Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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"Oooo, neat! I like arcane stuff! I got lots!" The half-orc happily pats a scrollcase dangling from his belt; it seems to packed with various scrolls and things. He looks over intently, a scrunched look on his face, his tongue sticking out in concentration. After a moment, he shrugs. "Don't know that that one is," he points an unkept finger at one of the pages, "but I know that one! It be using stuff to put signs on stuff! Like those silly gnomes that run me out whenever I look at their shiny stones!" Tondrek giggles like a pleased child, an odd sound from a half-orc. "That be fun. We should play it again latter."

OOC: Spellcraft checks are fun. :)

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"Yes, you are right. I know what each spell does... but that's because my mentor explain it to me. I had to write them down, but I did it a bit mindlessly, copying it exactly like it was from the previous spellbook. The bad things, it is there a few notes that I'm not sure what they means, like that one." Haltash shows a glyph on one of the page. "It is not part of the spell itself, but more a personal note from my master, something to help memorize the spell, but as everyone has his own mind, that he gather the his thought in a way that is determine by his intelligence, his heritage, his culture, such notes doesn,t make sense for me. I must find that subtility that would fit with my mind. And I know I can do it, that I have no doubt."

haltash finish his glass of wine. "Brew, Can I have another glass please?" Brew nods and take a glass and pour some sine in it. Haltash take his glass and a small ectoplasmic creature pop of thin air and hover. Haltash puts his glass on it and bring the empty glass to Brew who switch the glasses. The small creature come back to Haltash who grabs the glass full of wine before it dissapear. "Thanks."

Haltash close his book and take a sip of wine. "I thinks it's enough for tonight. I won't be able to figure it, I'm too tired."

"I have never understood the arcane arts. They are clearly effective, but their use of props and strange gestures seems..." T'Ranis seems to be seeking a polite way to phrase his thought, but then changes course.

"Wait, you are both students of arcana? Perhaps you have knowledge of any activity that the Lords of Xoriat may be engaged in hereabouts?"

"Lords of Xoriat? The name doesn't ring me a bell. Sorry, but I don't think I can help you on that one. I must tell I'm an apprentice of the arcane art, but I havn't yet been able to cast a single spell successfully. My master told me he has taught me what he could and the last step, I will have to do it on my own... only thing, I don't know yet in which direction I must do that step."

Tondrek cocks his head to the side like an attentive puppy. "Hmm? No, I don't know what Lords of the Zoo Rite are. Sorry."

"Ah, well. Ever vigilant, I suppose. This is a big place, it's likely that even significant acivity on the part of the lords and their minions would not reach to all corners of it."

T'Ranis considers his next move.

"I find myself seperated from my home, with no immediate duties and no reliable means of support. Is this 'shard' a good place to find employment for a trained scout?"

stonegod said:
He's welcome in my game (could stand 1 or two more), can wait for Wik's (its designed for 3rd, might do okay with 2nds), or can just hang out if you still will be time-limited. Though Tondrek would love to chat w/ a 'forged.

OOC: I'd best wait. I think Guardian is probably durable enough to take on a 3rd level adventure.

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