence (Computer Use) skill roll at disadvantage vs. a DC 15 to even use a comlink, etc. to talk within the area.
Monofilament Handsaw: 500¥, Wt. 1lb. A hand saw with monofilament blade, good for cutting through chains or metal fences, etc. Damage 2d6 piercing, weapon properties AP & Heavy damage but only with a full round action. Disadvantage if used in melee combat (Restricted).
Monofilament Chainsaw: 750¥, Wt. 5lb. Chainsaw with monofilament teeth to extra cutting power. Damage 2d8 piercing, weapon properties, AP, Heavy, Heavy Damage, Two-Handed. Disadvantage if used in melee combat (Restricted).
Wire Cutters: 100¥, Wt. 1lb. Metal shears that are good for cutting wires and the like. Damage 2d4 piercing, with weapon properties Heavy Damage but only with a full round action and against wires and the like.
Metal Handcuff Restraints: 150¥, 1lb each. Can be placed onto a helpless or defenseless subject with an action, or requires a full round action (no move, bonus or reaction) and an opposed Strength (Athletics) check vs. the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target’s choice). Trying to break free requires 1d6+4 rounds of struggle with a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 20. If the target is restrained with its hands behind its back these checks are at disadvantage. Each attempt requires a Construction save DC 15 or causes one level of Exhaustion. This model is for normal sized humanoids, troll size cuffs are 200¥ and weigh 1½lb.
Pasteel Handcuff Restraints: 200¥, ½lb each. Can be placed onto a helpless or defenseless subject with an action, or requires a full round action (no move, bonus or reaction) and an opposed Strength (Athletics) check vs. the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target’s choice). Trying to break free requires 1d6+4 rounds of struggle with a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 20. If the target is restrained with its hands behind its back these checks are at disadvantage. Each attempt requires a Construction save DC 15 or causes one level of Exhaustion. This model is for normal sized humanoids, troll size cuffs are 250¥ and weigh ¾lb.
Plastic Handcuff Restraints: 75¥ and ½lb for a set of 4. Can be placed onto a helpless or defenseless subject with an action, or requires a full round action (no move, bonus or reaction) and an opposed Strength (Athletics) check vs. the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (target’s choice). Trying to break free requires 1d4+2 rounds of struggle with a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check DC 18. If the target is restrained with its hands behind its back these checks are at disadvantage. Each attempt requires a Construction save DC 12 or causes one level of Exhaustion. This model is for normal sized humanoids, troll size cuffs are 100¥ and weigh ¾lb for a set of 4.
Screamer: 300¥, Wt. 2 lbs. Proximity alarm that detects motion and sound, base Perception check +8. Within 30ft area of affect (6 square area), if motion is detected they set of an extremely loud alarm (or can transmit a silent alert to any number of comlinks, etc. within 50 yards). They automatically detects ultra-sound waves (Stummer or similar devices).
Stummer: 1,500¥, Wt. 3 lbs. This pocket sized high frequency sonic wave generator can mask sounds within about one foot of user. Adds advantage to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks but only for moving silently (does not allow you user to hide without cover, etc.). Ultrasonic sensors automatically detect these sonic waves.
White Noise Generator: 500¥, Wt. 2lbs. Used to mask talking within a 10yds (6 square) radius area from outside listeners. Disadvantage with Wisdom (Perception) checks vs. a DC 15 (20 if those inside the area are trying to hide or disguise their conversation).

Chemical Suit: 600¥, Wt. 10lbs. A chemical suit will protect its wearer (immunity) from contact toxins and hazards. Often combined with Gas Mask. If the wearer takes more than 2 points of piercing or slashing damage or any energy damage that could logically pierce the suit (acid but not cold, etc.) that it can cause tears and render the suit useless.
Gas Mask: 150¥, Wt. 2lbs. Protects wearer from harmful inhaled toxins and the eyes from contact toxins. Grants advantage to any saving throw required along with a +4 equipment bonus to saves while worn against inhaled toxins and gases. However the wearer also has limited visual range due to the goggles, etc. and suffers an -2 equipment penalty to passive perception and Wisdom (Perception) checks made with sight.
Filter Plugs: Cost 25¥, Wt. nil. Nose filter plugs that add +4 equipment bonus to saves vs. inhaled toxins when worn in the user’s nasal cavities.
Hazmat Suit: 1,500¥, Wt. 15lbs. Total resistance (immunity) vs. airborne & contact toxins, poisons & chemicals. Oxygen tanks last 4 hours. If the wearer takes more than 4 points of piercing or slashing damage or any energy damage that could logically pierce the suit (acid but not cold, etc.) that it can cause tears and render the suit useless. Suit acts like a chemical suit and gas mask without the oxygen tank.
Diving Gear: 600¥, Wt. 8lbs. A wet suit with oxygen tank. User can breathe underwater with 2 hour tank and gains +4 equipment bonus to saving throws vs. cold and high pressure environments (see the Environment). Also includes feet flippers that add a Swim speed of 15ft.
Light Sticks: 10¥ and Wt. ½lb for pack of 6. Break & drop chemical stick that provides dim illumination within a 15ft radius (3 squares).
Micro-Flares: 25¥ and Wt. ½lb for pack of 2. Small stick gun that can fire up to 1,000 yard range and can be seen for up to a mile away during the day a farther at night (5-10 miles depending on conditions and obscuring environment). Can provide dim illumination within a 30ft radius (6 squares) for 1 minute.
Rope, standard: 20¥, Wt. 4lbs. 50ft of standard rope that can support up to 1,000 pounds of weight. It takes 8 points of slashing or similar damage to cut it or a Strength check DC 25 to break.
Myineric Rope: 1,000¥, Wt. 6lbs. 50ft of “smart” rope that can be directed to climb up a wall, etc. and then to roll itself up afterwards (each taking 1 minute). Grants advantage on any Strength (Athletics) checks to climb and can support up to 1,000 pounds of weight. It takes 8 points of slashing or similar damage to cut it or a Strength check DC 25 to break (Restricted).
Stealth Rope: 500¥, Wt. 5lbs. 50ft of stealth rope that will disintegrate without a trace in two rounds with wireless command. Can support up to 1,000 pounds of weight. It takes 8 points of slashing or similar damage to cut it or a Strength check DC 25 to break (Restricted).
Repealing Gloves: Cost 50¥, Wt. nil. These tough gloves allow the wear to repeal down a rope at 100ft speed.
Canteen: 2¥, Wt. 2lbs full. Holds one quart of water that can be safely stored within for up to a week. Adding a filtration system costs +10¥.
MRE Ration: 5¥, Wt. 1lb each. One days’ worth of nutritious (but bland) food. Requires ¼ gallon of water.
Survival Kit: 250¥, Wt. 2lbs. A small compact kit to help one survive in wilderness environments. Grants a +2 equipment bonus to Wisdom (Survival) checks.

