Shamanism Domain for 5E Cleric: Critique Requested


Couple of other things I have been pondering:

  • Should the Spirit World Ambassador's sanctuary effect extend to fey as well? They are often heavily associated with spirits.
  • Should the companion be fey or undead? Does the monster manual have any incorporeal creatures that aren't undead? (I haven't gotten my copy yet).
  • Should the spirit type and boon be swappable during a short rest instead of long? Or should that be tacked on to the feat?
  • Will probably add language to the Stalker Spirit's description stating that it can use the Help action to aid a creature's attack roll or physical skill check only.

Side note: I wonder if the Hinder action or some variation will be returning in the DMG? I was fond of that.
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I had another read of your Shaman Domain. What a neat idea. Personally I couldn't see past the shaman being a whole new classe, or at least a Druid archetype (and may still look to do one), but I like what you have done.

A couple of things I thought I would mention. May be a little too good?
1. Boar/Wolverine resistant to all damage (+ Con saves). Seems a little much when the companion above is getting 1 hp/level, these guys are effectively getting that on a 2hp attack. An 8 hit point attack means they are 4 hp better off. Not sure of this one. Perhaps instead, the board gets a 'death' save at 0 hps. If it passes it stays and continues to make the save each rd until healed or it fails.
2. Harrier spirit also seems too good, esp if the party are fighting a lot of 'solos' or small groups. Just having the spirit (which can't do damage) next to the enemy is going to grant it disadvantage every round?


I had another read of your Shaman Domain. What a neat idea. Personally I couldn't see past the shaman being a whole new classe, or at least a Druid archetype (and may still look to do one), but I like what you have done.

A couple of things I thought I would mention. May be a little too good?
1. Boar/Wolverine resistant to all damage (+ Con saves). Seems a little much when the companion above is getting 1 hp/level, these guys are effectively getting that on a 2hp attack. An 8 hit point attack means they are 4 hp better off. Not sure of this one. Perhaps instead, the board gets a 'death' save at 0 hps. If it passes it stays and continues to make the save each rd until healed or it fails.
2. Harrier spirit also seems too good, esp if the party are fighting a lot of 'solos' or small groups. Just having the spirit (which can't do damage) next to the enemy is going to grant it disadvantage every round?

Thanks. I have yet to do any playtesting with it, unfortunately. Hopefully the folks who are already using it in play can chime in eventually. I suspect it may be too durable at lower levels and too fragile at mid-high levels but don't have any evidence of that yet. I just picked up a monster manual this week so maybe if I get some time this weekend I'll compare some same-level monster stats through 20th level.

As for the Harrier Spirit boon, it does only apply to one attack per round, not a whole attack routine, so that's one thing. If it's still too strong I might switch it to requiring a successful attack roll (wisdom bonus + proficiency bonus) against the enemy's AC in order to impose disadvantage. A third option would be a flat attack roll penalty (-2? or -1d4?) rather than disadvantage. As I browse the MM I'll check to see if enemies will be able to quickly kill off the spirit if it proves too annoying.


With the Monster Manual out I'm going to be updating the language of some of the spirit's stats:

Traits (General)

  • Incorporeal Movement: The spirit can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it ends its turn inside an object.
  • Damage Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing damage from nonmagical weapons
  • Damage Immunities: Poison
  • Condition Immunities: Poisoned Condition
  • Saves: The spirit companion adds your proficiency bonus to its Dexterity and Wisdom saves
  • Senses: Passive Perception 12


First Post
I really like this Domain, but the one thing that rubs me the wrong way is the name. :p
To me, "Shamanism" reads more like a "skill/ability", instead of "stuff of Creation".
I'll probably rename it to "Spirit Domain" or something. :)


As an incorporeal spirit, I'd look at adding:
  • Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder;
  • Damage Immunities cold
  • Condition Immunities grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained
  • Senses darkvision 60 ft.

Voidrunner's Codex

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