SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)

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OOC: We don't really have any 'heavies', IVV. I think that's one of the reasons we had so much trouble last combat. Dirk is right that you should be behind Lorth where your SA is more likely to come into play, and then flanking if possible. That's why I healed Balnibar rather than Genithar.

Workroom Ruckus: Surprise Round

The door opens to... chaos. The workshop is full of tables covered in half completed projects. Metal chains hang from tracks on the ceiling, most of them sporting tools or complicated constructions. The packed room would make it difficult to move around.

Making things worse is a a brutish looking heavy who is busy smashing some metal bits in front of him, oblivious to the group. His face is covered in red/blue blotchy boils. Lorth, who is the only one that can clearly see into the room, notices that man's unpleasant disposition is probably caused by the various partial constructs going amok in the room. Buzzing flying machines, clanking toyboxes, whatever you could imagine is chriping, thumping, or otherwise going crazy. The shifter also notices an odd-looking circular-screw object that seems to be throwing random junk around the room.

Lorth see no signs of a 'Doggie' looking creature.

Workroom Ruckus: Surprise Round

Upper floor

R: 24
C: 18
C: 18
M: 17
H: 17
L: 11 [8/10hp]
B: 9 [8/9hp]
G: 8 [1/4hp]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, C: Missile construct, G: Genithar, H: Angry Heavy, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs.
Conditions: The entire room is considered difficult terrain. Dark Red Border: Dying, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Surprise round actions (standard only)]


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Redclaw said:
OOC: We don't really have any 'heavies', IVV. I think that's one of the reasons we had so much trouble last combat. Dirk is right that you should be behind Lorth where your SA is more likely to come into play, and then flanking if possible. That's why I healed Balnibar rather than Genithar.

ooc: Fair enough, but he's still small. You guys look like "heavies" to him. :)

Although he is loath to fire upon anyone in this situation, Balnibar nonetheless steps forward and does so to the heavy under cover of surprise.

Corran steps in next to Lorth, keeping his shield ready, and shouts at the heavy, Your allies are already down. Surrender and we'll tell the authorities that you were cooperative.

In the back of the group, the Wizard is the last to enter the frenzied chaos of the chamber, sticking far to the south east and making sure to keep a line of his comrades tween he and the angered thug. Still, he tries to angle for a clear shot at the Heavy, bringing his stout Karrnathi light crossbow up and sightng along it as he gazes about the room.

Spying the boils upon the man's face and understanding the implications of aberrant marks, Genithar calls a warning, 'Friends! 'Ware magical attacks! Don't let him touch you!'

The elf ducks a wildly swinging chain as he spits at Mathew, 'Command the flinger to attack only the heavy!'

ooc;only standard actions in the surprise round, gents. G moves to directly above the E if there is enough room, if not, just in the doorway, and then speaks his piece
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OOC: Hey all I have good news and bad news, the good news is I will be returning home from my 15 month tour in Iraq, in about aweek or so. The bad news is that means there will be a 4-5 day period where I will not be able to get online coming up in about a week. I am sorry I can not give the exact dates other thana bout a week.

ooc: Congrats Mellub! 15 months is way too long, and I'm glad you'll finally get to return. Don't worry on my part. If this game has to pause for 5 days so you can return, I'll consider it a cheap payment for all you're doing for us over there.

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