Glue Sprayer: 100¥, Wt. ½ lb. canister. An almost instantly hardening super-glue sealant in an aerosol can sprayer. Each application can cover about the size of a normal door, etc. In order to break through or remove an item stuck to something else, requires a Strength TN vs. 20 at disadvantage. Often it is easier to break the item or door itself then the overcome the glue. The sprayer comes with 10 applications before it is required to be refilled (+50¥).
Thermite Burning Bar: 250¥, Wt. 1 lb. bar. A super-hot burning brick with the consistency of silly-putty. When exposed to air it heats up to extreme levels allowing it to burn through most objects. Its’ surface is adhesive and can be stuck to most locks, etc. It requires an Action and a Tools (Demolitions) TN 10 check to set property. Damage 4d6 continuous fire damage for 30 seconds (5 rounds), weapon properties – AP and Heavy Damage (Military). [/sblock]

Drones use stats very close to normal creatures and have the Construct type. Vehicles use a new system found in the Vehicle combat section.

These are only the most common, “off the rank/stock” Drone found in the shadows. All drones have built in Comlinks (Broadcast 3/1,000yards, Firewall 20) and Rigger Upgrades. Also all Drones are at least Redistricted Availability.

Drone Attributes
Size: drones basic size. Fine is about the size of an insect, tiny a bird or cat, small a child, medium an adult metahuman, large an average troll and huge a car. The number in the parentheses is the weight capacity total that the drone can handle in built in gear and sensors, weapons, etc. Note that with Attribute boost (Strength), each level adds 10% to the drone’s capacity total (round to the nearest).
Cost: drones price new, in ¥.
Attributes: drones attributes
Prof: drone’s basic proficiency bonus.
Save: additional save type the drone has proficiency in.
Threshold: as with characters and vehicles, this is the damage to send a drone to Reeling.
Speed: the basic speed of a drone. Note that drones act as vehicle and can travel much faster in non-combat. Drones without legs or wheels, etc. have no ground speed.
AC: basic armor class without Dexterity bonus added on.
HD: basic Hit Dice of the drone.
HP: base number of Hit Points.
Battery: the drone’s operation time on a fully charged battery.
Special: any special abilities base on the drone’s size.

