SG1: An Old Friend (Wik Judging)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As pointed out, standard actions only since it is surprise rounds

Workroom Ruckus: Surprise Round

Before Corran can move, there is a *thur-rucnk* noise as the odd mechanism in the other part of the room loads a couple of projectiles into its chamber and launches them across the room. One slams into the brute, while another crashes into a table on the far side of the room. A muffled YOW! can be heard from that direction. [Heavy hit for some nonlethal damage]

Corran pushes himself between some boxes and an overturned table, and calls out the the tough to surrender. The surprised tough looks over with a look somewhere between anger and startlement.

Sweeping into the room, Cheep/Aldus exclaims, "Not the flinger prototype! Careful! It not be a homunculus, the stone not be controlling it!"

Mathew manages to wedge himself near a barrel holding various metal bits, gripping his loaned weapon tight.

His sling already in hand, Lorth slings a bullet at the heavy. It bounces harmlessly off the man's dingy breastplate. [AC 16 misses]

His crossbow ready, the reluctant gnome dashes through the detritus to find himself under a rather loose set of chain.

Genithar pushes himself as far forward as he can, but the bulky form of his shifter companion keeps him from going any further.

Workroom Ruckus: Round 1

Upper floor

R: 24
C: 18
C: 18
M: 17
H: 17
L: 11 [8/10hp]
B: 9 [8/9hp]
G: 8 [1/4hp]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, C: Missile construct, G: Genithar, H: Angry Heavy, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs.
Conditions: The entire room is considered difficult terrain. Dark Red Border: Dying, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 1 actions]


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First Post
Corran moves cautiously into the room, using the wall and his shield to give him some protection, and tries to distract the heavy from the attack he hopes Matthew is about to make. He also takes the time to shout at Cheep, If the stone won't work, how do we shut this thing off?
[sblock=ooc]Draw my dagger, 5' step north, then aid other for Matthew's attack. [/sblock]
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The squirrel-thing flies between some of the tossed garbage. "Smash it, disable it with those gnomish tools, I am not to be knowing! Not getting close enough to check!"


First Post
Mathew steps forward and pulls out the stone and focuses for a second. He turns is eyes toward the construct and says in loud athoritive voice "STOP"

[Sblock] 5 foot step swift action, pull out stone move action, use magic device standard action [/sblock]


First Post
If Heavy stays where he's at, Lorth reloads and slings another bullet at him. If he's moved to melee, Lorth will move (tumble if necessary to avoid an AOO) to get into a flanking position with our rogue and take a swing at the man.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Mellubb said:
Mathew steps forward and pulls out the stone and focuses for a second. He turns is eyes toward the construct and says in loud authoritative voice "STOP"
OOC: I just wanted to point out that Corran's and Cheep's discussion about the stone not working on the construct will happen before Mathew's turn.

ooc; congrats Mellub! i'm quite happy to hear of your impending return to the states, for a well deserved rest! I also must echo RedClaw's sentiments, a delay of game is cool, I'm back from my travels now, also let me add my own thanks for your service.
On another note, it seems as if this party is very stereotypical, in that we've got a forward combatant, a cleric and rogue for healing and skills respectively, as well as battlefield support, a wizard in the back with a bit of magical power, and luckily a 5th for the odd assorted support. I'll attempt to remember my role in the future, ;) but it seems like all of the bases are covered in regards to a balanced group, so let's do this! Remember, the thug is still flat footed and surprised! Mellub and Corran can take advantage of this!

The Wizard, bobbing his head behind the broad shoulders of the shifter to peer as far into the room and at it's occupants as possible, waits for Lorth's movement. Should the monk move in, Genithar will dash behind Corran, firing a bolt at the flinger. Should the monk not move in, he will bide his time and wait for the opportune moment.

In any case, he keeps a wary eye on the thickly armored human, waiting to catch a glimpse of any arcane powers he might possess as he shouts toward the flitting Cheep, 'Aldus! Is there a way to shut the flinger off!?'

ooc; should lorth move to attack, G moves and fires, should lorth not move, delay. Know: Arcana on any spell-like abilities coming off the heavy, please.


First Post
OOC: Sorry I completely missed the whole not a homunculas`part some how

Mathew takes a 5 ft step foward and attacks the heavy with the mercihul mace. Is he prone by chance?
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Nabit! I posted a version of this at 5 and its gone! I'm putting it back close to what I had (I have the results), so bear w/ me.

Workroom Ruckus: Round 1

Another mechanical volley catches the window and Mathew. The former shatters while the other is dazed by a heavy blow to the head. [6 nonlethal]

Surprising everyone, two uncouth types pop out from behind a table and other debris. The closest one, a greasy fellow, raised a blistered and burnt-looking hand. With a grin, it is surrounded by a black-red glow, and suddenly flames fan forward! It lights some straw and papers between the heavy and the group on fire, but also catches Cheep, Balnibar, and Corran in the flames. They manage to dodge the worse of it. [burning hands, 2hp]

The other louse chucks a clay vial at Mathew, striking him dead in the chest. He looks on in horror as sticky filaments bind him, sticking him fast! [Tanglefoot bag; failed Reflex; entangled and stuck for 7 rounds]

Corran rushes to his friend's aid, preparing to cut through the strands with his dagger. Meanwhile, the artificer struggles ineffectually against his bonds. Aldus, apparently enraged by the destruction of his workshop, howls something unintelligible and charges the fiery rouge, only to almost slam into the wall when Cheep misses.

Laughing, the heavy bellows, Die, worms! as he brings up his broadsword to bear against Corran. However, he embarrasses himself by stubbing his toe on an out of place barrel, spoiling the attack.

The fire keeping him back, Lorth attempts to the sling the heavy, but cannot get a good aim through the smoke. Balnibar also takes a shot, but this time at the rogue, and his dead eye catches man to rights. Apparently bruised from the construct earlier, the fiery-one falls. Genithar keeps back, awaiting his chance.

Workroom Ruckus: Round 1

Upper floor

R: 24 [one unconcious, one unhurt]
C: 18 [7/9hp]
C: 18 [-2hp]
M: 17 [6 nonlethal, entangled, held]
H: 17
L: 11 [8/10hp]
B: 9 [6/9hp] [
G: 8 [1/4hp]

Map Key: B: Balnibar, C: Cheep, C: Corran, C: Missile construct, G: Genithar, H: Angry Heavy, L: Lorth, M: Mathew, R: Wiry Thugs.
Conditions: The entire room is considered difficult terrain. Dark Red Border: Dying, Lime Border: Entangled, Red Border: Disabled, Transparent: Unconscious, Yellow Border: Frightened, White Border: Staggered

[Round 2 actions]


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