Sharn Tavern: The Tower's Shard

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Corran smiles and follows Matthew into the room, gesturing for Lorth and Balnibar to follow. I believe this is our chance to learn much and practice our various skills.


With a bit of difficulty, the door to the Tavern Sharn opens; framed within is a semi-comical sight. A male half-orc, dripping wet from a drizzle passing through, leans against the door frame, obviously carrying a load too heavy. His cloak, a tattered affair, is draped over a bulging leather pack and what might be heavy steel shield; various artisan tools are strapped in an akimbo fashion on the pack, balanced in part by a light crossbow dangling from the othe side. The rest of the half-orc's common traveler's clothes are greasy and loose, having obviously been slept in, hiding any other armor or weapons he may be carrying.

The half-orc stumbles in an looks around a moment with watery green eyes. He pushes aside his greasy black hair absently, and then, with a dumb grin, noticed Brews. Ambling over excitedly, he waves a childish waves and says, "Hi, forgey forge! I'm Tondrek and you're neat!"

After being directed to someplace to sit, the overburdened half-orc then fishes some random bits of metal and string from one have his copious pockets and begins idly fiddling with them to pass the time.

The door opens and a tall and slender men enter. He quickly close the door behind him as a draft of wind carry the rain in the Inn. He stands on the doorway a moment, putting his backpack at his feet and twisting his hair, pouring some water on the floor. He then grabs his backpack and his look stop on an inscription. He turns toward Brew. "Is that an habit in Sharn?"

Brew shakes his head. The man shrug. "My name is Haltash." Haltash then walks to a table near teh fire pit and put his cloak to dry. He open hsi backpack, removing the small silvery buckler that is tied to it. He grabs a book he puts on the table and the place next to it a pen and a small vial of ink. He open sthe book and starts to looks at his content, but after a moment, he seems to be confused by it's content and finally rest down on his chair. "Can I have a glass of wine."

Brew nodes and pour the wine in a glass and walk to the table to give it to Haltash. "Thanks."

A tall gaunt man enters the Shard, taking a quick look back over his shoulder as he steps inside. It's difficult to tell if he's concerned about being followed or if he merely finds something outside disquieting. His skin is a yellowish grey in color, he wears no armor, and he has a light crossbow strapped to his back, the wood of which seems a bit unusual. A quiver of bolts is at his belt is well worn from use and travel.

He looks about carefully, but whatever he is looking for he does not appear to see.

"I am T'Ranis. In my travels, I have heard this place spoken of... they say strange folk gather here, and none are turned away as alien. If this is true, then all praise to this house and its master, for I am sorely in need of a place to rest."

He aproaches the bar, and puts the hospitality of the house to the test by ordering a glass of wine. Sipping at it gingerly, he continues to scan the room with wary eyes.

Tondrek, sitting at a table near Haltash, notices the book come out and is obviously interested. Occasionally, while his hands work idly at the knotted contraption in his hand, he leans over and tries to catch a glimpse, but then shirks back when his thinks the man is looking. After one attempt where he is obviously too slow to feign ignorance, he smiles a dumb smile and asks, "What that?"

Mellubb said:
OOC: Now that that is settled who is left in the tavern besides Mathew?

OOC: Guardian is still here, albeit extremely quiet as I've had severely limited time. He is a Warforged Knight 2.

IcyCool said:
OOC: Guardian is still here, albeit extremely quiet as I've had severely limited time. He is a Warforged Knight 2.
He's welcome in my game (could stand 1 or two more), can wait for Wik's (its designed for 3rd, might do okay with 2nds), or can just hang out if you still will be time-limited. Though Tondrek would love to chat w/ a 'forged.

"That's? It is a spell book." tells Haltash "I've been studying magic for the last two years, but somehow, there is something that I don't understand in all that guiberrish. Magic is complicated and all must be precise, the intonation in the words, the small movement of an incantation, the quality of your material components. There is a subtility that espace my mind and prevent me to use it, but I don't know what it is yet..."

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