Optical Drone¹ [requires Cyber-Eye Replacement and Optic-Drone Mount]. This is a detachable eye drone with VTOL flight capacity and advanced sensors. Cost 10,000¥, Wt. 1.5lb. Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 18, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 7; Speed: 60ft fly (180 MPH); AC 14 (dex +4); SZ: Fine; HD: ½; HP: 5; Hardness: 0, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +4, Stealth +8; Special Qualities: VTOL propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 3hr recharge, Unarmed 1 bludgeoning point. Cannot mount weapons, limited modifiers. AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light) (½lb), Skill Expertise & Proficiency (Stealth).
Shiawase Kanmushi¹. This drone is designed to look like a cockroach with standard ‘gecko-crawl’ wall-crawling system. Cost 7,000¥, Wt. 1lb. Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 18, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 7; Speed: 30ft (30 MPH), climb 20ft; AC 15 (dex +4); SZ: Fine; HD: ½; HP: 5; Hardness: 0, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +2, Stealth +8; Special Qualities: Walker propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 2hr recharge, Unarmed 1 bludgeoning point. Cannot mount weapons, limited modifiers. Animal Form, Sensor (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light) (½lbs), Skill Expertise & Proficiency (Stealth), Wall Walker.
Sikorshy-Bell Microskimmer¹. A very small rotor vehicle (size of a small hummingbird) used for surveillance. Cost 9,000¥, Wt. 2lbs. Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 18, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 7; Speed: 40ft fly (8 MPH); AC 14 (dex +4); SZ: Fine; HD: ½; HP: 5; Hardness: 0, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +6, Stealth +6; Special Qualities: Rotor propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 2hr recharge, Unarmed 1 bludgeoning point. Cannot mount weapons, limited modifiers. AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Sensors (Darkvision 120ft, Telescopic Vision 120ft) (1lb), Skill Expertise (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Stealth)
Drone Hand¹ [requires a Cyberarm and Drone-Hand Mount]. This is a detectable cybernetic hand that can act like a remote stealth drone. Cost 9,600¥, Wt. 8.5 lbs; Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 18, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 12, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +6, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 8; Speed: 40ft (40 MPH); AC 15 (dex +4); SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +3, Stealth +8; Weapon Attack: -1 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Walking propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 3hr recharge, Unarmed 1d3 bludgeoning. AI boost (Wisdom) 1, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 2, Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light) (½lbs), Skill Expertise & Proficiency (Stealth), Wall Walker.
MCT Fly-Spy¹. This drone is designed to look like a common bird (normally a pigeon or a crow). Cost 10,400¥, Wt. 8 lbs; Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 14, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 8; Speed: 30ft fly (60 MPH); AC 13 (dex +2); SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +6, Stealth +4; Weapon Attack: -1 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Bird-Wing aircraft propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 2hr recharge, Unarmed 1d3 bludgeoning. Animal Form, AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Sensors (Low-Light Vision, Telescopic Vision 240ft), (1lb), Skill Expertise (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Stealth).
Lone Star iBall¹. This drone is designed to be tossed or rolled into a room. Then ball can roll on its own but cannot handle stairs (except to roll down them). For +1,000¥ can add an integrated 3-charge Flash-Bang grenade system (only weapon system allowed; see Grenades. The AOE is on the drone, 0 range). Cost 8,000¥, Wt. 8 lbs; Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 14, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 8; Speed: 30ft (30 MPH); AC 13 (dex +2); SZ: Tiny; HD: 1; HP: 10; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +8; Weapon Attack: -1 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Rolling propulsion. Advantage on Stealth checks, Construct, Battery 12hrs on 2hr recharge, Unarmed 1d3 bludgeoning. AI boost (Wisdom) 4, Sensor (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light, Motion Sensor) (2½lb), Skill Expertise (Perception).
Aztechnology Crawler³. This combat drone is built low to the ground and meant to operate in rough rural or urban environments, able to handle stairs and other obstacles. It design makes it hard to hit with ranged attacks (with a very low to the ground signature). Cost: 15,400¥, Wt. 47.5 lbs. Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 16, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 11; Speed: 40ft (40 MPH); AC 15 (dex +3); SZ: Small; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 6, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +4; Weapon Attack: +2 melee, +5 ranged; Special Qualities: Walker propulsion. Construct, Battery 12hrs on 4hr recharge, Unarmed 1d4 bludgeoning. Armor Upgrade 1 (5lbs), AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Attribute Boost (Strength) 2, (Dexterity) 2, Hardness 1 (5lbs), Low-Profile, Reinforced Chassis 1 (5lbs), Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision) (½lb), Weapon Mount (two light firearms or one heavy firearm) (2lbs), Weapon Proficiency (Light & Heavy firearms).
Cyberspace Designs Dalmatian². An advanced vector thrust recon drone features unique hover capability and a sturdy frame. Lone Star has licensed the design for urban surveillance duties, but comes with a light weapons mount standard. Cost 29,600¥, Wt. 33 lbs; Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 16, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 11; Speed: 90ft fly (210 MPH); AC 13 (dex +3); SZ: Small; HD: 2; HP: 20; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +5, Stealth +5; Weapon Attack: +3 melee, +6 ranged; Special Qualities: VTOL propulsion. Construct, Battery 12hrs on 5hr recharge, Unarmed 1d4 bludgeoning. AI boost (Wisdom) 3, Attribute boost (Strength) 2, (Dexterity) 2, Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision, Telescopic Vision 120ft) (1lb), Skill Proficiency (Stealth), Weapon Mount (two light firearms or one heavy firearm) (2lbs), Weapon Proficiency (Light & Heavy firearms).
