Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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Corran nods at the two other patrons left in the tavern. Did we miss something? Everyone took off almost at the same time. Is there a sale at the armorsmith's or what? He smiles and walks toward Matthew, hand outstretched. That was quite a heated discussion about the Houses, huh? "Membership has its priveleges," but also its price, right? My name's Corran.

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Balnibar looks up from his position nearly underneath Seat's table. "Well, I'm still here!"

OOC: Balnibar Jiminyblivet, Gnome Level 1 Rogue


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Pardon me, friend gnome. I didn't see you down there. Please, join us for a drink. Corran waves the diminutive rogue over to where he has joined Matthew. Do you have friends among any of the houses? It's often hard for those outside the life to understand it.
He then turns to look at the unarmored shifter and gestures him over as well. Truly, those who have been gifted by Balinor with the very strengths of the wild are blessed in his eyes. I hope you will join us as well. I have a suspicion that as a group we might be more likely to obtain employment than trying to do so individually.


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Mathew reaches out to meet Corran's hand "Well met. I am Mathew d'Cannith. I have little in the way of friends outside my house. I do hope to change that. Mathew looks down to Balnibar and says "I am sorry, I do not you name" he reaches to shake the gnome's hand.


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Redclaw said:
He then turns to look at the unarmored shifter and gestures him over as well. Truly, those who have been gifted by Balinor with the very strengths of the wild are blessed in his eyes. I hope you will join us as well. I have a suspicion that as a group we might be more likely to obtain employment than trying to do so individually.
Lorth joins the man, "I had tried to join one group, but I got lost and had to return here. I am beginning to worry that I will never learn anything about the world."


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Drerek said:
Lorth joins the man, "I had tried to join one group, but I got lost and had to return here. I am beginning to worry that I will never learn anything about the world."
What part of the world are you looking to learn about. I can tell you a little about a stinkhole called the Shadow Marches, but I don't know why you'd want to hear that. Corran surveys his new companions and smiles, knowing the varied skills of the group will help them hunt well as a pack.


The gnome comes over to Corran, Matthew, and Lorth with a spring in his step. He answers Matthew's greeting by shaking his hand and introducing himself: "Name's Jiminyblivet. Balnibar Jiminyblivet. The Jiminyblivets are well known in certain Zilargo circles. We make valuts, dungeons, hidden compartments, and all manner of multidefense architecture. Our family has worked for many a d'Kundarak in protection of their fortunes, and we are taught the details of the inner workings of devices at an early age. I'm in the journeyman phase, now, trying to expand my knowledge of traps through experience."


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
For once in Sharn, the rain is less continuous, more of a light drizzle than weeping clouds. It is because of this that the persistent scratching on the door to the Shard can be heard. Curious, one of the patrons interrupts their business to open the door.

Bursting in like a yellow shock is the oddest little creature that the tavern has seen today---it looks like a weird squirrel with small claws, a barb on its tail, and feathered wings. It hovers in the air, darting back and forth a moment as if orienting itself.

[sblock=Knowlege (arcana) DC 15]It appears to be an expeditious messenger, a caster-bound construct called a homunculus. They are used to send messages.[/sblock]
Before the surprise of its apparance wears off, the creature speaks! Its voice is deep and base, with a touch of pride, and seems somehow wrong coming from it.

"I'm Aldus Thunderbanner, and I'm looking for... uh, wait. Apologies, old habits die hard. In an unusual turn of fate, and I am not looking for work at this fine hall---I am offering employment. If anyone wants to know the details, please follow my messenger."

The creature darts over the bar and has a few words with Brews before the latter opens one of the doors to the private rooms in the back.

[sblock=Listen DC 25]Apparently, Brew knows this 'Aldus' as they greet each other as old friends. 'Aldus' claims he is in a heap of trouble and would like to borrow his back room for business.[/sblock]
OOC: This is the hook for a 1st level adventure. Step right up here if you be interested.


Balnibar watches the creature with fascination. He looks around after it speaks.

"Wait, messenger? What messenger?"

He follows the creature into the back room. "Excuse me, Mr. Thunderbanner, but what messenger?"


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InVinoVeritas said:
Balnibar watches the creature with fascination. He looks around after it speaks.

"Wait, messenger? What messenger?"

He follows the creature into the back room. "Excuse me, Mr. Thunderbanner, but what messenger?"
Lorth follows, "What was that? Was that a dragon? The stories say they are usually bigger than that."

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