This is most in keeping with how I would approach these properties as well. What if Luke died in the Mos Eisley Cantina? There's Obi-Wan, devastated by the death of Luke, but, he still needs to go rescue Leia - so, in step our PC heroes and the story moves forward from there. Poof, your PC's are now the center of the story and we can fold, spindle and maul the setting to our heart's content.
See, this gets back around to the point I was originally making. To me, the other domains don't exist. If I was going to run a horror campaign, that wasn't Ravenloft, I wouldn't bother with anything to do with Ravenloft as a setting - Domains of Dread etc. I would go 100% new and completely ignore Ravenloft because to me, Ravenloft=Strahd. Now, I have no problems with Curse of Strahd as an adventure. I do rate it as probably one of the best modules of all time, certainly the best of 5e.