Lockheed Optic-X². This is a fixed-winged stealth VSTOL drone for surveillance and monitoring, not especially combat. Cost 16,000¥, Wt. 32 lbs, about the size of a child; Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 16, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 16, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Dexterity +5, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 9; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH), stall 30ft; AC 13 (dex +3); SZ: Small; HD: 2; HP: 20; Hardness: 1, Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +7, Stealth +5; Weapon Attack: +1 melee, +5 ranged; Special Qualities: VSTOL Propeller propulsion (takeoff/landing 250ft). Construct, Battery 12hrs on 4hr recharge, Unarmed 1d4 bludgeoning. AI boost (Wisdom) 3, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Sensors (Darvision 120ft, Low-Light, Telescopic 240ft) (2lbs), Skill Expertise (Perception), Skill Proficiency (Stealth), Stealth System.
MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone². A simple ruggedly made, no-nonsense rotor-blade drone that can handle various weapon platforms. Cost: 42,000¥, Wt. 123lbs. Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 14, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Strength +3, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 16; Speed: 50ft fly (100 MPH); AC 13 (dex +2); SZ: Medium; HD: 4; HP: 40; Hardness: 6 (+4 vs. ballistic damage), Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +6; Weapon Attack: +3 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Rotor propulsion. Construct, Battery 10hrs on 9hr recharge, Unarmed 1d6 bludgeoning. Armor Plating 1 (10lbs), AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 2, Hardness 1 (bullet-proofing 1) (20lbs), Expertise (Perception), Reinforced Chassis 2 (20lbs), Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision, Telescopic Vision 2) (1lb), Weapon Mounts (4 heavy firearms) (8lbs), Weapon Proficiencies (Light and Heavy firearms)
GM-Nissan Doberman³. This is a four-wheeled solidly built combat drone platform for light security patrol work. Cost: 24,000¥, Weight 190.5lbs. Attributes: Strength 16, Dexterity 14, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +2; Save: Strength +5, Intelligence +3; Threshold: 18; Speed: 35ft (70 MPH); AC 15 (dex +2); SZ: Medium; HD: 5; HP: 50; Hardness: 7 (+4 vs. ballistic damage), Proficiencies: Computer Use +3, Perception +4; Weapon Attack: +5 melee, +4 ranged; Special Qualities: Wheeled propulsion. Construct, Battery 10hrs on 3hr recharge, Unarmed 1d6 bludgeoning. Armor upgrade 2 (20 lbs), AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Attribute Boost (Strength) 2, Dexterity (2), Combat Tracking Software (+2 ranged damage), Hardening 1 (bullet proofing 1) (20lbs), Reinforced Chassis 2 (20lbs), Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision) (½lb), Speed 2, Weapon Mounts (4 heavy firearms and 1 heavy weapon) (16lbs), Weapon Proficiencies (Heavy weapons, Light and Heavy firearms).
Crash-Craft AutoDoc. This six wheeled drone has a pair of specially designed and padded actuator arms that allow it to lift one metahuman sized creature (Medium sized or smaller) and place it within its reinforced medical-coffin interiors where an advanced AutoDoc program system can work to save critically injured. These drones are often used for high risk excretions for DocWagon contracts. Cost 64,000 ¥, Wt. 450 lbs, about the size of an adult troll; Attributes: Strength 18, Dexterity 8, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength +7, Intelligence +4; Threshold: 26; Speed: 20ft (40 MPH); AC 13; SZ: Large; HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 4; Proficiencies: Computer Use +4, Medicine +12, Perception +7; Weapon Attack: +7 melee, +2 ranged; Special Qualities: Wheeled propulsion. Construct, Battery 8hrs on 4hr recharge, Unarmed 1d8 bludgeoning. Arm-Actuator Lifter (45lbs), AI Boost (Wisdom) 4, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 1, Auto-Doc Pod (see Medical gear) (100lbs), Enhanced Programming (feat: First Aid), Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision) (½lb), Skill Expertise & Proficiency (Medicine).
Steel Lynx Combat Drone (Military). This is a military grade combat drone built something like a four-legged tetrapod with a flexible body form and two arm mounts for maximum combat effectiveness. Cost 58,000¥, Wt. 534 lbs; Attributes: Strength 26, Dexterity 16, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength +9, Intelligence +4; Threshold: 28; Speed: 30ft (30 MPH); AC 15 (dex +1); SZ: Large; HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 6; Proficiencies: Computer Use +4, Perception +5; Weapon Attack: +11 melee, +6 ranged; Special Qualities: Walker propulsion. Construct, Battery 8hrs on 4hr recharge, Unarmed 1d8 bludgeoning. Armor Plating 2 (30lbs), AI Boost (Wisdom) 2, Attribute Boost (Strength) 2, (Dexterity) 2, Combat Tracking Software (+2 ranged damage), Hardening 1 (bullet-proofing 2), Reinforced Chassis 2 (30lbs), Sensors (Darkvision 60ft, Low-Light Vision, Motion Sensor) (10lbs), Weapon Mount (4 heavy firearms, 1 heavy weapon) (16lbs), Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Firearms, Heavy Weapons).
Renraku Stormcloud². This large lighter-then-air mini-blimp is solar powered recon drone is built to remain in the air for up to two days. Its advanced sensors allow it to remain high in the air and generally out of damage from non-flying threats. It cannot handle much in the way of weapons and is slow and clumsy in most combat situations. Cost: 28,000¥, Wt. 1,000lbs; Attributes: Strength 22, Dexterity 6, Constitution n/a, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 16, Charisma 6; Proficiency Bonus +3; Save: Strength +8, Intelligence +5; Threshold: 28; Speed: 20ft (20 MPH); AC 9 (dex -2); SZ: Huge; HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 4; Proficiencies: Computer Use +5, Perception +9, Stealth +1; Weapon Attack: +8 melee, +1 ranged; Special Qualities: Lighter-Then-Air (LTA) propulsion. Construct, Battery 48hrs on 14hr recharge, Unarmed 1d6 bludgeoning. AI boost (Intelligence) 1, (Wisdom) 3, Enhanced Battery 2, Extra Battery 1, Sensors (Low-Light Vision, Telescopic Vision 240ft base), Skill Expertise (Perception), Skill Training (Stealth), Weapon Mount (can hold either two light firearms or one heavy one), Weapon Proficiency (light & heavy firearms).

¹ These drones count as Stealth drone for Drone Rigger choices at character creation. Stealth drones are meant to not be seen or not be seen as a drone (or both). Stealth drones tend to be fine or tiny in size and almost never have weapons attached.
² These drones count as Recon drones for Drone Riggers choice at character creation. Recon drones might have some stealth systems like the Stealth drone but they have addition sensors to seek out information.
³ These drones count as Combat drones for Drone Rigger choices at character creation. Built for combat and carrying weapons.

Vehicles sizes range from Medium up to Titan (two steps greater than colossal). Almost all vehicles have at least a comlink with a Broadcast 1 (100yards) and Firewall of 15 unless removed or really old (like 50+ years). All vehicles have resistant to all non-Heavy Damage weapons and ‘Physical’ energy damage attacks (spells).

Vehicle Attributes
Cost: the basic cost in ¥, with numbers in parentheses is the cost for a battery power source. Note that ‘stock’ vehicles gain a 5-10% discount on overall cost due to standardized assembly.
Size: See GM section for full chart.
Crew and Passengers the standard crew size and maximum number of passengers. Note that normally a troll counts as two medium sized creatures.
Cargo: basic cargo load
Modifier: This is the equipment bonus or penalty when attempting a maneuver checks.
Speed: The base speed and maximum MPH in parentheses.
Cover: the cover bonus to all crew and passengers (PHB).
Power: whether gas or battery powered. See vehicles for costs of fuel and recharges.
AC (Armor Class): The basic armor class of the vehicle.
HD (Hit Dice): Vehicle hit dice. All hit dice are 1d10 and grant maximum amount to vehicles.
HP (Hit Points): The amount of damage the vehicle can suffer before being disabled.
Hardness: the hardness of the vehicle. Reduce all damage dealt by this amount.
Threshold the vehicles Damage Threshold verse damage (its Strength modifier + size bonus).
Abilities basic ability scores of vehicles which include Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom.
Skills: These are the skills that the vehicle’s AI can perform as directed by the owner/operator.
Availability: if the vehicle is Restricted or Military grade.

All motorcycles have a wheeled (two wheeled) system.
Dodge Scooter. This is a light, around the town, easy to operate scooter-bike. Cost: 1,350¥ (battery 1,880¥); Size: Medium; Crew: 1; Passengers: 0; Cargo: 40 lbs; Modifier: +2; Speed: 50ft (60 MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas 8 hours on 2 gallons (Electric 8hrs on 1hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 18; Abilities: Strength 16, Dexterity 14; Notes: Bike propulsion. Off road loses maneuver bonus with an additional -4/-8 penalty. Attribute Boost 2 (Dexterity), No passengers, Reduced cargo space 2, Reduced fuel/battery 2.
Suzuki Mirage. A popular racing bike, especially with go-gangers looking for speed. Cost: 9,400¥ (15,500¥ for battery); Size: Medium; Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 40 lbs; Modifier: +4; Speed: 90ft (180 MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas -16hours on 4 gallons (Electric -16hrs on 4hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 3; HP: 30; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 19; Abilities: Strength 18, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 12 Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Notes: Bike propulsion. Off road lose maneuver bonus with an additional -4/-8 penalty. AI Upgrade, Boost Signal +1, Increased Firewall 1, Enhanced Attributes (Strength) 1, (Dexterity) 4, Enhanced Speed 8, Hardening 1.
Yamaha Growler. A popular off-road, ruggedly built motorbike. Cost: 11,000¥ (16,500¥); Size: Medium; Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 40 lbs; Modifier: +2; Speed: 70ft (140 MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas 16 hours on 4 gallons (Electric -16hrs on 4hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 4; HP: 40; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 20; Abilities: Strength 20, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12 Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Notes: Bike propulsion. Armor Plating 1, AI upgrade, Boost Signal +1, Increased Firewall 1, Enhanced Attributes (Strength) 2, (Dexterity) 2, Enhanced Speed 4, Hardening 1, Off-Road, Reinforced Chassis 1. Troll upgrade adds +1,000¥ (increase Strength to 22, Threshold 21, and Hardness to 6).
Harley Davidson Scorpion. A very popular heavy (and big!) copper that is built to take a beating. Cost: 18,000¥ (23,000¥ battery); Size: Large; Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 200 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 60ft (120 MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas -12hr on 10 gallons (Electric 12hrs on 4hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 7; HP: 70; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 29; Abilities: Strength 28, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base; Notes: Bike propulsion. Off-road penalties of -2/-6 to maneuver checks. Armor Plating 1, AI Upgrade, Boost Signal +1, Enhanced Attributes (Strength) 2, (Dexterity) 1, Enhanced Speed 4, Hardening 1, Less Crew (-3), Off-Road Handling, Reinforced Chassis 1. Troll upgrade adds +2,000¥ to cost (increase Strength to 28, Threshold to 31 and Hardness to 6).

GMC Everglades. A fairly common civilian ‘hover-truck’. Cost: 65,000¥ (74,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 2,000 lbs; Modifier: +1; Speed: 50ft (72 MPH); Cover: Full or Half; Power: Gas -10hrs on 80 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 10; HP: 100; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base plus Perception +2, Vehicle (Hover) +3; Notes: Hovercraft. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Armor upgrade 1, AI upgrade with Signal boost 2, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 3, Automation, Cargo 2, Reinforced Chassis 1, Speed 2.
GMC Beachcraft. These fully enclosed hover vehicles are lightly armored and armed and are often used as patrol craft on rivers and waterways. Cost: 115,000¥ (140,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 2; Passengers: 8; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +1; Speed: 50ft (72 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -15hrs on 120 gallons of gas (Electric -14hrs on a 8hr recharge); AC: 13 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 10; HP: 100; Hardness: 9 (+8 vs. ballistic damage); Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base plus Perception +2, Vehicle (Hover) +3; Notes: Hovercraft. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Armor upgrade 1, AI upgrade with Signal boost 2 and Firewall +1, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 3, Automation, Cargo 2, Enhanced Battery 2 or Larger Fuel tank (+50%), Hardness 2 (bullet proofing +2), Reinforced Chassis 1, Rigger Upgrade, Speed 2, Weapon Mount (1 super-heavy, 4 heavy weapons), Weapon Proficiency (Heavy Weapons, Super-Heavy Weapons).

Cessna C750. A private twin-engine jet aircraft. Cost: 435,500¥ (620,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 20; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 130ft (520 MPH), stall speed 75ft; Cover: Full; Power: Gas -16hr on 800 gallons of gas (Electric -16hrs on a 16hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Broadcast 4, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +4, Vehicle (Jet) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Jet aircraft (Runway 4,000ft). Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. AI upgrade with Signal boost +3 with Firewall +1 and uplink, AI boost (Wisdom) 4, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Extra Battery 1 or Larger Fuel Tank, Rigger Upgrade, Sensors (Low-Light Vision, Radar, base blindsense 10 miles), Speed 2.
Federal-Boeing Commuter. Commuter very-short takeoff and landing jet that can be reconfigured into a heavy cargo freighter instead. Cost: 15,500,000¥ (36,400,000¥); Size: Behemoth; Crew: 8; Passengers: 192; Cargo: 50,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 90ft (900 MPH) stall speed 45ft; Cover: Full; Power: Gas -16hrs on 40,000 gallons of gas (Electric -16hrs on a 18hr recharge); AC: 12; HD: 15; HP: 150; Hardness: 4; Threshold: 80; Abilities: Strength 70, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 18, Broadcast 5 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base Perception +4, Vehicle (Jet) -4; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Sonic-Jet engine with VSTOL upgrade (Runway 2,000ft). Basic crash system, when in use crew suffers only ¾ damage from crashes. AI upgrade with Signal boost +4 with Firewall +1 and uplink, AI boost (Wisdom) 4, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Crew (+80 passengers) or less crew (-72 for +8,000 lbs) and cargo space 1 (cargo then becomes 87,300 lbs), Enhanced Environmentally Sealed (200 crew for 18hr), Extra Battery 1 or Larger Fuel Tank, Gyrostabilization, Rigger Upgrade, Sensors (Low-Light Vision, Radar, base blindsense 10 miles), Speed 2.
Ares Thunder Light Attack Fighter. One of the more popular stealth jet fighter of modern militaries. Cost: 894,000¥ (950,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 2; Cargo: 8,500 lbs; Modifier: +5 (attack +0); Speed: 160ft (640 MPH) Stall speed 80ft; Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hr on 2,500 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 14hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 8; HP: 80; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 20, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 16, Broadcast 5 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +5, Vehicle (Jet) +3; Availability: Military; Notes: Afterburner Jet Aircraft (runway 2,000ft). Basic crash system, when in use crew suffers only ¾ damage from crashes. Less Crew for more cargo (to carry bombs or missiles). Advanced Controls, Armor upgrade 1, AI upgrade with Signal boost +4 with Firewall +1 and uplink, AI boost (Intelligence) 3, (Wisdom) 4, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 5, Automation, Ejection System, Environmentally Sealed (2 crew for 18hr), Gyrostabilization, Hardening 1, Rigger Upgrade, Speed 2, Stealth system, Weapon Mount (6 Super-heavy mounts), Weapon Proficiency (Heavy weapons, Super-heavy weapons).

Northup Wasp. This small, one-person helicopter are often used for urban combat rolls. While not illegal in its standard configuration, arming one completely certainly is. Cost: 130,000¥ (148,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Cargo: 3,250 lbs; Modifier: +3 (attack bonus +1); Speed: 80ft (160 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 120 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 8hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 7; HP: 70; Hardness: 7; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 20, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base plus Perception +2, Vehicle (Rotor) +5; Availability: Restricted (Military if armed); Notes: Rotorcraft propulsion. Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. AI with signal boost 2 and uplink with Firewall +1, AI upgrade (Intelligence) 2, Armor Upgrade 1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 5, Automation, Hardness 2, Less Crew (for more cargo +2,250lbs for payload), Reinforced Chassis 1, Rigger upgrade, Sensor (Combat Radar, blindsense 1 mile extended, Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 120ft, Telescopic Vision 240ft), Weapon Mount (two Super-heavy, 4 heavy weapon mounts).
Hughes Stallion. This is a common civilian utility helicopter often seen in the service as an urban executive transport. Cost: 60,000¥ (72,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +2; Speed: 80ft (160 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 120 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 8hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int; HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3 with satellite uplink, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base plus Perception +2, Vehicle (Rotor) +4; Notes: Rotorcraft propulsion. Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. AI with signal boost 2 and uplink with Firewall +1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 4, Automation, Rigger upgrade, Sensors (Darkvsison 120ft, Low-Light Vision, Radar, blindsense 10 miles noncombat).
Ares Dragon. A heavy cargo helicopter that can handle additional weight with an external sling. Cost: 535,000¥ (625,000¥); Size: Colossal; Crew: 4; Passengers: 18; Cargo: 21,000 lbs; Modifier: -6; Speed: 50ft (100 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: 8hr on 500 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 60; Abilities: Strength 50, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3 with satellite uplink, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base Perception +2, Vehicle (Rotor) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Rotorcraft propulsion. Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. AI with signal boost 2 and uplink with Firewall +1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 4, Automation, Less Crew for more cargo (-20 crew for +5,000 lbs cargo), Rigger upgrade, Sensors (Darkvsison 120ft, Low-Light Vision, Radar, blindsense 10 miles noncombat). Cargo sling cost +110,000¥ and can haul 105,000 lbs (52.5 tons) of extra cargo externally.

Ares Iron-Mustang APC. This armored APC runs on an advanced tracked system that allow it to climb over or through must obstacles. It can carry up to 12 heavily armored and armored troopers in the passenger bay. Cost: 265,000¥ (330,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 2; Passengers: 18*; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 35ft (70 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -12hr on 450 gallons of gas (Electric -12hrs on a 11hr recharge); AC: 15; HD: 16; HP: 160; Hardness: 11 (+8 vs. ballistic damage); Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 25; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Tracked) +4; Availability: Military; Notes: Tracked propulsion (ignore difficult terrain, Off-road penalties -2/-2). Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. AI with signal boost 2 and Firewall +2, AI upgrade (Intelligence) 2, Armored upgrade 1, Automation, Enhanced Batter or Larger Fuel Tank, Hardness 2 (bullet proofing 2), Reinforced Chassis 2, Rigger Upgrade, Speed 2, Weapon Mount (one Super-heavy in a turret, 4 heavy weapons).
* Armored Passengers count as 1.5 Passengers (or 3 per troll).

Include VLA (Very-Low-Altitude) aircraft.
GMC Banshee. The ‘thunerbird’ is a low-altitude armored VTOL craft that can haul up 4 tons of cargo. While common with smugglers it is pretty illegal in civilian areas. Cost: 465,650¥ (518,150¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 1; Passengers: 6; Cargo: 4 tons; Maneuver: +1; Speed: 120ft (360 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -12hrs on 750 gallons (Electric 12hrs on 7hr recharge); AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 16; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 20, Intelligence 14, Wisdom 14, Broadcast 4 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 25; Proficiency: base plus Notice +4, Vehicle (VTOL) +3; Availability: Military; Notes: VTOL Aircraft propulsion. Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ¾ damage from crashes. AI upgrade with Signal boost 3 and uplink and Firewall 2, AI boost (Intelligence) 1, (Wisdom) 2, Armor 3, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 5, Automation, Cargo 2, Enhanced batteries or Larger fuel tanks, Hardening 5, Less Crew 12 (for cargo +3,000 lbs), Reinforced Chassis 4, Rigger upgrade, Sensors (Combat Radar -blindsense 200ft base, 1 mile extended; Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision, Telescopic vision 120ft), Weapon Mount (2 Super-heavy in a Turret and 4 Heavy mounts), Weapon Proficiencies (Heavy Weapon, Super Heavy Weapons).

Any type of water vehicles, be it surface or submersible.
SC Otter. This a popular sports and speed boat of the low-end corporate exec that is also popular with smugglers. Cost: 40,000¥ (52,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 60ft (60 MPH); Cover: Half; Power: Gas -20hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -20hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 4 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Watercraft) +2; Notes: Watercraft propulsion. AI with signal boost 3 and uplink, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Sensors (Darkvsion 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Speed 4.
MT Sea Nymph. This is a large luxury pleasure yacht of the ultra-rich. Cost: 2,200,000¥ (3,000,000¥); Size: Behemoth; Crew: 8; Passengers: 70; Cargo: 50,000 lbs; Modifier: -6; Speed: 25ft (25 MPH); Cover: Full or Half; Power: Gas -32hrs on 4,000 gallons of gas (Electric -32hrs on a 12hr recharge); AC: 13; HD: 20; HP: 200; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 80; Abilities: Strength 70, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 4 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +3; Skills: base Perception +3, Vehicle (Watercraft) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Watercraft populsion. AI with signal boost 3 and uplink, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Sensors (Darkvsion 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Enhanced Software (+1), Expertise (Watercraft), Extra Battery or Large Fuel Tank, Living Space (80 people), Luxury Features, Sensors (Darkvsion 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Speed 1.
Vulkan Electronaut. A ‘civilian’ recreational mini-submarine, not much larger than a large sedan. Cost: 40,000¥ (54,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 2; Passengers: 8; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 40ft (40 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -20hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -20hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Watercraft) +2; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Watercraft propulsion. AI with signal boost +2 and Firewall +1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Sensors (Sonar, blindsight up to 5 miles noncombat), Submersible (Speed 20ft/20MPH underwater).
Morgan Cutlass. This is a light armored patrol boat that has occasionally found its way into the hands of smugglers. Cost: 136,000¥ (150,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 20; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: -4; Speed: 60ft (60 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hr on 100 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13; HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 6 (+8 vs. ballistic damage); Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 4 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Watercraft) +2; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Watercraft propulsion. AI with signal boost 3 and uplink with Firewall +1, Automation, Armor upgrade 1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Expertise (Watercraft), Hardness 1 (bullet-proofing 2), Rigger upgrade, Sensors (Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision, Telescopic Vision 240ft), Speed 4, Weapon Mounts (2 Super-heavy on a turret, 4 heavy weapon).

Wheeled vehicles are from three to six wheeled ground craft.
Honda Spirit. A very simply built and cheap 3-wheeled town car. Cost: 3,200¥ (4,600¥); Size: Large; Crew: 1; Passengers: 2; Cargo: 200 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: 12 hours on 10 gallons (Electric -10hrs on a 4hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 32; Abilities: Strength 24, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: basic; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Fewer Passengers (-2), Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade with Signal Boost 1, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 1, Inferior Controls.
Mercury Comet. A popular and cheap family town-car. Cost: 7,000¥ (8,200¥); Size: Large; Crew: 1; Passengers: 4; Cargo: 200 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: 12 hours on 10 gallons (Electric -10hrs on a 4hr recharge); AC: 11 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 6; HP: 60; Hardness: 2; Threshold: 32; Abilities: Strength 24, Dexterity 12, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: basic, Perception +2, Vehicles (Wheeled) +2; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade with Signal Boost 1, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 1, Automation, Inferior Controls.
Ford Phantom 3R. Your basic urban family midsized suburban, with built with some structural reinforcements for added safety. Cost: 16,000¥ (21,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 50ft (100 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +2; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. Advanced crash system (with engaged crew suffer ¼ damage from crashes), AI with signal boost 2, Automation, Inferior Controls, Speed 2.
Ford Spiral 115Ti. Marketed as an “economy” sports car for modern roads. Cost: 32,000¥ (36,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 2, Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +1; Speed: 70ft (140 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 16, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 20; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +3; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI with signal boost 2 and Firewall +1, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 3, Automation, Less Passengers (-5), Speed 6.
Eurocar Westwind 3K. A popular racing car with turbo-charged engine for added speed and advanced controls for better maneuverability. Cost: 58,000¥ (72,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 1; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +2; Speed: 70ft (140 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int; HD: 9; HP: 90; Hardness: 3; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +4; Notes: Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. Wheeled propulsion. Advanced Control, Advanced Crash System (when engaged, crew suffers only ¼ crash damage), AI upgrade with signal boost and Firewall +2, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 4, Automation, Less crew (-8), Speed 6, Turbo-charged engine (speed 110ft/220MPH but consume twice the base times fuel/battery and maneuvers are at disadvantage).
Toyota Gopher. A popular full off-road sporting vehicle. Cost: 30,000¥ (34,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 4; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +0; Speed: 50ft (100 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -10hrs on 40 gallons of gas (Electric -10hrs on a 5hr recharge); AC: 12 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 10; HP: 100; Hardness: 5; Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +2; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Off-road penalties of -0/-4 to maneuver checks. Advanced Crash System (when engaged, crew suffers only ¼ crash damage), AI upgrade with signal boost, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Hardness 1, Less Crew (-5), Off-Road with Resistance to Maneuver damage, Reinforced Chassis 1, Speed 2.
Mitsubishi Nightsky. A very sleek and modern armored limousine for the corporate or criminal elite. Cost: 150,000¥ (190,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 50ft (100 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -12hr on 150 gallons of gas (Electric -12hrs on a 7hr recharge); AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 14; HP: 140; Hardness: 9 (+8 vs. ballistic); Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3 with Satellite uplink, Firewall 25; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Off-road penalties of -2/-6 to maneuver checks. Advanced Crash System (passengers with systems engaged take ¼ damage from crashes), AI with signal boost +2 and uplink with Firewall +2, Armor upgrade 2, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Enhanced Battery 2 or Larger Fuel tank, Enhanced Software (proficiency +1), Luxury features, Hardening 2 (bullet proofing 2), Off-Road handling, Reinforced Chassis 2, Rigger update, Sensors (Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Speed 4.
GMC Bulldog Step Van. This is a common light cargo and light security van. Cost: 70,000¥ (94,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 1; Passengers: 9; Cargo: 9,750 lbs; Modifier: -4; Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -8hr on 100 gallons of gas (Electric -8hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 13; HP: 130; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 2, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) -2; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, crew take ½ damage from crashes. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade and signal boost 1, Armor upgrade 1, Automation, Cargo 1, Less Crew (-10 crew for +2,500 cargo), Hardening 2, Reinforced Chassis 1, Speed 2.
Ares Roadmaster. These are large urban and armored transports, the heaviest allowed for civilians. Cost: 150,000¥ (195,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 2; Passengers: 18*; Cargo: 4,000 lbs; Modifier: -2; Speed: 45ft (90 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -12hr on 150 gallons of gas (Electric -12hrs on a 7hr recharge); AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 13 (+8 vs. ballistic); Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 14, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 1, Firewall 15; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, passengers take ½ damage from crashes. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade with signal boost 2 and Firewall +2, Armor Upgrade 2, Attribute boost (Dexterity) 2, Automation, Enhanced Battery 2 or Larger Fuel tank, Hardness 4 (bullet proofing 2), Reinforced Chassis 1, Rigger Upgrade, Sensors (Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Speed 3.
* Armored Passengers count as 1.5 Passengers (or 3 per troll).
Nordkapp Zugmaschine Tractor Trailer. Long distance heavy semi-truck with trailer for moving large cargos. Has advanced rigged upgrade and AI with improved security so not to be hacked easily. Cost: 136,000¥ (220,000¥); Size: Gargantuan; Crew: 2; Cargo: 8,500 lbs; Modifier: -4; Speed: 40ft (80 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -24hr on 100 gallons of gas (Electric -24hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 13 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 12; HP: 120; Hardness: 8; Threshold: 45; Abilities: Strength 40, Dexterity 10, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 14, Broadcast 5 with Satellite upgrade, Firewall 25; Proficiency: +4; Skills: base, Perception +4, Vehicle (Wheeled) +0; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, crew take ½ damage from crashes. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade with signal boost +4 and uplink with Firewall +2, AI boost (Wisdom) 2, Armored Upgrade 1, Automation, Enhanced & Extra battery (x2+1) or Large Fuel tank (x3), Enhanced Software (proficiency) 2, Hardness 2, Hauler (trailer can haul 85,000 lbs/42.5 tons), Less Crew (more cargo +4,500), Rigger Upgrade, Sensors (Darkvision 120ft, Low-Light Vision), Speed 2.
Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-1. This is your standard police cruiser built over a reinforced sedan. Cost: 72,000¥ (104,000¥); Size: Huge; Crew: 1; Passengers: 4; Cargo: 1,000 lbs; Modifier: +2; Speed: 70ft (140 MPH); Cover: Full; Power: Gas -15hrs on 60 gallons of gas (Electric -15hrs on a 6hr recharge); AC: 14 + Dex/Int (max +2); HD: 11; HP: 110; Hardness: 7 (+8 vs. ballistic damage); Threshold: 35; Abilities: Strength 30, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 12, Wisdom 10, Broadcast 3, Firewall 25; Proficiency: +2; Skills: base, Perception +2, Vehicle (Wheeled) +4; Availability: Restricted; Notes: Wheeled propulsion. Basic Crash system, with seatbelts worn, crew take ½ damage from crashes. Off-road penalties of -4/-8 to maneuver checks. AI upgrade with signal boost 2 and Firewall +2, Armor upgrade 2, Attribute Boost (Dexterity) 4, Automation, Enhanced Batteries 2 or Large Fuel tank, Less Crew (-5), Hardness 1 (bullet proofing 2), Reinforced Chassis 2, Rigger upgrade, Speed 6.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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